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Dr. Brown Speaks at an Anti-Zionist Conference

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
December 7, 2023 4:40 pm

Dr. Brown Speaks at an Anti-Zionist Conference

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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December 7, 2023 4:40 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 12/07/23.


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. We're going to go back in time, five years, to a message I brought at an anti-Zionist conference right near Bethlehem. It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity.

Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on The Line of Fire. And now, here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Hey friends, this is Michael Brown and I've been praying about content to bring on these Thoroughly Jewish Thursday broadcasts. And I thought that it would be important to take you back to a conference where I spoke in what would be called Palestine, to many others would call it West Bank, occupied territory, others would call it Judea and Samaria. Right outside of Bethlehem, the annual, or excuse me, bi-annual Christ at the Checkpoint Conference.

Every two years it's been held. I've criticized it strongly in the past, not just as anti-Zionist, but anti-Zionist to the point of even being anti-Semitic. Every year though, these Palestinian Christians will invite a pro-Israel speaker, a Messianic Jew or a Gentile Christian who's pro-Israel, to present. And many times other Jewish believers, other pro-Zionist Christians are critical of those who go saying, you're just being used for their purposes.

It's not helping anything. My friends who've gone all felt it was good that they went, those that did participate and speak. But the conference is widely boycotted, even by believers in Israel who work together, Jewish believers who work together with Arab Christians.

They don't like the conference and don't feel that it's constructive. When I received the invitation, I was asked to come because of our disagreements. And I prayed and I felt the Lord wanted me to go.

I had many people urging me not to go. They apologized to me afterwards after I did speak, but I spent every moment I could listening to their concerns, going to meetings, going to the places they asked me to go, speaking to the people they asked me to speak to. And I think you'll hear that spirit and tone. So those of you who think you're just so pro-Israel and that's all you care about, I think this will be eye-opening for you.

So this goes back to May, I believe, and it is 2018. We're going to play the message in its entirety and on our YouTube channel, we'll have the actual link to the message itself. All right, here we go. Those who know me know that it was quite controversial to invite me to be here. And those who know me also know it was quite controversial for me to accept the invitation. And I was just wondering after Dr. Birge's teaching from Luke 4, I'm hoping it's not prophetic. I'm hoping as I come as a representative of Jesus today, I don't get pushed off the cliff, but we shall see. I do have a heavy heart though, because I have a tremendous love for my Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters.

And so feel the pain that you speak of and the feeling of rejection or being hurt or taken advantage of by my Jewish people. And yet I know that some of the things I'm going to share may seem hard or even offensive. So please understand I'm not coming in here as some big shot. I'm not coming in here as some know-it-all. I've been praying daily before every meeting.

God, show me my blind spots. Give me an ear to hear what my brothers and sisters are saying. Everything I've been asked to be exposed to, I'm doing it with an open heart.

So I've been asked to be here as a certain voice and I'm asking you to receive me in the role in which I was sent. I've had some very intense and wonderful conversations with some brothers here already. And the more we talk, the more I realize that some of our perceptions and experiences are so different that when we think we're communicating, we're actually missing each other. But we must keep communicating. We must work at it.

We must pray and that's why I'm here. I want to give you an invitation, though, to allow me to speak. I've been asked by the speakers, I could bring a politically correct, shallow, superficial message, or I could do my best to speak the truth in love, whatever the cost or consequence.

How many would vote for the latter? Okay, thank you. I have to say I've been very grieved already by some of the conversations we've had. One leader, a friend of the Palestinian Christian Church, plainly told me that sometimes he sees no difference between Hamas and Israel. Another leader vilified Palestinian Christians that differ with your position. Last night, I heard leaders celebrating the BDS movement with hurts many find God-fearing people. Right within your program, there's an encouragement to visit the Waldorf Hotel, which is so propagandistic that it literally, plainly, flatly declares Israel guilty of ethnic cleansing.

A horrible libel. And yet you're encouraged to go there. And people leave there with hatred of Israel. That is certainly not Christian. Some of the things that took place last night, the welcome, the young people worshipping, the dad, I mean, that was wonderful, but other things struck me as far more Palestinian with a capital P than Christian with a capital C, and I thought, how could this be Jesus at the center? So, why then am I here? In the past, I've been a very vocal critic of the Christ at the Checkpoint meetings. At times, even said that they were anti-Zionistic or perhaps even anti-Semitic. But let me quote the email inviting me.

This is from my brothers here. We want to challenge and be challenged. In other words, we are inviting you because we disagree. And we want you to present your point of view and articulate it with my own words. So, brothers, thank you from the heart for asking me to do that in this way. But I'm here as a friend, not an enemy.

A friend of Israel and a friend of Palestinian Christians. Can we be both? I certainly hope so.

I certainly hope so. And there's a wonderful verse in Proverbs 27, 6. Apply it to me when you speak to me as I seek to apply it to you. Let us do this for one another. Faithful are the wounds of a friend.

Profuse are the kisses of an enemy. In Hebrew, ... And if you'll forgive my poor Arabic pronunciation, ... Close? Okay. And I assure you, I'm here to listen with an open heart and mind.

I've been praying daily for God to expose blind spots in my own life as I hope to expose some of yours as well. So, a question. Why do most of my colleagues boycott this conference? I'm speaking of Israeli believers who work with our pastors. I'm speaking of friends involved with Palestinian-Israeli reconciliation movements. I'm speaking of Christian pastors in America who work with Middle Eastern refugees who came to Bethlehem wanting to support your work but could not. Why?

It's because they didn't find Christ at the checkpoint or Bethlehem Bible College to be devoted to reconciliation or truly focused on Jesus when it came to the conflict with Israel. So, I'm hoping that you'll prove them wrong. That's my hope.

That's my desire. And for the record, in April I was interviewed for Israel Today, a Messianic Jewish publication many of my friends are involved with, and I was really challenged by those who said I shouldn't be here, that I was legitimizing something that shouldn't be legitimized. And I was really challenged and I responded forcefully as to why I was here. When the article was printed, and now it's just been released for everyone, when it was printed and I read it, I sounded quite arrogant. If you read it and said, who is this guy who sounds arrogant? I did sound arrogant and I really apologized for that. I didn't intend for it to come across that way.

And for those that read it and were offended by the tone, please forgive me. So, to be clear, I'm not here to defend all the actions of the Israeli government or to defend the behavior of all Israelis or to whitewash Jewish failings. As a Jewish follower of Jesus, I'm more than aware of my people's shortcomings. But as I understand it, as Palestinian Christians, you feel forsaken by evangelical Christians in the West, especially in America.

In fact, you may even feel that we're against you. To quote Reverend Dr. Isaac, we are secondary to Christians in America. These Christians do not think or care about us. As I understand your grievances, you cannot see how evangelical Christians can support a nation that you believe treats you unfairly rather than standing in solidarity with them. You cannot see how evangelical Christians can support a nation that you believe treats you unfairly rather than standing with you. You wonder how fellow Christians can side with non-believing Jews while you are suffering at their hands.

So, that's another reason I'm here. I generally want to help you gain the support and solidarity of evangelical Christians in the West, but I can't help you unless you do three things. I'm not making a demand. You have your own lives and consciences and convictions. I'm saying I can only help to the extent that you embrace what I'm saying.

That's all I'm saying. To the extent you hear what I'm saying, I can help. To the extent you reject what I'm saying, I can help as much as I'll try.

And you'll understand that as I go on. Number one, you must openly express your disagreements with the Palestinian Authority in Fatah and Hamas where they exist. Otherwise, the feeling is that you're in harmony with them.

If I was here last night and knew nothing about you, I would not have the picture of all of you that you want me to have. I mean everything from the talking about Al-Nakba and the occupation and the Palestinian anthem and the presentations that went forth and the praising of President Mahmoud Abbas. I would not know that you had deep differences with some of the things that have happened over the years and that are happening to this day. Secondly, abandon any form of replacement theology. Thirdly, genuinely put Jesus at the center of the conflict demonstrated in a heart of love for the Israeli people. Again, I'm not making demands on you. You have your convictions before God.

You have to sort out things in the Word. I'm simply saying where I understand the deep differences are and because of these things, you are not getting the solidarity of evangelical Christians of the West that you so desire. These are the same Christians, so you know it. Evangelical Christians in America are famous for standing with Israel, not monolithically, but largely also famous for having a heart for persecuted Christians around the world.

You think, well, why don't we fit in that category? We're being persecuted by Israel. That would be your mentality or hurt by Israel and I'm saying it's because of these three things that the perception is where it is. So, to put things in context, remember that Israel was birthed out of the ashes of the Holocaust and I know that for you, Israel's the Goliath and you're the David, Israel's the aggressor and you're the victim, but let's step back and remember our recent history and present realities. To this day, Israel is faced with a constant existential threat. Please put that map up the next slide. This is the reality.

There's a tiny, tiny little orange sliver in there called Israel, surrounded by either entirely or almost entirely Muslim nations. Okay, we are going to take a short break and we will come right back and continue to play the message. We've got roughly 30 minutes, just under 30 minutes total and so it'll be broken up into three segments, but I'm not going to give any extra commentary here. With this, we'll take our quick break from our co-sponsor TriVita. Thanks much for their participation, helping us spread the line of fire around America and around the world. This is how we rise up. It's our resistance.

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Call 800-771-5584 or go online to It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome friends to our 30 Jewish Thursday broadcast. We're taking you back to a message that I brought five years ago at the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference right outside of Bethlehem.

Here we go. Some of whom have a heart to slaughter and wipe out and exterminate the Jewish people. That's the reality that Israel is with 24-7 and at any given moment there are at least 200,000 missiles pointed at Israel at any given moment. Just to give you a context, do you think that Israelis enjoy sending their sons and daughters into the army and spending massive amounts of their budget on self-defense? You think they find it convenient to have one safe room in every dwelling? That it's fun to live in some communities where you can never be more than 15 seconds from a bomb shelter?

That it's nice to pass through security just to enter a mall? This is the truth. I know it's hard for some of you to see Israelis as victims in any ways, but here are the facts. There are Israeli children who suffer from PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. There are Israeli hospitals with specialized and treating victims of multiple terrorist attacks. Think of living like this, during a wave of suicide attacks a few years back, one couple I know would never go out alone together without their children. They were concerned that if both of them were killed, the children would be left as orphans.

This was daily life for them. Now this does not give Israel the right to mistreat anyone. No matter what Israel is experiencing, no matter how much I'm sure God has brought the Jewish people back to life, that's not a mandate to mistreat anyone. I'm simply trying to give you a larger heart, because this conference has a particular focus, and the focus of the conference is not to give you a heart for Israel, and therefore I feel you could leave with a very imbalanced presentation. And remember, I'm the only voice in the entire conference who's going to emphasize these things in this way. I know many upset about the recent Gaza protests.

We could get into different sides of that, but we won't. I just want to show you this one image. This is what Israel is reminded of, go ahead, the Palestinian flags and in between them the swastika. This again is an ever-present memory to those that want to attack Israel.

It is just something that is there in the consciousness all the time. What about the separation barrier? Obviously we can debate the effectiveness, you'll say it does nothing, Israelis will say it saved many lives. I'm here to give you a position from Israel.

The separation barrier was erected to keep murderers out of Israel. To quote author Ronan Bergman, in March 2002 alone in Israel, 138 men, women and children were killed by suicide bombers, and 683 were wounded. The most atrocious of the attacks occurred on Passover, on the ground floor of the Park Hotel in Natanya where a Seder banquet was being held for 250 of the city's disadvantaged people.

A suicide bomber dressed as a religious Jewish woman entered the hall and blew himself up, killing 30, the youngest aged 20 and the oldest 90, and wounding 143 others. George Dukovavits, a Hungarian-born Nazi death camp survivor, was there with his wife, Anna, also a Holocaust survivor from Hungary. They were celebrating Seder night with Andrey Fried, Anna's son from a previous manner, and his wife, Edith, all four were killed. This is what Israeli security workers were dealing with on a daily basis. To quote Bergman, there were several nervous breakdowns among these desk officers and monitors during this period. One desk officer detected a May 2001 attack on the Natanya Mall and activated the entire system to try to stop it. But the bomber got into Israeli territory and could not be pinpointed until he had already killed himself and five civilians. The desk officer sits there crying with the TV sets around her, showing the bodies being removed.

Shinbet director Avi Dikter said, but by then the next alert comes in and she has to wipe away her tears and carry on working. Friends, that's why a security barrier was put out. And I've read statistics from Israelis that the murder rate as a result of that dropped 90%.

To me that's positive. I hate the fact that it causes you pain, I'm sure you say there are better ways, I'm sure you dispute the statistics. Again I'm giving you an understanding, this was not just put up to oppress people. This was put up to save lives. And look, these are the realities.

This is not an accident. This is not when Israel drops a bomb and a civilian is killed and there's a national uproar over it or a baby is accidentally killed and Israelis are outraged over it. This is what terrorists were seeking to do and this is what Israel is simply trying to stop from happening.

And here's where things get very difficult. There is a Palestinian celebration of violence. March 11, 1978, Talal Mughrabi, a female Palestinian working with other terrorists, murdered 12 Israeli children and 25 adults. Here's a picture of the children who were slaughtered. David Fatak marked the anniversary of her murderous deeds this year, quote, we stand in honor and appreciation of these thunderous souls who ascended and hovered in heaven to dwell by their Lord, cast their shadow and entered the heart, soul and memory of every Palestinian and of every Arab who belongs to Palestine. How has the Palestinian Authority commemorated her memory?

March 13, this year, it was reported that PA district governor of Calcalia called hero Talal Mughrabi a symbol of women resisting the occupation. And there's more, 75 Palestinian Authority schools are named after terrorists and Nazi collaborators and honoring martyrs and martyrdom. We need to hear your voices. Will you publicly renounce this with me today?

Are you able to declare openly to the entire world that you reject the celebration of terrorism and these policies of the PA? In 2011, a horrific terrorist attack took place in the Jewish settlement of Itamar where Rabbi Udi Fogel, 36, his wife Ruth, 35, and children Yoav, Elad, 4, and Hadas, 3 months were murdered in cold blood as they slept. Rabbi Yaakov Kohn, a neighbor who entered the house with their 12-year-old daughter who returned from a youth event to find her slaughtered family, told the Ynet website that her two-year-old brother was lying next to his bleeding parents, shaking them with his hands, and trying to get them to wake up while crying. The sight in the house was shocking, and pictures were released of the slaughter just so people could see there's the father with his baby and the boy that was killed.

Why do I bring that up? Today, the families of the murderers, Amjad Awad and Hakim Awad, received regular payments from the PA as part of their pension. In fact, it's reported that PA payments to families of terrorists and prisoners amounts roughly 10% of the PA budget. If you care about justice, if you care about putting Jesus at the center, surely you have to renounce these things with me today, and I want to help you get your voice out for the rest of the world to hear. January 2012, the Grand Mufti, so a senior Islamic leader, gave a speech and said the hour of resurrection, quoted from a famous Islamic tradition, the hour of resurrection will not come until you fight the Jews. The Jews will hide behind stones or trees, then the stones or trees will call, oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Our war with the descendants of the apes and pigs, namely the Jews, is a war of religion and faith. I got online and scoured things, there was no widespread Palestinian condemnation of the speech from either Palestinian Muslims or Christians.

I was looking for your voices, I scoured the internet looking but found nothing. So let me help make your position known, and let me speak to you for a moment about Israel's response to over-aggression. July 22, 2002, Israeli forces killed arts terrorist Salah Shahadeh, who had direct involvement in attacks that killed 474 people and wounded 2,649 between July 2001 and July 2002. But the bombing which killed him also killed his wife, his daughter, his assistant, plus ten other civilians, including seven children, the youngest less than one year old. One hundred fifty people were wounded. Israeli intelligence relied on bad intelligence, bad information as a result of which so many others were killed or wounded since he alone was targeted. When word of this got out, there were national protests in Israel, including the rebellion of Air Force pilots who had been involved in previous bombing missions. The nation rose up to protest the shedding of innocent Palestinian blood, even in the process of killing a mass murderer. The least you could do as followers of Jesus is stand with me in denouncing your government's celebration of terrorism. Look, I understand you have challenges as a Christian minority in a Muslim society, but somehow, of course, to do solidarity with your voices must be heard. All right, we've got one more break and then we're going to finish the message here. If you appreciate the work that we're doing, stand with us.

We'll tell you how you can do that during this break. Hey friends, Dr. Michael Brown here. Do you remember when people thought I was crazy? When I said it's not too late for America, that God can still do something in our country, that there is going to be a pushback, a gospel-based moral and cultural revolution?

And do you remember when people thought that you were crazy because you felt the same way, because you believed what I was saying and already felt it in your heart? Well friends, that pushback is here. The gospel-based moral and cultural revolution we've been talking about for 25 years is unfolding, and we are right in the thick of it, and the line of fire broadcast is divinely positioned for such a time as this. Friends, you would be so gratified and blessed as I hear, if you could hear what I hear, testimony after testimony as leaders, young people, old people, moms, dads, students, people from all backgrounds come up to me and say, Dr. Brown, you're providing a template for us. You're providing a blueprint for us. You're showing us how to do this, how to have hearts of compassion, backbones of steel.

But friends, it's a joint effort. We do this together, and with your support, we can amplify this broadcast around the nation and amplify this voice to shake the nation. Join our support team today.

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Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome back to Thoroughly Jewish Thursday. Let's go right back to the final segment of my message from five years ago, right outside of Bethlehem at the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference. It was called the Loving Challenge to My Palestinian Christian Friends.

Would you shout to the world your rejection of these words? This is just last month, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said, Palestine and Jerusalem belong to us. We will break the walls of the blockade, remove the occupation. The occupation entity will return to all of Palestine, drive the Jews out, and retake the land.

We need to know that's not your heart. And just this week, a daily PA publication, a leader of Fatah, said that what Israel is doing is worse than Hitler and the Nazis. This is a PA daily publication.

Last night I heard the praises sung of the PA, we need to hear your voices making a distinction, otherwise people will think that you stand with these sentiments. Secondly, replacement theology. It has an ugly history.

Undeniably, it opened the door to so-called Christian persecution of the Jews throughout history. I'll just swing back in my notes here. Hang on. Technology sometimes fails.

Paper still works. So undeniably, in history, replacement theology, the idea that in some way shapes our form, churches that were given to Israel have been transferred over to the church, and no one replied to Israel. And remember, the whole message, Isaiah 42, we just heard quoted, the only way that Jesus, Yeshua is the savior of the world is because he's the Messiah of Israel. If he is not the Messiah of Israel, he is not the savior of the world. That is a message confirmed through all of scripture. So replacement theology opened the door to Christian persecution of the Jews through history. It made the Holocaust possible in Europe, and undeniably, it creates hostility towards Israel today.

I run into it probably daily. And from a biblical perspective, I joyfully, joyfully have a moderated, full-length civil debate where we can dig into this issue. Tomorrow, Dr. Isaac and I will get to have mini-interaction and take questions, but I love with a qualified representative of the other position to sit down and have this out for hours together for the world to see and witness. Unfortunately, as a friend, I have to say that many who come to this conference leave in bitter towards Israel. I will find this is a common route when I talk to people who are hostile to Israel in an angry way and look at Israel as demonic in some way.

When I find out where it goes back to, it was this conference, and I don't believe that's your heart or intent. So it grieves me to see participants of the conference return home with outright hostility towards Israel, produced in part by this dangerous theology. You can call it fulfillment theology or inclusion theology, but in the end, the results are the same. There are no national promises remaining for Israel, and God has not brought the Jewish people back to the land. This is replacement theology, plain and simple. And to tell a Jewish refugee fleeing from antisemitism that Jesus is the land is like telling a hungry person that Jesus is the bread.

There's one big difference. While both are impractical responses that ignore real issues, the New Testament does teach that Jesus is the bread of life. It does not teach anywhere that Jesus is the land of Israel. Here's what the theology that Jesus is the land sounds like to a Jew. It sounds like you telling, me telling you as Palestinian Christians, why are you so concerned about your living conditions?

You are seated in heavenly places. Both have a misuse and misunderstanding of scripture. Why is it that other nations could have their own land to dwell in but not the Jewish people? Despite the tiny overall size of their territory, despite their need for land from which they can defend themselves, and despite the many promises of scripture, God's not a liar.

By some count, scripture has at least 170 references to the land that God gave to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God promised the land of Canaan to the people of Israel as an unconditional covenant. Under the law, we'd be punished and exiled for sin, but the covenant came before that.

God can bring us back in his mercy any time he chooses. Twelve times it stated that the covenant was everlasting. This cannot be undone by any New Testament author, nor would any of them think of undoing it. Jesus came to fulfill the law and the prophets, not to abolish, and it's ludicrous to argue that the Jewish Messiah nullified God's promises to the Jewish people. The Messiah confirms, not cancels. Romans 15, 8, and 9, Paul makes clear that the Messiah came to confirm God's promises to the patriarchs, not cancel them.

It made clear in Galatians 3, 17, and 18 that the law, which comes 430 years after the promises, cannot unload those promises. God still blesses those who bless Israel. It still holds true, and Numbers 24, 8, and 9 applies it to the whole nation, even in sin and disobedience with all its imperfections and blemishes. Paul's emphatic about this in Romans 9 and 4, they, the Israelites, speaking of unbelieving Jews, to them belong, present tense, the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the temple services, and the promises. Regarding the gospel, Paul writes, they are enemies for your advantage, but regarding election they are loved because of the patriarchs, since God's gracious gifts and calling are irrevocable.

Then the question of who we gather, the Jews. When God blesses, no one can curse, when he curses, no one can bless. When he opens the door, no one can shut it.

When he shuts the door, no one can open it. Only God regathered his ancient people. God scattered us in his anger. No human being, no nation has the power to undo God's scattering.

No. It is God who regathered the Jewish people in our unbelief, just as Ezekiel 36 said, and yet had mercy on us. It's my heartfelt conviction that when you reject this, you're not fighting with Christian Zionists, or dispensationalists, or Messianic Jews, you're fighting against the sovereign and merciful actions of God.

We'll stop with the slides just so I can finish time being short. I see clearly in Scripture that a Jewish-controlled Jerusalem will welcome the Messiah back. In Isaiah, excuse me, Matthew 23, 37 to 39. I see clearly in Scripture in Zechariah 12 through 14 that at the end of the age, all nations will come up against a Jewish-controlled Jerusalem. I see these things in Scripture. I also see that recognizing that God brought the Jewish people back to the land then empowers you to turn to the Jewish people and said, the same book that gives these same promises also calls for ethical behavior.

It's both-and, it's not either-or, it's both-and. So number one, it's crucial that you separate yourselves from the terroristic actions or policies or affirmation of terror, your government or Palestinian leadership. However you can find a way to do it, let me help amplify your voice. Secondly, it's essential that you recognize the hand of God in history and according to the word and the mercy that God has had on the lost sheep of the house of Israel who still need Jesus to be saved and for whom I pray and breathe on a regular basis. If you don't recognize what God's done, it's very difficult to help those who do recognize it stand with you fully. And then thirdly, I urge you in every way to put Jesus at the center and to urge everyone here to get both sides of every story. And perhaps what is oppressive to you and a checkpoint and a wall has saved Jewish lives.

And perhaps some of the problem is the mismanagement of funds. I wonder how many speakers here will decry the hundreds of millions of dollars that Hamas has spent on building terror tunnels to kidnap and kill Israelis, including kindergartners, by their intent. I wonder how many will decry the mismanagement of so much money to your own government here that's supposed to go into your hands and perhaps it's not Israel that is the biggest cause of suffering or certainly the only cause of suffering. Let us have justice and let both sides of the story be heard. I urge everyone that's here watching, if you've never been to Israel, you've never been to Bethlehem, never been to what would be referred to as the West Bank here, then come and see both sides.

Come and get the full tour. To those that go to Israel, come here and hear the side of the Palestinian Christians. To those that come here, go to Israel and hear the side of the Jewish people. And then take out the Bible and get on your face before God and say, God, as the Father of Jesus, I want to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker. And I want to see justice and mercy for all.

Thank you so much. All right, you've heard the whole message. Those just tuning in, getting snippets of it. If you'll go to the Ask Dr. Brown YouTube channel, SKDR Brown on YouTube, or just click on the link on the Ask Dr. Brown Ministries app, then you'll be able to see a link where you can just listen to the message straight through on our channel, or just search on the Ask Dr. Brown on YouTube for a loving challenge to my Palestinian Christian friends. I hope you heard the brokenness.

I hope you heard and saw the tears if you're watching. I hope you recognize my sincerity. I do care about Palestinians.

I do care about Palestinian Christians. At the same time, I must speak the truth in love. I must expose deceptive and destructive theologies.

I must expose where there are political alliances that are unhelpful and unhealthy. So I saw a march that was being announced in the UK. And it was family members of the bereaved. So these were both Israelis and Palestinians who have lost family members, either in the October 7 massacre, and then on Israel's attack on Hamas subsequently, or in past terror attacks, or in Israel's retaliatory attacks. And they wanted to march together for peace.

I applaud those sentiments. And what's all the more tragic, in fact, one of the old women in her 80s who was taken hostage by Hamas and then was just recently rescued, she has said that she saw the head of Hamas who organized this, Yahya Sinbar, because he said he had met with some of the hostages. And she said to him, all we wanted was peace.

How could you do this to us? She said he didn't respond. That's her account. She and her husband would go into Gaza on a weekly basis and bring medical patients over to hospitals in Israel. And they end up getting kidnapped and colleagues who they're shot and killed. So there has to be some sense of reciprocity. There has to be some sense of people saying we want to live side by side in peace. And sadly, sadly, due to the circumstances of the decades, many Palestinians have been radicalized. And the participants that Christ did to Checkbone often have been radicalized.

And I find it terribly unhelpful. But here, you hear my heart, I'll say it again, Palestinian blood is just as precious in God's sight as Israeli blood. I'll say it again, a Palestinian baby dies, a Muslim baby that dies, it's just as tragic as a Jewish Israeli baby that dies. I say that, I believe that.

And that is also why I say Hamas must be eradicated, the Palestinian people must have a change of heart with better leadership, and then Israelis... This is Michael Ellison, founder of Tribeta Wellness. I want you to hear an amazing testimony from my friend, James Robison, and most all of you will know of him. He and his wife, Betty, host the Life Today television program. Now here is James. Let me tell you about a miracle I experienced. My friend, Michael Ellison, he and his wife are our 40 year plus best friends.

Well, let me just say this to you. I had so much pain with what was called tennis elbow that I could hardly reach over and pick up the phone without pain, without it hurting me. I couldn't pick up something to drink, a glass of tea or anything.

It was very difficult to do anything without wearing a tight strap. And then Michael shared the nopal cactus juice with me, nopalaya. I began drinking about that much in the morning in a glass and that much later in the day. And in three months, I was a different person. I have now gone more than 10 years with no pain, not better, well, I have no joint pain. I am telling you it did something to the inflammation in my body that was undeniable.

That's just my testimony. But that's been more than 10 years with no pain. Matter of fact, if I miss for some foolish reason, a few days, I can feel it creeping back that fast. So give it a try, see if it helps relieve your pain. I hope it does like it has mine because it worked for me.

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Call 800-771-5584 or go online to It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Come back to the line of fire on Thoroughly Jewish Thursday. This is your Messianic Jewish host, Michael Brown. I'm not taking calls today as I've been overseas all this week, so we've prepared some special programming for you.

I trust it's been a blessing to you. If you're not on our email list, sign up now. We are putting together all the components of our brand new Front 9 newsletter, and this will help you on the front lines because that's where we are.

That's the reality of life today. Every single one of us, we are on the front lines. We're in the line of fire.

If you're a follower of Jesus, Yeshua, there is a target on your back, and we're going to help equip you to stand strong. The newsletter is going to have all kinds of great features every single month. You'll look forward to getting it. So if you're getting our emails already, great. It'll be coming your way sometime in January. If you're not getting our emails, sign up today at, or you can do it through the app, Ask Dr. Brown Ministries. I want to play one more clip for you. The ADL Anti-Defamation League has been criticized by Elon Musk recently. He's been called an anti-Semite.

I believe wrongly so, from what I've seen of the threads, etc. But he's been called an anti-Semite, and basically he criticized, he agreed with criticism of various Jewish groups that have sided so much with the left that they've, in a sense, gotten in bed with the enemy. The further left you go, it seems, the more radical sentiments there are against Israel and the Jewish people. So this is Jonathan Greenblatt, who is the CEO of the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League.

And in many ways, they've concentrated on right-wing anti-Semitism, and in my view, in certain ways overblown it, done a good job in exposing some of it, in other ways overblown it, or not recognized certain Christian elements that are actually pro-Israel, etc., that they may think is too far radically right, etc. But this is a fascinating dialogue. This is on CNBC. The show is called Squawk Box, and you'll hear the dialogue with the host and Jonathan Greenblatt.

I'll break this into two segments. Let's listen to their discussion. You watch the show? Do you watch Squawk Box? Do you ever get a chance? Of course.

Now and then. Do you watch Desenhall, Eric, yesterday, saying that the only racism that's suddenly somehow okay is anti-Semitism among these college kids? And I keep making the point again and again. The lowest common denominator on safe spaces and microaggression, they somehow are able to be totally outraged by the most ridiculous things, and yet they're the same ones that are now saying genocide to the Jews. Yeah. How do you explain that?

Look, you got it right when you were talking to Walter a few minutes ago. It's a bizarro upside-down world when you can be canceled for misgendering someone, but somehow you get celebrated for describing your Jewish class as being a genocide. You can get fired as a college professor for misgendering someone. And yet we had professors who were out there celebrating. I have given you a lot of grief about throwing your lot in with the woke left, too.

I wouldn't. In the past, and I've been right all along, but here's what Holman Jank, I think we have this for you to read and you can respond to it because he's right. Somehow Elon, when it was all said and done, Elon, they took this tweet and turned it, but here's what he says, the 37 words of interpolation for a six-word tweet, he hardly, he heatedly denied the journal exam and the content and said what Mr. Musk was really exercised about was you, the ADL, because he thinks you've largely adopted the identitarian and censorship agendas of the progressive left. And I've given you grief about that.

So you throw your lot in with them and look what they give you. Look, if pushing back on white nationalism and the great replacement theory is somehow identitarian politics, I don't know what to tell you. Do you think those hundred morons in Charlottesville are the problem or do you think the college professors that have totally brainwashed our children on the left with anti-Semitism, where's the real problem? Look, let's acknowledge that like shooting Jews praying in a synagogue in Pittsburgh is a problem.

I do not. Death threats against a Cornell student are a problem, right? We can have problems from the extreme right, the white nationalists and problems from the hard left and the crazed anti-Zionists.

But these are both problems. But right now, let's be clear. We are 1,001. There's 1,000. Yeah. Crowded.

There is no. Look, we have tracked almost 1500 anti-Semitic incidents in the 50 days since the massacre. That's a 300 percent increase over the prior year, which was at the time the highest number we'd ever seen.

How does October 7th engender that? Exactly. Yeah. I mean, this blaming the Jews.

What's that? This collective blame. It's a despicable form of hate. And trying to legitimize anti-Zionism is contemptible and it puts us in this position.

If you're taught that, you know, America is an imperialist and it's a terrible place and that Columbus is, you know, it's all these things that we've canceled and that we've done and we've watched it happen on college campuses. Joe, you, I mean, I will tell you the image of these protesters tearing down American flags last week, you know, at Grand Central Station. The image of these people yesterday trying to violate Rosalynn Carter's memorial center. Do they think that Hamas would treat them well? Some of these marginalized groups. I and Hersey Ali got it right. Queers for Palestine.

That's what I mean. Is just idiotic when Hamas literally lynches LGBTQ people. All right, let's, let's continue. And I want you to hear the rest of this, Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of ADL, the Anti-Defamation League on CNBC's Squawk Box. So it's very it, like you said, it's a bizarro world. But now the question becomes, what are we going to do about it?

And so look at ADL. We are pushing back on this hate on the college campuses. We launched with Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher and a group called the Brandeis Center, a legal helpline for students to report Title Six violations. And that's what we should be talking about, because it's waiting for these presidents. God bless the Congress. Just explain to people what Title Six is. This is federal funding.

Yes. So Title Six of the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects students from discrimination based on ethnicity or national origin. That includes Jewish kids.

And so the universities could lose federal funding for violating, creating environments where these kids aren't safe. So look, I applaud Bill Ackman. I applaud Mark Rowan for using their muscle to try to get their alma maters to do the right thing. Harvard and Penn.

But I'll tell you something. If these college presidents can't find their moral center, I will go to their trustees and remind them of their fiduciary responsibility. And think about this, Becky, in three weeks of launching this line, we have over 260 cases.

We've trained up now 125 lawyers. We're going to be bringing these cases like an armada against these institutions. How much of that federal funding goes to private universities outside of state?

Well, I don't know the exact number, but we're talking about hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars for each of these. So the university might not care about one donor pulling back his or her million dollars, but losing an NIH grant worth hundreds of millions of dollars, they're going to listen. And that's what we're going to do. So it's only about, again, your moral obligation, although that should be enough.

But now it's about your fiduciary responsibility, and that's a whole different line of discussion. Have you had conversations with any of these university presidents? Oh, I have. About this in particular? Yeah. And they're all now struggling to figure out what are we going to do? I mean, our prodding, the Department of Education, has now launched several investigations, and many more are coming. The other thing we're trying to do is get the groups that are pushing the anti-Israel agenda on campus and intimidating the Jewish students looked at or kicked off campus. It's very weird that the knee-jerk reaction to these college presidents in the Ivy League, the knee-jerk reaction, where was that incubated? It's been happening for years, I guess, right? Yeah. I mean, look, anti-Semitism on campus isn't new, and you're right to point out a few minutes ago, it's coming from the hard left, from the anti-Zionist extremists. That's an oppressor-oppressed- Yeah, it's this crazy victimology that posits that. Diversity, equity- Where are you with Elon right now?

Are you in another detente, detente number four? Look, Elon is clearly a complicated guy. You see what he could have been alluding to now.

It's not nearly as... I mean, you should never say someone brought something on themselves. That's like the last thing that- Look, I think we know Elon. He said it to me more than once, that he's very impulsive. He will tweet or retweet out things that then he regrets, like he deleted this pizza cake conspiracy tweet that he put out yesterday. Look, it is hard to make sense of everything that he does, but here's the bottom line. Twitter being a safer place, X being a safer place for Jewish users is good for everyone.

By the way, we should point this out, X is not the only problem. We need to be talking about TikTok. We need to keep talking about Facebook. All these social media problems have rampant anti-Semitism on them, and that is part of the reason why we're in this fix. My friend Dennis Prager had an article last week saying that American Jews who work for secular America made a big mistake, and he asked them, when did you feel safer in America as Jewish people, today or when more Americans went to church on Sundays? That's kind of the shocking revelation for many Jews in America, that where they took refuge in the left and felt that was the safe place away from the radicalizing of the religious right and the dangers of the religious right, and the religious right trying to impose a religious faith over America, which would then exclude Jews. And there are dangers on the religious right. I'm not arguing that. There are dangers with all extremes.

No argument there. But it's so interesting that many are waking up, many that supported the colleges, the universities, and not realizing how radically left they had gone, and what that meant, and the hypocrisy of it, you know, the queers for Palestine thing that was single out in the show. It's been really, really eye-opening. But friends, we've been sounding this alarm for many, many years, and those who've been following our ministry understand why we are here for such a time as this, understand exactly why we do what we do, why we shout from the rooftops, and why we've been warning about the rising tide of anti-Semitism worldwide for more than 30 years, and we'll continue to do what we contend earnestly for the salvation of the Jewish people, that they may come to know Yeshua, Jesus, the Messiah of Israel, and the Savior of the world, who makes Jew and Gentile one in Him. May God hasten that day and increase the work in the earth. Again, I strongly encourage you, sign up for our Frontline newsletter. If you're not getting our emails, go to Sign up today. Let us continue to pray for God's purposes for Israel and all those in the Middle East. Amen.
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