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No Man Can Serve Two Masters

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
February 5, 2021 10:05 am

No Man Can Serve Two Masters

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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February 5, 2021 10:05 am

You cannot serve God and mammon, and so Stu is with Glenn Repple, Founder and President of G.A. Repple Financial Group, finding out how believers can redeem their money and use it to fund the Gospel.


Hello, this is Matt Slick from the Matt Slick Live Podcast, where I defend the Christian faith and lay out our foundations of the truth of God's Word. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network.

This is the Truth Network. Jesus said you cannot serve God and mammon. I'm sitting next to a man who wrote a book about mammon, the snare of the money. Did you know that billions of dollars are funding the abortion industry? Did you know that you are writing checks right now?

You may have stock in the murder of babies, in evil pornography, things like that. This man of God is helping folks navigate that and showing ways to redeem, use money to fund the gospel, and he's right here. I just walked into this thing. This is unbelievable, this powerful wise counsel boot camp in Jacksonville, Florida with our stations down here in the Salem Center. Brother Glenn, tell us what is going on with this man. You got up and you let everyone clap for you.

What were they clapping about? Well, what happens, what people don't realize is that we're against killing babies and all these things and all the wild stuff that's going on in our nation, but their money is crying out to be redeemed and they don't even know what they're investing in. One of the things I went through was the largest mutual fund, the largest mutual fund in the country is Vanguard 500 Index Fund and over $424 billion, that's billions with a B, is helping fund abortion, the gay and lesbian lifestyle, the pornography, and just the things that we as Christians stand in. And so what happens is that mammon is crying out or the money is crying out to be redeemed. And so the spirit of mammon is a spirit and it sounds so much like God. So it's enticing, it's seducing. You've got this whole book on how the devil uses that as a tool to pull people off track.

Exactly, one of many tools. For example, mammon says you don't need God. You don't need God. I can offer you everything which God offers you because that's what money does, it's saying that. And mammon says you can have financial freedom with me.

And that's what's being taught in the financial lenders, is not dependency on God, but trust in money. Mammon says you can be independent with me. Mammon says you can have power with me. Mammon says you can have security and safety with me. Mammon says you'll be respected if you have significance, you have more of me. Mammon says you can trust me.

And it just goes on and on. So the book on fraud is, the definition of fraud is the intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right. So we surrendered our legal rights and Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden. And we've been redeemed through the blood of Jesus.

So what money is crying out to be redeemed out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God. And so this this is just education helping people know that they can get reports on their mutual funds and their stocks. You sent out a daily devotional about this. I want everyone to meet Glenn Repple. I want you to tell everyone who you are. This is the book. Now let me tell everyone the noise you're hearing.

The book is called Fraud. What God has to say about the tactics of the enemy from Glenn A. Repple. Now you're hearing the noise, there's a lot of folks in here because there's this big conference today. Tell everyone what happened here today here at the Salem Center in Jacksonville, Florida. Well this is a conference sponsored by Wise Counsel. We've had kingdom business people speaking about their businesses and how they and basically the idea is that every business can be a kingdom business.

It looks like a church. It's ministering and and just how how these businesses are impacting people's lives. Like in our own business, a man retired recently had been with us for 25 years.

He said he would have committed suicide if he wasn't working for our company. And again so with just the culture of having a business and be able to minister to the staff, the employees, to the vendors, and everything we're doing. So seeing your people not as people to be used, not as a human resource, but as people to cultivate, to develop, to build into love, to care for. Now how did you come to Christ and how has he transformed your business? See that's the right question. Why came to Christ in business?

That's the neat part. So with that when I had a situation in my family, my wife and I separated for 18 months and she she wanted a legal separation. That was when I heard heard the voice of God. God is love.

God is love. When I heard that voice I said wow that's you Lord. And so with that they began their transformation. And inside the company I had a retired army chaplain and so he just discipled me. So I got to see in 1983 how business is ministry. And so we're almost at our 50th anniversary. Just got a lovely wife. Our family's doing great.

This is your son, your tall fellow right tall strapping young man right there. And he's committed to these kingdom business principles. Yes. You help folks with like investments. Is that what your company does?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're in the investments and what we do is we help not only fund but we want to use the, you know, we want to get the money out of the kingdom and darkness. And then also showed how to fund the kingdom of God through multiple uses of money.

So if I have a portfolio I'm trying to build up a 401k retirement I want to invest wisely you can put me in some kind of mutual fund that's not going to be advancing darkness is what you're saying. And this whole book kind of is that whole premise. Well, well the book is about really lies of the enemy that that because fraud's been committed on it on each one of us. So it's identifying 40 days of fraud and more importantly our identity is in Christ who we are.

So so many times we walk around with the fear and the doubt and just everything that's going on right now with sickness and disease and death the spirit of death but we have the spirit of life and the life abundantly living in us through the Holy Spirit. What are questions people need to ask their current financial planner you know that you know because we of course you know so few Christians are giving like I heard less than 10% of Christians even give 10% to the Lord which is nuts which is sin let's just call it what it is but what give our listeners some a challenge about being good stewards and about investing wisely investing their money because your money in a way is how you vote right you're mad about that movie don't pay money to go see that trashy movie that trash is God's name right you know it's how you vote really so how would you advise people listening to not be snared by mammon in the way they invest their money which is what you're doing at your company all the time. Well and again the temptation is our industry does teach it yields and returns and expense ratios and all that's important but really where their money is invested because when you invest in a company you become an owner of that company and if they are if their agenda is against God and it's the kingdom of darkness funding those things funding pornography and and abortion people need to be aware of that and so there are ways to we we have an evaluator report that we run for people on their mutual funds or stocks and they can just give us a call at 407-339-9090 and be glad to run one of those reports for them. And this is that your site? Yeah is is a daily devotion that we do and that yeah and so they're welcome to sign up for that. Okay so you're hearing the voice of Glenn Repel founder and president of GA Repel & Company a national broker dealer and securities firm with offices throughout the United States you you're set out you set out to encourage uplift and challenge us with the ultimate fraud fighter helping us understand our identity in Christ and right standing with God and Christ Jesus. Now I'm thoroughly encouraged by this because you know you didn't put your sales hat on and say okay you need to invest money with me you talk to me about my identity in Christ and of course you have a business but you you don't see them as you see your business as a ministry too because you're trying to make a difference. Yeah totally totally that and that's really what it is we're we're called to Christ and again our calling is to be ambassadors in Christ in the scripture he who knew no sin became sin so that we could become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus so we're a new creation in Christ Jesus so so with that using because I came to Christ in business was discipled in it we see it as ministry so so what happens we're there available to to to vendors to to to our staff and and all because just a phone call I had this last week was from a vendor somebody just soliciting business and he said that his wife has cancer and as we hung up I said well can I pray for your wife and he says yeah and so I prayed for her and come to find out the next day when I talked to him he was at her his wife was at the doctor's office and the doctor says I've never seen anything like this taking off all the drugs and the chemotherapy God is great using your business for the kingdom that's why God's given it to you meet Glenn and his whole ministry at thanks for what you're doing man God bless you God bless you thank you thank you this is the Truth Network one of our generous sponsors here at the Truth Network has come under fire fire from the enemy fire for standing up for family values actually one of the biggest supporters of the movie unplanned that talked about the horrors of abortion yes it's Mike Lindell you've heard me talk about his pillows for a long long time and no doubt big business is responding to Mike Lindell and all this generosity for causes for the kingdom by trying to shut down his business you can't buy his pillows at Kohl's anymore you can't get them on Amazon or you can't get them at Costco they're attempting to close his business because he stood up for kingdom values what a chance to respond especially if you need a pillow oh I've had mine now for years and years and years and still fluffs up as wonderful as ever queen size pillows are just $29.98 be sure and use the promo code truth or call 1-800-944-5396 that's 1-800-944-5396 use the promo code truth for values on any MyPillow product to support truth
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