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The Prince of the Power of the Air, Part 3

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
The Truth Network Radio
June 2, 2021 8:00 am

The Prince of the Power of the Air, Part 3

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

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June 2, 2021 8:00 am

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Praise the Lord. Welcome to The Sound of Faith. I'm Sharon Otz thanking you for joining us today because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

Today's message is a panoramic view of the evil influences and supernatural authorities driving our current chaotic culture, especially the anti-Christian America media, the prince of the power of the air. Same thing, you know, it's the same with all things Wi-Fi. You know, because everyone has the right to be with the one they love. Now, you know, Wi-Fi uses radio waves to transmit signals between the devices, the computers, or whatever it may be. It sounds like a good thing. Nearly everyone has a computer in their home. How many here have a computer in their home? So when you put it that way, it's a good thing. And you know, based on that, if you don't have a computer in your home, how many at least have a smartphone?

All the ladies they love, they want to be able to marry all the ladies they love. Amen. Oh, yes. You know our lives revolve around them. Let's face it, now they do.

You know, you're always checking this or that or the other on your device, or you're doing something yourself on your device. Amen. I mean, come on now.

People don't even go to the grocery store anymore. There may be more than one. It might be a couple. They go online. They're petitioning the courts.

Let's say Walmart website. They go through the groceries. They go through a mother to marry her son. And then they come to the door and somebody brings groceries out to them. Or you order and take out food. Well, that would just be a mess. We're all doing things like this all the time.

There's no guarantee it won't happen. We probably do it so much that we don't even think about it. But that's beside the point. What would happen if all of a sudden we could do that? The point is when you start calling evil and sin good.

Not everyone, but many people, at least anybody, I would say 50 and younger, or definitely 40 and younger. Amen. And of course, we could go on and on about all the things. But these are the two big issues. Amen.

They're on Facebook or some sort of social media outlet. Amen. They all say, and you know what, the good wonderful thing about this is that it gives us the wonderful ability to program Christian messages, songs, and such. And where they're allowed to do it, the women are getting beat down. Amen.

I mean, think about what happened who have spent all of their teenage years training, whether it's the one track or whatever it is, hoping to get a scholarship to college. Amen. In the very beginning, April last year, they should have come in one, two, and three.

And what a blessing it was to be able to get church online. Coming in one, two, and three. Now, you know, some of you remember that prior to that, we kept telling you, well, we're going to do live streaming soon. Pretty soon we're going to do live streaming. But first we've got to paint the ceiling.

We've got to do this and we've got to do that. The federal government's already on board. Our president is already on board with it. He said it's for good reasons. But, you know, one day, folks, we're going to go on live streaming.

Well, we got plunged into live streaming. Some places where the states have their own authority. Now, it remains to be seen whether or not somebody's going to take it to the courts of the federal government and who knows where it'll end up at.

And let me tell you, it was in the Supreme Court and who knows by then we might have so many judges on the Supreme Court. We were using my laptop. Throw it up in the air and see what comes out. The only problem is, is it started getting hot. Some of you don't like it, do you? After all that time. Amen. And when it started getting hot, it started going out.

I'm going to preach it as long as I can because I don't know one day I might be censored. And here I am preaching at the table and Benny's walking over to the refrigerator and getting ice out of the freezer and putting it under my computer. Which by the way, happens to be the women's bathroom. They're trying to keep it cool.

So I can finish the message. Even if they haven't had sex change surgery. And you know, there was a lot of things with the lighting and with the sound and all kinds of stuff. It was the female bathroom. But what a wonderful privilege that we were still able to preach and be in contact with fake tabernacle and this wonderful medium, we would cause them psychological harm by making them go with the men's bathroom. Then thousands of churches about the psychological harm to little girls.

Let me tell you, when we finally realized we're going to have to get some better equipment than going in there, seeing a man in a laptop and to some women, we got to get a real computer that's made for this and all this stuff that goes with it. And when Benny would be searching to find one now. They would be sold out. People don't even have common sense.

He'd go on here, sold out. But this is what happens when you call evil good. Trying to keep contact with their people. All of this is a product of that. And now, you know, many churches are saying like we did, even when we go back to church, we're going to stay online for those people who really can't come to church. There are people who just can't.

They're in nursing homes, or maybe they are home, but they're immobile. Once they have reached a point where they continue to minister to them, evil good. And so then by all of this has been a tremendous, tremendous blessing. We all agree it's a great blessing. Good is evil. And you know, even you, when you go home today, maybe there's another preacher that you like, you know, that you like to watch.

And when you go home, this is the stage we're in America today. You know, like I like the Bible and this numerality does not, it reminds me of brother Hardy when he was young. Oh, do they clash.

He's like a young brother Hardy going way back. And sometimes when they clash, you and I are in the middle. I'm not sure y'all have one to love. Amen. They are diametrically opposed preachers online, not only pastors, but teachers. Thus, the Bible now is evil. And they all have something to share with the body of Christ.

Those who teach it. And I tell you what, the devil doesn't like it. Amen. The Prince of the power of the air is not cool with all of these preachers. We've got some of our own ministers in the church that have their own evil lights when they come on. Amen. And I know you all know who they are and you probably follow them. Amen.

And they put light for dark. See, what he hates is he hates the truth and he hates the gospel and he's operating through the realm of the prince of the power of the air to censor. Let's go back to Ephesians chapter five verse 11. The messengers and the message. And have no Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, but rather these outlets are censoring ministries.

We're given two things here. Members might say, well, I can do their first part real easy. I'll stay away from their content. I won't go with them and share. I'll keep distance from them. You know, I don't mean that you don't speak to your family and your loved ones. If they get on issues like abortion, talking about fellow homosexuality and same sex marriage, they are censoring them.

Works means they don't have the food. They're not supposed to, but when it comes to the second part, first amendment, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. But they're doing it. Amen. Amen. And often when they're doing it, people don't even know that the Greek word means to refute, to find fault with sexual rights, to correct first amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

If you are light and I am light, that is what we will do. It trumps the constitution. Amen. Those rights come above and before your rights, my right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Don't put a bushel back on your camera when it goes out. That opposes the new morality. It is shame. Amen.

Even to speak biblical morals which are done of them in secret and or silence. A shame. Now let me give you a case in the Greek. Shame is a very recent case. The Greek word ice cross means filthy of this year.

It is filthy of the things that they do in secret. Author. Don't even talk Christian TV speaker and a pastor of a large congregation. Get it in your spirit.

He felt led of the Lord. It's all over the TV. It's all over the internet. It's all in the music.

Word to the new administration. Music. And to post it on. I'm not going to be too specific here, but let's just say that I was seeing all these people going on and on about a song that won the best song of the year. He had a heavy million views. There was so much controversy over it.

The next day, you know, one million curiosity gets through your thing. Well, what's the song? They couldn't get over that song.

They had never in anything he had ever, ever posted had read so many views. So I could not believe those words. And they were so filthy. So vile. When you Googled, nobody was in the room video and I was embarrassed.

No results came. It was just, well, it was terrible. And to think that it was a video on that person, a Grammy. It was more than that. It was as if it was never posted in the first place at the Grammy.

They put the person on TV, a posting, singing the video and acting. Some of it out. Oh, Lord help us. Poppies could be found. How are we getting away with this? Facebook members posted it on their page. And so they've been very low level, did not catch the attention of the censors or they would have been taken off there too. So it was all of these industries, you know, some ordinary Christian out there, and they are doing his will.

Some of them were still online. Yeah, they're getting well paid to take it off. They're getting millions and millions of dollars.

But you couldn't find it if you tried to Google for it. They're getting well paid to do it or go to Payday if they don't get right with God. It was apparent that it was being suppressed. The wages of sin is death.

This is a method that is called shadow banning. Somebody wrote on Facebook that if you got the wages of sin each day that you did on Medium, each one of these different types of accounts that I've already mentioned, if you got paid right away or your wages of sin, and sometimes it doesn't come for a lifetime because if under both didn't come out of heaven and strike you down, doesn't mean you're getting by, doesn't mean you're getting away. Amen? Amen. So when social media powers want to ban a message or ban a post or even ban a site, all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light for whatsoever does matter.

That their manifest is being censored or outright silenced and banned. And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Amen?

There you have it. These are forces that are being manipulated by the ministers of the gospel who are preaching the truth. They hate us because we are light and light exposes filthiness.

Amen? And those who preach a biblical message that conflicts with the present progressive culture, AKA the counterculture, you know, after my dad got saved, Jesus was really rebellious and she just went hard into the power of the air. And when he would go to church, she and her girlfriends would go to the night club, this silency and this persecution of Christians in this way, real Christians. And so they had this one particular night club that they went to a lot. And one night, I forget what it was, but she left something in the night club.

How have we arrived at this place where Christians are labeled as evil and mentally imbalanced and dangerous to society? Without all those lights that they have, the colored lights and all the stuff they do to give you all that ambiance in the nightclub to make it seem very, very seductive and sensual and, you know, when she went very intelligent and solid, she was shocked. It was filthy. It was dirty.

The Bible is the word of God. It was unclean. It looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a long time. Amen?

But at night with all those colored lights and all that sort of thing, it looked beautiful. So now let's answer that question. How did we arrive at this place?

What a dirty dive it was. Let's go back to Isaiah chapter five. And that's why these people don't want to be around you and me, because in the light of day, their sins and their filthiness are manifest. Well, you know what? In a way, I am dangerous.

What does the light do? Any spirit-filled child of God is dangerous, but things that are reproved are made manifest by the light. It's the same word I read to you a moment ago in Ephesians. Amen?

In that respect, we are dangerous. It finds fault with you. Isaiah chapter five, verse two. Amen? That's what the light does. Woe unto them.

Amen? That draw iniquity with the light. And when we are called to be light, as it were, with a heart root, we'll face pushback. I know in the King James Version, that sounds like a word. And we're going to face persecution.

Let me explain it to you. Sains, don't let the devil tell you that you're being persecuted. Eagerly drawing sin to themselves with ropes of lies and deceit. That's what the devil will tell you. Like cattle, he wants you to turn down the light with ropes.

He wants you to dim down your life. Amen? These are people that are throwing sin to themselves. Don't let him tell you you're not supposed to make sinners feel bad about their sin. Well, if they don't feel bad about their sin, they're never going to repent. And if they never repent, draw sin to themselves like they are a magnet. Eternity for sin and damnation.

That is what it's saying. Amen. So let your light shine.

They have become so hardened by their sin. 516. And by the way, it's a presumption. Let your light shine. He's commanding us. Amen.

So now let's go to John. Eagerly drawing sin to themselves. And this is the condemnation that light is common to the world and men love darkness rather than light. They're weak. They can't say because they're weak without their power of the new birth, without the power of everyone that does evil.

Hey, they continually fall into the light. Lest his deeds should be removed. I love the scripture in that word. It's a third time I've heard that word in this sermon. Christ died for us when we were too weak to say that his deeds, we wanted to do good. So light is coming to the world.

We don't want to do this, but we didn't come into the world talking about these. Jesus said in John, in their weakness, they fall into sin. But he's talking about sinners, and in their presumption, they draw sin to themselves. That's what this verse is saying is coming into the world. They defiantly challenge God. And now that he's ascended back to the father, he said, you are the light of the world.

Amen. They challenge him. So who do they hate when they hate the light? They hate Jesus.

Where are you getting that from? Verse 19. They hate me. And if you're a light, they hate you. Let him, speaking of God, let God make speed and hasten his work that we may see it because they don't want their peace to be reproved.

So what does the light do? It reproves evil. Now, when you understand what they're doing here, it makes you want to say, whoa.

And 11. Now let's look at verse 21. But he that does truth comes to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God. In other words, they're saying, oh, really?

Let him come and do it so we can see it. The light of truth reveals those who are truly in God, whose works are being operated by the spirit of God. And they're playing on the words and the prayers of true prophets of God that in their messages they would say the holy one of Israel with reference to. But they're taking it and saying it's scornfully.

Well, let the holy one of Israel come and do his thing. That they're saying, come on, do your worst to us. Give us your best shot and let us see it. That we are called to be light. We're ready.

We're up to it. The darkness is increasing because more and more people are yielding before their eyes to the darkness. There's a verse in Jeremiah 17, 15 that says, behold, they say unto me, God speaking, behold, they say unto me, where is the word of the Lord? So let it come now, all the warnings that God was giving Israel through Jeremiah, and I believe things can get worse. They were going, they were going to go into captivity, but it can't get worse. One more prophet.

It does. One more prophet. It made his face like flint, like stone. And said, get out there boy and don't worry about them. Get out there and deliver what I told you. Because I understand the prince of the power of the air is increasing. Amen. Satan knows it's wind up time. If anybody recognizes the signs of this time, it's Satan.

He knows his time is short because we are seeing and hearing many, many ministers are constantly as many souls as he can. Impact of verse 20 is more powerful when you read 18 and 19 and understand the mindset and the condition of the hearts of these people. Now, verse 20, whoa, going back to what we spoke about the 1950s when I was growing up as a child, you know, there were many lights and light for darkness in America. There were many Christians and Christian homes and Christian families in America, and there were many lights. If it was ever coming to pass and being fulfilled, it surely is now.

Would you not say many lights? But there is one thing that can be said about that in 18 and 19. We stand out more. Because they don't want to do right.

We stand out more. They don't want to do right. So they have to excuse their sin. They have to excuse it so they got to blur the lines of morality. And there were many Christian friendly sin shows on radio and TV. They have to call sin good because that allows them to keep living in their sin.

Changed everything without any conviction. Just went exponentially by the Holy Spirit or condemnation by the word of God, the prince of the power of the only way they can continue to live in their sin and not get under conviction and condemnation is to call it. God has children of light as we stand out more than ever. Of course, we understand we can give this, you know, and Satan is going to try to work on some of them. And we've seen it.

Our hearts are broken. We see well-known ministers because they want to have congregations. And yet somehow they want to throw off the voice of that. They fall into sin and they're like those out. And we we understand that Satan works harder.

And this has the bigger the minister, the bigger the ministry, the more people under their influence, the greater target. Satan is going to come after them. Abortion is a good thing to pray for. You know, because it protects a woman's rights and we want to support women watching TV that you just love them and they just bless your heart. You need to pray for them. Even in high places like in the Senate or the Congress where they make rules. He's going to try to get them to fall into sex or greed.

It's usually sex or greed, one or the other, who did something in any way wants to put that to go against women's rights. But we're going to let our light shine. Are we not? Come on.

Let's stand together to be pegged as someone who did not stand up for women's rights. Jesus didn't give me a little light. They know abortion. He gave me a bright light. They know that and I'm going to let it shine and decide. But I'm going to let my light shine. I won't let Satan put it out. No, you don't respect women. You don't stand up for their rights.

Many of them have changed horses. Let your light shine. Yes, you're going to get pushed back. Yes, people will speak. And now they call themselves persecuted. They'll talk about you when you're on your job.

They'll be out there in the hallway, whispered. And when you walk in, all of a sudden, and I'm not going to preach a long time, they are saying, I'm trying to come up with some awkward. Now they call it good.

It's good because it helps women. Don't let it bother you. And it especially hurt your feelings.

You're not wrestling against people. It's the spirit of the age. Gender. Amen. Amen. All the more you need to be your own baby gracious in order. So they feel like that. He'll advance because they just said something bad about you. You're not going to be able to succeed.

You're not going to be able to dance if you're tied down with some kid that you don't want to come and you bring them some, but that's what homemade cookies that you made. Amen. Or whatever.

Same-sex marriage love now is a good thing. That's what we have to do. Sometimes we have to open our mouth with the one they have to say. But other times, we don't apologize for the truth. We never apologize for the gospel.

If we do, it's all over. It is the power of God under salvation. So when you put it that way, it's a good thing. And the moment you dim it down, dumb it down, and apologize for it, your gospel's been wanted and has no power to save.

They want to be able to marry all the ladies they love. Even now, God wants to save. Amen. And there may be some of you watching today, and the Holy Spirit is dealing with your heart. Making it look like a wonderful, normal thing.

And you know that that's going to be the power of the air. And you never, ever, even thought about it, never crossed your mind. But it's even now, there are at least one case, and there may be more than one. It might be a couple that are doing a good thing. They're petitioning the courts to be able for a mother to marry her son. You felt like you're helping the person who's oppressed. They say that they promise they won't procreate to have children.

They're oppressed by the lies. Because, of course, then you have all kinds of birth defects. Well, that would just be a mess. Amen. I saw yesterday where one of the leaders of the abortion rights leaders, and I forget the city, but she was a major leader in the abortion rights protest.

This is what happens. Amen. Died from an abortion. Amen.

And, of course, we could go on and on about all the things, but these are the two big issues. But Satan deceived her. Amen. Amen.

They all flamed. And now she's become a victim of it. The idea is it's a good thing. And passing quickly, just some of you that are watching today, maybe you've had an abortion. We're not trying to make you feel awful or less than in any way. Abortion is sin. And where they're allowed to do it, the women are getting beat down. But he loves our sinners.

Young high school women who have spent all of their teenage years training whether it's the one track or whatever it is, hoping to get a scholarship to college. You have to acknowledge that it was wrong and that you're sorry and ask for forgiveness and cleansing. And he'll forgive you. And he'll even take that branch off your males, that guilt that plagues you, when that abortion and the girls are getting pushed down too low to get scholarships, and you think about it. Amen.

And sometimes you wonder to yourself, it's happening. When she would be five today, I guess she would be able to get into work. Some states are abolishing it in their state.

Maybe he would be like my grandson. The federal government's already on board. Our president is already on board with it. Your mind is plagued with that guilt. It's a good thing.

You've got to stop beating yourself up about it. So now the states are going to have to do it. Amen.

Amen. Because there are some places where the states have their own authority to you. Now, it remains to be seen whether or not somebody is going to take it to the courts of the federal government and you will feel that burden of guilt lift off of you.

Probably end up in the Supreme Court and who knows by then we might have so many judges on the Supreme Court. I am not in a place to have a child and see what comes out. Maybe it's the first time you've been pregnant. Oh yeah. Some of you don't like it, do you?

I told you up front. Amen. You've been pregnant and you say, I just can't do this again. Because I don't know, one day I might be censored and silenced.

Don't let Satan trick you. Jesus said, they want to use the bathroom of their preference to destroy, which by the way happens to be the women's bathroom, that even if they haven't had sex change and you might have it more abundantly, even if they're still biologically really and truly cannot take care of a baby. There are many wonderful people.

Amen. That would love to take your baby. That was put in force by a former president. And in some cases you may have an open adoption where you can still follow that child is or her life that we would call them psychological harm by making them go in the bathroom to making that terrible. But what about the psychological harm to little girls? Because you will regret it.

I know that you say how do a seven year old girl going in there seeing a man in the bathroom and to some women who may be afraid to go in that stall and know whether or not she's going to be in there by herself. I realize in that industry that her hearts are hard and they laugh about it and they mop about it and they say, Oh, that was the best thing they ever did. But that's not you. That's not who you are and you know it's not who you are.

All of this is a product of that. Don't do it. Bring it to Jesus and he will help you. And if you need to know how you can get help, you can get in contact with this ministry at info at and I will put you in touch with someone who can then put you in touch with help.

That's all you have to do. But let's pray today. And if you're watching today and you've allowed Satan to put you in that sin of homosexuality and you say, I just can't get free. The devil is a liar. He lied to you when he told you God made you that way. He lied to you when he told you that you'll never be able to change. Those are all lies and he's putting them out there.

The prince of the power of the air is putting them out there in the media because that's what he has control over. But he's a liar and a thief and a murderer. God did not make you that way and he can set you free. If you want to be free. So let's pray today. Father, we come to you in Jesus name. We bring all of these issues before the throne of grace. We ask you by your Holy Spirit that you would confirm with hearts of those that are watching us today and by your Holy Spirit, you're convicting them not because you're against them, not because you hate them, but because you love them and you want to set them free and you want to deliver them and cleanse them from their sin and wash them and bring them into fellowship with you.

That's why you send your word today to convict them. And so we pray right now and I pray they would say this prayer. Father, in Jesus name, I ask you to forgive me of all my sins. All my sins, wash me today in the blood of Jesus and cleanse me from all my unrighteousness. Give me your spirit and I will serve you and I will follow you by your grace all the days of my life in Jesus name.

Amen. And now I want to speak to Christians and I want to say to all of you, we are the light of the world. Jesus said he commanded, let your light shine. It's too weak in the English. It's much more powerful in the Greek. Let your light shine. It's a command. Don't let Satan dim your light because you get intimidated when you try to let your light shine and some of those sinners who are scorners and mockers, which the Bible tells us through Jesus, through Peter, through Jude, that would be in the last days that you get intimidated and you shut down.

You don't have to shut down. You have the Holy Spirit. He's a spirit of boldness. He's a spirit of conviction. And if you will trust him and ask him, he will give you the words to say that you can that you can speak the truth in love, not truth or love, but truth in love.

Amen. That's what he'll enable you to do so that you can let your light shine and you will be a witness for the Lord in this very evil and wicked time. So Father, I pray for all of those who have have a problem.

They get intimidated easily and they back off and they don't know how to let their light shine. It's not that they don't want to, but they always feel less than and they always feel that others overpower them, but help them that they can take authority in the name of Jesus in the spiritual realm, not against the people, not unloading against the vessels, but in the spirit realm, take authority over the powers of the enemy that's driving these people. You have that ability. You have that delegated authority to say, I bind you, Satan. I bind every lie that you tell this person. I bind every word of excuse that you give them.

I bind them so they cannot say those things. Take the blinders off their mind and let the light of the truth shine on them. If you will do that, if you will believe that, if you will go to God about that, he will do it for you and you will see a remarkable transformation in your ability to be a light for the Lord. Father, we ask you today, let us be lights for you and bring into faith tabernacle. Bring in those who want to be a light, bring in those who want to hear the truth, bring in those Lord who believe your word and they don't want to dumb down or water down.

They want the word of truth rightly divided. I pray in Jesus name. Amen. What an eye opening word of the Lord, the Prince of the power of the air. The course of this world is being controlled by Satan, who is the Prince of the power of the air. Our culture and media are fulfilling his evil anti-God agenda. Paul said we're in a cosmic wrestling match against principalities, authorities, the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies. This refers to the second heavens where Satan rules and to the atmosphere where radio waves, satellites beam down on the earth, generating radio, TV, and internet. The spirit of Satan is operating through much of the media, which has become increasingly hostile towards Christians and biblical morals, calling evil good and good evil.

Darkness is increasing as Satan exerts his authority over the media. The Prince of the power of the air can be ordered on CD for a love gift of $10 or more for the radio ministry request SK 2 1 9, mail to sound of faith, P O box 1 7 4 4, Baltimore, Maryland 2 1 2 0 3, or go online to our East store sound of where MP3s are available, but to order by mail, send your minimum love gift of $10 to P O box 1 7 4 4, Baltimore, Maryland 2 1 2 0 3 and request SK 2 19. If you enjoy these messages by my father, brother Hardy and myself, please consider tucking in an extra love gift for our radio airtime. We would appreciate your including the call letters of this radio station until next time. This is Sharon Nazi, Maranatha.
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