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Atonement through Messiah’s Blood

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
October 6, 2022 4:32 pm

Atonement through Messiah’s Blood

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. So we just finished Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

What does it mean to have full atonement through the blood of Yeshua, the Messiah? It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on The Line of Fire. And now, here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown.

Thanks friends for joining us on The Line of Fire. Michael Brown, delighted to be with you on this thoroughly Jewish Thursday. 866-34-TRUTH is the number to call. 866-348-7884.

That's the number to call. Any Jewish related question you have of any kind will be glad to take your call. You may agree with me, excuse me, you may disagree, but we'll be delighted to take your call as long as it's Jewish related, alright?

866-34-TRUTH. A reminder to visit our Real Messiah website. You will find this tremendously helpful. You can watch debates I've had with rabbis.

You can see a whole series that we have put out demolishing the misinformation of Counter Missionary Rabbi Tovias Singer. You can look for your most common questions, biblical, theological, other questions like that and get them all answered. So you'll get a lot of really, really helpful material for you there at or just go to and you click on our Jewish material there. It's free.

There's a ton of healthy resources waiting for you there that will answer so many of the questions that you have and it's our delight to get them out to the widest possible audience. Alright, so Yom Kippur is just finished now on the traditional Jewish calendar and it is a time of Jewish people in synagogues fasting for 24 hours, praying for many hours, confessing sins, corporately. And it's a time when even non-religious Jews will often go to the synagogue.

It'll often be a time of fasting for them even though they're not in synagogue, they're not religious the rest of the time. So it's a time of sobriety. It's a time of soul searching. It's a time when religious Jews give themselves to repentance even more deeply. And it's a great time for those of us who know the Messiah and have received forgiveness through him to be praying for our Jewish friends that God would open their hearts, their minds to forgiveness through the Messiah's blood.

Now let me be as plain and straight as I can be. Because I believe that salvation comes through the Messiah alone, that outside of him we all fall short, that outside of him our sins cannot be adequately paid for, that outside of him on our best day we still fall short of God's holiness and justice. Therefore, I believe that Jews and Gentiles who have rejected Yeshua are lost, that they are under God's judgment and lost. And therefore, I will say to all of them, you need God's mercy through the Messiah.

You need to turn from your sin and repentance and receive forgiveness through him. At the same time, I am not any individual's judge. God alone is the judge. I do not sit on the judgment throne.

I do not decide who gets in and who gets out. ...related question of any kind. It can be about the modern state of Israel, it can be about rabbinic literature, it can be about the Hebrew Bible, it can be about messianic prophecy. As long as it's Jewish related, dealing with anti-Semitic issues, 866-348-7884.

That is the number to call as we broadcast again from our Dallas studio at Christ for the nations. We will talk a little bit about the war in Ukraine once again, heavy on all of our hearts when you have this human suffering right in front of your eyes and you think of the unimaginable hell that people are living through and all for what? On every level it seems to be unnecessary and unprovoked. We will talk about that as it intersects with Israel and the Jewish people. But I want to focus on a different area first, that of counter-missionary misrepresentation and lies. I have worked with, interacted with rabbis for years who are men of integrity, who seek to be honest, who seek to be careful in what they communicate. Obviously we have very deep and profound differences and some of them are known as counter-missionary rabbis and I am not speaking about them. I'm not speaking in generalized terms but in specific terms about others that we have called out and exposed before like Rabbi Tovia Singer or some others that we'll mention today. And I fully get it.

I totally get it. As a Jewish believer in Jesus, as one who has written extensively on the history of anti-Semitism in the church, as one who understands the perception especially in traditional Jewish circles that Christians or Christianity is directly responsible for the Holocaust, I understand the mentality that even says Hitler wanted our bodies but you want our souls. I understand how deeply there can be a rejection of Jesus at least as he's understood by these traditional Jews. I fully get it that someone like me I'm looked at as an apostate of the worst kind. They would say I'm a tinok shenishbe, a child that was born in captivity meaning I didn't grow up in a traditional Jewish home. Therefore, I was more easily picked off. I didn't have the right upbringing. That's their perception.

So I'm not as culpable as someone that was a traditional Jew that then became a follower of Yeshua. So I get it. I understand the opposition. I understand the hatred. I understand the concern.

I understand the fear. What I'm drawing attention to is when counter missionary organizations and people like Rabbi Singer will bring these exaggerated and ridiculous charges that then, oh these evil missionaries, oh what are they trying to do next? For example, when God TV was going to be broadcasting on an Israeli cable channel, this was going to be the first ever Hebrew gospel station within Israel, TV network within Israel. Sid Roth owns Middle East TV, which broadcasts on cable in Israel, and there's content in English with Hebrew subtitles and things like this. But this was going to be fully in Hebrew and Israelis reaching Israelis from within Israel.

It's going to be a first. And Ward Simpson, one of my dear colleagues, made an announcement that we're going to reach everyone in Israel. We want to reach all X number of millions in Israel. Now he was not thinking as he said that, well, wait a second, a certain amount are under age here, because they weren't targeting kids.

None of the programming is targeting kids. None of the programming that was on the station is now on shalano TV on the internet, because under government pressure and pressure from counter missionaries, that station had to drop the contract that they had with God TV. And Ward felt, hey, we love Israel. We don't want to start a fight, make Israel look bad, so we'll just back off, and we'll go digital only, which they've done, and it's reaching Israelis, thank God. But Rabbi Singer posted, look, they're going after children, because he said all the people, he was told in Genesis, we want to reach everybody in Israel.

Men, women, we want to reach Arab, Jew, we want to reach everybody we can reach in Israel. He wasn't talking about kids, and there's no children's programming on it. And Israeli believers in the land know full well that you're not allowed to proselytize a minor.

If you want to invite a minor to a youth event, you have to get a minor to a youth event, you get that minor to get parental position, permission. Otherwise, they don't come. All right, so that's fully understood, fully understood. Rabbi Singer makes it like, they're coming for your children. And then what do you hear? They target the elderly, they target the Holocaust survivors, which of course is 100% false. We reach out to whoever we can reach out to. And we don't ignore an elderly person. We don't ignore a Holocaust survivor. Oh, because you're a Holocaust survivor, and you're an atheist now, but because you're a Holocaust survivor, we shouldn't share the good news with you.

What? Oh, because you're elderly, and there's no one to visit you or help you with your budget and food, we should ignore you and let you suffer. No, we'll reach everyone. But the idea we target the other target Holocaust survivors, it's complete nonsense.

This is a world I live in. I know all the major Jewish outreach organizations, virtually all of them around the world. I work with many of them closely.

Nobody is taught we're going to target the elderly, target the vulnerable, target the children. So now, you have these stories as Ukrainian Jews are fleeing Ukraine. So there are ministries that I work with, and the whole thing they do is humanitarian help. That's the whole thing they do. They help in the humanitarian way. They raise funds to help needy Jews in the land and unneedy to be Arab Christians in the land.

They do their best. That's why there are some Jewish traditions, there are some Jewish traditions that state that in the world to come, the only offerings that will exist will be Thanksgiving offerings. Yeah, so it's a very, very interesting concept. For sure, we believe that God writes his law on our hearts as followers of Jesus. So we receive a new nature through the new birth, and through that new nature, it is now natural for us to do what's right. We now hate what is evil. We now love what is good.

But we're in a transition age. The new covenant has been inaugurated, but it's not been fully realized. So we experience this change. We experience this forgiveness. We know what it is to have the guilt removed supernaturally. How many of that did it happen to you when you were born again? That the burden of guilt you had been under, that sense of not being in the right relationship with God, it disappeared. It was gone. And not gone in a way that, okay, a month later you have to do it again, and a year later you have to do it again. No, it was gone in your right relationship with God.

The forgiveness we receive now is forgiveness we receive in an ongoing way in our relationship with the Lord. The analogy of John 13 with Jesus is that it's like going to bathe yourself in the river, in the public bathhouse, because you didn't have, you know, showers and baths in your own home with running water. So you go there, you bathe, and then you walk home with your sandals or barefoot. When you get home, your feet are dirty. You don't need to go bathe all again, because you've already been cleansed, but your feet are dirty. So you wash your feet. You have a bucket of water to wash your feet, or a slave would wash your feet. So in the same way, when we are forgiven, it is a once and for all forgiveness we receive through the Messiah, and it changes our very conscience, conscience and consciousness in terms of our relationship with God. It is transformed.

That's what happens. But as we walk in this role, our feet still get dirty, so we come for cleansing. But there is a once and for all atonement we have received, and with it a desire to serve God that wasn't there before, a nature that wants to honor God that wasn't there before, a power to say no to sin that wasn't there before. That's the reality of the New Covenant, but we are in the stages where it is still in transition until all of Israel comes into this, and we see the fullness of what was promised. All right, we're gonna get into Hebrews 9.

When we come back, you can call 866-348-7884. Any Jewish-related questions, we warmly welcome. Dr. Michael Brown.

Michael Brown, delighted to be with you. 866-348-7884. Any Jewish-related question of any kind, phone lines are open and it's my joy to take your call. All right, I want to get into Hebrews 9 now, all right? Hebrews chapter 9, and we don't know who wrote Hebrews. Origen in the 2nd century said God knows, so that early in the church, even though it was accepted and revered, there was debate as to who wrote it.

And Paul, Luke, Apollos, all kinds of different theorists to this day. But we don't know. You say, what's your opinion? I have no opinion on it. If people who have studied this for decades and who know the Greek of Hebrews like the back of their hand and have looked at all the arguments, they're not sure. Number one, I don't have an opinion on it. Number two, my opinion would not be worth anything. Now, if I felt the Lord gave me some insight that I could then prove academically, and it's one thing, but nope. So I don't know who wrote it. All right, so Hebrews 9-1 says this, now even the first covenant had regulations for worship and an earthly place of holiness.

Excuse me, I've been just, if we can grab the callers coming in, Truth, just seeing that on my screen here, that would be awesome. So, it says this, now even the first covenant had regulations for worship and an earthly place of holiness. For a tent was prepared, the first section in which were the lampstand and the table and the bread of the presence. It was called the holy place. Beyond the second curtain was the second section called the most holy place having the golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant covered on all sides with gold and which was a golden urn holding the manna and Aaron's staff that budded and the tablets of the covenant. Above it were the cherubim of glory overshowed in the mercy seat of these things we cannot speak now in detail.

These preparations have thus been made, having thus been made, the priests go regularly into the first section performing their ritual duties. But into the second only the high priest goes and he but once a year and not without blood. So look at this, there's a major point that we should get from this, all right?

Not without taking blood which he offers for himself and for the unintentional sins of the people. Now, what's the point of this? By this the Holy Spirit indicates that the way into the holy places is not yet opened as long as the first section is standing. So let me just step back from this for a moment and say this, that the writer of Hebrews is saying as long as you had this system where you had this holy place and you couldn't go in, in the most holy place you can go in without blood. So the Holy Spirit's giving a message through this, that this access to the holiest presence of God has not yet been opened.

It is every year something that's being preached and proclaimed. Hey, let me just deal with one little technical issue to our truth team. It seems that we are not getting our phone calls answered. We've got a bunch of people on hold that are not getting their calls answered.

I'm not sure what happened so I apologize. We are asking to call. I see all the lines ringing and people on hold but I don't see anyone taking the calls. So if you hear my voice on the phone there just stay there.

I have no clue what happened. Never had this happen in 13, 14 years of radio but we'll get this sorted out and we will get to your calls shortly. So my apologies. I hate to distract you with that but I'm looking at my screen and thinking okay nobody's there answering your calls and telling me what's happening so either something's wrong with my screen or something's wrong in our studio. So my apologies. If you hear me on hold stay there and we will get to you shortly. Anyway, mystery of mysteries.

Let me continue. So by this the Holy Spirit indicates that the way into the holy places is not yet opened as long as the first section is still standing which is symbolic for the present age. According to this arrangement gifts and sacrifices are offered that cannot perfect the conscience of the worshiper but deal only with food and drink and various washings regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation. So what it's ultimately saying is this that even though you go through the rituals and they did affect your standing with God it was under Torah law it couldn't transform you on the inside.

It couldn't deal ultimately with your conscience and still you have this intermediary that can go into the holiest place of all but you can't get in there. All right so it's a fascinating picture that's being painted here. Now here's the contrast. So for my traditional Jewish friends listening here's the contrast. But when Messiah appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come or that are coming there are different readings there then through the greater and more perfect tent not made with hands that is not of this creation he entered once and for all into the holy place not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood thus securing an eternal redemption. So there is a difference between the blood of an animal and the blood of the Messiah. The blood of the animal ultimately pointed towards the blood of the Messiah. For if the blood of goats and bulls for if the blood of goats and bulls and the sprinkling of defiled persons with the ashes of a heifer sanctified for the purification of the flesh so this was a ritual to cleanse you outwardly how much more will the blood of Messiah who through the eternal spirit offered himself without blemish to God purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God that something happens to our inner being through what the Messiah did. Now it continues therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance. Verse 23, thus it was necessary for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these rights but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these for Messiah has entered not into holy places made with hands which are copies of the true things but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf nor was it to offer himself repeatedly as the high priest enters the holy places every year with blood not his own for when he would have had then he would have had to suffer repeatedly since the foundation of the world but as it is he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself and just as is it appointed for man to die once and after that comes judgment so Messiah having been offered once to bear the sins of many will appear a second time not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him. We're going to continue into the 10th chapter for since the law has been a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities it can never by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year make perfect make perfect those who draw near otherwise would they not have ceased to be offered since the worshippers having once been cleansed would no longer have any consciousness of sins but in these sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year for it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins so what's the point here that the the blood sacrifices the atonement system under under the law had its purpose had its place for national Israel and for individual Israelites but it could not do what the Messiah has done so when I come to God for forgiveness I come as a person who is already saved and forgiven and in right relationship with God through the cross meaning I'm not getting saved over and over again I do not need an annual day of atonement for me individually or for the body of Messiah corporately we do not need that because we have received once for all atonement we could potentially reject that walk away from it and deny him and forfeit that grace but as his followers when we fall short it's not save me from my sin again it's not grant me atonement again no it's as people who have been washed head to toe who have been forgiven who have been declared righteous by God saying father forgive me I sinned Lord I was harassed her that person Lord I thought I thought that was wrong Lord I let you down I gave way to fear and I didn't witness forgive me cleanse me it is the loving conviction of the spirit to someone who is already declared righteous by God it is not the forgiveness of salvation it is relational forgiveness in our ongoing walk with him and that happens through the day and that's part of our cleansing and washing but it is as people whose names are already written in the Lamb's Book of Life as people who know if we die we'd be with him forever as people who have that deep assurance to the point that you can go to Christian funerals and find a hope there that you won't find in other places especially with an older believer who's lived his or her life out even rejoicing and celebration because of the reality of this assurance that we have not because of what we've done but because of what Messiah has done all right we come back we will go to your calls eight six six three four eight seven eight eight four the number to call have you signed up for the Israel tour yet have you there's still seats available but don't know how long there'll be seats available now's the time to get online sign up so go to for information we'll be right back it's the line of fire with your host dr michael brown get on the line of fire by calling eight six six three four truth here again is dr michael brown thanks friends for joining us on the line of fire this thoroughly Jewish Thursday you've got a Jewish related question I apologize to those who were calling in and not getting through not getting through I'm still not sure what exactly happened but glad that at least we are have fixed the problem so feel free to call and if you tried to call before and your call did not get answered eight six six three four eight seven eight eight four so as it's Jewish related it's good for today I'm gonna make it an exception this is not a Jewish related question but I'm gonna make an exception you'll see why in a moment uh Rachel and Rachel's gone all right I was ready to answer Rachel's question so I'm gonna tell you what her question was uh question was this why do I have demonic music playing at the beginning of my segments in other words skill it it's because it's not demonic music it's because it is music by a godly band that loves the Lord led by John Cooper who has been an unflinching witness for Jesus in the public stage for many years and has become really a prophetic voice in many ways speaking the truth to the nation and even in this they travel worldwide without flinching without compromise John and I have become very good friends we're often in contact it can be you know multiple texts in a week back and forth on different things John's devoured a number of the books that I've written I've been on his podcast and we've talked very very candidly actually a couple times been on and it's just a matter of me scheduling I wanted to get all of skill out on at the same time just do something unique on the broadcast because of our friendship and every new book I write I send one copy to John and his wife Corey and then one copy to Seth and one copy to Jen so that latest books I'm putting their hands so I believe in them what they're doing the message they're putting out and I recognize their different styles of music I fully recognize that and in some of our ears some music may sound hard or harsh or demonic or wrong a lot of that is really cultural a lot of its cultural let me give you an example so I've been to India now 27 trips 27 times to India God willing going 28th time in December and the very first time going there my wife Nancy and I with three friends so ministry colleagues and a friend so we travel over there and from leaving our home to getting to the final destination I think it's about 44 hours and I've only gone to the entire trip and everything about it but but uh it it was it was a long journey now I'd only known Yesupadam a little bit now we're dear close friends he's one of my closest friends on the planet and has been for years and the truest Christian that I know on the planet in terms of seeing his life and seeing how he's conducted himself in the ministry and what they've done and how God's blessed it in such an extraordinary way so we only knew him a little at that time he'd come to see me in Maryland he'd read some of my books he had been part of a prayer meeting while I was out of town and prayed for hours with folks they they really vouched for his heart I felt good meeting with him his heart for the Lord his heart for revival but I didn't know him well so we go over there after all the travel we finally get to the first meeting and it's under tent it's raining and and we listen to the music and oh no it's demonic it's like the type of stuff you hear and I mean it sounds like Hindu stuff it was and that's it I looked at each other we thought oh this poor guy Yesupadam he's trying probably trying to do outreach but he just doesn't you know know that you don't blend this stuff you don't bring in the demonic stuff now Nancy's very discerning she didn't say like God told her but we just both thought the same thing same thing this is demonic there's nothing demonic about it there's nothing Hindu about it it was Indian music but to our ears the only association with it was Hinduism and eastern religion and and those types of sounds that accompanied it but in fact it was just Indian music and because so many Indians are Hindus that's what the Hindu music sounds like because it's Indian music but that's also what the Christian music sounded like because they were Indian Christians but to me I thought oh no it's demonic we're gonna have to overcome this soon actually when we heard some of the words they were whoa that's what you're singing that's glorious that's beautiful that's incredible wow that's powerful we had no idea so the same way we may hear certain sounds that's demonic a lot of it's cultural and knowing Skillet knowing John Cooper knowing the message they put out it's it's in harmony with that message that we have it on the radio every day and I really felt the Lord dropped that in my heart as we were praying about new music and a new intro we've been planning on doing that for some time and we're getting a few of the things in order our completely revamped studio I'm on the road now in Fort Worth from our studio here at Mercy Culture but our home studio we were completely revamping and I as I was praying and thinking that song came to mind and I thought started here ended here and then when we read the introductions like it fit perfectly fit like a glove and then the Lord really arranged it so I'm blessed and privileged to have it on and we hear from lots of people who love Skillet I mean they've had several billion downloads of their material online that they're popular and have been a life a lifeline for many with their message so good song good message good people but if it's not your style fine just don't call it demonic that would be that'd be wrong all right uh with that let us go to uh Solomon in Iowa welcome to the line of fire thanks for calling yes uh the Dr. Mike how are you I'm doing very well thanks thank you yeah you are actually a reason for me to go back to from uh being uh I I'm from America actually oh really yeah and uh I was lost uh I don't know uh from my childhood there was a problem in uh uh I I don't know if it was uh somebody or triggered or if it was me I don't think it was it could be me I I don't know I couldn't say either way but I was uh in the last strong last and uh it's been part of me for ages I didn't know I it starts away back to my childhood so there was in my conscious I never thought I was doing wrong I thought it was my nature wow and uh so I live with that in my life and uh and other parts I was uh I'm thankful to god that I had a good family that I wasn't I was okay a person has a person I wasn't they had a good discipline on me but that part I I thought it was part of me and uh I lived that with my life and uh then I I met somebody I encountered somebody in my life and and I believed him it wasn't intentional but it now when I look it back it looks like I worshiped him so things change in my life I become like him and I thought he was a good person and that hey just one question I I hate yeah I hate to interrupt I know there was a question that you had wanted to ask me so I know your story's very interesting here but yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go to the juice part if there's some juice makes me doubt distress is not the messiah I mean the reasoning you bring I I really uh I've been not uh misinformed the lay I mean are they misinformed or are they intentionally relating this because of what happened to them in the name of christianity is it more of not because of being a victim of the christianity I mean it's not right so as far as yeah as far as jews not believing in jesus church history has played a negative part for sure of course yeah when the church mistreated jewish people persecuted jewish people discriminated against jewish people uh in the most extreme cases offered them baptism or death of course that has driven jews away from jesus why should they believe in a religion like that or a person like that but the truth be told before there was such a thing as church history when yeshua was on the earth himself the messiah that the the nation as a whole the leadership rejected him many jews individually followed him but the national leadership rejected him this has been a pattern through our history unfortunately I mean think of moses gives the 10 commandments right on mount sinai goes up to be with the lord for 40 days before he comes down the nation has turned to idol worship before he comes and that entire generation 20 years old and more aside from joshua and caleb they all died in the wilderness and then when you go through jewish history so they serve the lord through joshua and the elders there and then fall away again and then god raises up a king the first king is no good by the time you get to the the fourth king so saul david solomon ria bomb the the nation split then the 10 northern tribes go into exile and are scattered around the world and then southern tribes go into exile temple destroyed then brought back then temple rebuilt and then reject the messiah then then temple destroyed people scattered so we've been rejecting god and his servants the prophets and his laws for centuries unfortunately so it was it was no surprise that we rejected the messiah and the prophetic passages like isaiah 49 and isaiah 50 and isaiah 53 indicated that the messiah would the messiah would be rejected by his own people and yet become a light to the world so once you reject him and now you have a complete system built without him and now that the the those that follow him get detached from their jewish roots become more and more foreign to jewish things and then the the religion of christendom becomes destructive to jewish people in certain ways it's understandable why they don't believe but the actual objections as you know they all have answers we've answered them others have answered them for years and years and years you can go to all the main objections that jews raise against jesus being the messiah go to our real messiah website real and you'll get all the major ones answered right there and then we have five volumes of material that answer in in greater depth so all the objections have been answered uh they're just things that have built up over the years is to watch you start to leave yeah the other parts are actually they i don't know for example they say the whole world would believe in god so nobody did the way jesus did humanity to god so that is i don't know it's the contradiction i don't know what they they can't see it that way i mean that's uh fully happened so the only thing that i want to know is what the messiah supposed to be god yes so yes so we'll answer that on the other side of the break and get to some more questions 866 343 it's the line of fire with your host dr michael brown get on the line of fire by calling eight six six three four truth here again is dr michael brown is the one who brings peace in the heavens will bring peace upon us eight six six three four truth with your jewish-related calls this is michael brown so solomon your last question was the messiah expected to be god i don't believe that that was an overt expectation that was clearly laid out in the hebrew bible there were hints at it there were suggestions but what does that even mean the messiah's god does that mean he's the father does that mean he's the father the son of the spirit if the messiah is god does that mean that god is no longer in heaven so even when when jesus was on the earth he didn't just walk around saying i'm god because it's easily misunderstood he's the word made flesh the the sun takes on human form and i can find support for that in the hebrew bible i can find examples of god walking among us like genesis 18 while still remaining god eternal in heaven or i can point to isaiah nine six in hebrew nine excuse me nine six in english nine five in hebrew that that speaks of the the messianic king being eligible or mighty god or i can go to psalm 45 seven where it says he's speaking about the king who here is the type of the messiah who is then anointed by god so this this is what we get in the fullness of time this revelation so can i show it from the hebrew scriptures yes was this a major expectation no because it would be misunderstood i would just say this though isaiah 59 20 and the redeemer will come to zion the redeemer will come to zion that many rabbinic interpreters understand that the redeemer is the messiah and yet if you will go through the book of isaiah the redeemer is always god so it's very interesting that in that passage that there is a specific reference to the redeemer coming and rabbinic interpretation largely seeing this as referring to the messiah all right back to the phones with gilbert welcome to the line of fire yes how you doing uh mike all right yes i'm from richmond virginia and um i listen to your radio show quite a bit and um i i guess my question is i guess i just um asked about the sabbath the seven-day sabbath and um i guess i'm a sabbath keeper but i'm not you know necessarily uh seven days seven-day extensive got it so excuse me one second folks i apologize i've been dealing with allergies for a couple of days and suddenly um i'm struggling with my voice here so gilbert go to my website and type in sabbath truth if you could rev up a backup program just because for the first time in all these years of broadcasting there i'm dealing with my allergies it has got me coughing and rather than folks listening to a few more minutes of coughing if you could put up a backup show and begin to run it i am going to fade out in a moment and for those watching on live stream my profound apologies but hey uh whatever happened we'll be back to normal momentarily and with that gilbert my apologies go to type in sabbath i've talked about this a lot you'll find some very helpful teaching i profoundly apologize for the weakness well hang on hang on we're making a comeback right is this is this something positive or what my voice is making a comeback so look we'll go a little a little bit longer so gilbert i do not believe that seventh-day sabbath keeping is mandatory in the new testament i do not believe that seventh-day sabbath keeping is a mandatory commandment in the seventh in the seventh in the new covenant i believe you are free to do it i believe that the sabbath was not officially changed by jesus from the seventh day to the eighth day meaning the first day of the week that did become a widespread tradition in the church to celebrate his resurrection on the day of his resurrection early in the morning or later in the day on a sunday and then over a period of time the church shifted things centuries later and said officially that the sabbath is not sunday but that's not in the bible if you're part of that church tradition and you respect that fine but it's not in the bible all right to say it's mandatory though that gentile christians observe the seventh-day sabbath that is not scriptural either that is not scriptural nowhere is that laid out as a command so you are free to do it you're free to do it but but it is not a new testament command so that's my answer but take a moment and go to ask dr brown dot org s dr brown dot org click in sabbath hey thank you so much for the call all right i have not been entirely sure if i was just uh dealing with some allergies the last few days i used to get really bad hay fever and i used to be so sensitive to pollen that if i ate an apple i actually had an allergic reaction i remember i was in italy one time and they were just giving out apples to folks and you get a lot of fresh produce in italy and they gave me one and i started eating it next thing i had a breakout you know allergic break i don't mean anything severe but i mean the watery eyes i mean the sneezing i mean the scratchy throat i thought what the world that just happened with an apple well sometime after that got online and read it's like oh apples with pollen and so on it can it can happen now i eat probably on average three apples a day so it's it's all gone away for years and most of the hay fever has gone away i remember though nancy wanted to test she didn't think it would have an effect and so she insisted on testing and i said all right all right fine so i ate a small piece of an apple and minutes later i'm having the allergic reactions thanks a lot hug i appreciate that but um it can be every so often in spring or in the fall if if hay fever is bad or pollen's bad i'll get a little affected so i didn't know if it was that or if i was just fighting off a little bit of a cold coming back from overseas but whatever happened that produced that momentary crisis it was no big deal it's just miserable for all of you on radio and normally i would not do what i did and just reach down and get a glass of water on the stream but hey this is this is reality so for those of you that just felt to pray for me thank you but there's no big deal there's nothing urgent and we will just be very vigilant to make sure we have clear voice especially tomorrow because i teach two hours in the morning and then do radio and then preach at night and then two more times on saturday than once on sunday and then schedule let's see to teach monday morning do radio monday afternoon do a staff q a at christ for the nations after that teach tuesday morning then record a tv show tuesday afternoon and teach wednesday morning and do radio and fly home so i get to rest my voice in between things but appreciate your patience and i so apologize for marring a radio broadcast with coughing and things like that do my best to make sure that doesn't happen but clearly we didn't have to cut out and substitute other music all right so a couple of couple closing thoughts do you know as we started talking about atonement do you know that your sins are forgiven do you know that if you die right now you go into god's presence you can know you say but but am i going to be perfect you're not going to be perfect and and salvation is not a license to sin i just posted what aw tosa said i it's a quote i'd come up with on my own as well but but that that the gospel gives us freedom from sin not freedom to sin we're safe from sin to holiness forgiveness comes with a separation from sin so that we now live for god but we're not perfect in this world but our heart is now set to please and honor god you can know for sure that your sins have been forgiven i live knowing 24 7 that i'm loved by god and that i am his son that if i was to die at this moment i would go straight into his presence and that my sins are forgiven even though i know that at my best moment i still fall short of his perfection and glory at my best at my best moment i i still need grace and that every day there is cleansing going on that i'm not even aware of that i'm being cleansed and washed afresh but i know that i know that i have received that once for all atonement that the guilt has been removed it is not something i'm longing for waiting for excuse me i'm longing for the fullness i'm longing for the the everything of the redemption when suffering will cease on this world in this world when we will come into a place of face-to-face fellowship with god when we never sin again i long for that but i rejoice in what i have already received you can receive it too if you'll cry out to god if you'll acknowledge your sin if you'll acknowledge your guilt take full responsibility and ask him to wash you clean to give you a new heart and put your faith in the one who died for you confess that you believe he died for you and rose from the dead if you'll truly cry out god will meet you right now you can let us know and ask dr brown another program powered by the truth network
Whisper: medium.en / 2022-12-25 14:03:29 / 2022-12-25 14:20:29 / 17

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