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UPDATE: Jim Jordan Launches Investigation into Evidence Tampering in Jack Smith Case

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Truth Network Radio
May 7, 2024 1:10 pm

UPDATE: Jim Jordan Launches Investigation into Evidence Tampering in Jack Smith Case

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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May 7, 2024 1:10 pm

Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-4) is launching an investigation into Special Counsel Jack Smith’s admission of evidence tampering in President Donald Trump’s classified documents case. The Sekulow team discusses Jordan’s big announcement to Sean Hannity on Fox News, the devastating news for Jack Smith, the two-tiered system of justice for President Trump, President Biden’s weak response to the college protests – and much more.

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Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

We've got a major update.

Jim Jordan launches investigation into potential evidence tampering in the Jack Smith Mar-a-Lago documents case. Keeping you informed and engaged. Now, more than ever, this is Sekulow. We want to hear from you.

Share and post your comments or call 1-800-684-3110. And now your host, Logan Sekulow. Welcome to Sekulow.

This is Logan Sekulow joined by executive producer Will Haynes in the studio as well. Harry Hutchinson is going to be joining us. We've got Jeff Bellamon coming in from our Israel office, ACLJ Jerusalem, as well as Mike Pompeo joining us later in the show.

Hope you guys are having a good Tuesday so far. We're going to kick this off with some interesting news that was developing. Jim Jordan now saying, making claims and starting an investigation into Jack Smith.

Why? Because it seems like there's at least enough evidence to point to there being tampering of the evidence from the Mar-a-Lago raid. Obviously the documents that were found, but now, Will, there is more coming out about this and Jim Jordan and some of the other people are taking action.

That's right. So Jim Jordan in his capacity as the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter late last night to Jeffrey Ragsdale at the Office of Professional Responsibility within the Department of Justice. And he starts off the letter with, on Friday, May 3rd, 2024, Special Counsel Jack Smith acknowledged in a court filing that some of the evidence in President Trump's classified documents criminal case was altered or manipulated after it was seized by the FBI in its raid on Mar-a-Lago.

This acknowledgement presents grave concerns about the department's commitment to impartial justice, whether the special counsel's office misled a federal court, and whether the special counsel's office strenuously upheld the, quote, highest professional standards of the Justice Department. So we'll dive in more to that with Harry Hutchinson coming up. I just want to make sure that you guys see that and understand that we are taking some cool action right now on that. And we're reporting the news. So we have this article right here, this letter that was written, so we're able to read through it with you. We'll let Harry Hutchinson, one of our senior attorneys here, really break down what the legal implications are of it. But another, as Trump is on TV, currently in court, another Trump issue comes to the forefront and we're going to make sure that you all know what's happening.

But again, it could be that you have seen some tampering of evidence and then who knows where that leads. But you will know our team at the ACLJ. We'll have Harry Hutchinson joining us in a little bit. I'd love to hear from you on this topic and on the situation going on, the ongoing situation in Israel. We're going to get joined by Mike Pompeo, Jeff Balaban later in the broadcast to discuss that. Joe Biden, President Biden is speaking right now on the rise of antisemitism, on Holocaust Remembrance Week, if you will.

He's right now speaking on a Holocaust Remembrance Event. Already had some gaffes that I think are worth showing. They're not even gaffes. I just think they're flat out wrong. We'll talk about those, as well as some strong words actually in support of the state of Israel. So you know what?

You got to play both sides, show you what he said that I agree with, and of course some things that were so egregious that I can't even believe he said. Give us a call right now. 1-800-684-3110. 1-800-684-3110 to have your voice heard on the air today. If you're joining us right now on Facebook, on Rumble, on YouTube, I encourage you to share this. Or if you're watching on YouTube, hit that subscribe, hit the thumbs up, and then in the comments tell me where you're watching from.

I always like to read those during this first break to see where everyone's kind of checking in on all across the world, by the way. This is a really cool thing about this organization and about this broadcast. It's heard all over the world. It's seen all over the world. So though it is American-centered here at the ACLJ, what is amazing about America is what happens here goes worldwide.

So people tune in from around the world to see our point of view and to share it with you. So again, I encourage you to do that right now. You know, when you have sort of these hate and you have the genocide happening and these college campuses, you see the protests, we have to figure out how to stop it. And we at the ACLJ have just launched a brand new petition. So if you signed the one yesterday, it's not that one.

It's a brand new one. Go to slash sign, S-I-G-N, right now because today we are taking action. You've heard about that it was funded by, these protests were funded by Soros and other major Biden donors. They are inciting terror and anti-Semitism at a level not seen since Germany in the 30s. I said, I got a text from my friend saying, how does it feel to be living in the 30s?

That's what it feels like heading into the 40s. It's a global fight. We need you to take action.

We're submitting a demand letter directly to a lot of these major universities, including Columbia, Harvard, UCLA, so many more. We'll go through that coming up here, but go to slash sign to sign that petition. Harry Hutchinson joins us in the next segment.

Welcome back to Sekulow. Harry Hutchinson's joining us, senior attorney here at the ACLJ to really break down this breaking news that came out that Jim Jordan has launched an investigation into essentially evidence tampering in the Jack Smith case. So that's the case obviously involving the documents that were seized in Mar-a-Lago that were claimed to be obviously classified documents or top secret documents that should not have left the White House. But as we have learned and as things have progressed now, it seems the claim coming from Jim Jordan is that these were mishandled. Of course, the mishandling of the mishandled documents. And I guess, Harry, I'd love to hear from you what this means for the American people and what this means for the Trump situation currently.

Well, thanks. So given the indisputable evidence showing that boxes of evidence seized by the FBI at Mar-a-Lago last year have been tampered with, and given special counsel Jack Smith's admission that there were boxes of evidence where the order of the items within the box is not the same as the associated scans, and also given the fact that Jack Smith has admitted that his previous representation to the federal court was inaccurate, I think we can safely conclude that Jack Smith has tampered with or mishandled classified documents. And so then the question becomes, should he now charge himself with mishandling classified documents?

But of course it's even worse than that. Why? Because there's evidence on the record suggesting that Jack Smith's office attempted to tamper with a witness.

How? By offering a lawyer for the witness basically a judgeship if the lawyer got the witness to cooperate with Jack Smith. So in some respects the question becomes, should Jack Smith be charged?

And secondarily, do we now live in a banana republic? Yeah, exactly. When bribery starts to become the easy way to do business, it seems, in these situations. I don't care for that. I don't like that. I'm sure people listening don't want to hear from you. When you hear these claims, what do you think?

1-800-684-3110. Because not only now do you have, like you said, this sort of tampering of the evidence. Maybe it was mishandled.

What does that look like? And not unlike some of the Trump situations, it seems like because it was President Trump, it was handled with haste. It was handled maybe a bit sloppy because they were just trying to get him.

And that could bite you, especially in the law. Well, everyone remembers the famous photo where they staged it and made it look like the FBI fanned out all these documents and took the photo and released it of look at all these documents and so disorganized. Right, but it wasn't that. That was a staged photo by the FBI after that raid. But it also goes to show that this is kind of the MO for the FBI and de facto the special counsel's office when it comes to this operation and this investigation. And as Harry pointed out, I want the listening audience to remember this isn't just an allegation at this point. One of the main reasons that Jim Jordan is now sending this letter to the Office of Personal Responsibility at the Department of Justice is that when the lawyer for the defendant raised this question, said, hey, you gave us evidence. It's what you have to do when you're defending a client. You have to look through the evidence to build your case and said something's awry here. These scans don't match up with the evidence boxes you've given and like the the list of what's in it doesn't. But then Jack Smith had to file a response in court when this motion was raised, admitting to that that, yes, some of these things and our previous statement to the court, which was that all the boxes were in their original intact form as seized was an inaccurate representation to the court. So they even admitted that they're already doing this wrong.

It's not just an investigation or a it is an investigation, but it's not just an investigation. They've already essentially admitted the truth, which is these weren't handled incorrectly, that the report that they received labeling again what boxes each document was in and so on was not how it ended up. And now they're having to potentially face some consequences. And that's why there are people like Jim Jordan in there to make sure things get done.

Absolutely. So Jack Smith has essentially condemned himself. And so then the question becomes, what will the DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility do to ensure that department attorneys perform their duties in accordance with the highest professional standards? The DOJ has demanded that former President Trump basically handle the documents consistent with the highest quote unquote professional standards. But nonetheless, the DOJ itself has mishandled the documents and they've admitted they mishandled the documents. And so one of the things that I think should happen, at least potentially, is that the judge should hold a hearing and perhaps consider throwing out at least some of the charges related to the mishandling of evidence by Jack Smith. Well, and Harry, that's a question I had for you, because after this kind of broke and that filing, there's also reporting from CNN that Trump's attorneys are indicating that they're going to file a motion with Judge Eileen Cannon, who has been seen as one of the more favorable to the defense judges of all the Jack Smith cases, but probably just the most fair judge that has been drawn in one of these cases. But they're indicating they're going to file a motion to dismiss prosecution if they cannot prove in a reliable way how they seized and handled key evidence in the case, which would be central to the issues at trial. Do you think that that's an opportunity here, that this could get thrown out before it even makes it to trial?

I think that's possible, certainly with respect to some of the charges, if not all of the charges. And I think it's also imperative to remember how differently the DOJ under Jack Smith is handling the case against Donald Trump, and how differently the special counsel investigating Joe Biden handled classified documents with respect to the Biden affair. Remember, Joe Biden kept basically classified documents in a garage with his Corvette. As you do.

Yes, I guess as you do. And Joe Biden has admitted that he shared these classified documents with an individual who was not vetted or did not have permission to review those documents. Why? Because Joe Biden had an $8 million contract to write a book. So one of the things that I think the American people can clearly see is a differential in treatment, which suggests that the DOJ is not complying with professional standards or the standards of justice.

100%. I think people definitely see a double standard there. They can see be treated very differently, whether it's President Trump or frankly, anyone else, much less President Biden. Let's go ahead and take some phone calls. We have a couple calls on this and we are going to move on to our next segment. Mike Pompeo is going to be joining us.

We're discussing a bit more situation in Israel. So I want to make sure I get these calls addressed early on. Let's go to Randy who's calling in Ohio on line one. Randy, you're on the air.

Hey, thanks for taking my call. I just wondered from the very beginning when they came in, there were some oddities. They came in, they threw out Trump's attorneys when they raided Mar-a-Lago. They asked that the cameras be turned off. That in itself indicates something nefarious or out of the ordinary. Just good for Jim Jordan. I mean, this thing should be thrown out.

They tampered with evidence. It should be gone. Well, I think that is important, Randy. I think you're right to say thank you to Jim Jordan. I think there are people out there that are still in Washington D.C. who are still doing a job with morals and authority and actually trying to make sure things are handled correctly.

He's one of them. I do think that's rare in Washington D.C. on both sides of the aisle that you actually have people who are willing to take some risks and maybe make some enemies along with making some friends. But it's important, Will, to have people like Jim Jordan in those situations to stand up because this could have easily just breezed past. And I'm sure that's what they were hoping for. They said they filed a motion over this and said, hey, it's not exactly true. We were a little off. We mishandled some documents. No big deal, right? But no, you have someone like Jim Jordan out there doing his job.

That's right. And as chairman of the Judiciary Committee, it is his job to perform this oversight of the Department of Justice. And he's asking for very specific things from the DOJ and the Office of Professional Responsibility. They want all documents and communications referring or related to any allegation of ethical impropriety or any OPR investigation concerning the conduct of Jack Smith, Jay Bratt or any other attorney. All documents and communications referring or relating to the manipulation of documents seized from President Trump's residence in Mar-a-Lago. And all documents and communications referring or relating to Jay Bratt's interactions with Walt Nauda's defense counsel, including allegations that Bratt attempted to coerce Mr. Nauda's cooperation. And that's the judgeship issue that Harry was referencing earlier. And he gave a deadline for all these documents no later than 5 p.m. on May 20th. That's right. A pretty quick turnaround for the government.

Incredibly quick turnaround. And that will provide them with their oversight and whether or not they can do criminal referrals to the Department of Justice, ironically. They can withhold funding.

They can do a lot of things because Congress does have this oversight role. Hey, Joanne, stay on hold. We're not going to be able to get you this segment, but I'm going to try to take your call still a little bit later in the broadcast.

If you can't hold on, I understand. But unfortunately we ran out of time in this segment to get to you, but I know you have an important question and we'll answer that on air if possible. If you want to call in on this topic or the situation happening in Israel, the protests that are happening around the country at college campuses, the encampments, if you will. And of course we're going to talk about the ceasefire agreement. I know a lot of you are commenting right now and seeing them saying, Hey, you guys came in. You said there was a ceasefire update. You didn't have an update later on. We actually do have a pretty interesting update from that ceasefire talks that are currently ongoing.

And the reason why Israel is not a part of that right now. So we'll be right back on Sekulow. Stay tuned. Mike Pompeo is joining us in less than a minute. Say hey to us in the comments.

I'd love to see you. Welcome back to Sekulow. Joining us right now, Senior Counsel for Global Affairs, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is joining us right now. And Secretary Pompeo, a lot of our audience has asked for an update because they heard yesterday we came back live with ceasefire talks were starting to happen. Hamas presented new terms for a ceasefire just as the Rafah, I guess you want to call it quote-unquote invasion, started happening. Do you think anyone, when this was presented, and I do want to kind of break down some of the details because there are, Will, reasons why this ceasefire didn't go through.

That's right. So the Hamas deal that they accepted when they put it out, it included in it a ceasefire, a complete withdrawal, a dignified exchange, reconstruction of Gaza, and lifting of the blockade. And they were touting it as we have accepted a ceasefire deal, it's in the hands of Israel, and Israel is saying a little bit of a nonstarter there. Of course. And did anyone, Secretary Pompeo, do you think anyone in Qatar or in Egypt actually think this deal will be considered by Israel?

No, I don't think so. I think they've been at these conversations long enough that the Egyptians, the Qataris, the Americans for that matter, everybody who would have seen that response from Hamas would have said, been there, done that, we've considered this exact thing. It's neither the right thing to do, nor will Israel accept it. So no, I don't think anybody believed for a moment that this was actually the acceptance of a deal. This was Hamas restating its position. And Secretary Pompeo, do you think with the fanfare that Hamas put out a press release saying we've accepted a ceasefire deal, it was all over the news, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, everywhere globally being reported that they've come to these terms. Do you think this was a PR move on behalf of Hamas to say, look, we're the ones that accepted the deal.

Israel's the one that said no go and is going to continue to invade Rafah. Yeah, this is a maneuver as old as time, as old as conflict. They put out a statement trying to be the white hat, trying to be the good guy. And frankly, the mainstream media bought it, right?

The Chiron ran. And that's what they were looking for. Hamas accepts a deal. They were trying to say we're the ones that are forgiving.

We're the ones that gave up. In fact, they'd agreed to nothing that they hadn't already placed as demands before. And Hamas knew as well as everyone else. This was totally unacceptable. There was only one reason for this to be couched this way. It was to get a few minutes of good airtime.

And then they got it. Absolutely. And there is obviously talks out of Israel that they still plan to go ahead with their offense in Rafah. This was, a lot of people were concerned with when that happened yesterday that they called for the ceasefire and said, hey, we did it to try to slow down what was going on. But do you think now in this situation that this is really the only way out of this, they have to go into Rafah?

Yes. And I believe this for a long time. Absent complete surrender from Hamas, which was always exceedingly unlikely because Sinwar and his leadership team want to survive. They want to be not in prison. They want to be on the battlefield. This is going to require Israel to do this. So they're going to go do it. When I say require, they need to do this for our own security. They need to do this for the good of the region. I hope that they continue this campaign. I'm confident they will conduct it in a way that is in accordance with the rule of law, international law of warfare.

And then I also hope we shouldn't forget this isn't the only battlefront. The Iranians are deeply aware that what's taking place in Gaza is a precursor to and an indicator of what might happen were they to unleash Hezbollah on the north of Israel as well. Mr. Secretary, you have a piece up at Any ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Israeli leaders would be a disgrace and should be met with immediate U.S. sanctions. I think everyone should go to and read that piece. But what can the U.S. do if these arrest warrants surface as they are being talked about globally in the media that they expect to happen?

So let's go back to first principles. The International Criminal Court is something I dealt with as Secretary stated. It is a monkey court.

It gets things right from time to time. But in fact, it spends most of its time considering prosecuting Israelis and Americans. Remember, this is the same institution that was talking about prosecuting American soldiers who had served in Afghanistan. And so we in the Trump administration not only put sanctions on the ICC, but we put it on its leaders and we began to sanction family members.

This was serious stuff. And the good news is it worked. They backed off these very same investigations. It didn't take but a day or two before the Biden administration lifted those sanctions when they came into office. And the result is exactly what you can see. This these group of people at The Hague out trying to prosecute Israelis while the terrorists of Hamas killed twelve hundred Israelis.

It's absurd. The United States should have nothing to do with this. And then we should impose harsh sanctions on them if they go after Israeli leadership, because you can be sure if they do that, Americans will not be far behind. It feels like a lot of the Democrats that are dealing with this are almost being pulled in two directions in the sense of maybe they know what's right, but they also know currently politically where they have to stand. You can almost see it. President Biden was speaking currently or maybe he just wrapped up at one of the Holocaust remembrance events. You can almost hear the two sidedness come out of him where he all of a sudden is saying the right things and then having to kind of cave to his far left extreme audience. But then you saw also a group of GOP senators. They sent out a warning letter to the ICC saying target Israel. We will target you. And now you have Democrats saying that that is thuggery and why can't Congress and even the President at this point. It's crazy to me that we can't unite on this one issue.

And again, President Biden, I'll play the bite. We come back specifically said, you know, remember who started this. Hamas started it. Well, if Hamas started it and President Biden is saying it, why can the Democrats and the Republicans not actually unite on this?

You know, you said the quiet part out loud there at the beginning. The Democrats know. They know. This isn't the majority of the Democrats understand that this is the Iranian regime prosecuting Jews. And this is something that the United States stands against. And I think most Democrats get who the victim is here and who the aggressor was. Their problem is they have a very vocal, very important to them political part of their party, the pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat Party, and they are pandering it to it so that they can't say one word about Israel's right to defend itself without adding, oh, and by the way, the people of Gaza have been treated so badly by the Israelis. They can't do it. That's political cowardice. It's about domestic U.S. politics. And they should just simply, all of them, not just the President, but every Democrat should do the right thing, not only with respect to the ICC, but making sure Israel understands that we know what they need to do. And we will be fully supportive of them in taking the actions to prevent another October 7th from happening. Thank you so much, Secretary.

Let me play this. This is Joe Biden, our President, minutes ago, and I want you to tell me if this sounds like the rhetoric actually coming out of the Democratic Party right now by 25. Now, here we are, not 75 years later, but just seven and a half months later. And people are already forgetting. They're already forgetting that Hamas unleashed this terror. It was Hamas that brutalized Israelis. It was Hamas who took and continues the whole hostages. I have not forgotten, nor have you.

And we will not forget. Fantastic response, President Biden. But you'll have a few seconds here, Secretary Pompeo. But that would be nice if that was consistent. Yes, it would be nice if he had ended the paragraph there. It would be nice if he hadn't threatened to withdraw American weapons systems from the Israelis while they're engaged in this fight.

Those would be nice things. They can't help themselves. They have fallen into the pit of moral equivalence, and that is a dangerous thing for the world. Well, thank you so much for joining us, and we're going to continue this conversation. And we're actually going to head to Israel later in the broadcast, our ACLJ Jerusalem office with Jeff Balaban. But again, currently, right now, we have just launched a brand new petition.

If you signed the one yesterday, it is not that one. It is a brand new one because we are seeing this call, the hate that is happening on these college campuses right now. We're sending a demand letter to a lot of the universities, Columbia, Harvard, UCLA. You can be a part of it right now. I'm going to encourage you. This is a global fight. We need you to take action. Again, cost you nothing. slash sign. Another half hour coming up. We're back in less than a minute. Keeping you informed and engaged. Now, more than ever, this is Sekulow.

And now your host, Logan Sekulow. We're going to keep this conversation going, reset just a little bit for those just joining us here at the half hour mark. Currently, Jim Jordan is launching an investigation into evidence tampering in the Jack Smith Mar- Jack Smith Mar-a-Lago documents case.

Again, mishandling documents about mishandling documents. That's where we are right now. We do have some calls related to that topic. I want to make sure we get to those. We are going to be joined in the next segment by Jeff Balibond live in our offices at ACLJ Jerusalem. So that's going to be fantastic, but we want to make sure, Will, that those who are just joining us right now are staying informed. And by the way, if you're brand new on our Rumble or our YouTube channel, we do the show each and every day. And I know that because I kind of track the numbers.

I can kind of see who's returning and who's new. There's a lot of you new right now. We are trying to hit over 400,000 on our YouTube channel, and we are at like 399,000 some odd number of hundreds. If you're brand new, we do this broadcast each and every day. We put up incredible content. I'm going to ask you to hit that button and subscribe.

But should we take a call related to this? Let's go to Joanne. Joanne in Ohio, line three. You're on the air. Hi, guys. Hope everyone is well today. Thank you.

I'll try to make this as short as I can. But last week at the end of the week on Newsmax, they were reporting that Judge Cannon in Florida was unredacting all these documents that showed communication between Jack Smith's office and the records office, and that they loaded up two pallets of boxes that they sent to President Trump at Mar-a-Lago like five months after he left office. Who knows what they put in those boxes? Well, Joanne, even if it was just what was requested or not, the fact of the matter is it showed that the Biden administration was actively in negotiation about things to send and take from Mar-a-Lago and to return documents to President Trump at his request. So the whole ruse that we've seen from the beginning is that all of a sudden he, you know, secretly in the night smuggled documents out of the White House to take and keep state secrets. The entire time there was a back and forth over documents, and it was the Biden Department of Justice who decided to raid the former President's home and take unprecedented measures against him over something that should have been fairly routine, and that they were actively still sending documents there. So whether or not, to your comment, if they had planted something in there or not, that isn't even necessary. It does show that there was a little bit of two-facedness that the administration was still actively sending and taking documents while at the same time preparing to launch an investigation on him. And once they did do this investigation over mishandling, they mishandled the documents themselves. The whole thing is a ruse.

The American people see through it. Yeah, we only have about two minutes left of this segment. I want you to give us a call. In the next segment, we're going to head over to Jerusalem live with Jeff Balabon, who runs our office, the ACLJ Jerusalem office. We're going to talk to him about all that's going on in Israel, obviously the ceasefire calls, the protests that are breaking out. We're going to discuss all of it, the Rafah current invasion. We're going to talk so much about that, but I would like you right now to give me a call because in that final segment of the broadcast, we are going to take as many calls as we can because that's what I like to do. So I want to hear from you. This Tuesday afternoon, you could be a part of it.

1-800-684-3110, 1-800-684-3110. If you're watching on YouTube, we are only 395 subscribers away from 400,000. And sure, that's maybe an arbitrary number.

It doesn't really matter, but you know what? It makes us feel good. And I would love for you to subscribe right now if you haven't subscribed, because what that shows is even on a platform like YouTube, we can make a huge impact, a huge difference, and thousands of you watch on that right now. 2,700 are just watching live, hundreds of thousands of you watch later on.

So you could be watching this later on. I'm going to ask you to subscribe. And again, if you want to really get engaged, if you really want to make sure you're taking action specifically in support of Israel right now and against what's going on in these college campuses, get funded by the regular players, the Soros's and all of those. But today we're signing on to a legal letter to the Biden Department of Education and Department of Justice, and we're demanding they enforce the law and protect Jewish and Christian students who support Israel. We're also sending these demand letters directly to major universities, including Columbia, Harvard, UCLA, UC San Diego, USC, Michigan, so many more demanding an end to these violent protests.

It's a global fight. We need you to take action with us here at the ACLJ. We've just launched this brand new petition. Again, if you signed it yesterday, that is not this one.

This one is brand new. slash sign. Subscribe if you're on YouTube. We'll be right back. Welcome back to Secula. We are now joined by Jeff Balbon who runs our office in Jerusalem, the ACLJ Jerusalem, and he's coming in live from Jerusalem.

Just arrived there. Before we get to you, Jeff, I want you to hear from this statement from President Biden, which again, we've been playing some of these clips. He spoke at a Holocaust remembrance ceremony just as we were going on the air, so this just happened. Some of the rhetoric, great. Saying all the things you'd hope he'd say. This one, though, I think for anyone who has been involved in maybe the movements from some of these Holocaust remembrance organizations or been to the museums or maybe had family directly involved or directly, the lives were taken in the Holocaust.

This one sits a bit interestingly, and I want you to hear it because I think we all heard it while going on the air, but this would happen, and I'll cringe a little at sort of his response. And we recommit to heading and heeding the lessons of one of the darkest chapters in human history to revitalize and realize the responsibility of never again. Never again, simply translated for me, means never forget. Never forget.

I don't think, one, you have to translate never again. I think we all understand what that means, and there's a big difference between not forgetting and it never happening again. There's no question about it, Logan, and frankly, if you sit in the Oval Office and you're the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, you need to recognize that the role that America played in helping to fight the Nazis and helping to end that war and that global genocide against the Jewish people, which is only a small part, obviously, of World War II, but still historically very notable for the world and especially for the Jewish people.

You recognize that never again doesn't just mean not to forget it. It's not about, you know, let's leave the Jews in the history books, let them all be wiped out, and we'll just remember it. And frankly, that's where things are heading today. And you know what, Logan, I care less about what President Biden said or didn't say today. I care more about what he's been saying over and over again since October 7th. He uses rhetoric out of one side of his mouth, saying he supports Israel, he stands with Israel, and at the other side of his mouth, he wags his finger at Israel as though Israel is to blame. He criticizes Israel, and Israel is honestly every country subject to criticism, but it has been waged this war, the most justified war in history.

Okay, it's this war with more care than any war forever, including by the United States of America, and yet he's been treating them as though they're evil. And the result has been this outpouring of incitement, the hostility of violence against Jews in America, across college campuses, in our streets, especially in the precincts that listen to the left. And Joe Biden has been the leading figure of allowing that kind of anti-Semitism to be propagated.

Yeah, if you watch this speech today, you would say, other than those kind of things that never forget and some of maybe his stumbles and words not coming out right, you would think someone who is incredibly pro-Israel. It's almost like internally, and we talked about this with Secretary Pompeo, even the Democrats, internally, they know what's right. They know who's on the right side of this. But the problem is, they're bowing down to their loudest supporters, which probably do not make up the majority, and certainly probably don't actually represent their point of view.

But sadly, this is politics, and this is what happens. You know, when I'm in America, everyone wants to know what the sentiment is here in Israel. But when I'm in Israel, they very much want to know what the sentiment is in America because they're getting all kinds of mixed messages. Joe Biden likes to talk very prettily about support for Israel, but everyone in Israel understands that pressure from this White House, that the withholding of weapons needed for precision targeting of terrorists have led to this impossible situation where more and more incitement against Israel is being drawn around the world, where Israel is being accused of just trying to wage a war as humanely as possible. It sounds like a strange thing to say, but America is making that impossible.

And it seems to me, Logan, what you're saying seems to be right. They're trying to have their cake and eat it here in this administration, where they know that America, by and large, the polls are showing 80% or so still support Israel in this war and understand that Israel is doing the right thing. But because Biden seems to be so concerned with this fringe left, which has become necessary for his margin of victory, that they're playing both sides, the end result is, I'm sorry, Logan, it's not unmitigated, it's pure evil, no matter what the words are. No matter what the words are, it's responsible for the death of more Arabs than would have been caused otherwise. If Israel wasn't allowed to prosecute this the way Israel does, fewer Arabs would have been killed. Because America has actually locked in those Arabs to Rafi'ah, or Rafa'ah as they say in America, but Rafi'ah here. They've locked them in there as opposed to letting them in every other conflict in the world.

They encourage civilians to be moved out of the conflict zone. America has blockaded these Arabs into Gaza and at the same time wagged a finger at Israel and said, how dare you? Well, and Jeff, back to that point as well, the President daring his remarks and one of the statements we played earlier, which was that this wasn't 75 years ago, just seven and a half months ago, was October 7th and that people are already forgetting.

But it still plays into that same line of him saying, never again means never forget. Because we just heard last week that an ammunition shipment didn't go through to Israel for the first time since October 7th from the United States. And once again, he can speak lip service all he wants, that it's Hamas who brutalized Israelis. It was Hamas who took and continues to hold hostages and I have not forgotten. But until you continue to support, if you're withholding ammunition, you're never forgetting is not saying never again. You know, there's another saying, talk is cheap.

You know what? Biden's actions speak much louder than his talk. And the truth of it is, we see it again on the streets of the world, on the campuses of universities.

And you know, school is going to be out soon and those crazy protesters are going to be in the streets of America. And it completely falls at the door of Joe Biden and his administration who have been playing this with nice rhetoric. We support Israel because Americans support Israel. But in the end, what he's doing is damaging Israel and also making it dangerous for Jews everywhere in the world. Yeah, that's true. And we're seeing that now, sadly, nationwide and worldwide as these sort of protests.

And even this sort of, you'd almost want to put occasionally a comedic spin on it. Because you look at it, you know, they're spelling Palestine wrong when they're spray painting, you know, they're defacing Columbia University. And you go, okay, these people have no idea what they're talking about.

These are either kids, which is not, I'd say, by the way, not I feel like the majority of this. We know that these are backed and funded and we know that these protests were coming for months. They were planning on this. This wasn't just a spur of the moment grassroots effort. The problem is, is a lot of people don't look that one step deeper. They see it as students protesting. Great, we should always support students protesting. I'm not saying we shouldn't support their right to protest or say what they want to say. However, not when it is really backed and funded by some of these major organizations for political gain. Not when it is majorly made to, what, call for the death and eradication of a people group or of people who just claim to be Zionists in general. This is not how it goes. These are not the protests that maybe the American people are used to hearing about. That's right.

And, you know, this is circles within circles. There are reports now about an organization which people don't know its name. Its name is Dawn, D-A-W-N, has influence within this White House and is pushing. Now Dawn, proudly on its website, declares that it was founded by this guy Khashoggi, who people remember was killed by the Saudis. But why was he killed by the Saudis? Well, partially because, they say, and there seems to be a tremendous amount of evidence, he was involved in the Muslim Brotherhood. What's the Muslim Brotherhood? Well, it's an international terror organization, the Palestinian branch of which is also known as Hamas.

So if we have, literally, and there's now, there's four investigations that have shown that there's been dialogue. And not just that, that, for example, when I said before that the Biden administration has been inciting. So one of the things they've done is they've criticized Israel for things, they haven't said war crimes, but about actions in war and they said they want to sanction them. All of that information came from this Hamas organization directly to the White House.

So we have Muslim Brotherhood people advising the White House what to do. Logan, it doesn't matter if stupid kids don't know how to spell Palestine, because you know what? At the end of the day, what really this boils down to on Holocaust Memorial Day is they end up killing Jews.

And you don't have to know how to spell Palestine to kill Jews. Absolutely. And Jeff, what I would like to hear from you is, because we've only got about a minute and a half left in this segment and we're taking calls for the next one. We're supporting everyone. We're telling everyone to go sign this new petition. We're going to be sending letters, demand letters and such to places like Columbia and Michigan, all these universities. But why is it important for the ACLJ to have the office in Jerusalem? Why is it important for you to be there as a representative? Because I don't know if people fully understand the scope of what we're doing there and why it's important to have a presence worldwide.

It's absolutely vital, just as our presences are, for example, in Europe dealing with the international court. It's vital here, both because they need to understand what's happening in America, and they don't. They're frankly shocked. They don't understand.

They thought America was their friend. And here's things like President Biden, which seem horrific. But then again, we also need this presence that I'm here when I come back to Washington. Because in Washington, influencers and decision makers, members of Congress, others want to hear what's going on in Israel. So being able to be here, have direct open discussions with the policymakers and the media here, and then have the same open discussions with those in America go back and forth, help cut through all the white noise and get to the heart of what's actually going on. Because we as an organization are deeply trusted. And that's what makes it so important. It's not just people talking.

It's people they trust and know for years who are deeply involved. We're helping people understand on both sides what's happening in America and in Israel. Yep, doing the work. Thank you, Jeff. Thanks for joining us from Israel. Again, live at the ACLJ Jerusalem. You can sign that new petition right now.

I would encourage you to do it. Again, not the one that was out yesterday. This is a brand new one. slash sign, taking all your calls and comments. Coming up in the next segment, 1-800-684-3110.

Welcome back to Secula. We are going to take your calls. And look, we got two open lines right now. Some people just dropped off. So if you want to get on hold, do our best to get to all of you.

1-800-684-3110. If you're watching online right now, I encourage you to subscribe or follow if you're watching on Rumble. Thank you.

It's a free speech platform. We love our friends at Rumble. So make sure you're following in there. If you're watching on YouTube, I ask you to hit subscribe. We are about to cross that 400,000 mark on YouTube.

May be able to do that in the next day or so. So if you could be a part of that, if you're brand new or you have never subscribed, do that. We appreciate it. Get your comments in. But also, we're going to take some calls now at 1-800-684-3110.

Let's just go in the order of which they came in. Pat is calling in Texas online too, who is listening on the radio, which we appreciate as well. And I appreciate it. Like some Facebook people have said, hey, what about us? You forget about us.

You know, those numbers have shifted a bit, but you know what? To the Facebook people, hello. Pat, you're on the air.

Thank you so much and I appreciate you letting me be a part of your program. I hope Jeff's listening. When I tithe, I tithe all my money to Israel to fund Israel, to help Israel.

I thought God put that on me years ago to do that. So that's taken care of. As far as the bombs and all that stuff hitting Israel, if you remember the Biden or Obama and Biden sent pallets of American currency over there to Iran. I believe they bought a whole bunch of bombs from whoever paying with US currency, maybe some kickbacks.

I don't know. They shot all those in this last little episode and now they don't have anything to shoot. So now they want to go to peace time. Yeah. Pat, I definitely think there was a bit of a wake up call when they realized that, you know, I think they knew that quite a large amount of their missiles were not going to land. But you're right.

Those are not cheap, by the way. And when you shoot down, not only almost all of them, you shoot down all of them. And the only person that gets injured is a young Arab girl from from Shrapnel.

So when that happens, I'm sure you have to take a step back and go, whoa, whoa, whoa. Same with they were going into Rafah. Same thing. Also, Pat, though, the problem is, is that while those pallets of cash did go over during the Obama administration, we also know that the sanctions enforcement by the Biden administration has been atrocious there. Secretary Pompeo told us they had them down to three hundred three hundred thousand barrels a day being exported. And they're at about a million and a half barrels a day being exported out of Iran. So the revenue for oil production has exponentially grown.

So they are able to make a lot of money. And we also know about the billions of dollars in Iraq and in South Korea that have been released to the Iranians. No matter what, they have a lot more cash in Iran. You know what they don't do when they have a lot more cash, really build up the lives of their citizens.

They spend it on terror. And unfortunately, we're seeing that play out. All right. Let's continue on. Take some more phone calls. That's probably the last call to be on the air if you want to call 1-800-684-3110.

Let's go to Todd, who's calling in the state of Georgia. You're on the air. Yes. My question. Oh, I don't even know what his question was. Do you remember his question? It sounded like a landline, though. Classic. Hey, Todd, call back if you can. I believe he was asking about can the donors to these protests, whether that's the Soros Foundations, whatever it is, can they be held accountable for this?

We talked about this yesterday. It's a bit of a web. It's not necessarily just the Soros Foundation funds an organization. It's they'll fund an organization that then builds the tents, that buys the tents, the tents that go to the people, the people that do this.

And they can kind of walk away without blood on their hands. We do know that Congress is very interested in this issue. There was a press conference with Elise Stefanik this morning, and we know that Speaker Mike Johnson is very much looking into this as well. I wouldn't be surprised if we see hearings where some organizers, maybe those intermediary organizations, their leadership gets called forward to see what they were doing, what they were planning, and they can be subpoenaed by the Congress to have to come testify. I have some accountability there. I think we will see some more out of Congress on that.

And I'm sure we're going to get engaged in that as well here at the ACLJ. We need to know that you care about this topic, and I really mean that. That's why we do some of these petitions. That's why I have people sign on. We're not asking for donations for this. We're just saying, do you support this?

Will you sign on with us when we make these actions? And this current action we're taking right now is sending demand letters directly to major universities. That's Columbia. That's Harvard.

That is UC San Diego, UCLA, USC, Michigan, and more. Those are just sort of the baseline ones, the top ones, demanding an end to these protests. But we do that with all of your names attached to it.

We'd like to hear that number and be very large. Because what we're able to do when you do that, when you sign one of these petitions, is also go tell us that's how you would like us to continue having action. That's where you want our action to be. So if you want to do that and that's what you want to engage in right now, I'm going to encourage you to go to slash sign. Or just scan the QR code if you're watching on camera right now.

Again, just do that. We appreciate that. Let's go to Tim now, who is calling on the Jack Smith issue. Tim's calling, California, listening on the radio. Tim, you're on the air.

Thank you for taking my call. Why is Jack Smith allowed to stop President Trump to be President? It seems to me Jack Smith is violating justice for Donald Trump. Well, even if President Trump is charged and convicted with a crime, that doesn't ban him from being on the ballot. And as a matter of fact, we at the ACLJ secured a victory maintaining election integrity at the Supreme Court in Anderson versus Colorado, where the Supreme Court said even the situation with it they tried to bring in Colorado where the Secretary of State was going to kick him off for being an insurrectionist in their opinion, didn't meet constitutional muster. And so even with Jack Smith trying this, yes, it's election interference, no doubt, the way that the DOJ is playing this out, waiting to bring these charges until right before the election year, and now trying to get a court battle drawn out during an election year.

Sure, it does reek of election interference, but that in and of itself doesn't necessarily stop President Trump from becoming President Trump once again. Look, I'm watching that petition right now, and pretty much since we've been on the air, over 6,000 of you have signed that petition. So right now we're around 6,200 mark, we'd love to hit 50,000, sign that petition right now. Again, not related to what Will is just talking about, but I just looked at that number and saw it ticking up and realized you all are reacting.

So I encourage you to keep that going if this is something you want us to engage more and more on, and you can do that again. The title is Stop the Vile Pro-Hamas Protests on Campuses, so do that right now at slash sign. We'll take the last call of the day. Bob's calling on Line 5. Bob, who's watching on, which is a great place, by the way, if for some reason rubble doesn't work or YouTube doesn't work, we try to make sure that on, it's always there for you to watch or listen.

Go ahead. My understanding is Hamas did not agree, but they offered an agreement to Israel to accept bodies, which would seem very cynical that they would not allow any living hostages to go to Israel. Well, Bob, I'm only cutting you off because we're just shy on time, we're about to end the show, but to your point, yes, one, they weren't accepting a deal because they changed the terms of the deal, but their offer lowered the bar from 40 hostages to 33, and they also said not all of those 33 will be alive. It's pretty disgusting. You're right, it is cynical, it's evil. They're evil. Yeah, it's a horrifying reality that we're living in right now, and the fact there are people on college campuses here promoting and supporting this kind of action is just unthinkable. And as we see the hate rise, the anti-Semitism rise, the anti-Zionism rise, again, Zionism, people who just support the state of Israel, that's who, that's you, and me, and likely most evangelical Christians, and of course, the Jewish people, and of course, Israelis. You can stand up against it, you can fight with us right now, we just launched that brand new petition, I'm going to ask you still for the last chance here, sign that petition, over 6,300 of you have signed it just today since this broadcast has been going on, so wow, that is an impressive number, we'd love to hit that 50,000 before we deliver that letter to, again, Columbia, Harvard, UCLA, and so on. Be a part of this global fight, we need you to take action with us today, again, I appreciate all the support, I appreciate all the prayers, and know we continue to fight on at the ACLJ, and we can't do it without you, we'll be back tomorrow.
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