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Israel Is God's Sifting Tool

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
October 23, 2023 4:50 pm

Israel Is God's Sifting Tool

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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October 23, 2023 4:50 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 10/23/23.

The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network.

When you talk about the Jewish people, when you talk about Israel, it brings a whole lot of things to the light. It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on The Line of Fire.

And now, here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Friends, I feel it in my bones. I feel it to the core of my being, deeply, supernaturally. We are here for such a time as this. God has allowed me to be alive in who I am at this moment for such a time as this. And I believe if you are rightly aligned with God, it is the same for each of you. Welcome, welcome to the broadcast.

So thrilled to have this time together with you out of the infinite, not infinite, but massive number of other options you have with your time. Thanks for giving us your best ear. If you have a question that relates to Israel and the Jewish people, not, I will warn about this Hebrew word, or I heard an interpretation of the first, but relating to the war in Israel today, relating to God's purposes for Israel, Israel today being fulfilled in a prophecy regarding the subject of anti-Semitism, especially if you fundamentally differ with me on certain points. But if you have a question or a difference with me, I'm going to do my best to get to some calls today. 800, excuse me, 866-34-TRUTH. 866-348-7884. If you're a Palestinian Christian listening and you differ with me on my perspective, if you're coming from another position and you differ with me on my perspective, or just have a question, you're trying to understand things, by all means, give me a call.

866-34-TRUTH. Before I get into today's subject about how Israel, Jewish people, when we talk about that, focus on that, everything kind of explodes. It brings a lot of things to light. Suddenly you find out about hidden attitudes.

We're going to look at some scripture about that, and then spiritually I want to explain why and give you some examples. Before we get into that, I just want to give you a few updates regarding the ongoing war that is going on. Remember, it begins with the extraordinary, mind-boggling, absolutely sickening display of barbaric violence by Hamas on October 7th. The IDF has now released video footage.

I've been reading accounts of people watching and saying, I didn't want to watch, but I had to watch. Israel said, okay, you think we're exaggerating about what Hamas did? You think we're making this up? Here's actual footage, because remember, they had cameras on their equipment and they're filming a lot of what's going on, because this is now history.

This is Islamic, radical Islamic history against the Jews. This is big. So, they've released the footage. For just the people in question, say, all right, here, is this a tiny little fraction in front of your eyes that you can look at? And then the forensic details of here you have a child, right, and he's got steel around his wrists, his hands tied behind his back, and he's burned alive. And they can tell by how he died that he was alive and he was set on fire. Or here too, and the spinal cords basically attach and they were tied together and embracing two family members before being burned alive. But here's the actual footage, and here's the father dying as the kids are screaming and the one kid loses his eye.

Here's the actual footage. Look at it. Look at what they did. Now, for sure, for sure, Hamas did not expect things to go the way they went in terms of it was smoother, bigger than they ever could have imagined. I mean, the carnage starts at 630 in the morning.

The first day it ends like 10 at night. How in the world this happened? So, a monumental failure on Israel's end. Monumental failure of security on Israel's end. Mind-bogglingly so.

And that's a whole other reason why did that happen in the natural way that happened spiritually. But, as some have observed, Hamas never expected to have that level of success. They were sent out, according to some who've now been interrogated that were taken prisoner by Israel. They were told it's a suicide mission. They never thought they'd get to the fence without all kinds of fierce opposition.

So, maybe some will get through. Maybe they'll kill a few dozen Israelis, which would have been horrific. Maybe they'll take somebody hostage. They didn't know they'd kill 13 or 14 hundred. They didn't know that they would take over 200 hostage.

And, what we're reading about now is a particular drug that they took to get them to just act more charged up and less concerned about other people. The origin of the word assassin, this goes back to a radical Islamic group or a thousand years ago, roughly. And they would send out their people to kill certain infidels, whoever it was.

I get into it in my revolution book. If you look at the origin of the word assassin, it's basically hash-hashing. That they would smoke hashish first, and that would get them ready to go out and carry out their acts of atrocity. So, apparently what we're reading about, drugs that they took, they were also told, according to this one Hamas terrorist who is captured by Israel, that he said that yes, they know Islam teaches you're not supposed to hurt the innocent civilian, but they were told, do whatever you want to do.

And according to the interrogation, he said we became like animals, or we became animals. So, the deal is that shocking things were done, but that Hamas did not expect this level of success. No one could have imagined this level of dastardly, demonic, devilish, destructive success. As a result of which, they could not have imagined that Israel would go on the attack that is going on. That Israel would basically say, we are eliminating Hamas.

It's going to be over. They can never rise to power again. They could never rule Gaza again.

They could never be on our border again. Now, obviously, you can't eliminate an ideology except for God radically changing hearts, but you can eliminate enough of a power structure, infrastructure, leadership, et cetera, that is bent on murder and destruction so that it's rendered basically powerless. So, they could not have imagined that they would carry out the nefarious plans to the level they did, which means they could not imagine the level of response that was coming back from Israel in terms of wiping them out. That's one dynamic. Now, the minister of defense in Israel has issued this statement, this threefold statement, and I want you to hear this. He said, we are in the first place, and we've got some slides to put up for those watching, we are in the first place in which a military campaign is taking place within, with airstrikes and later with ground maneuver with the purpose of destroying operatives and damaging infrastructure in order to defeat and destroy Hamas.

Okay? That's the first phase, the first phase. The second phase will be an intermediate phase, continuing the fighting at a lower intensity and eliminating pockets of resistance. That's the second phase. Third phase, he says, will be the creation of a new security regime in the Gaza Strip, the removal of Israel's responsibility for daily life there, and the creation of a new security reality for the citizens of Israel and the residents of the surrounding area. Now, that's the big question. What's that going to look like?

How is that going to work itself out? And is there a way where the people of Gaza who are now suffering tremendously, tremendously, and who have been suffering for 17 years since electing Hamas as their leadership, Hamas with its charter saying, we are here to eliminate and destroy Israel. That is our purpose. That's why we have come together as an organization, as a movement. It was in Arabic, harikat makalma al islamia, right? So those Arabic speakers forgive my poor pronunciation of some of the Arabic, but the Islamic resistance movement, organization, that's who they are.

It is religious ideological organization before it is political. So, terrible suffering for the Palestinian people. Is there a way with Hamas being eliminated that you won't just create now 100 more Hamas's because the kids who lost their fathers and the wives who lost their husbands and others that survive, will they be even more militant?

That's a real possibility. Another is that they realize this we've destroyed our future, we've destroyed our lives by supporting Hamas. Is there some Arab Muslim coalition of leaders that could work together? If you put Palestinian authorities, it's going to be much better for them. People in the West Bank would say it's not working for us. I don't know that part.

God knows. I don't know that a human being has the solution. That's part of what Israel is doing. Now, where it gets out last week, Israel bombs a hospital. Hundreds of people killed in Gaza. Israel bombs a hospital where people are taking shelter and refuge, where they're operating on people.

It is an atrocity, a horrific war crime, except it didn't happen. Except Israel didn't bomb the hospital. IDF confirmed that they had no planes over that place at that time. And IDF has Israel Defense Force clear video evidence of the rocket being shot by Palestinian Islamic Jihad and that failed rocket landing not even on the hospital, but the parking lot next to the hospital. And audio message of Hamas terrorists saying, that rocket, that was us? Yeah, it was Islamic Jihad.

That was us? That and other footage, you can actually see the satellite imagery, that yes, tragically people were killed, but it was not hundreds. So it was not an Israeli airstrike on a hospital. That didn't happen. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. The myth is out.

The word is out. World outrage over it. World outrage over Israel bombs a hospital, except it didn't happen. Tragic that any lives were lost.

Tragic. But Israel didn't bomb the hospital. Well now we know that Israel bombed a historic church. It bombed the church. People were taking refuge there, elderly, others, getting away from the bombing, getting away from the war. They take refuge in the church. Israel bombs the church. What could be worse than that?

Except that didn't happen. Were lives lost? Yes. Tragic.

Tragic. Why were lives lost? One reason, the biggest reason, Hamas launches rockets from all over, right next to hospitals, right next to churches, right next to mosques, sets up headquarters within these very places. Why?

So that either Israel can't touch them or if Israel does touch them, there'll be civilian casualties. That is the goal. Period. No equivocation.

I don't need to balance that out in any way. No equivocation. Fact. What happened here, according to all the evidence we have and satellite imagery from IDF, they were bombing a building near the church, missed it a little bit. Why was it even there? Because of Hamas terrorists attacking from there, trying to kill Israelis from there.

So what happens? They miss the building that they're shooting for. As a result of that, it comes closer to the church, does not hit the church, come closer to it. As a result of that, some of the walls of the church collapsed, people killed.

Tragic that it happened. But Israel did not bomb a church. As a result, though, of all these reports and everything getting out and yes, the very real suffering of the people of Gaza and yes, many civilian casualties because of the war. London, 100,000 Muslims protesting, protests all around the world attacking Israel. Israel must cease. Palestine must be free. This is what the world is shouting.

We're going to address it when we come back. This is Michael Ellison, founder of Trivita Wellness. I want to introduce our Trivita, Alfred Libby, original patented sublingual B12, B6 and folate formula. I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting Alfred Libby, a pioneer in vitamin research. I also had the opportunity to obtain the patented formula and the rest is history with over 50 million tablets being taken by our Trivita members through the years. The amazing testimonies of mental clarity, food enhancement and more energy have been thrilling to me as a founder of Trivita Wellness. Not only is it an amazing B12 product, but it is loaded with the essential B6 vitamin. I call it the workhorse vitamin. It is vital for strong immune function and every body system. Here's what the National Center for Biotechnology Information says and I quote, it plays a key role and is crucial to immune function.

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1-800-771-5584 or online at It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks for joining us on the Line of Fire broadcast.

Michael Brown, blessed and delighted to be with you. 866-34-TRUTH, the number to call if you want to interact with me directly on what's happening in Israel today or the larger question of hatred of the Jewish people. If you think I'm wrong and want to share why, we will get to some calls in a little while. A couple of things quickly first. Later this week, we are going to dig deep into the Word and ask the question, have Gentile Christians replaced Israel in God's plan of salvation or God's plan of blessing the world?

I should say more accurately. We're going to get into that, dig into the Scriptures. I am going to give the battle cry as clearly as I know how to help us understand, as followers of Jesus today, the war that we are in, putting aside the war in Ukraine, the war in Israel, putting that aside, the very real war that we are in and what our mindset must be. We're going to answer some of the questions. Do Jews hate Christians? Do Christians hate Jews?

What about religious Jews who are anti-Zionist? We're going to get into a lot of really important content this week. Do your best not to miss a minute. If you can't catch us live on the app, Ask Dr. Brown Ministries. If you don't have the app, grab it now, download it now. Ask Dr. Brown Ministries. Ask Dr. Brown Ministries.

Go ahead, download that. Just check on latest broadcast. I've been writing just about an article a day, cutting edge stuff. I'm going to be late at night. It's like, I think I want to go to sleep.

No, you need to write. I feel that. Putting out things critically important for you and everything we're putting out is free. So take advantage of it.

Get the app, look at the latest articles, videos. We're here to equip you and serve you and help you. Quick anecdote and then we get back to today's subject and we'll get to some calls. So, many years ago we had a staff member still close with his family, he and his wife. They're both staff members. He was working with us and we were renting offices, our ministry and some others were renting offices from some friends of ours who had a real estate company before we were in our own building. And one of the co-owners of the real estate company, big company came over to me, solid, solid brother.

He goes, man, I love the attitude of your worker here. So he was working in shipping and other things like that. So he wasn't, say, behind the mic like I was or out in the church preaching or doing a debate with a rabbi. He was doing shipping and some other things. And he said to my friend, the co-owner of the company, he said, get an order in, package the order, send it out, spread the revolution.

He was doing something of revolutionary importance and changing lives and helping shake the culture and reach Jewish people with the good news of Messiah by doing his job. So here's a way where you can help speed this work and help speed getting the gospel out and help speed pushing back against darkness as we do it together is by saying, hey, I take some vitamin supplements, I take some health supplements, I take some wellness supplements. Well, make a shift, use the company we work with and whose products I use every single day and wholeheartedly believe in, TriVita, Christian owned, Christian owned with a Christian business, a vision to see people healthy. That's why it was raised up not to make money.

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800-771-5584 or go to, use the code BROWN25. Check out what's best for you, ask questions when you call and together we are making a difference. Alright, alright. So we come back to the phenomenon of Jew hatred, of anti-Semitism. How can it be, please think of this, how can it be that before Israel has launched its first air strike in retaliation of the greatest shedding of Jewish blood in a single day since the Holocaust and the most barbaric shedding of Jewish blood to the decapitating of babies that we've heard of ever in our lifetime or some of us in the reading of history, that before Israel has lost its first retaliatory air strike, there are already pro-Hamas demonstrations. How could any human being with a conscience, anyone, whether they believe in God or not, whether they're Muslims, Jews, Christians, Atheists, agnostics, Hindus, Buddhists, how could anyone with a working heart and a working brain and a conscience have a pro-Hamas rally? It's one thing if you said, we hate what they did, it's atrocious, it's horrific.

If you're Muslim it's a spit in the face of Islam if that's what you believe. And as a person of conscience I hate, I don't care if they're Israelis whoever, no one deserves it that was evil, that was wrong, that was unjustifiable. But there's a bigger narrative I want to talk to you about and Israel is an occupier.

Okay, fine, now we have that separate discussion. But that's not what happened. There were pro-Hamas rallies.

How did that happen? How is it that literally two weeks after these atrocities you have rallies all over the world and the sentiments have completely switched, massive anti-Israel protests around the world and Israel is the evil one. You say, yeah, but they're bombing Gaza. Okay, why are they bombing Gaza? Why are they bombing Gaza? Okay, so we step back and is Israel doing what it can as carefully as it can to avoid civilian casualties?

Yes. Did I say at the outset when this is done there will be more Palestinian casualties than Israeli. There will more be more Israeli, more Palestinian women and children culled than Israel.

I said that will happen. We need to pray this is bad, this is sad, this is painful. I am not minimizing the suffering of Palestinians for a split second. I'm not saying Jewish blood is more valuable than Palestinian blood. Not for a split second.

The thought does not come to my mind. I am saying that the result of the casualties, the horrific result is because of Hamas strategies, what they do, how they position themselves, Israel is being as careful as it can. How is it though? World sympathies within hours shift against Israel. You tell me another people on the planet they get slaughtered like that, they get butchered like that, that are burned alive and within hours sentiment is against them. How's this happen?

Why's this happen? There is an article written by Douglas Murray, I found it in the New York Post, I'm not sure where else it was posted, titled Hamas horror quickly reveals the bigots in our midst. And here's what's fascinating. My question today is why is it that Israel, the Jewish people, brings stuff up to surface? It brings attitudes up in people's hearts and minds. Why? Why did you just say, if I just posted about Jewish people, you would not believe the anti-Semites that come pouring in.

And here's what's wild. Jews are evil because they started communism. Oh, and then tell me why communists hated the Jews? Jews are evil because they control all the money in the world. Tell me why when Jews were super poor they were hated the same way? Jews are evil because there's so many atheists among them. Jews are evil because they're so religious. You get hated when you're wealthy, you get hated when you're poor, you get hated when you're religious, you get hated when you're irreligious. You get hated when you're a communist, you get hated when they're anti-communist. You get hated, you get hated by Muslims, you get hated by Christians. Why?

Why? It's because the Jews are so evil. Ah, so now it just brings the anti-Semitism right up to the surface. So, let me just read to you a little about Douglas Murray, what he has to say here.

Sometimes a flare goes up in the darkness and you can see where everyone is standing. That says it all right there. He says, that has certainly been the case since the appalling massacres in Israel last Saturday.

So, he wrote this few days ago. The bodies of all the young festival goers, pensioners, and beheaded babies hadn't even been found before people began making excuses for their murder and even praised the mass slaughter. On Sunday, just 24 hours after the atrocities, Hamas terrorists were still killing Jews in Israel and radical extremists were gathering in Times Square to celebrate their actions. He said, I went over to Times Square to see the pro-Palestine rally, but it wasn't pro-Palestine, it was just pro-massacre. What? How?

It's because Jewish people bring to the surface what's in the hearts, minds of others and a lot of it is ugly. Hey friends, Dr. Michael Brown here. Do you remember when people thought I was crazy when I said it's not too late for America, that God can still do something in our country, that there is going to be a pushback, a gospel-based moral and cultural revolution? And do you remember when people thought that you were crazy because you felt the same way, because you believed what I was saying and already felt it in your heart? Well friends, that pushback is here. The gospel-based moral and cultural revolution we've been talking about for 25 years is unfolding and we are right in the thick of it and the line of fire broadcast is divinely positioned for such a time as this. Friends, you would be so gratified and blessed as I hear, if you could hear what I hear, testimony after testimony as leaders, young people, old people, moms, dads, students, people from all backgrounds come up to me and say, Dr. Brown, you're providing a template for us. You're providing a blueprint for us. You're showing us how to do this, how to have hearts of compassion, backbones of steel.

But friends, it's a joint effort. We do this together and with your support, we can amplify this broadcast around the nation and amplify this voice to shake the nation. Join our support team today.

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I want to immediately give you two classic books, Compassionate Father or Consuming Fire, Who is the God of the Old Testament and Revolution, which will really show you what it means to be a Jesus follower today. Plus you get free access to our online classes and so much more. Sign up today. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Just a quick reminder, friends, just a quick reminder. We've never done this before in the history of our ministry, but these are different times.

When you join our support team, and friends, when you join our support team, picture it like this. Picture my head as the tip of a battering ram. And I don't mind taking on the controversy. I don't mind the hatred.

I don't mind the demonic attack. I don't mind the death threats because God's called me for such a time as this. One of my colleagues whose ministry literally reaches several hundred million people, he said, Dr. Brown, I go to you. You are the defender of the faith that I go to.

It's my calling. When you join with our support team, you help smash that battering ram to knock down another wall of resistance and lies and falsehoods. But not only so, that as you stand with us, our voice is amplified together because you are part of the team now, getting the message out where you live in your circumstances.

We're just a resource to equip you so that you can go and make a difference. So things are happening. Lives are changing. So much of what we desire to do requires financial support. So we're going to go day and night, day and night and make everything we can available free to the largest possible audience.

We do it as we partner together. Lives are being changed. It's an urgent hour. Join our support team today. Go to Click on donate.

Click on donate monthly support. Look at all the things we sow back into an exclusive content you get. But this month we felt the urgency, not just will we give you free Revolution and Compassionate Father and Consuming Father, who's the God of the Old Testament. Two very important books.

But two more books. I wish I could press a button to get everybody, especially every believer in the world to read these. Our Hands Your Stand with Blood, The Tragic Story of the Church and the Jewish People and Christian Antisemitism.

I mean, your eyes will be popping as you read what's there. Your heart will break but then you'll be equipped with truth, with understanding. So let us sow these into you as you stand with us. Join us, not tomorrow, join our support team today. Now together we're making a difference.

Donate monthly support. I can't wait to welcome you to our team. A drop more from Douglas Murray, a scripture reference, then to the phones. All right. Douglas Murray said this. Remember back in 2015 when an evil young man named Dylann Roof walked into a church in South Carolina and started shooting black congregants? It was one of the worst shootings in recent American history, and condemned by everyone.

An unforgivable act. But he said, imagine if there was a group in the US so sick, so utterly depraved, that after that shooting, they got together outside other black churches and waved flags and signs praising the shooter in front of black Americans. Such people would be condemned by everyone. It wouldn't be difficult. It really wouldn't. So why do many people seem to find it so hard when the victims are Jews?

And he goes on with example after example, including some of the political leaders like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. Why do people find it so difficult? Because it's the Jews. Because God said about Israel, Israel is my son, my firstborn. Because Yeshua, Jesus said in John 4.22, salvation is from the Jews. Because Yeshua made clear at the end of Matthew 23 that a Jewish Jerusalem must welcome him back. Because as Zechariah 12 and Zechariah 14 and Acts 1 tell us plainly, he is coming back to Jerusalem. Not to New York, not to Rome, not to Moscow, not to some Christian epicenter outside of the land. He's coming back to Jerusalem. This is the ultimate battleground.

Now think back. Luke the second chapter, Luke the second chapter verses 34 and 35. Speaking of Jesus, Simeon prophesying over the baby Yeshua says, he is appointed, this is what he tells Miriam and Joseph, his mother and father. He is appointed for the falling and rising of many in Israel and for a sign to be spoken against. Sister Miriam, your sword will pierce your own heart as well.

That the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. Ah, this brings stuff up to the surface. I have been bombarded by comments from black Hebrew Israelites. The ones in Israel, they're not the real Jews and that's why all this is happening.

Brings that junk up. There's one thing, if a black American says, hey, I have Israelite blood. I can trace back to this group in Israel or in ancient Israel through Africa and I believe I have Israelite blood as well. Okay, you believe you're one of the 12 lost tribes or part of the tribe of Judah or something.

That's a whole separate discussion and without question there are African Jews and there are African American Jews. Israelite heritage, I'm going to argue that. The lie that I will absolutely combat is that the ones being slaughtered in the light are not Jews and not Israelites. That's the lie that we'll combat.

But that comes out. They're not real Jews. That's why they're dying. And then you have the white supremacists. See, it's all considered evil. Everyone kicked out of 109 countries.

Everyone has that same mythical figure. Why? Because they're evil. They come out of the woodwork. I mean, if I just started posting some of the junk that's come our way in just recent days.

I mean, I did it some last week. I just, you'd be shocked like how vile. And then the level of replacement theology comes up. We're going to confront it head on using scripture after scripture after scripture.

So, your argument won't be with me. It will be with Paul. It will be with Jesus.

It will be with the Word. But those who say, well, Israel has nothing to do with prophecy. It has nothing to do with God. God's finished with Israel. The church replaces or if they wouldn't say it like that, they'd just say Israel came to an end as a nation. The old covenant came to an end. Israel came to an end in the year 70 and etc. So, Preterist theology, which I wholeheartedly reject based on scripture, based on scripture, not just full Preterism, but partial Preterism.

Those who don't know the terms don't worry about it. It brings everything up to the surface. Now, there's a fascinating verse in the book of Isaiah. Isaiah chapter 41 and verse 15.

Isaiah 41, 15. God speaking prophetically of Israel says, Israel is my threshing instrument. Israel is my threshing instrument.

So, this is now Israel being used as an agent of divine judgment on nations. But there is this aspect to Israel, not a perfect people, but a people like everybody else. As I say, Jews are like everybody else except more so. It seems our good qualities are exaggerated.

Our bad qualities are exaggerated. They're just like everybody else. Whatever group was the group chosen by God, that group will only be preserved to this day because of the grace of God. In other words, if God chose the ancient Edomites or the ancient Ammonites or the ancient Moabites or the ancient Babylonians or the ancient Persians or the ancient Greeks or whoever it was, whatever the cult, ancient Chinese, ancient Indian, whatever country he chose early on in its infancy, when it was just a matter of some tribes, they would only exist today by the grace of God.

What do I mean? Once God gave them his laws and standards and commandments, they would have fallen massively short, come under divine judgment, and would only be preserved by the grace and mercy of God. That's how it is with Israel and the Jewish people. And God said in Deuteronomy 7, I didn't choose you because you were the biggest, you were the smallest. It's not because of our righteousness, it's because of his righteousness. Nonetheless, because of that unique chosenness, because of that unique election, we are singled out for unique hatred, irrational hatred worldwide. And when you talk about Jews, you talk about Israel, I just, I'll look later today at our YouTube comments, and I'm sure either me or my team will be deleting things and blocking things because they're so ugly and so vile.

It's just the way it is. It is a spiritual reality. Once your eyes are open to it, it's like, oh, that's why the whole world is so worked up about the physical state of Israel. That's why it's so intense. Why does everyone care about it?

Because it has to do with the Jews. Is this making sense to you? Is this making sense? All right, let's grab some calls, and we will start with Jack in California. Welcome to The Law and the Fire. Thanks for holding.

What's on your mind? Well, bless you, Dr. Brown. I love you, and I love your ministry.

Thank you. My question is about the term anti-Semitism. I think it is a term that goes against what we want, and that is for people to come to Christ, and here's my reason. The real term is anti-Jew, Jew hatred. It is not anti-Semitism. You know that Semite means Arabs and Jews.

But Jack, let me just ask you a question. If you look up the definition or ask how it's used worldwide, it means Jew hatred. Everyone knows what it means. No they don't. No one calls himself a Semite. They had to call themselves a Muslim. If you talk to someone on the street about anti-Semitism, they understand it means Jew hatred.

They're not looking at the origin of the word Semite. No, no, they don't know that. I'm a minister too.

I talk to people all the time. People aren't as enlightened as you think. They don't know that. People hate Jews uniquely. The term, like you brought about, assassin, and I love etymology because I love the word, because God's word and that term word is used throughout the scripture. It's important, the words we use. It's Jew hatred. The etymology of the term is one to look up. It's a new word. It has Nazi origins.

It came from Wilhelm Marr, M-A-R-R, in 1881 to obfuscate, to racialize Jewry. Got it. Right, right, so, so. I would love to say anti-Jew and Jew hatred.

Right, right. So, you're a hundred percent right in terms of the German origins, in terms of Wilhelm Marr, and that when he was speaking about Jews specifically, so it was not all Semitic peoples. So, your point is, and I appreciate it, you're saying the man on the street, my experience is different, okay? But you're saying your experience is the man on the street, when they hear anti-Semitism, they don't understand what it means and that we are hurting our cause to use it. We should just rather talk about Jew hatred. Yes.

I mean, I have hundreds of examples where I feel I could go out right now and talk to neighbors and they're not going to know it. It's anti-Jew. Jews are unique. They're the only people who have hated Israel in history. You could argue gypsies, but it's a weak argument. Only Jews.

That's what proves they're God's people. Got it. Got it. So, your point then is that not only does it communicate more clearly, but by isolating that, it helps us to expose the uniqueness of it and thereby point to the truth of the Bible, the truth of the Gospel. Hey, sir, it is a point well taken.

I'm aware of the argument. I've interacted with it to refute those who say anti-Semitism means all Semites, et cetera, but your point is that if we're going to communicate, let's communicate with greater clarity. I love it.

It is something I will actively reconsider in terms of whether I use the word or just refer to Jew hatred. Thank you. Point well taken for good reason. You got my ear. Primarily because of your own anecdotal evidence.

My life experience has been different, but maybe things are changing more than I even realize in terms of man on the street. Thank you, sir. Thank you, Pastor.

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As a new customer, 100% of your order proceeds from your first order will go to support the Line of Fire radio broadcast, 1-800-771-5584 or online at It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Again, I appreciate the call. I have to push back and ask questions to dig deeper, but I've got to do some online polling and ask if the term antisemitism is universally understood as it has been in the past, or should we even go with it at all?

I mean, I know the history, et cetera, but thank you. Thank you again for the call and for the input. 866-34-TRUTH. Come back to the phones in a moment.

I'm not going to get into this article now. I'm going to be writing more about this, so make sure you're looking at your app daily, S. Dr. Brown Ministries. Get that or make sure you're getting our emails, This way if you miss anything, at the end of the week, we're saying, here's our latest articles, here are our latest videos, here's the material we cover, and you go, oh, I'm interested in that, click on that, boom, right there. You don't have to do anything.

Just let it come in, click on what you're interested in. So, article from Janet Daley on the Telegraph, Jew hatred has become a left-wing shibboleth, and it's only getting worse. She says, such is their bigotry that activists are willing to parade in solidarity with the enemies of the rights of women and sexual minorities.

And a quick little reality check here. This is on, so Palestinian Media Watch. The Palestinian Authority, this was posted October 22nd, so just yesterday, all mosques must teach that extermination of Jews is an Islamic imperative. The genocide message was included in the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Religious Affairs instruction sheet for all preachers for this past Friday.

There's the text in Arabic, and then my, just reading modern Arabic is so slow, it's quicker for me to just look at the English, and there's the English translation, those who can read Arabic, read it for yourselves. This kind of stuff that's being taught in the quote, moderate West Bank. So, is Palestinian Authority more moderate than Hamas? Yes. Mahmoud Abbas more moderate than some Hamas leaders? Yes. Is there thorough corruption on both sides? Yes. Has Mahmoud Abbas helped the cause of the Palestinian people overall? No.

Did we pray for salvation? Yes. These are realities. Israel should be nice.

Okay, this is just the reality. I'm not justifying every Israeli policy. I'm not justifying every stance of the current Israeli government. I posted the other day calling out some idea forces in the West Bank that acted very, very wrong.

They didn't kill people, but acted in terribly wrong ways, and immediately they were moved from duty and investigation launched, because that's what Israel's going to do. All right? But this is your neighbor.

This is your neighbor calling for your death. Just understand that. Just understand that. And Palestinian Christians, of course, those are the true Christians. Many are Christians in the name only, just like around the world, they're Christians in the name only. Those are true Christians who are really caught between a rock and a hard place, and they especially need our prayers.

All right, let's go over to Aaron in South Carolina. Yeah, enlighten us. Give us your thoughts on what's going on. Yeah, have you ever thought that with all the, and like you said, the hatred towards the Jewish people, do you think that maybe through the media, the media kind of helped that, helped forward that hatred? And when I say the media, like CNN, how CNN came out a few days ago and reported that the beheaded babies couldn't be confirmed. And so when stuff like that comes out after it was put out that the so-called Hamas beheaded 40 babies, then you have the internet so people can start trying to search and find this stuff. And then you have a major media outlet like CNN that comes out and they say it can't be confirmed. I'm not saying that's where a lot of it comes from, but people start kind of questioning like, okay, well if it can't be confirmed, why was this news even put out in the first place? And I think that's where people start questioning that. And then also, I see a video resurfacing of Ron Paul on the Senate floor where, I think this was like 14 years ago, where he came out and he openly admitted that America and Israel had a hand in creating Hamas.

Let me just jump in on that latter thing. In many cases, historically, our policies, trying to stop one bad guy, you end up creating a worse guy. You could point back to, did America help the origin of the Taliban or Al-Qaeda? A lot of times you see like this CIA international movie and we're plotting to bring down the bad guys, so we got to work with this enemy because he's not as bad. But then we take out the bad guy and the enemy becomes even worse. So in terms of, did Israel knowingly, willingly create or help create this terrorist organization to slaughter their people so they could retaliate?

Certainly not. Were there any, was there any involvement? Like, hey, we want to help you to take out somebody else. You know, those kind of things probably do happen on some level with all nations around the world. And it's, it's like the evil of this world, you know? And I think that's where this is probably backfiring on Israel in a way, because from my understanding, it was, Hamas was created for, to go against Egypt. I think, it seemed like that's what I heard, but now 14 or 17 years later, it's kind of backfiring. Yeah, here's the thing, and let me say this.

Thank you for the call, sir. Number one, let me say again, Israel as a nation, as a government of leadership in no way said, hey, we're going to create this organization that's going to be Hamas and then they're going to do XYZ and then it's going to give an excuse to kill them or wipe them out or something. No, absolutely not. Were there some players within Israel that may have been involved in helping empower what became Hamas, some have speculated that. I have not looked into it sufficiently to examine, but it wouldn't surprise me because you're, you know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

So, will Saudi Arabia work together with Israel against a common enemy, Iran, or, and then maybe that gives more power to Saudi Arabia, but then they're also Islamic fundamentalists, but in a different way. And how's that play out? But as far as the media, let me make this one comment, Aaron. So yes, you want to report accurately. So you get reports from the military, the horror in one village they find 40 babies and children slaughtered and then many decapitated.

So then it was like all the, okay, so I mean, just even to talk about this, it's unimaginable, but okay, you want to report accurately. And CNN's had Jewish ownership and you know, you got Jake Tapper and others, you know, Jewish presence in the midst of it. But it's part of this larger thing, Aaron, historically, where if you'll watch, like watch the BBC reporting over a period of many years, I documented in our hands just staying with blood, the website So the word camera, but it's committee for accurate Middle Eastern reporting. So you go there and you'll say, here's the newspaper headline, here's the accurate story. And they will work to get New York Times, LA Times, BBC, different ones to reverse. Here's a textbook putting out wrong information. So it's been, it was documented years ago, sir.

And I have it in our hands just staying with blood. I summarize some of it, where it will say, Israel kills four Palestinians. That's the headline. Israel kills four Palestinians. Then, next headline, four Israelis killed in gun battle, like the next day. Well, they were killed in gun battle, was shooting each other maybe?

Was it like a Wild West shootout? Why not say the Palestinian terrorists killed four Israelis? IDF bomb kills 14 in mosque. That'd be one headline. Next headline, bomb blast in Israel kills 11. A bomb just blew up? A bomb just walked into Israel and just blew up?

So there is this extraordinary, extraordinary uneven level of reporting that has been there through history. Now I was once in, in fact, if I'm remembering, I was on my way to the Donahue show. When I was there the second time, whatever year that was, was it early 2005, six, seven, something like that. I was on with Donahue.

And I remember that was it. Palestinian cab driver said to me, the media is so anti-Palestinian and it's so unfair in its reporting. And I thought, man, I have the exact opposite perspective. But the bigger question is, why historically do the Jews get the short end of the stick? Israel gets the short end of the stick. Media reporting. Just look at world media.

Look at world sympathies. It's because of this deeper issue of Jew hatred. It's because of this phenomenon of God choosing the Jewish people for a redemptive purpose.

Let me say it again. Jews need Jesus like everybody else. Salvation is through the blood of the cross. Salvation is through the death and resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah as we repent towards God, put our faith in him. That's where salvation is found. Not in being Jewish, not observing the Torah, not in doing our best. We all fall short.

I want to say it as plainly as I can. What matters to me more than anything is seeing Jew and Gentile come to know Jesus. That matters to me more than anything. But if you'll trace it historically, as you send it to be a new torchbearer, you'll get those books free. Our hands are stained with blood and Christian antisemitism. If you're already a torchbearer and don't have them, or you're not ready to commit to being a torchbearer, just get the books. Get the books, read them. They will change your perspective. They will open your eyes. And now you can be standing on the side of truth. All right, we've got a ton of ground to cover this week. Some really important stuff going on in the world around us, and we want to equip you as we stand together on the front lines. Thanks, friends. Together, we're making a difference. We're making a difference.
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