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Psalms 119:174 Longing For Jesus

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
May 2, 2022 10:45 am

Psalms 119:174 Longing For Jesus

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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May 2, 2022 10:45 am

Psalms 119:174 I have longed for thy salvation, O LORD; and thy law is my delight.

The fear of the Lord anointing for the TV section is a delight on so many levels - a story along those lines

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This is the Truth Network. I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord, and thy law is my delight. And so, just beautifully, we see this, both concepts used throughout the 119 Psalm time and time and time again. And here we come in for a landing in the Psalm itself, and the Psalmist says, I've longed. And that word, longed, is only used twice that I can see in the Bible. And in both times, they're in the 119 Psalm, where we talked about it back when he longed for thy precepts.

In the hay section, where it said, Behold, I have longed for thy precepts. Here we get into the tov section, and it says that he's longed for the salvation. Well, again, the word salvation in Hebrew is exactly the same as Jesus, which I think is absolutely amazing, that naturally, there at the end, we're longing for thy salvation. I mean, here's what we're longing for, and we're longing for Jesus.

It is exactly what we're doing in so many different ways, as that is where our hope actually lies. And then he moves on to, O Lord, and says that thy law is my delight. And, you know, again, throughout the Psalm, we could see, you know, let my soul live, that, you know, I would delight in thy law. In so many different times, he wanted to delight in thy law. And here, as we receive salvation, obviously, we're delighting in Jesus, because delight in the law is the same thing as delighting in Jesus, because he is the Word, and the Word is God, and in so many different ways. So the question that obviously this begs is, how does this play out in your life?

How does it play out in my life? And so, you know, one of the things that I really, really love doing, like every spring and every fall, we have boot camps for the masculine journey. And guys come from all over the country. We usually have groups of about 35 or 40, and we spend the weekend chasing after God. And often, well, it is sort of my role to give some of those talks. And it's absolutely amazing to me that what we're really looking for in so many different ways, we're looking for Jesus, and with Jesus comes salvation. And often I don't know exactly where God wants to go in one of these talks. And so as I'm longing, longing, longing, when I get up the morning before I do the talk, I'm asking, you know, God, show me where we're going today with this. Show me how we can bring people into a closer relationship with you ultimately for our salvation. Whether that's we were saved, you know, you know, when we were six or we got saved yesterday, we still need that salvation. It's kind of like this continual thing.

And we need to delight in my law even more. And so this particular last boot camp we had, I got up that morning with that same thing that I would always do, you know, praying, God, show me, show me, show me. And he reminded me of the passage, you know, in Matthew 20 about the blind beggars that were standing there from the road of Jericho.

And the idea of that he gave me immediately was, you know, what would stop Superman? Because as guys coming in, I was speaking the very first night and it was the talk was called Core Desires. But as guys come in that first night, they're overwhelmed. They don't they know they want to see God. They want to chase after God this weekend. But what those blind beggars were asked by Jesus is kind of a critical question. We all get asked, you know, what would you have me do for you is what Jesus said in spite of the fact that they were sitting there, you know, blind. It would seem like that would obvious. But such is the case that that Jesus wants to know what you actually want from him. And, you know, that first night people are like at a smorgasbord. Do I want, you know, Jesus to come after my relationship with my wife?

Am I looking where, you know, I'm supposed to go with my career path or am I supposed to be talking about, you know, where are we going, God? And so having him realize that that these blind beggars were needy out loud. In other words, like Jesus, son of David, you know, and and the people even rebuked him. You might remember, you know, shut up, you blind beggars. And yet they continued to cry out because they were needy out loud and they were needy out loud to Jesus. And they were ended up being needy out loud very specifically.

What would you have me do for you? And so that night Jesus put it on my heart to go down on my knees and ask people to listen and let Jesus answer that question for them. In other words, I want Jesus to give everyone a word of exactly what he wants to work on this weekend.

So that they would listen. And as I went down on my knees that night and I prayed, oh, there were so many men that heard a very specific word. And then I got to see the fruit of that throughout the weekend, which brings salvation and different circumstances all over the place. And so, you know, that morning, as I got ready to do that talk, you know, to say that I was delighting in his law, because that story in Matthew of the blind beggars is just absolutely my delight. And at the end of the story, you know, we'll know what Jesus was guiding us in, in salvation, you know, for today or for tomorrow. We have an opportunity every single day, in my opinion, to long for his salvation. Right. And to delight in his law. Oh, what a beautiful idea and way that we get to realize that, you know, while the fear of the Lord is such an anointing. Thanks for listening.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-04-24 01:45:54 / 2023-04-24 01:48:50 / 3

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