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BREAKING: Special Counsel Targeting Everyone Who Interacted With Trump’s Twitter

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Truth Network Radio
November 29, 2023 1:24 pm

BREAKING: Special Counsel Targeting Everyone Who Interacted With Trump’s Twitter

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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November 29, 2023 1:24 pm

Special Counsel Jack Smith, the Deep State prosecutor leading the charge in President Donald Trump’s January 6 indictment, obtained a warrant for any information on X (formerly Twitter) users who liked or shared Trump’s tweets. On today's show, the Sekulow team discusses the Deep State’s unconstitutional invasion of privacy. Former Representative Tulsi Gabbard and TV star John Schneider also join the broadcast.


Breaking news today on Sekulow.

You won't believe this, but it's true. Special Counsel Jack Smith is targeting everyone who interacted with President Trump's Twitter account. Keeping you informed and engaged. Now more than ever, this is Sekulow. We want to hear from you. Share and post your comments. Or call 1-800-684-3110. And now your host, Jordan Sekulow.

I know when you heard that, when I read it as the tease, I said, you're breaking. Special Counsel Jack Smith is targeting everyone who interacted with President Trump's Twitter account. A man who's got over 57 million people following him on Twitter. Some who like him, many who don't. He asks for, this is Jack Smith, prosecutor, all information and notifications tab for the account, including all Twitter users who have favorited or retweeted tweets posted by the at real Donald Trump account, as well as all tweets that include the at real Donald Trump name associated with the account, mentions or replies.

How many of you am I talking to right now who utilize Twitter, now X, ever put at real Donald Trump or retweeted a tweet by real Donald Trump? The only caveat to this is the timeframe. Oh, right before the election. So it was, when did they want to know?

October 20th through January of 2021. So before people, as you're tweeting the most about getting out the vote in October, and then of course through the end and all the mess of what happened on January 6th. But guess what? It was ultimately turned over because Twitter was fined significantly for initially not complying with this. They didn't say, by the way, we want tweets about this specific topic that people retweeted or that you tweeted Trump about. It was anybody who had any interaction with the Trump account during this two and a half month time period.

So here's, this is a clear violation of the first amendment. Did you do that folks? Give us a call.

1-800-684-3110. All you had to do was retweet or hit like. No, I did. Yeah. Well, here's what the issue is though. Under the first amendment, and I argue this, I said this at our pre-meeting, the very first case I argued the Supreme court of the United States was the board of airport commissioners versus Jews for Jesus. They had an ordinance that said, if you engage in first amendment activities around the airport, you're violating the law.

It was overbroad. It was, it chilled speech. The idea that the federal government would come in and get this information and want information about you would chill your first amendment right to free speech. So what we're looking at right now is could you imagine this folks, a possible lawsuit, federal lawsuit against the special counsel for violating the first amendment because it says all information from the connect or notifications tab for the account, including all lists of Twitter users who have favored or retweeted tweets posted by the account. I'm talking about Donald Trump at, at Donald Trump, as well as tweets that include the username associated with that count mentions or replies.

There's only 56 million people, by the way. And all users who have followed or unfollowed, unmuted or muted, blocked or unblocked. And drafts, drafts of tweets that you might have engaged in. I mean, you're talking about just following Donald Trump would have gotten you on this list.

Including if you dislike Donald Trump. I mean, is it a new, we call, you know, you call them the red squares. This is the new blue scare. They making up a full, I mean, talk about an enemies list. This is like a full on, this could be millions of people because it has 57 million followers.

So it probably is. It's like a new enemies list. I got to tell you something. This takes what the IRS did in targeting and takes it to a whole new level.

It's the department of justice. We're going to take action on this. We want to hear from you. I don't want to scare people away from talking. That's what they want to do is stop you from even mentioning. Keep them off the ballot.

Don't mention the name. 1-800-684-3110 will take your calls. Folks, we are in the last two days of this month's faith and freedom drive and it is critical. You know the cases we're handling.

And there may be a brand new one we're talking about right now against the department of justice special counsel. This is where you come in. Any amount you donate to the ACLJ during this ACLJ faith and freedom drive is doubled. So we encourage you to go to

Now if you can make that gift and then make it monthly, what happens then? You become an ACLJ champion when you hit recurring or monthly. And we've had a huge impact on that. We're up to 17,600 ACLJ champions.

We want to get that to 32,000 next year. Go to slash faith and freedom. Donate today.

The last two days, the big two days for this month are right now folks. Your phone call is at 800-684-3110. Welcome back to Secchia. We are taking your phone calls to 1-800-684-3110.

That's 1-800-684-3110. There has been movement too since we were on Capitol Hill with families of these hostages taken by Hamas. There were some clear things that we wanted to see done by Congress that could be pretty much bipartisan. And two of those pieces of resolutions have passed. The third that we're waiting on is the next level of funding to Israel to continue its war to eliminate Hamas. But these are two very important actions. One was voted on completely unanimously by Congress.

Which is very rare, including people you wouldn't normally expect. And that was calling on Hamas to immediately release the hostages taken during the October 7, 2023 attack. Unanimous resolution passed by the United States Congress. That's right. And the second resolution was a resolution 4-12. One voted no, which was Thomas Massie.

He just doesn't like the language that was used on speech. And then Talib didn't even vote no. She voted present. This measure reaffirms Israel's right to exist and rejects the call for Israel's destruction.

So again, a 4-12-1 vote there. All right, Ralph Reed's joining us. And Ralph has been orchestrating a very important letter going to the United States Congress. Ralph, tell us a little bit about, for our audience here, what the letters entail.

What's kind of the main takeaway points? Jay, the takeaway is, number one, we're calling on Congress to act swiftly and immediately to get Israel the military aid package that it needs to win the war in Gaza and defeat Hamas. But as I don't need to explain to you, Jay, or Jordan, or your listeners, as critical as that is, it's even more critical to deal with the deeper and systemic problem of Hamas's paymaster and commander, which is the radical regime in Iran. So in addition to that, the letter which went to the Hill yesterday, and which we were honored to have ACLJ Action join us on, calls for freezing the $6 billion that the administration was about to release to Iran under the U.S. prisoner swap.

Secondly, past the Maximum Pressure Act, which re-imposes the strict sanctions on Iran and its energy programs under Donald Trump, under Biden, they've reaped tens of billions of dollars in profits off their oil and other energy programs, Jay, that they've been able to plow back into terrorism. And it also calls for things like revoking the tax-exempt status of universities that tolerate, foment, or advance anti-Semitism. And it also calls for the passage of a bill that would prevent federal contractors from engaging in boycotts of Israel, boycott divestment activities, or other overt acts of anti-Semitism. So just to be clear, this is a comprehensive national security agenda designed to hamstring Iran, deal with Iran, defeat Hamas and other terrorist proxies funded by Iran, and combat anti-Semitism. We're honored to have ACLJ on this letter.

And we're honored to be on the letter, and it's a great group of people joining you, Ralph, and the team at Faith and Freedom Coalition, Dr. Dobson, Jonathan Falwell, Dr. Jeffress as well, the big names, Richard Land, Jack Graham, Gordon Robertson, James Robeson, yeah, John Hagee, a whole list of group people. And I read an article this morning on anti-Semitism that really shocked me, Ralph, because I went to GW, which is a secular university with a very large Jewish student population, kind of like Tulane. And in this study that was done in the past month, 67 to 70% of Jewish students feel unsafe on campus and that they have actually encountered an anti-Semitic event targeted at them personally in just the last month since this conflict really began, so since October 7th. I mean, numbers like that really remind us about how quick the left has jumped on this anti-Israel, anti-Jewish train.

No, it really does, Jordan. It's horrifying and it's scary. I mean, this October 7th was not only the worst attack on Israel since the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1947. It was not only the largest slaughter of innocent Jewish people since the Holocaust, but it has apparently ripped a scab off that maybe a lot of us were unaware was there. You know, we all repeatedly say never again, and we have all devoted our careers to standing up to religious bigotry in all of its ugly forms, including anti-Semitism, but to see this kind of overt anti-Semitism, the kind of statistics that you're citing, and there are others that are just as frightening, and to see the overt violence against Jews. It just goes to show you that the evil that lurks in some people's hearts doesn't go away just because we've advanced as a society.

It's still there. Hatred against God, hatred against Jews, hatred against Christians, basically hatred against God and the people of God, and that's what it really is. It is the face of evil, and we are called as children of God and followers of Jesus Christ to resist that evil with all of our might, and that's what we're doing. I got about 40 seconds here, Ralph, but I wanted to ask you this, your first point in the letter, to make it a top priority to advance legislation to help fund Israel's defense as soon as possible. We've seen this pass the House, but with cuts also to Ukraine aid and cuts to the IRS, and the Democrats won't pass it. At some point, I think, I don't know if it's a clean bill, I know Speaker Johnson's under a lot of Republican pressure, but I also know some friends on the Democrat side who are very pro-Israel who say, listen, I can't vote to cut aid to Ukraine and the IRS, but I want to vote to get this money to Israel as soon as possible. They need to come up with a compromise, too. They do, Jordan, and you've asked the key question, which is, as you know, in the Senate, the Republicans are trying to get changes to border policy. They say if we're going to do this and we're going to help Ukraine, we have to secure the southern border.

We share that objective. So just to be clear, and thanks for the question, we're agnostic on whether or not this needs to happen as a standalone bill or as part of a package with other congressional priorities. What we are saying is, act swiftly, act now, act immediately. Israel is in the struggle of its life, and particularly with the conflicting signals and ambiguity being sent by the administration, we need Congress to take a strong stand for Israel and the Jewish people. People can go see the letter at the Faith and Freedom website, Chairman Ralph Reed. Ralph, thanks as always for joining us today on Sekulow.

Thanks to both of you. Very good. All right, we're getting calls coming in on this news we're breaking about Jack Smith and I think one of the greatest, egregious issues on free speech I've ever seen. Let's go to Diane's calling from Nevada on Line 4. Diane, welcome to the broadcast. You're on the air. Hi, Jay.

Thank you for taking my call and thank you for everything you do. I am one of your champions. My question around this is, is this going to be like a class action suit representing people? I'm not sure we can do it as a class action. There's rules on class action, but we will be representing people. I've already talked to some very well-known people that would be plaintiffs in this. But my goodness, it could be anybody that retweeted a Donald Trump tweet, friend or foe for that matter. I mean, the egregious nature of this is such a chilling aspect of free speech that the Department of Justice Special Counsel wants to know what your draft tweets or retweets were regarding this now leading Presidential candidate. To me, it shows you the depth of what this guy is doing and it's really, really outrageous from a first – I've already assigned – Jordan and I have assigned a team to figure this out. I hope by tomorrow we're able to announce that we're preparing a lawsuit. I mean, I think this is that serious.

Yeah, I mean, they try to get you by the first couple of pages. There's some focus on Donald Trump's account, but even before you get there, you look at all users the subject account has followed, unfollowed and muted, but also all users who have followed, unfollowed, muted, unmuted, blocked or unblocked the subject account. So that includes all of you who follow at Real Donald Trump on Twitter, now X.

It also says all information anytime Twitter users have favorited or retweeted tweets posted by the official Donald Trump account that has 57 million followers. This is during the time period that the election was going on before people were voting in October of 2020. So the exact dates were – what was it?

It was the – we have it written down here. The dates were October 20th to January 2021. So all of October 2020 and through all of January 2021.

So October, November, December and January. Think about how many times you might have retweeted a Donald Trump tweet then heading into the election if you were a Trump supporter. Think about how many times you might have put his username in a tweet you sent in an article. Did you ever think that you'd be in a warrant to get your information so they can create – this would be like the world's largest enemies list. You know, I mean they call the MAGA world, they treat us like enemies. You've got to support the ACLJ folks during this faith and freedom drive. Double the impact of your donation today at We're not just protecting rights abroad, we're protecting your rights here at home. All right, welcome back to Secular. We know our First Amendment freedoms are always under attack. It's the – how extreme they come under attack under this – over the last really four or five years, I'd say. This is pretty extreme.

Let me just jump in for a second. This is like the most extreme. This is in a search warrant that Jack Smith issued in January that targets anybody who retweeted or followed Donald Trump from October of 2020 to January of 2021. This is in a document filed with the grand jury that issued a subpoena and Twitter ultimately complied with it. Go ahead, we've got our friend Tulsi Gabbard.

So Twitter ultimately complied after they said they were going to be fined, I think over $300,000, and that was going to happen every single day until they complied, so ultimately they complied. I want to go right to Tulsi Gabbard. Tulsi, who's a senior analyst with us on Secular – I mean, the idea here, Tulsi, if you wanted to create the enemy list of all enemy lists, this is a pretty easy way to do it, because they can – they wanted all the people who interacted, and it's pretty easy to say, these are the people that liked him, so we'll put them in one category, and here's the people that were writing things bad about him.

We'll put them in a different category. Those people are okay, so we'll know which accounts we need to follow in the law enforcement community, which is, by the way, would have been millions of accounts leading up to and following that contested election. Jordan and Jay, this is a direct assault on our First Amendment rights. I think it's important, as you look at the alarming passages in that warrant, we have to look at this in the broader context of what has been happening here over the last several years, where not only are they compiling these lists of who was pro-Trump or who was against Trump, we've seen already how the Biden administration has been working directly on this. They've been working directly through the FBI to try to bully these big tech and social media companies into blocking, censoring, or canceling accounts of those they deem as either pro-Trump supporters or those who have a narrative that is counter to or opposed to or even questioning the narrative or the position of the Biden-Harris administration.

There are a few other things in that warrant that I thought were pretty alarming. Not only are they looking at who retweeted or liked or commented on President Trump's tweets, but they're also looking at his draft tweets, things that he never actually even put out. They're also looking at his private direct messages. They're also looking at the IP addresses that were used by the Trump account.

So what happens? Why would they want to have access to the IP address? Well, if you get access to the IP address, then you get access to the activity that occurred on that IP address. And then to top it all off, they've got this non-disclosure agreement saying to then Twitter, you're not allowed to tell President Trump what we are requiring you to disclose. This is such a violation of privacy, civil liberties, First Amendment rights, and free speech, not only of President Trump, but like you said, of everyone who had any kind of interaction with his account during that period of time. It is such an egregious assault on our constitutional rights. I am so glad that you guys at the ACLJ are taking on this fight because this kind of thing can't be allowed to just happen. And people shrug their shoulders and say, well, gosh, golly gee, this administration has so brazenly really undermined and thrown our constitutional rights in the trash.

We have to take them on and fight. You know, there's this doctrine, Tulsi, and it's been around really since the 50s under the First Amendment, and you've seen it constantly. It's this idea of the government can't do something that chills, that's the legal term they use, chills free speech. In other words, that gives you a second thought about, hey, I know what I'm saying is legal, but am I going to get in trouble for saying it because there's something in it the government doesn't like, and that chills free speech? I can't think of anything more chilling, I mean, anything more chilling than a federal grand jury subpoena that says we want a list of everyone that retweeted or liked a tweet of the defendant here, it's Donald Trump.

So like you said, we could, I guess, create or get near Christmas naughty and nice list. I mean, this is such a violation of the First Amendment. Every civil libertarian in the country should be going ballistic right now on this. And Jack Smith, I'm trying to put myself in the shoes of the prosecutor. What were they thinking? First of all, a lot of this information they could have gotten just by getting it. The chilling aspect of this is actually that they put this in the subpoena itself. And like you said, and then to top it off, they want to know of drafts that the Trump people were working on.

It's beyond the pale. It's a violation of the First Amendment. It's an unbelievable over-breath of what they're trying to do here, but they're doing it utilizing criminal process.

And that's what should have everybody nervous here. This is a criminal case with criminal process. You know what these lists remind me of was, I don't know if it was a year or two ago or when exactly it was, but remember when AOC was advocating for there to be lists compiled of Trump supporters with the intent of making it so that those people lost their jobs? These lists don't exist. They're not building these lists just to peruse them. There are consequences that will come from people who are on that list.

And there's a number of proof points that show that to be true. Jack Smith is such a dangerous person for our democracy, even for people who don't like Trump, even for people who say, well, I will never vote for him. I hate him.

He's the worst. If that is their position, they should be as equally concerned as the rest of us who believe in the Constitution or civil liberties and free speech. Because if this is allowed to stand without being challenged and taken down, then who will be next?

What kinds of lists will then be built? Because the precedent will then be set for whoever is next in power to say, hey, they did it. Why can't we do it then to go after our political opponents or those who we disagree with? And in this time of unprecedented anti-Semitism and these attacks, these kinds of lists should be concerning to everyone. Tulsi, as always, we appreciate you joining us with your insight.

I agree. I think that, you know, letting this happen, this slippery slope, and you say, well, I don't care. This is the people who, you know, they like Donald Trump.

I don't like them, except for to say that also one of the people who interacted with him at all. So if you were against him, your list, your name's on some list, too. It might not be the bad list right now, but a new administration comes in and says, hey, let's see those lists of the people you thought were the good people. Maybe now we'll turn them into the bad people we need to be following. That's not what we need to be doing in the United States of America, on either side of the aisle. That is not the right direction for our country. Tulsi, thank you for joining us.

And, Dad, that's why we got to get in this fight and put an end to this. I mean, the fact is this warrant just got released. It was almost a year ago. Yeah, it was January. So it just got released just now, but it is outrageous.

I mean, it is a gross violation of constitutional rights. So, folks, this is it for the month of November and our Faith and Freedom Drive. We are in the final two days of the drive. Your donations have kept us in the fight this year, and we've been waiting for you. We're sending the man letter tomorrow to the United Nations Security Council on the Israel issue. We've got 15 state GOPs we're dealing with on this attempt to get Trump off the ballot. And, again, for Trump or against Trump, the idea that the Secretary of State could just do this is outrageous. We're defending pro-life cases, defending religious freedom, and now we are defending your right to freedom of speech, which is being attacked here by, of all people, the special counsel. I mean, this is what is so absolutely absurd here. The special counsel is the one doing this. So I want to encourage you to support the work of the ACLJ.

This and the last two days are the most important for the month of November. It's our Faith and Freedom Drive. forward slash faith and freedom, and any amount you donate will be doubled. And, also, if you can make that gift monthly, you become an ACLJ champion. You heard from one of our champions today. That allows us to take these cases that we're not planning on, that weren't in the site, so to speak, and take them. We've got John Schneider coming up next. Keeping you informed and engaged. Now, more than ever, this is Sekulow. And now your host, Jordan Sekulow. Hey, welcome back to Sekulow, folks. So, we've been talking about these First Amendment issues and these huge issues, and we're going to do a lot more on what we're finding out through Jack Smith and this warrant. We've also got, you know, a brand new movie out through ACLJ Films, Logan Sekulow and Sean Hannity, our good friend, co-producing it.

And one of the stars of the movie is in the studio with us today, our friend John Schneider. I just wandered by. You know, I came for the coffee. It's good coffee.

You're always welcome. It's good. Jesse's great. We'll give him a shout out there.

Yeah, he just got married to us. Let's talk about the movie. First, can I get John's reaction to this, and then we'll go right into the movie. Sure, go ahead.

Do it. No, no, no. It's your show. No, no. It's your show, too.

It's just Sekulow. You've got the special counsel is saying, and it does tie into the movie, because you got this, you're talking about cancel culture. They're saying basically if you retweeted something of Donald Trump, the government wants a list through a subpoena by a grand jury from Jack Smith. So, if you did a retweet, you're a target of now this. Well, where's my subpoena? Yeah.

Well, they don't need to get a subpoena to you because they're getting it directly from Twitter. Oh, my gosh. So, how I'm going to tie this thing into the movie is the movie hits the cancel culture issue, Logan, correct? Oh, yeah. The catalyst of the story is a big Hollywood celebrity who gets canceled and all his toys get pulled from the shelf, big action hero, and he gets canceled for just basically kind of this, for saying something patriotic.

Right, and you know, in all fairness to everyone who has been canceled, you know, I say they can't cancel me, I quit. But the Dukes of Hazzard was really, I think, the first body on the side of the road for this whole nonsense. Yeah, it kind of was, because it was a show that was in syndication for decades. Well, in syndication for decades, but they also, years ago, like 20 years ago or so, on our MPC model, we had the General Lee, right? There's Tom and I leaning on the General Lee, and there's the flag behind us, and then somewhere in that year, and this was like 20 years ago, they took the flag off the box, but they left the flag decal in the box should you want to put it on there.

Oh, so you wanted like the model of the toy. Yeah, yeah, and since then, they took the Dukes off, and then they, we did a commercial for Auto Trader, which was great, but they shot it in such a way that you never saw the flag. They never took it off. And Janusz Kaminski, I'm applauding Janusz Kaminski, he was the director of it, cinematographer, Academy Award winner for Schindler's List. But he shot that commercial so that you didn't see the flags, just so the idiots wouldn't argue.

Yeah, of course, yeah. Right, so Dukes was then taken off the air, and it was, you can't find it anywhere, I mean, you have to buy it, I think you can buy it on YouTube, and so it's wild. And what's crazy about that is, John, you did an event like two or three weeks ago here, and I saw pictures from it, like a convention event, and the amount of people that are still showing up for Dukes of Hazzard, because it was you and Tom and Catherine, it was all of you, it means that the fan base is still there. The fan base is still there, and the fans are every color you can imagine, and they're every age you can imagine, so I don't know who it is, I've never ever met a black person that ever said that Dukes of Hazzard was a racist show. Everything I hear from them, they're in their 40s, 50s, 60s, they say the same thing everybody else says, my brother or my cousin and I used to fight over who got to be Bo and who got to be Luke, and my first crush was Daisy.

I don't care if it's a black man or a woman or an Asian person, it doesn't matter. I went to that show with Tyler Perry, he put, that was a memorable interview, he's like, I met John originally, I knew John from the Dukes, I loved it. From the Dukes of Hazzard, right. So we've got a minute left and we're going to keep John for the whole rest of the half hour. Jingle Smells is the best movie you're going to see this Christmas. Okay, we've got, a lot of people have already watched this movie. Comments are coming in saying, all the people who loved it. But Logan, tell people how to get it. Yeah, we have a brand new movie that John is starring in, it's called Jingle Smells. You've heard us talk about it for the last month. We're going to keep this rolling.

We're going to talk a lot more about it when we come back from the segment, but you can get it right now on That's the easiest way to do it. That's the domain. I want to stay live during the break. Okay, can we do that? Can we do that, please? Yes.

Are we saying yes? I want to stay live during the break so we can talk to our Rumble audience. For the online audience. Okay, how do they get the movie again, Logan? Yeah,, that's the domain you go to. That's, if you will. It' .movie, and if there's a QR code right now, you scan it, you go to it, and it's really easy to get it. It's so much fun. No, your phone knows how to do it. You don't have to know how to do it.

That's true. It's a little scary. That's why they call it a smartphone. I didn't think I could find it. I went to my phone and said, you've already purchased it. Here you go, here's your link. And I just shoved it on the computer.

And that's a tacit order. Alright, we'll be right back. Go to A lot more with Jon Schneider coming up. You can give us a call, too, if you'd like to.

1-800-684-3110. Alright, welcome back to The Juice Sekulow. Let's show some, you know, we've shown people, they've seen a lot in the trailer if you've been watching our show or listening to our show, but we've got some new clips, Logan.

Pulled from today. And I think maybe you want to intro what people are going to see so that if they have not yet gone to and purchased and watched yet, so they at least get a glimpse of what they're about to see. Yes, it's a big Christmas comedy with Jon and Ben Davies, who you may have heard on this broadcast before. And what you'll see, I believe in this scene, this is the in front of the jail scene. This is one of the first scenes in the movie. So this is one of the first scenes in the movie, which is where Jon's character is the police chief, his son.

Both of them are war vets. Delinquent son. Yeah, delinquent son.

Had some issues. You get him out of jail and you have to set him up. Again, I get him out of jail. It's embarrassing when you have to, you're the sheriff and you have to get your son out of jail. And I pray that Biden gets to experience that. Well, in this version, you set him up. That'll be another movie. You set him up with a little bit of a job and a cush job, if you will. Not really a cush job. Take a look.

Here's a clip from one of the very first scenes of Jingle Smells. Listen to me. You cannot miss court and you cannot be MIA when your parole officer comes looking for you. I went to a movie, dad. Is it a crime?

This particular instance, it was a crime. Okay, but I smoothed it over for you. Okay, let's do this the last time. All right? You do it again. Don't let it happen again or you're not coming out of there. Okay, I'm sorry, dad. Really, I appreciate it.

It's Chief Gutman. When I am working. And there's one more thing. There's a condition. Okay, okay.

What is it? You're getting a job. Dad. No, I've tried to get a job. It's just, it's not as easy as it sounds. I'm not saying for everybody with the unemployment crisis, but it's tough.

It's tough. Would you stop lying to me? Okay, just stop lying. I took care of it already. Say hello to the great American workforce.

No, no, no, no, no. I can't be picking up trash all day. Come on. I mean, I'm not built for it.

You know what I'm saying? And I appreciate the people that do have to do that. I really do. But you know my schedule. I'm busy. I gotta walk the dog. You don't have a dog, Nick.

I'm at the cat. Would you just stop making excuses? I genuinely am not. I can't. I can't do that. So hey, well, I'll make you a deal.

You're not making me any deal. You listen to me. Your new career awaits you, or you can do it by force.

In an orange jumpsuit as part of the illustrious highway corrections cleanup team. It's your choice. Make it. Okay.

Thinking. Hey, Nicky. Hey, Curly. Welcome to the team, son. Your prayers have been answered.

Please take me back to jail. Not a chance. Yes, that is just a taste. Two minutes of a 93 minute spectacle. 93 minutes. It's a fantastic movie.

I have to say John was fantastic, which we always knew he would be because he is a fantastic actor. But the movie is great. Now I want people to, right now, especially those that are, well, if you're listening on radio too, of course we want you to do this. But if you're on social media platforms, this is a piece of cake for you because you can get it right now. And we encourage you to do that.

And what do they need to do? Yeah, is where it's available right now. You can buy it right there, stream it on demand immediately. You can watch it on your phone right now, right? You can watch it on your phone. I've seen it on... If you're on the 405 freeway right now, you can watch the whole thing before you get to Sepulveda.

That's true. Which is what happened the first time you called into this broadcast. You were just stuck. I was on my motorcycle and I pulled over on the side of the road and used a pay phone. Oh, wow.

I had some change in my pocket. And you've seen it, Logan, on what, your phone? I've seen it, well, I've seen it 150 times. On a big screen theater? This is what I actually like about this movie, and I've said this, and we actually had this debate because we had a distributor come to us and said, we want to maybe put this theatrically. We discussed it. But with the price of everything right now, I took my kids to see a Paw Patrol or whatever it was, and it ended up being for my family of five, and our popcorn and candy ended up being over $200.

Oh, my God. This is where we're living right now because tickets are 20 plus bucks, then food and drinks. And I watched the movie on the big screen in our screening room here, and then I watched it on my phone as I've been working on it, editing it, and I realized I think this movie plays great on both ways. It plays great on your TV.

It plays great, if you have a home theater, it plays great on your phone because it's a fun comedy. And I think at the end of the day, though we've been saying, I always say it's kind of like a Christmas present, the wrapping paper is fun and silly, but inside the present, there's actually some real heart there. There's some real heart. There's some substance to it, and I think that's what's really terrific about it because of the whole cancel culture thing, but also because of freedom, exercising your freedom. As funny as it is, welcome to the great American workforce, he does actually wind up appreciating the fact that he has a job and has to work, and he winds up being a better person for having toiled, which is right now for some reason nobody seems to be teaching that you need to work to get something.

And I was always taught that it's better to work for $5 an hour than being given $6. I want a sense of accomplishment, and this movie does that, too. It's fun, it's funny, and what I haven't heard anybody say, it's really beautiful. It's beautifully shot. And considering it's got a lot of trash trucks in it, it's still beautifully shot. Yeah, and I don't want to give a shout out to our DP, Isaac, who did a fantastic job on making it look beautiful. Great job, and you all did it in record-breaking time. That was fantastic, and the beautiful people had a wonderful time there in Albuquerque.

I know, yeah. So I applaud you for making the movie. I applaud the gentleman who wrote it, who I just ran into, and he was not playing music up there in the lobby.

Yes, if you watch the movie, look for the troubadour. He definitely was very instrumental in writing this script. Yeah, but it's really terrific, and it's one of those movies you can sit and watch with your whole family, and you will all enjoy it, which is unusual these days. Most of the time, people make a movie for six people, males, dare I say the word, males six to six and a half years old.

So movies are so targeted that there isn't anything for the whole family to sit down and watch and enjoy and then discuss. Movies are supposed to make you discuss their subject matter when they're done, and this one will. Yeah, it's not just silly comedy. There's plenty of it in it. It's fun. Like I said, it's a Christmas comedy, but it's got real messages, real heart, and I think that has caught people off guard in some ways in a good way.

You're right, they're having those discussions. A lot of people watched it on Thanksgiving night. I got a lot of those watch parties. People say they put it on with the whole family, and they all watched it, and that has been the thing is you've had grandparents who've been like, I love this, and you've had my kids have watched it 10 times already on repeat as they're laughing, and they want to know how to get the toys.

So there's a little bit for everybody. But the key thing is, folks, we want to get this movie into as many hands as we can, and that's where you come in. I encourage you to go to right now. If you're on Rumble, you could just put it in the search engine, and you could buy the movie, and you have it. For $19.99.

Go ahead. Let's say one of the goals that we've had with this movie is not just it's a good movie. It's a great movie.

We're very proud of it. We're also making a statement here. You are making a statement every time you purchase this movie, every time you support it.

We believe this movie can be the number one new Christmas movie this year because of people like you who watch and want good content and are ready to, and Jon's been doing it for years, get rid of some of the gatekeepers in Hollywood and produce this content ourselves. It's not going to happen on its own. It's only going to happen if people support it. If people stop supporting, which people don't talk about very much, you have to stop supporting that which you disagree with. That means if there's some celebrity out there, not to mention any names like Dwayne Johnson, I wouldn't mention those names, but if you have a celebrity out there who offends you in any way or with whom you disagree, then for goodness sake, don't go support them by watching their movies. Same thing with sports people.

If there's a sports celebrity out there that rubs you the wrong way, stop watching them. You have the power of the purse, but you need to do two things. You need to support more that which you agree with and support less that with which you disagree with.

Sounds pretty simple. Yeah, we've said it pretty easily when watching this movie. At least you know from a lot of the people who worked on it, like you and me and the writers and a lot of the actors, you know the people who made it don't hate you. It's not like you're sitting there seething, going, look, even the liberals who probably worked on this movie, these people are not a group of people who got around and said, I'm going to hate.

We still want your money, but we actually dislike everything about you as a person. That is not what this is. It's a different world and we actually can break through and we're doing that with Rumble, we're doing that with even the DVD sales, which will be coming up very soon. And the movie suggests it's fun and it's entertaining and it's thought-provoking and it's beautiful and it's all those things, but one thing it's not is it doesn't hit an audience over the head and say you must agree with us.

We don't care if you agree with us. We are exercising our freedom of speech. We are telling stories in the manner with which I believe God has given us the tools to tell them. So if that speaks to you, then that's wonderful. If it doesn't, then that's okay. And I don't know where that went.

I don't know where all of a sudden people had to be this or that. I don't get it. Even our hardcore liberal character who's screaming and yelling throughout, guess what? We'll spoil it a little bit.

Maybe get some redemption as well. We're going to keep this conversation going and we're going to announce the DVD sales will be coming very soon. Some people have asked for the physical. So right now you can stream it on demand and there will be a DVD option and that DVD option you're going to like as well. When is the DVD out?

It'll be next week. Manufacturing is tough because it's hard to get stuff these days. Yeah, exactly.

I wonder why. There will be a hard copy as we say as well. Maybe we'll talk about that as well. And that'll be available. We'll talk about where that's going to be available coming up in the next segment.

It's exciting because it's another way, kind of like partnering with Rumble, where we get to work independently and away from the studios. That's the way to go. It's the only way.

Buy it today. Welcome back to Sekulow. Wrapping up our broadcast today here with Jon Schneider.

My dad, obviously, we're talking about our new movie, Jingle Smells. We shot out in New Mexico over… A week ago? It feels very short with our director, Daniel. Have we finished shooting it yet?

It does feel that way. Look, there are some things. We were in the edit and Jon, I know you get your hands dirty on the edits as well. There are certain things where, if I could tell you how last minute they were, like there's even a noise where, a spit take noise, and that noise happens because he takes like a jug of milk and takes a swing and spits spoiled milk. For a reason that sound didn't pick up. So if you hear the foley of my spitting, that's me in my kitchen. Doing your kitchen.

Doing that in the middle of the night when my wife's probably like, what's happening? That's how hands on we get when making these movies. Logan, you want to know how many people would have noticed that?

No one. But that's for me. That's for me.

As long as you know that. I'm very specific. You know what the movie has done is when they pry it from your… Look, that's what had to happen. Eventually we had to get there. But I think what's cool and something in this story that we… It's kind of hinted at throughout. It's very specific.

It's in there, but strongly. And then really kind of there's one big moment is there is this connection to the military and to veterans. And when we were crafting this story originally a couple of years ago, it was let's make this lead a war vet from Afghanistan who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq. And then we had the Afghanistan withdrawal happen. And that whole botched disaster that happened under the current administration. And we thought, well, could we place this in a real world event that happened so recently that everyone kind of remembers?

And everyone, even the younger people who are watching, because I think that was the problem. When we get so more and more removed from the original war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan, maybe a 15-year-old or whatever wouldn't necessarily connect with it. But they remember two years ago, a year and a half ago, when that was happening. We were actually shooting during the anniversary of that and I was following it.

So we decided to kind of give it a little bit more real world. And there was all these stories that were coming out of how long that war stretched that you had fathers and sons, and you'll see this in the next clip, who served in Afghanistan. You had daughters, you had families. Fought in the same war. Fought in the same war, generations apart, which is wild to think about. And I tell you, when I read that, I thought, this is really great. My analogy was my brother had the same English teacher that my mother had.

So the only other time I've heard anybody think about that was during that time. My elementary school was my dad's K-12 school. So a shared experience, which I think they'll see in this clip, is so very important. But the dad is so understanding. This for me is when my character kind of turns more into Jonathan Kent. Yes, from Smallville.

Yeah, from Smallville, where he understands that he doesn't understand. I don't get it, so don't beat yourself up for what you're going through. Because even though I was there, I'm not going through that.

It was a different time, it was a different thing. In my personal life, that's about grief. Losing a spouse is different than losing a parent, different than losing a child. I don't know what my family feels about that, nor do they know what I feel. Nobody understands anyone's perspective. And being able to accept that is something that I think a lot of people, you want to relate, you want to jump and say.

Well, adulthood I think is when you know what you don't know. Exactly right. Let's take a look. Here's a clip from Jingle Smells.

Father and son, both serving in the same war are nearly 20 years apart. How wild is that, huh? But we're here. We made it.

That is the important thing. We got lucky. No, we did not get lucky. We were blessed.

We are blessed. You know what you need? You need to come to church. Don't start that again.

Yes, I am. I'm going to start that again. It would do you some good, son.

Shoot, you might even meet somebody. It's the holidays, Nick. Who doesn't go to church around Christmas time? Come on. Yeah, you know what, you're right. A garbage man with multiple felonies and a suspended driver's license?

What church girl could resist? You're turning this all around, son. Your life counts, Nick. Yeah, well, look, I want to do something with it.

I do. What? You're going to figure it out.

You have to. If not for you, then for all the guys who didn't make it home. Right? To the boys. There you go. That is a clip from Jingle Smells, which is available on demand right now at And we can announce that a physical copy, DVD, is coming next week.

Yes, next week. Which was cool for us because just like when we decided to partner with you, but partner with Rumble, we can do this away from the big Hollywood system. We said, well, we know there's demand for DVDs.

We could never make this movie with the Hollywood system. No, we knew there was demand for DVDs. We're like, well, let's go to John.

John is doing that himself. And great, we get to partner with someone specifically. So exclusively for this year, at least, you can get those DVDs on John Schneider Studios. Unless I have some left, in which case you can get them next year. Well, yes, hopefully. Hopefully you won't. We have to order more.

I don't think I will. Listen, the fact that you aren't able to have a hard copy DVD and that you could stream it right now, we're making it accessible. This is an ACLJ film project, which means this helps the ACLJ. So here's what we need you to do.

If you want the hard copy, or both, and a lot of you may want both, stream it right now and get a hard copy. It's very easy to do. So That's easy.

And then right from there, if you're on Rumble right now, just type in in the search, jinglesmells, and it pops right out of hand. There it is. And at John Schneider Studios, next week we'll be having the DVDs available. So all of that's happening. We'll link those on our website as well. So we encourage you to do that. The thing that I liked the most about the movie was, it's what you said about the gift wrapping of the papers, the comedy, but underneath all of that were really important messages.

The issues we deal with all the time here. I love it. Because I have been an action figure, and because you can't find my action figure anywhere unless it's in an antique store.

Or my office. I know what that feels like. I really do.

The Dukes of Hazzard was the most merchandised television show, the most successfully merchandised television show of all time. And then all of a sudden, some group of people decided that they were going to make it the enemy. So it doesn't feel good. I made a movie actually about that a couple years ago called Christmas Cars. The point is, this cancel culture is a real thing. People need to understand, this isn't pretend. This is real. You've got to watch every word you're saying now, as I said at the beginning of the broadcast, and now you've got a special counsel in Washington who wants to know who you've retweeted.

Especially if you retweeted the former President of the United States. So now you're on the naughty list of the special counsel until that lawsuit is coming. And by the way, it will be coming.

I've got a team working on that right now. But again, the movie, And we encourage you to get it today.

And John Schneider Studios for the DVD copy. Can I do a little... I was just going to say, we're excited to do this. And the reason people have been like, well, why did you decide to start with a Christmas comedy? Because we want something you can show to your friends and family that's going to be accessible and fun. We're not just hitting them over the head, as you said, with hardcore political commentary. There's plenty of it in there, but it's done in a nice way, in a funny way, in a satirical way. Something that you maybe grew up with.

A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. So it's excellently done and very clever. Thank you so much. Dad, I'll let you take it from here. Yeah. So, you know, this is part of what we're trying to do at the ACLJ is to impact all these different venues, whether it's the courtroom, whether it's public policy, whether it's entertainment. We have the band.

John's played with the band. I mean, we do that for you. I mean, I want to get you back in, by the way. We're going to be doing a concert next month. Okay. I'll do one of the new songs. All right. And here's what I want you to do.

I want you to get that movie at I also want you to support the work of the ACLJ. And you do that by going to It's our last two days of our faith and freedom drive. Any amount you donate is doubled. If you can make that a monthly gift, you become an ACLJ champion.

And this is the day to do it. And by the way, a portion of the proceeds of this movie goes to the ACLJ as well. When you buy a DVD at John Steiner Studios, a portion of that is going to the ACLJ as well. So you are really helping us out here, folks. We encourage you to do it. for that donation.

And if you want to get that movie, or John Steiner Studios for the DVD. Talk to you tomorrow.
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