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Why Are There So Many Christian Zionists?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
August 17, 2023 4:31 pm

Why Are There So Many Christian Zionists?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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Friends, there's a reason that more and more Christians around the world recognize that God has brought the Jewish people back to the land. Oh, and a special shout out to all my listeners in India. It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on The Line of Fire. And now, here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome, welcome to The Line of Fire on Thoroughly Jewish Thursday.

Shalom, shalom. It is great to be with you. Coming your way live from right outside of Denver, Colorado, Inglewood, Colorado. If you are anywhere in the area, I'm ministering at church on the Front Range.

Yes, right there tonight. So, a revival-oriented service. So, if you're anywhere in the area, please, by all means, come see us. Okay, we are going to have a really enjoyable broadcast today and we're going to get in the word. We're going to take a lot of your Jewish-related calls.

Here's the number to call 866-34-TRUTH, 866-347-7884. First, let me explain why I gave the shout out to all of my precious listeners in India. I hope you're smiling just as I am right now. I've had the privilege of visiting your country 28 times.

And if not for COVID, it would have been up to 30 by now. And I find the country amazing. I find the people amazing. I find the Christians there amazing. And it's been a privilege to go and serve believers there and just be of help and visit my friends.

So, I had some really interesting experiences over the years in India that tie in with Israel. But a few days ago, my office received a notice from a very dear brother, respected Christian leader, Bible teacher himself. And he wanted me to know, we had had dialogue years ago in one public setting, he wanted me to know that there were Christians in India who disagreed with my teaching that God still had ongoing purposes for the nation of Israel, that the modern state of Israel was a fulfillment of prophecy, an ongoing fulfillment of prophecy. They had sent him transcriptions of excerpts of 20 of my Line of Fire radio broadcasts. And then he, in turn, had written a response, maybe a 260, 270 page PDF, that he sent to me very graciously, full of respect and honor, and laying out his differences. Now, he fully understood that this was not me giving my fullest and best scholastic presentation. Rather, it was popular radio, so I'm not going to go into massive depth that only a few people would be able to follow.

We're trying to get maximum truth to maximum number of people in a setting like this. So he understood that, but offered to have further dialogue, etc. And then he said that our podcast was widely listened to in India. Now, we knew that already, but I just want to say that warms my heart. Even if you differ with me, if you're listening as a Christian, even a non-Christian, I'm so glad that you're listening. It absolutely warms my heart.

Or if you're watching on YouTube or Facebook, it absolutely warms my heart. And I get this automatic notice every week from a particular website, and it charts your podcast in different parts of the world. And we were the number three leading Christian podcast in Hungary last week. All our listeners in Hungary have had a great time at Faith Church there with Pastor Shondor in the past. And then I'll see a different country pop up. So I'm thrilled to have you as listeners. Thank you. It's a sacred privilege to me, and of course everyone listening in America.

Yeah, we are right here. Okay, so the issue of does God still have a future purpose for Israel and the Jewish people? For some it's like that's a no-brainer. Everybody knows that.

And others would say no. Israel's mission was fulfilled when Jesus came into the world. When he came into the world, this was the fulfillment of the promise through Abraham that through Abraham the whole world would be blessed.

Jesus came into the world. The promises through Israel to be a blessing to the world are now fulfilled. Jewish people can be saved like anyone else and have eternal life and a part in God's eternal kingdom. But there are no national promises that remain for Israel. And Israel being back in the land today, even if the Jewish people have a right to be there like anyone else has a right to be where they are, it's not a fulfillment of prophecy.

That would be the view of many. Of course I categorically differ with that, but I don't say someone's not a brother or sister if they hold that view. We just have these respectful differences. Although I believe there are consequential differences, and I believe there are differences that ultimately can affect how we look at Israel and Jewish people today.

But let me first start my first trip to India with my wife Nancy. There were five of us total, a dear couple of friends of ours for many, many years and another dear friend. She was also Jewish. So three out of the five of us in our little group were Jewish. And it struck me, I was quite surprised to be out in a rural area in India in places and some places where ours were the first white faces they had ever seen. That's how rural these areas were. And to have Christians that I met there saying, brother, we have prayed for Israel every day for the last 20 years.

Whoa, are you serious? And we celebrate the feasts and holy days in prayer for Israel and recognizing that the Jewish people back in the land was a work of the Holy Spirit because of what God had spoken in his word. And to just see that and hear that, and you think, where did they get that from?

They got it reading the Bible. It was remarkable to see. And then right towards the end, we were going to be eating at one couple's home. And the gentleman was a government worker. And so he had a nicer home and they were so excited to have us coming over for a meal, for lunch. And we find out when we get there that the wife was so excited to have welcomed Jews into her home, Jews who believed in Jesus, that she hadn't slept the whole night before. Isn't that precious? And the husband, when we get to the door, he smiles and he says, you are the second Jew to enter my home.

The first was Jesus Christ. Unforgettable. I've had amazing experiences around the world, running into people that I remember my trip to Kenya in 1989, running into a young man named Shadrach with a backpack. So I remember Shadrach with a backpack. And in the backpack, he had as many cassette tapes as he could fill and put in there. And they were tapes from a woman, a Christian woman, who is explaining from the Bible why Christians should pray for Israel, bless Israel, Israel today, fulfillment of prophecy, all those things. He had a burden to get that message out all over Kenya.

I've had amazing experiences in Mexico, in Sweden, in Finland, in Korea, in other countries. Amazing experiences where God has put this on the hearts of Christians, recognizing his purposes for Israel, recognizing his promises of restoration. Now that doesn't prove what the Bible says. It doesn't prove my position is right.

But it does raise the question, where are they getting this from? One of my students in Maryland got his bachelor's degree at what was in Messiah Biblical Institute in Maryland in the early 90s. He then went on, got a master's at Gordon-Commel, then a PhD at Cambridge University. But prior to his studies with us, he had been in Japan. He had gone to a seminary in Japan. That's where he met his wife.

The seminary was founded by a Japanese missionary who had been serving, I forget if it was China or Mongolia, but he was serving there and God spoke to him to go back to Japan and raise up a prayer movement. Number one, that the Jewish people would be brought back to their land. Number two, that Jerusalem would be the capital of Israel.

Number three, that the Jewish people would receive Jesus as Messiah. Quite remarkable. You see these things happen enough, it does get your attention. You think, well how's that happening? Or why is that happening?

Or who, pray tell, is behind that? And with all the odds against the survival of the Jewish people in history, with all the, what seems to be absolutely impossible odds against Israel's survival, the fact that the Jewish people survived, that God said he'd scatter us among the nations, did that happen? Yes. Did he say that we'd be left few in number?

Did that happen? We should have been maybe a billion and a half people by now if we were like the size of India or China. We're just as old as those nations. No, we're maybe what, 12, 13 million? So were we left few in number? Yes. Scattered around the world? Yes. Preserved in the midst of it? Yes. Brought back to the land?

Yes. And if it's God who judged us and sent us out of the land, and when he judges, no one can overthrow that. When he blesses, no one can curse. When he curses, no one can bless. When he opens the door, no one can shut it.

When he shuts the door, no one can open it. When he heals, no one can smite. When he smites, no one can heal. When he scatters, no one can regather. When he regathers, no one can scatter. Then who then brought the Jewish people back to the land?

Didn't just happen. If God scattered us in his wrath, didn't just happen. But not only so, the Scriptures weigh in on this with, to me, such clarity.

I'm not insulting those who differ, but I just want to say as clearly as these things could be stated, they're stated. Jeremiah 16, Jeremiah is constantly prophesying the Babylonian exile. It says this, verse 14, Assuredly, a time is coming, declares the Lord, when it shall no more be said as the Lord lives who brought the Israelites out of the land of Egypt, but rather as the Lord lives who brought the Israelites out of the north land, and out of all the lands to which He had banished them. Not just Babylonian exile, but out of all the lands to which He had banished them. For I will bring them back to their land, which I gave to their fathers. There's no possible way, exegetically, that you can read this and change who the they and the there are. In other words, the ones I scatter, those are the ones I'm regathering. They're descendants.

The ones I scatter, those are the ones I'm regathering. You can't say, well, he scattered the Jewish people, but it means the gathering of Christians to himself. That would be a butchering of the Bible. You say, well, it happened in history. When? When, pray tell, did this happen in history?

It never did. This full regathering, it's happening now, it's happening in front of our eyes, it's been happening for a century plus, but it never happened before that. Let me also take you to Jeremiah chapter 30. For I am with you, verse 11, declares the Lord, I will make an end of all the nations among which I have dispersed you, but I will not make an end of you. And then he says this in chapter 31, and I think this is tremendously significant for those who see the church now as spiritual Israel or taking over the promises that God gave Israel. Jeremiah 31, 10, hear the word of the Lord of nations and tell it in the isles afar. Say, he who scattered Israel will gather them and will guard them as a shepherd his flock, for the Lord will ransom Jacob, redeem him from one too strong for him. The church is never called Jacob. The church is not the new Jacob. This is Jacob who is scattered and Jacob who will be regathered. And it's been happening in front of our eyes for more than a century, exactly as God said in his word.

He would scatter and he would regather. I want to bring you to a few New Testament verses when we come back and then I'm going to quickly get to the phones. Everybody on hold, stay there because I am coming your way. This is Michael Ellison, founder of TriVita Wellness. I'm always thrilled to offer a new product from TriVita that is science supported with equivalent doses per serving that follows the science.

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Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome back friends to Thoroughly Jewish Thursday on the Line of Fire as I come your way live from Denver, Colorado. Those watching on YouTube realize from the start it is audio only. That's what happens when we are remote on the road.

I know on some stations on some days that you do not hear what airs during these breaks in terms of ads and information and things like that. So you may have missed that Nancy and I have put together a super helpful, encouraging, inspiring mini book and ebook. Can't buy it yet. It's a digital book, about 10,000 words. It's an easy read and it will get right to the point. It will stir you and encourage you and challenge you by lifestyle change, telling our own remarkable stories of lifestyle change.

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So be sure to check if you do order from TriVita. Okay a couple of New Testament texts I want to read and then we would go to your calls at 866-3-4-TRUTH. Luke writing the book of Acts explains what happened after Jesus rose from the dead, spent 40 days with the apostles speaking about the kingdom of God. On one occasion verse 4, while he was eating with them he gave them this command, Do not leave Jerusalem but wait for the gift my Father promised which you have heard me speak about for John baptized with water but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Then they gathered around him and asked him, Lord are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel? Now John Calvin, brilliant and his commentary often tremendously valuable, made the interesting observation that in his view the disciples had more errors than there were words in this sentence.

Now here is what is peculiar about it. This is John Calvin with all sincerity and brilliance and gifting looking at this passage roughly 1500 years later after it was written and roughly 1500 years after it took place. So here he is making this comment about how wrong the disciples were. Well hang on they just spent 40 days with Jesus talking about the kingdom of God. Do you think they were that blind? Do you think they were that wrong?

What happened in the gospels when they didn't get things right? He rebuked them. He said, what? You don't see? You don't get it after all this time?

I have been with you all this time. You still don't get it? Show us the Father.

You don't get it? The Father is in me, I am in the Father? Where is your faith? I mean he would constantly rebuke them and correct them. And then towards the end they started to see it more and then after he rose he opens their minds to understand the scriptures so you see that revelation now as Peter is preaching in Acts.

Wow where did he get that from? Well everything that Jesus had been pouring into him for three and a half years and then his open his mind open after the resurrection. There it is in the Word. So is it more likely that John Calvin got this wrong than that the apostles had just spent 40 days with Jesus got this wrong? Could it be because he was talking to them about the kingdom that they asked this very logical question about Israel? So they asked him, Lord are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel? He said to them, it is not for you to know the times and dates the Father has set by his own authority. He doesn't tell them it is a stupid question.

He doesn't rebuke them and notice he doesn't say God is never going to restore the kingdom to Israel. That is never going to happen. What are you thinking? I spent 40 days with you. Come on I am about to turn things over to you. What is with you guys? He doesn't say that at all. To the contrary what he is basically saying is that is a great question but don't focus on that now. That is a perfectly valid question. After all we have been talking about this for 40 days. It is a perfectly valid question. But it is not for you to know those times and dates. Not for you to know that.

Here is what you need to focus on. You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all of Judea and Samaria to the ends of the earth. He is not denying that the kingdom is going to be restored to Israel. He is not denying that the promise is going to be fulfilled. He has probably been talking about that very thing for days, for weeks. He is simply saying don't focus on that right now.

Instead put your focus on receiving the Spirit and being witnesses. Again some say Israel's role is finished. This dear brother that wrote a rebuttal to a lot of my stuff.

I have only read bits and pieces of it. But one thing he says is hey thank you Israel you fulfilled your mission. Jesus came into the world and got the message out. You are done.

No, not by a long shot. Look at what Peter preaches in Acts the third chapter. Acts chapter 3 beginning in verse 17.

Now fellow Israelites I know that you acted in ignorance as did your leaders. But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets saying that the Messiah would suffer. Repent then and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out that times of refreshing may come from the Lord. And that he may send the Messiah who has been appointed for you even Jesus. Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything as he promised long ago through his holy prophets.

So let's break this down. Jewish repentance will bring times of refreshing. Jewish repentance will bring the return of the Messiah. And when the Messiah returns God will bring to pass everything, restore everything as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. Read what the prophets wrote.

Don't take my word for it. Read all the prophetic books of the Old Testament and see what they wrote. See what they said would happen. Did they say that Israel would be scattered and regathered? Yes. Did they say that the glory of God would come to Jerusalem that Israel would turn to him? Yes. Did they say that all the nations would come streaming to Jerusalem to learn of the God of Israel?

Yes. They said all that. They predicted all that.

They prophesied all that. Even the word restore in Greek it's a noun here at the time of the restoration of all things but the verb often refers to the restoration of the Jewish people back to the land. And then Matthew 23, Matthew 23, Jesus brings seven walls against the religious leaders and closes by saying behold to Jerusalem, rebuking Jerusalem now behold your house is left to you desolate for you will not see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. In other words you will not see me again until you welcome me back as Messiah.

And where is he coming back to? What is very explicit in Acts 1 the same way you saw him go up you will see him come down. From where the Mount of Olives what does Zechariah 14 say his feet will touch on the Mount of Olives.

It's explicit. Just take the word at face value. Yes the New Testament constantly makes spiritual application of Old Testament truths.

Constantly. It doesn't deny the reality of those truths it simply makes spiritual application. Or it will take a passage about Israel being rejected by God and make spiritual application to the Gentiles who were rejected now being brought into favor.

But it doesn't deny the reality of what happened. Did Jesus come as he was prophesied? Born of a virgin yes. Born in Bethlehem yes. Did he suffer and die before the second temple was destroyed as prophesied clearly in the Hebrew Bible? Was he rejected as it was prophesied? Was he beaten violently as it was prophesied?

Did he rise from the dead as it was prophesied? All literally? Well the rest is going to happen literally as well. You can't use one Herman eudic for the Old Testament for the first coming and another entirely for the second coming.

So the word is explicit. The one who scattered Israel is regathering Israel. We should get behind this. As friends of Israel when Israel does wrong when Israel does not live up to its standards we should call Israel out we should rebuke Israel. As friends of Israel we should say we differ with this this is wrong etc. It doesn't mean that Israel gets carte blanche. Whatever Israel does we just have to genuflect and say well because Israel is back in the land we're Christian Zionists we support them.

No! Christian Zionists should be friends of justice and friends of Palestinians and friends of Israel and speak the truth. But no doubt words clear on this. Israel today is part of God's ongoing plan of restoration and the rest will happen too. Alright I'm going straight to the phones literally straight to the phones we come back.

Hey friends Dr. Michael Brown here. Do you remember when people thought I was crazy when I said it's not too late for America that God can still do something in our country that there is going to be a pushback a gospel-based moral and cultural revolution and you remember when people thought that you were crazy because you felt the same way because you believed what I was saying and already felt it in your heart well friends that pushback is here. The the gospel-based moral and cultural revolution we've been talking about for 25 years is unfolding and we are right in the thick of it and the line of fire broadcast is divinely positioned for such a time as this. Friends you would be so gratified and blessed as as as I hear if you could hear what I hear testimony after testimony as leaders young people old people moms dads students people from all backgrounds come up to me and say Dr. Brown you're providing a template for us you're providing a blueprint for us you're showing us how to do this how to have hearts of compassion backbones of steel but friends it's a joint effort we do this together and with your support we can amplify this broadcast around the nation and amplify this voice to shake the nation join our support team today become a torchbearer with a dollar or more per day here's a number to call to sign up 800-538-5275 that's 800-538-5275 or go to and become a monthly supporter click on donate monthly support I want to immediately give you two classic books Compassionate Father or Consuming Fire Who is the God of the Old Testament and Revolution which will really show you what it means to be a Jesus follower today plus you get free access to our online classes and so much more sign up today It's the Line of Fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown Welcome back to Thoroughly Jewish Thursday Michael Brown coming your way from right outside Denver Colorado we go to the phones let's start with Jessica in Homeworth Ohio welcome to the line of fire Shalom Dr. Brown Shalom I just had a question about the word pride I've had on some discussions with people say there's a good kind of pride but when I asked for a scripture they don't really have one but there are a multitude of scriptures warring against it why in the complete Jewish Bible did they use pride and proud in a good way as in Isaiah four and two in second Corinthians seven and four all right let me let me look at those references now the the Hebrew word for pride the there are a couple different words that can they're used a few different words or phrases are always negative but you can take pride in something for example Galatians 6 some translations would say that every you can take pride in your work and and that that's looked at in a in a positive way so let's just see so Isaiah chapter four verse two do you have the complete Jewish Bible in front of you otherwise I'll pull it up do you have it yes I can yep I can read both scriptures to you yeah please go ahead read that first in Hebrew yep okay Isaiah four and two says on that day Adonai's plant will be beautiful and glorious and the fruit of the land will be the pride and splendor of Israel survivors okay right so right right so actually that's a rare use of Gaon in Hebrew Gaon is the word for pride and it's almost always used in a negative sense but here it's used in a positive sense of like dignity so pride in a positive sense but that that's a very very rare usage of the Hebrew Gaon and by the way the complete Jewish Bible for the Old Testament takes the 1917 JPS translation and updates it and improves it in certain ways and even makes it a bit more Jewish like Moses becomes Moshe etc but that's yes that is what the Hebrew actually if you're translating it literally yeah the Gaon Elitif Eret and in parallel it clearly means pride in the in in the sense of something in which you can take pride or it's something in which you can boast in in a good way so it's a rare usage of Gaon in a positive way but it's it's a it's a fair translation wow yep all right let's go over to your first Corinthians 7 let me just grab that in the Greek yeah David Stern went to be with the Lord last year dear dear brother real Messianic Jewish pioneer okay go ahead okay in second Corinthians 7 4 says that I am very confident in you that I am very proud of you that you have filled me with encouragement and that in spite of all your troubles I am overflowing with joy got it I mistakenly pulled up second Corinthians first Corinthians yes so the NIV I take great pride in you okay yeah so it's it's it's just two different meanings of the word right your sense the the way you're describing pride it's always wrong I am I am proud about I am puffed up in myself I am boastful in myself I think too highly of myself that's pride but to take pride in your work that's perfectly fine or to say hey I really take pride in my kids it's just being used in a different way so you're both right in terms of the sense of pride that you mean is always negative but the word just like in English can have those meanings and it's it's rare in the Hebrew Bible but yeah just understand the idiom in terms of what it means and those are absolutely valid translations wow thank you very much you are very welcome absolutely eight six six three four truth I think we've got one line open let's go to Orlando in High Point North Carolina welcome to the line of fire good afternoon dr. Brown good afternoon yes I have questions about yesterday I tried but you were talking about end time so I just kind of used this time then use it in a Jewish way where he talks about Daniel 9 24 mm-hmm and could you explain exactly and what do you believe in I look at a completely different way that everybody teaches it and how do you look at six you give yeah give me the short version of how you look at it well short version I look at it is instead of weeks of years it's actually weeks of years of years so that will make it fifteen hundred and twenty years since the decree was given no it certainly can't mean that there's no there's no possible way you could read that into it and we know chronologically that's not what happened we know that the events unfolding here happen in in roughly this 490 year period the question is exactly you begin exactly when you end it yes so it's clearly seventy times seven not seventy times seven times seven and that that no no but I'm sorry just the last week the first thing 483 years were from the decree all the way from Messiah yes but the last week you star a big time the decree was given and then it's seven in seven years 360 days it's 1520 years no but there's there's no basis for that sir with with all respect it's consecutive in other words it's it's it's seven weeks it's 49 years it's 434 years it's seven years it's so it's it says after the 483 years after the 69 weeks so there could be a break there's a short break there between the 69th and the 70th week some Christians put it to the end of the age I don't see it like that but no it's very clear either right it's talking about the events from whenever the decree was in their various arguments as to when to date it to the Messiah's death and atonement being made to the final destruction of the temple in Jerusalem which happened in the year 70 so it's all done within that time period that's what's prophesied the the the final destruction of the temple that takes place there and within this time before the second temple is destroyed the Messiah will come will die and will make atonement for the sins of Israel so it's it's so there is I'm sorry so there is no 70 weeks yeah there are the 70th week is the last seven years during which these final things happen leading up to the destruction of the temple so we're waiting oh it happened it happened but that was 40 years from the time he left right it says after the 69th week right so he he dies at that time he he he dies makes atonement and then somewhere it says after so it doesn't tell you if it's going to be a day or week or month right so it's it's here it's roughly 40 years after that's when the the 70th week takes place is that what Ezekiel was doing when he laid down on us on the left side for 40 days no no that's unrelated that that would refer to that's unrelated no that would and I love the questions you're asking trying to dig and find that uh no that that would would tie in with the exiles and past punishments of Israel and Judah so it's it's retrospectively looking back at him bearing their guilt in exile hey thank you sir very much for the questions I do appreciate it as always 866-348-7884 and let me just say this I love what Orlando did which he sees things differently than others and he calls about it don't don't worry if I'm going to differ with you of course you can differ with me but that's fine it's not like your whole world collapses that we many things we explore we dig in I've done that over the years could it mean that no no it's interesting but no it doesn't mean that so it's great to call you don't have to think wow no one's going to be able to refute this of course you try to challenge me that's that's that's fine by the way by the way I'm going right back to the phones 866-344 truth so we get a call yesterday uh one of the ones that is is pathetically said because of the depth of deception that the person's in but one that we just smile about just you gotta be kidding me so a guy calls and he wants me to know why I haven't debated will I do a debate with so and so and this guy's got a 500-0 debate record and he claims to be whole I'm just crazy ridiculous completely ridiculous deep deep deception so uh as I'm listening I'm wondering is this the guy himself it'd be like calling why don't you debate brother Joe Smith he's the world's greatest debater he's debated 20,000 people and no one's ever been able to defeat brother Joe Smith and it's actually brother Joe Smith calling so I mean that's what happened yesterday the guy calling on behalf of the guy with the alleged 500-0 debate who claims to be Jehovah or something yeah uh anyway that was the guy himself may the Lord help him and deliver him a lot of deceived people out there all right we go over to Corey in Pittsburgh welcome to the line of fire thanks for taking my call you're welcome so I have a question about the pronunciation of the name Jehovah and the Masoretic text it's not a question of whether it's pronounced Yehova or Yahweh my question is this in some copies of the Masoretic text the name is shown according to the vowel points as being pronounced as a ho wah as other sets of the old Leningrad Codex has the name being pronounced as yeah wah so why do some Masoretic text copies differ on the vowel points of the sacred name even in the same verse what would you where would you say that there are differences the the Leningrad Codex the Leningrad Codex is the same vowel pointing as the others I've seen some copies of the scriptures or Hebrew that say their Masoretic text and every time the sacred name occurs our point so does being pronounced as ho wah then I look at other and some of them have Yeh wah they leave out the dot above the wah and I'm wondering why oh it's it if you have any copies like that's because that was understood you have to remember and people constantly on YouTube say Dr. Brown you're wrong Nehemiah Gordon says XYZ he's a good Hebrew scholar and thoroughly familiar with his his writings on this and of course I differ with him strongly based on all the evidence that I see it and lots of internal evidence is way too technical to get into on the air but we know for a fact that for for many many centuries and I'll just make one more point about your specific question but I want to address a larger issue we know for a fact that for many many centuries Jews would not pronounce the name of the war they would not pronounce it the last thing they're going to do is put the vowel points of how to pronounce it over 6,000 times in there it's the last thing to do the fact that those points are there they're telling you say Adonai but Cory that would be understood if you don't see the dot over the vav it's understood that it is there because you're told to pronounce it as Adonai it's it's simply a given hey thanks for the question are you stressed and searching for a natural way to restore balance in your life look no further 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a Hebrew Israelite leader very respected puts out very respectful videos gentleman named Dante Fortson who I don't know but his name will come up a lot people say you should interact with him etc and if you'd ever want to I'm certainly open to look into that but he put out a video about Ashkenazi Jews and DNA and I thought you know it's worthy of response it's done in a gracious way and even raises questions about why would anyone call it anti-semitic so I thought it merited a gracious response so I took some time to do that and that should be premiering right after the show on the Ask Dr. Brown YouTube channel but if you're a subscriber and then you hit the bell button you subscribe you'll be notified whenever a new video goes up or dealing with some of the culture wars or something else is happening or I'm doing a live debate you'll be notified so make sure you do that and then give a thumbs up and share with others to help get the word out to as many as possible that's what we do what we do it's not about us this is not about promoting something about us it's about the kingdom of God that's why you do what you do isn't it in terms of the gospel it's it's for the Lord it's to to bring others into the knowledge of his grace and salvation all right let's go over to Lexington, Kentucky Roxanne you are on the line of fire hey thanks for taking my call long time VISTA here um yeah I was debating with a Jewish friend of mine and he brought up Ezekiel's temple as like you know like prove that that you know against Christianity yes so it's a common objection and it's a fair objection in other words if Jesus died for the sins of the world once and for all and if he has replaced the sacrificial system why will there be a future temple Zechariah 14 the end of that chapter references sacrifices as well so why would there be future sacrifices so here's the way that I would respond to that okay so it's Ezekiel 40 through 48 here's the way that I would respond to that number one I would tell them it presents problems for Judaism as well because the dimensions of the temple do not line up with the dimensions in the Torah for the tabernacle oh okay so the first thing is this is problematic for you because you speak of the Torah being the blueprint and there's a Talmudic tradition that says that one rabbi spent like endless nights reconciling the the data but we don't have his information so that's the first thing say hey is is it would it be fair to say that you don't believe that a future temple would be in violation of what the Torah says you have to say no it's got to be according to the Torah said well it's not the dimensions don't line up so how do you reconcile that it's a problem for you that's number one number two many Christians would say it's symbolic in other words it's Ezekiel using priestly language to speak of future restoration glory worship that's not my own view but there are Christians who hold to that view a third thing you could say is that this was something that was supposed to happen when the Jewish people returned from exile but it never did because of our disobedience so first thing is it's a problem for Jewish interpreters also so let's just face that up front number two some Christians interpret it symbolically number three some would argue it was supposed to happen with the return from exile but it never did because of our disobedience you know 2,500 years ago the last view would be my own view ok so first point I would make it's problematic for traditional Jews it does speak of a definite change and you don't have an answer for that my view is that there will be a future temple after Jesus returns but it will either point back to what he did the Old Testament sacrifices pointed forward to the cross the sacrifices in the future temple would point back to it or the sacrifices are doing something very different one of my colleagues professor Richard Averbeck one of the top evangelical Old Testament scholars and Semitic scholars Sumerian scholars actually he says that the Old Testament sacrifices could never do what the cross did that they were there for outward cleansing and ritual atonement as opposed to reconciling someone to God so what the cross did is what the sacrifices never could do so if you have sacrifices in the future there's no competition and on that score he would point you to Hebrews chapter 9 and 10 so read those chapters and see how that ties in that's how I would respond okay okay thank you I've just got one quick question does the Bible say that 70 years excuse me say that again does the Bible say I had somebody at my church today she said that the Bible says I forget which we're at but that you are promised a person is promised 70 years is that true no it's not it's not a promise it's it's Psalm 90 Psalm 90 attributed to Moses where he's bemoaning the frailty of human life and he says look oh you live 70 years if you really want you live 80 years but it's not a promise yes I'll read Psalm 90 for that okay thanks so much Michael you're very welcome thanks for being a longtime listener I appreciate it yeah I've got time maybe time for two calls eight six six three four truth if you still want to get in let's go over to William in Wilmington Delaware welcome to the line of fire hi god bless thank you um I'm gonna stretch the question um in Exodus 4 24 did God try to kill Moses and how would you explain that if that's the case yeah it's it's one of the more peculiar passages in scripture in other words you think wow that's odd or why was that happening so God did not try to and fail it's not like Saul tried to kill David in in in first Samuel 20 and through javelin Adam and mist it's not like I tried and failed but he did send a messenger an angel he did seek to kill in that way in other words I'm gonna put you to death because you're in serious violation so why why did God do it he did it as a wake-up call to Moses he knew how Moses would respond he's God remember so he knew how Moses would respond but he wanted him to understand there is one essential covenant that God had made with with the seed of Abraham at that point there was one thing and one thing only that had come as the covenant which was circumcision everything else the Sabbath laws all the other Ten Commandments everything none of that had been given in terms of a covenantal command it was just circumcision and for whatever reason Moses had failed to circumcise his own sons and according to God's Word in general in Genesis 17 that if you didn't circumcise those are in circumstances would be cut off from their people so here Moses is about to go to Egypt and say let my son go or I'll kill your son this is what God's going to tell Egypt let let Israel is my son my firstborn let my son go or I'll kill your son judgment's gonna come on you if you don't let my son go and God's telling Moses you haven't circumcised your own you haven't kept the most fundamental covenantal commandment so this was a very very serious matter and Moses was going to be the deliverer of the nation and the one that had saved his people from disaster and would be the the pivotal figure for God's redemption in the entire Old Testament you don't play games with that remember when when Moses blows it in a fairly minor way he's banned from entering the Promised Land to whom much is given much is required you know Uzzah touches the ark in 2 Samuel 6 and drops dead Ananias and Sapphira lie one time in Acts 5 and drop dead the priests were told don't violate this you'll die Nadav and Avihu one transgression step over line and die so this is God's sin don't play games here Moses but because he knew Moses his heart and he knew that Moses would do the right thing it he seeks to kill him meaning he's about to bring judgment but he knows Moses is going to respond and do the right thing so it's not he tried and failed but he was going to do it but he knew Moses would respond and do the right thing which is one another reason he was chosen by God and it was a serious violation it's God's sin don't play games here don't play games it it just gave me an analogy here William it's it's not meant to be precise but it's almost like you're you're driving and you're not paying attention you know you're looking down and texting and you're almost getting an axe oh almost got in an accident oh I'm sorry if I scared some of you driving with my but I'm trying to be dramatic uh maybe the little baby started crying sorry sorry moms I didn't mean to do that but you're shocked it's oh I didn't see that okay I gotta be more care I better be more careful so this is God telling Moses don't play games especially with something that serious thank you sir for the question all right I am obviously out of time for taking calls but maybe encourage all of you to join me over on YouTube should be shortly after the show ask Dr. Brown YouTube channel ASKDearBrown you say oh but I'm busy now don't worry videos gonna premiere it's the live premiere and then afterwards it will be there on our YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure and if you follow me on Twitter on Facebook we'll post a link telling you hey it's up check it out and Mr. Fortson if you do get a chance to watch it I welcome your response privately publicly we can have some friendly dialogue may the Lord be glorified from each of you may Jesus Yeshua be highly exalted may you bear much fruit for him together we're making a difference your program powered by the truth network
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