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2023 Word Of The Year Finalized

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
January 6, 2024 12:30 pm

2023 Word Of The Year Finalized

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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January 6, 2024 12:30 pm

Welcome fellow adventurers! This week the guys conclude their discussion on what God has done with them and their word of the year for 2023. The clips are from "Kicking And Screaming," and "Dazed And Confused," by Led Zeppelin.

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey After Hours and Masculine Journey Joyride for more great content


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This is the Truth Network. But life doesn't usually feel that way. Jesus speaks of narrow gates and wide roads. But the masculine journey is filled with many twists and turns.

So how do we keep from losing heart while trying to find the good way when life feels more like a losing battle than something worth dying for? Grab your gear and come on a quest with your band of brothers who will serve as the guides in what we call the masculine journey. The masculine journey starts here now.

Welcome to masculine journey. We are glad that you're with us this week. And if you're not, if you don't know this, you could join us live when we're actually recording this.

It's on YouTube and it's on Facebook on our Facebook feed. So you could you could join it if you're joining us there. Hello. Good to see you.

And so we do record it live. And if you haven't done that, you can go to Facebook and look us up there masculine journey radio or you can go to whatever YouTube whatever and what I did say I can't remember. I'm already out of words. I've been on like 30 seconds about words, but not enough warm up. Got to do some of that stuff. Yeah.

Say those little warm up exercises. But no, thank you for joining us today. And we are going to finish up the 2023. Yes, I know it's 2024. But we're finishing up the 2023 word of the year. And so Andy, can you help remind us what the word of the year is?

As much as you can. We from wild at heart, we got the idea of asking God for a word of your advanced word of the year to give you some kind of, I guess, anchor to what he wants to do in your life wants to teach you wants to kind of prophetically give you an idea of what to expect for the year. And we've, we've done it for quite a few years, Robby was one that was the first one to do it, we've kind of caught on and it's really changed all of our lives.

I think I've had five or six now. And, you know, some years are better than others as far as I think you're required to invest some of yourself and really follow out that you can get a word not do anything with it. And I've done that a few times. But the more you interact and you allow God to show you and then you can look back sometimes and say, Oh, that's why I got the word of the year. I think David has a testimony of what last year's his word was. But, you know, just, just that's just that's the idea.

And I think something I brought up last. There's not somebody asked on the team was there scripture for this not per se, but God says that he would he would speak to us and we would follow him. I think God is anytime we want to hear from him, he's interested in imparting into us. And the idea behind the word of the year is that I think he's all in if we ask him for the Bible says we have not because we asked not.

And I think if you ask God for word for the year, he's more than happy to give you one. Well, let's see, God's in the relationship business. Indeed. Right. I mean, that's primarily what he's into the relationship business.

And so why would God look, say no, if we're wanting to invest in the relationship by saying, God, help me understand the word you're giving. Absolutely. Right. I mean, there's a no lose scenario there, you know, that's not to mention the Shema itself says hero Israel, right? Yeah. That's exactly what I was gonna say. You're exactly right. I mean, it's amazing to me the people that you'll run into who are more tuned into WGOD.

In other words, they're hearing from God constantly. And, you know, this is just an opportunity to, you know, tune in more clearly when you have that word. And then anything I was looking at Jonathan Edwards, your New Year's resolutions this year. He did it in 1722.

Is he calling in tonight? I think it was turned in 1724. But anyway, part of his resolution was to look at his resolutions once a week. But to me, I'm just saying if you get a word of the year, and if you if part of your early morning prayer time is to look at that word, and think about where God's taking you in that word, it really helps you to live out that word for the year.

It does. You know, the first few years we did this, I reluctantly did it, which I said every time we do it, because I didn't invest much in it, you know, and as a result, I didn't get much out of it. You know, it does say somewhere in Scripture, you know, you reap what you sow, right? And so I wasn't, I wasn't sowing very well. I wasn't watering.

I wasn't trying to do anything with it. And the more I put into it, the more God gives me in return, you know, and I'll talk about my word later. But David, you actually have the first clip this week, I thought we would, you know, New Year, we try something new, try to actually get you on the air. Yeah. And give you a clip. I mean, I'll take it where I can get it.

Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so my clip, my word of the year for 2023. And, you know, so far, still waiting for 2024. But so we're still working on this word is patience. And my clip is actually shows the opposite of patience. And I use this clip to portray, you know, when you don't press into that word, and you kind of just say, yeah, like, you know, I have a word, but I don't really go for this kind of thing.

What kind of kind of transpires. So we'll listen to this clip. It's from Kicking and Screaming with Will Ferrell. He's a soccer coach. He's he's currently waiting in line for a cup of coffee at it's not a Starbucks, but supposed to be something similar to that.

So we'll listen to this and we'll come back and talk about it. Oh, I don't know. The Irish cream sounds good, huh? What's that? It's cream and it's it's Irish. Hurry up and order. Excuse me.

Thank you. How about a smoothie? What's in that?

Smoothie's a juice drink. We want coffee. Buddy, relax. No, you relax.

I'm a regular here. This line needs to move. I beg your pardon. Do you have scones?

Tall, non-fat, double latte. Sir, you're at the back of the line. I recognize that. Cut it out or you're out of here. You can't kick me out. You know what?

You're really invading my ear space. Look, I'm a frequent coffee drinker. I'm part of the club. I have a card. Do you have a card? Do you have a card? Does anyone here have a card? We don't have frequent drinker cards.

It's a video club card. Zip it there, Sporty Spice. Are we doing this? Is this happening now? Yep. Come on in.

Let's do it. You're hurting me. You're hurting me. What is wrong with you, Derek? I thought we were friends. My name is Andy.

Your name is Liar because you're telling lies. You know what? The odds are I will never come back here again. There's a good chance of that. That's a chance we'll have to take. Okay.

That's how you want to play it. Okay. I am disappointed. God.

71. Man, that was only a minute, 21, but it felt so much longer. Really? Yeah. It was a good clue. It just felt long. Yeah. It did.

It did. And I use that clip to portray the opposite of patience. For me working through this, I noticed the less I leaned into God and worked on being patient in certain areas of my life or all of my life, it seemed like the enemy used that to kind of come in and try to pull me away from that, or just things didn't work out. I can go ahead and tell you right now, anytime I didn't go to God and say, hey, what are we doing with this word, patience, or help me practice patience and stuff like that. As much as I fought it, there's more times that he put my path that I had to be patient on. And even now, still into 2024, not to go into all detail, but I've changed career paths and I had to practice some patience through that and got a feeling starting tomorrow, I'm going to have to practice even more patience coming down the road. You will.

So, you know, it's just, it's great. So my words, patience, you know, I haven't gotten a word for 2024. I know it's not this show. It's looking like patience might still be the word of this year. You know, there's been some things that, that I've heard and felt, but I'm still waiting on the actual word itself, but that was my clip just to show the opposite of it. So why do you just keep bringing up 2024, man? What? Because we're already trying to get us into the next show. What are you trying to do here? It's called setting up.

It's called setting the stage. Man, jumping the gun here. I think with your career choice, you may be moving into long suffering. I'm pretty sure. That's a good one. I knew there was something, something was in there for it.

Yeah. And you should, Harold was just telling me, you should have been telling Rodney to be patient. That was your opportunity. Oh, be patient, Rodney.

Harold said it for me. So on that clip, was there anything that came back from your past job that was very similar? Oh, a hundred percent. I mean, people waiting in line and, you know, all the viewers know at this point, if you don't know, I used to work for a company called Cheats. And so I dealt with customers on a daily basis. I can tell you without a doubt, I probably have handled customers in similar aspects as Will Ferrell was in that.

I was just going to ask you, how many Will Ferrells did you sell? And you guys did have a card. What's a Sheets? Yeah, we do. I mean, you do have a card.

I still carry it. You have a coffee card. Yeah.

So what is a Sheets? Well, it's a convenience store. Okay. That sells food and gas. Yeah.

There might be some that don't know out there. Yeah. True. And food that gives you gas. Yeah, that too. The hot dogs. I like them. They stay with you all day. Yeah. Yeah. Brings you back. It's a revolving circle.

You got to be patient. So David, part of your journey, you've been doing Word of the Year how many years? This is going to be going into my third year doing Word of the Year. So have you seen where God kind of is building? Yeah. My first word was relinquish, which was let it go. And in that season, he was really working on, which all you guys helped me through that, of letting go of things that I had no control over, which then led to me having to sit there and be patient because you had to let the things work out themselves and let God work in that, which was really hard for me to do. So I really feel like patience built on letting it go. I really haven't let go of that word yet either. I mean, it still worked its way through 2023 with the word patience. And then I'm really excited to see what the next one is. And it may be just patience again.

Who knows? You know, I know there's several of y'all that have had the same word, you know, for multiple years. And we're like, Jim.

Why are you looking at me? Well, God gave me the same word two years in a row because I knew anything with the word the first year. It was more of a punishment.

It wasn't a punishment. But God's like – You forgot it. I did forget it. Did you really?

Yeah. There were a couple of times I'm like, I don't remember. That's why Rodney writes them down now.

That year I was not good. I mean, I had to go back and listen to the first show before we did the – like the midyear update. I had to go back and listen to the first show because I couldn't remember what my word was for sure. I had to ask Andy. You need the journal when you got the radio program, right? I just went back and listened.

I'm like, oh, yeah, that's what my word was. I've done absolutely nothing with it. Let's see if I can find a clip. Throw the same clip back at there like Jim does.

One that just comes up crickets. Exactly. So what was the lesson learned from that one? Follow God's lead because he has something in store for you. Yeah, absolutely. Each year for different reasons, the word has been exactly what I've needed, which I know God knows that. The cool thing for me is when you have a word – I don't know if you guys are like me, but I kind of have an idea. Oh, well, God is obviously going to go in this direction with it.

Oh, God, I see why you got this word. He may go in that direction for a while, but then he's going to switch gears and make me see it in a different light. That's where the deeper learning usually comes is when I'm looking back at those and saying, in one year I had believe, which was a good one for me because it made me challenge what do I really truly believe. Not what do I say, what do I believe and what do my actions reflect. Some of those words just are habit changers, and it's not that God's forcing me to change. I just see something in me that desires a change. I no longer want to be that person. Not that I was a horrible person or anybody – well, it might not have been great.

No, I wasn't a horrible person, but I didn't like that side. God's just rubbing that rough edge off. Said, okay, we're going to make this more of a smooth stone. And a lot of times, if he's paying a little bit of attention, all of a sudden you get something that will come out of left field that's like, oh, yeah, that's my word. What's going on? It's a jolt at that time. You're like, oh, yeah, that's what's going on.

You can get a meaning at that time because you weren't expecting it. Absolutely. Yeah. We will have some upcoming events coming up at We know when the boot camp is. We just don't know which boot camp it is yet, so we'll have to do that soon.

Talk to you soon after the break. What we have at our boot camp is something that makes you stronger and gives you the strength to go on your regular walk with God. It's something that will make you be bigger than you were when you got there. What kind of inspired you to come up this weekend? Oh, my goodness, just my faith in general.

My father has passed down that heritage of just that Christian life, that Christian faith and just godly morals and principles, and he's instilled that in my life, and I have children as well, and I want to instill that in their life. So when I get an opportunity to do something like this, I jump on it. I just want to be here, and I'm glad to be here.

It's a great opportunity. We're definitely glad to have you here as well. Any talk that stuck out to you this weekend that's really just kind of made your heart come alive, put that fire back in you? Probably one thing that just stands out to me is John 15, is just not being alone. Know that I have Christ on my side.

I can't do anything without Him, and I need Him in my life. I'm a very private person. I like to do things on my own. I don't like to ask for help, so that's hard for me to know I've got to ask Jesus for something, and then also just to rely on a band of brothers that I can look to and turn to and say, Hey, guys, I need help. I can't do this alone.

Register today at Words can fill you up. Words can break you down. Start a fire in your heart or put it out. Let my words be life. Let my words be life. I don't want to say a word unless it puts the world back to you.

Welcome back to Masculine Journey. That's Hawk Nelson, and it was co-written, if I remember reading it right, by the guy from MercyMe, Bart Millard. Is that the name of it? I think it is.

Bart Millard. I think he co-wrote it. Hawk Nelson sings that. Actually, that's the chorus, and it was my least favorite part of the whole song. The rest of the song is amazing, and that's a good chorus. I like the chorus, but the rest of the song is so incredibly strong about how words can build you up and words can tear you down, like he sings in the chorus. He kind of describes that, and as I listen to that bump, that's one that I picked to put in, I was really moved by it, by that old kid saying, Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me or never kill me or whatever.

Lies, lies, lies. Yes. The enemy and God use words, right? When Jesus was baptized and comes up out of the Jordan, God speaks words of affirmation over his Son. Jesus is referred to as the Word, right? It's all about the Word, right? And what words are you going to listen to? What words are you going to believe? Whose words got your ear? Is it the enemy's words, or is it God's words? Well, Scripture says the power of life and death is in the tongue. Exactly.

And that's just speaking. Yeah, I think that's in Proverbs, if I remember right. You may be right. I think it is.

I don't know. I know it's in there. It's in the Old Testament.

If Robby was here, he'd say it's like Prego spaghetti sauce. Yeah. It's in there. Yeah, it's in there. Yeah, everything that exists because God spoke.

Right. Yeah, words brought it into existence, right? And so words are the deal, you know, and once out of the mouth, you can't get them back, you know, and that's a lesson very, very hard to learn. And looking around the room, I've heard your stories and I know mine, and I've caused some with some of you guys. I know how that is.

So anyway, Rodney, you actually have our next clip, if you want to tell us a little bit about that. Very convicting listening to you guys talk about the word of the year and not investing because this is the least I've ever invested probably in my word. It happens. Well, what happens is you get a word and the words I've had before, like Sam said, was oh, I know what this is. And of course, it changed several times, but it was something that came up often and I was able to interact with the word and pray on the word and this time, not quite as bad as Sam. There were some times like, yeah, what was my word and it came back to me. But – Thanks for throwing me under the bus there.

Appreciate that. Yeah, not quite as bad as Sam. Did I say that? Yeah, that was not an inner monologue.

That was an outer. Do I need to back up and run over you again? No, I'm good. But it was. It was one of those things where I was thinking about you because I know you were the one that was probably at least invested. Yeah, I was – Yeah. Yeah, I was stubborn. You didn't say it. Yeah, whatever it was, I don't know if it was stubborn, but it was just one of those things where you're like, yeah, it's okay.

And you've gotten a lot of traction. Well, this year, the word was breaking and I was like, I have no idea what that's about. I had one thing on my mind which was maybe the primary thing because my marriage ended January 3rd of last year.

So we're one day away as we're recording this from that. And it was just one of those things where it was like, okay, that's an end of something and there's a breaking. But the thing that kind of came to me throughout the year as I'm thinking about this and going over it was, but it's not broke. It's just breaking. There's a big difference in that that broke is give up.

There is nothing else. Breaking is there's a piece and there's something over here broken. But what I love about the put on and put off and that's where I went with a lot of things in some of my words that I was thinking about through that this was there's also a breaking away which is kind of the worldly view of things and doing that and trying to get rid of some of that.

And there's a breaking towards which is breaking towards God, breaking towards Scripture, breaking towards my brothers and others in my life and doing some of those kinds of things. So it was interesting that as the year went on and I started trying to really invest a little more and think about, pray about what's going on, I got more meaning out of it. And I was like, wow, I wish I had kind of done that earlier, spend a little more time trying to think about those things. But there were things in my life that are just a little different now. This had a great time this hunting season going about several times with like Danny and David didn't get to go with Robby this year because his schedule and ours didn't match up. But we went out. Andy wanted to go but didn't quite get to make it.

But those are things that are examples – no, you just – you wanted to. We would have loved to have had you. Darrell Bock Yeah, I know.

You definitely reached out to me and thank you, appreciate it. Darrell Bock Because Danny, what, this is your first year hunting? Danny Yeah, first year.

Darrell Bock Yeah, so I mean it's things like that that Danny, you're breaking what, 20 some years, 30 years or something you haven't hunted in that long. Danny Arguetty 40. Darrell Bock Yeah. Danny Arguetty Dang year old. Danny Arguetty Well. Darrell Bock You're younger than me. Danny Arguetty He's older than that. Darrell Bock He's younger than me though. Danny Arguetty I got your beat.

Darrell Bock You're bragging again, Harold. Danny Arguetty Yeah, I'm over 80 and I haven't hunted yet. Darrell Bock Yeah, at least not deer. Danny Arguetty No, well. Dave Zellers Well, to be fair, you didn't even hunt a wife.

She hunted her – she hunted him. Dave Zellers She hunted her. Dave Zellers You got chosen by her brother. Danny Arguetty Yeah. Dave Zellers Yeah. If I saw the deer out there, I could probably kiss it, but I couldn't kill it.

Darrell Bock Yeah. But those are things that I've seen, you know, not just for me, but I've started to see that in others. Like, what's breaking and changing? And some of them are heartbreaking, like what Sam's went through, and you'll find out more about that probably in the after hours since he's put mine in this show. But those are the kinds of things that are happening. And you see that, and there's – I've seen a lot of broken hearts this year with different things going on, and even something Robby just shared with us that's a major breaking, you know.

It's like, wow, you see these things going on not just in my life, but in others. And so what it had me for most of the year was I was kind of like dazed and confused. So that's where I chose this clip from Led Zeppelin, because it's about dazed and confused.

And the lyrics, I'm not going to endorse the lyrics, but they were about a woman in there, and it's just – it's not what I believe, but it's just the lyrics in the song is the best thing I could find out there that kind of could give me the sense of where I was for most of your kind of dazed and confused on what this word is. I'm pretty certain this is the only time Led Zeppelin's been played on this station, I'm thinking. I'm thinking so. Yeah, I'm thinking. Because I looked at the clip like three times, I'm like, do I have the right clip? Is this Rodney's clip? Is it really Led Zeppelin?

But here we go. Been dazed and confused for so long it's not true Yeah, it's – the other one that I found that I really like also is Metallica. That took me back to a little lifetime. You can tell where my musical taste is, but – Danny, you probably had flashbacks of that one. No doubt. Did y'all see those colors? Yeah.

Yeah, but we didn't have cell phones back then to light it up. No, no. But it's just – that's just one of those things where you start even listening to it and you're like – it takes me back to when I was much younger and just listening to songs like this, and I would never even knew the lyrics of most of the songs I ever listened to.

You don't even know what's going on. You just listen to the beat to it. There's emphasis and you can get a few words here and there. It's just stuff like that where that's something else that I realized when I picked this was I'd broken away from most of that because I'm like, yeah, I like that stuff, but I just don't really ever spend any time in it anymore. I just choose to listen to things that are more edifying for me and just put me in a different place because – Abba.

Abba Father. Yeah, I go there. Okay. Good recovery, that's great.

Yeah. I try to recover for Sam. But there's things that you have to be very intentional about in breaking away from and breaking towards and say, well, where am I going to go with things this year and this time? And you guys have – both David and Sam have had things going on in their families with people in hospitals and health issues and other things and passing away and all this kind of stuff that's – it's very trying.

And it will put you in a place that you don't want to be in. If you're not intentional about reaching to God and staying with Him in times like that, it can be very, very rough. And those are some of the things that I've seen and witnessed in my own family over the last few years with a few deaths that we've had.

It's sad that we lose a loved one, but the times with the family and loving on each other, anybody who's out there that's like, well, I've got this strained relationship with my family, no time like the present to kind of go in and say I'm going to break that strain and try to take it to some other direction and bring God into it. Yeah. Yeah, it's – sometimes God gives you a word, like you said, and you're like, what?

You know, Harold, you're the king of that. Your words are always like what? But we'll get to yours in the after hours.

But yeah, because yours always stump us until God unpacks it for you, and so that's pretty cool. Yeah. Anything on this word this year yet? I know that's the next show, but anything you got any traction on at night?

I want you to share it. No. No, I haven't. I really a few times went to pray for it. I'm like, dude, you need to just to work on your last year's word and what that means. I just kind of – every time I went to go for 24, I was like, no, finish 23 first.

Yeah. I actually got mine today. I'll share it next week. I honestly hadn't really prayed a lot about it. I've been praying about some other things, you know, in my life that's been going on, and not that God can't handle more than, you know, prayer on one or two things or five things. But can Sam. I can't. Yeah. Yeah. I can only focus so much on certain things.

So I hadn't really focused on it, and I wasn't really feeling pressure. And then God at dinner is like, yeah, here's your word. Right. It kind of makes sense. Kind of scary. That's a check.

Not sure where you'll go. Check. You know.

We'll require something of me. Check. Yeah. Yeah. That's probably the word.

He's got you hooked now. Yeah. Not one that I would have picked.

It's not the one that I go with. So that will be next year's topic. Yeah. This year's topic. But we do have a boot camp coming up, and I know that we haven't talked about when it is. And the reason we haven't talked about when it is is because we really don't know what it is yet. We know the dates. Right. It's coming up in early April. We'll give you that so you can kind of block out your calendar that first weekend somewhere right in there. That is when we're going to do it. But we don't know if we're going to do an advanced boot camp or if we're going to do a basic boot camp.

And so – That's a word that we're looking for is basic or advanced. Yeah. We're looking for God to kind of share that with us.

And I tell you what. If you're listening, if you're watching, and you're like, hey, you know what, I'd like to come to this boot camp, and you need it to be one of those two, reach out to us. That'll help us a lot. That'll help us a lot. Because we want to know what the need is.

You know? And we want to go where God wants us to go. And honestly, I haven't spent a lot of time praying about that, so that's got to be ramped up and need your help. So if you want to come to this upcoming boot camp, it'll be the first weekend in April, I believe it is, tell us what you'd like to have. We'll talk with you next week. Please go out and love somebody well this week, and get a word for the year. It'll change your life. Talk with you next week. This is the Truth Network.
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