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IRS Agent was STOPPED From Investigating “Dad” in Biden Probe

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Truth Network Radio
June 28, 2023 1:10 pm

IRS Agent was STOPPED From Investigating “Dad” in Biden Probe

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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June 28, 2023 1:10 pm

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley just came forward with a bombshell claim. Shapley, who's served 14 years at the IRS, claims his investigation into Hunter Biden was stymied by the agency, even telling CBS News, "Based on my experience, if this was a small business owner or any other non-connected individual, they would have been charged with felony counts[.]" Jordan and the Sekulow team discuss Shapley's comments and what the ACLJ is doing to ensure justice is served for the American people. This and more today on Sekulow.


Today on Sekulow, an IRS agent was stopped from investigating dad in the Biden probe. We'll talk about that more today on Sekulow. Keeping you informed and engaged. Now more than ever, this is Sekulow.

We want to hear from you. Share and post your comments or call 1-800-684-3110. And now your host, Jordan Sekulow. Welcome to Sekulow. We're taking your call to 1-800-684-3110.

That's 1-800-684-3110. There's been some shocking testimony provided by a current IRS official who is named and one IRS official who is not named. The IRS official who is named has been testifying about how the U.S. Attorney, David Weiss, who was handling for five years the investigation into Hunter Biden, the tax issues, the foreign money. I mean ultimately it came down to a 1.5 million dollar tax that he owed and a gun charge because he was using illegal drugs when he applied to purchase a weapon for his background check and that would be a felony.

So it's pretty much the plea deal would be a slap on the wrist. But now we're learning like because people ask questions like what about you know we're seeing all these whatsapp messages now about getting 10 million dollars. You better return my call right now. The chairman of the company, the Chinese bank, who is now missing by the way in China. No one has been able to find for a couple of years. You know you better call me back or else we hold a grudge.

I'm sitting next to my father. Why did all this go, why did none of this appear ultimately in any of the cases or even the prep for the cases before the plea deal? Well now we're learning that the US Attorney David Weiss would sought special counsel status so he could bring charges in any jurisdiction of the US. He was denied that status by the Department of Justice. He also tried to bring charges in DC and Southern California and was denied by the local US Attorneys there. This is despite the fact that the Attorney General Merrick Garland said that he gave him full access to bring charges anywhere.

Do we have that soundbite? Let's play it. Mr. Weiss who was appointed by President Trump as the US Attorney in Delaware and assigned this matter during the previous administration would be permitted to continue his investigation and to make a decision to prosecute any way in which he wanted to and in any district in which he wanted to. Okay so someone's not telling the truth either the US Attorney, Weiss, or the Attorney General. If it is the Attorney General that is not telling the truth we have a very significant issue that's developing here right now. You've got Kevin McCarthy is talking seriously about impeachment well and said if they can corroborate with the US Attorney David Weiss what this IRS who's still there at the IRS the supervisory agent Gary Shapley he used whistleblower status to be protected from retribution at the IRS so he can't be fired. There's another IRS agent who just hasn't want to be named yet who's testified as well who's corroborated this so there's two of them he's also named names about people that were in the meeting with David Weiss and McCarthy said you know if this is true this is how you would move this is why we have impeachment for executive branch confirmed officials and it would be Merrick Garland who would be at the forefront of that because of the statement he just stated. Well this is a big deal I mean either he had the authority to do whatever he needed like a special counsel would they still have to report to the Department of Justice or he didn't well he was denied special counsel status so that's number one but he was also denied the ability to bring cases in other jurisdictions because you have to bring the case where the crime was committed now what's also interesting about that couple that with the IRS agent who is the special agent in charge saying hey they they wouldn't let us continue statute of limitations they limited the amount of investigations we could do this is very serious and this is where congressional oversight and we will work with congress is very important I'm tax lawyer by training very very important. The two cases that would have been brought were the money from China that would have been Southern California because Hunter Biden was living there at the time when that money was received and then the the Burisma money would have been DC at the time because uh Biden was vice President and that's where Hunter Biden was so and then both of those jurisdictions they were he was denied the ability to bring charges so he wanted to bring charges is what the IRS agent who testified under the whistleblower says let's take your calls on this 1-800-684-3110 that's 1-800-684-3110 this is why the plea deal by the way has not been agreed to yet by the judge that's not until July 26 there's a hearing on that so things could change for Hunter Biden we'll be right back on Sekulow.

Welcome back to Sekulow we are taking your causes to 1-800-684-3110 so a IRS whistleblower appeared on CBS news this morning is supervisory agent Gary Shapley and there's another IRS official who as well who has not been named yet but who's testified he also said by the way that in the meeting when they were told about not being able to bring charges outside of Delaware by U.S. Attorney David Weiss there were these officials the Baltimore FBI special agent in charge Tom Sobosinski assistant special agent in charge Raisha Hawley as well as Shapley and his boss IRS special agent charge Daryl Walden so now we have specific names of people to haul before the committee not necessarily in a negative way but just to say was this what you heard did you hear what the what Shapley heard did you hear David Weiss clearly communicate to you that he was denied the ability to bring charges outside of Delaware which limits his ability it kind of explains why this tax issue was only over 1.5 million in just unpaid taxes not in money that wasn't necessarily reported that would have been the barisma money out of that would have been linked more to a DC case the Chinese money which would have been linked to a Southern California case and what is being reported is that he was denied the ability he wanted to bring charges there it was denied now my question is after that statement made by mayor Carlin David Weiss knows that statement would it have been his responsibility to speak up about this well he's handling an ongoing investigation though so his complication is he would he could have handled it internally within the justice department bringing it public let's say as a whistleblower would be more difficult because he's the prosecuting attorney in charge it puts him in a very difficult spot I mean I'm sympathetic to his where the situation he's in the entire DOJ against him and the white house against him so he's in a tough spot but but now it's going to come out so now what you're saying yes he's going to have to make an affirmative statement if the Republicans conservatives on the hill play this correctly when I say play it do it right this could have major repercussions going into by the way the 2024 election it could significantly hurt Joe Biden legally it puts him on par with kind of the legal issues that Donald Trump's facing yep it's that kind of problem yeah 1-800-684-3112 that's 1-800-684-3110 the question the difference is is that Donald Trump actually has to go to court and defend himself and Joe Biden doesn't by the way I'm hearing the trial could be as early as for sure January February that's what the DOJ requested DOJ requested December yeah December 11th but that'll run into Christmas trial is estimated to be two or three weeks I don't know if it's going to happen before or not if it does happen before or if it doesn't happen before it happens after they got to get a full defense team in place yeah I think that because they're going to come because they're going to come after him with the entire power of the federal government and the we you and I know more than most lawyers know in America what that's like because we did it for a President but he's not the sitting President anymore and that makes a big difference yeah we're going to take your calls now 1-800-684-3110 in the next segment Mike Pompeo is going to be joining us about what is happening in Russia so the former secretary of state is going to weigh in on that and kind of help us because people are saying this is not over yet with Wagner we've heard more out of Belarus as well and supposedly this deal that Lukashenko cut which the way he described the way he talked to Putin would not be the way you would imagine the Belarus dictator being able to talk to Putin and being able to cut this deal so it's it's a lot of questions in the air still about what will happen to Wagner to the head of Wagner and of course how this affects more broadly the war in Ukraine but I want to take your calls on this too if you got questions about it give us a call at 1-800-684-3110 because there's a lot of moving parts here tons multiple districts you got a plea deal that's sitting there for another month uh a little bit less than a month and all the talk there's even calls the wall street journal today for the judge to reject the plea deal in light of all the new information that has come out just in the whatsapp message alone where it says you know that that you better call us right now where's your call if you don't come through with the 10 million and we're going to hold this grudge we know how to hold grudges I'm sitting next to my father that's when he was vice President of the United States and the whole deal that you know Biden's also on the record saying he knew nothing about these deals but his son we don't know if he was really sitting next to his dad we don't know that he could have just been using that in a text to sound tougher but it certainly brings a question of like how would you not know these deals were going on let's go to Susan in Kentucky on line one hey Susan hello uh glad you finally get through and uh thank you god bless you guys for all the hard work I'm just calling with a little sarcasm on Hunter Biden I'm amazed to think about how he has been receiving millions of dollars from all these foreign countries and and how he has been evading his taxes and he's a deadbeat dad and can't pay child support and so I'm thinking if if I just don't understand he if he is still a crack addict he must be buying a lot of crack with all that money I don't think I think he has recovered I don't want to I don't want to go that's look talking about the legal issues is one thing I'm not going to go into his his health status I hope he's not in that situation doesn't appear to be it's going to be a by the way I'm going to be a by the way that was going to be a defense because criminal intent is impaired by drug dependency and disability so that's just the way the law is set up uh but I think it's worth playing going back a step and playing with the whistleblower from the IRS said when questioned take a listen there were certain investigative steps we weren't allowed to take that could have led us to President Biden and you wanted to take him we needed to take them and you weren't allowed to take them that's correct okay now this is the IRS agent that was in charge of the putting together the criminal case against uh Hunter Biden now let me tell you what that he's a special agent that's an IRS criminal agent he was a supervisory agent means he's in charge of a group they're called in the civil context a group manager so he was high up within that within the field offices within the division here's the problem with all of this you've got to couple this with what the U.S. attorney is now saying that he was stymied he was stopped to not allowed to issue subpoenas and document requests and bring charges in the District of Columbia and in California they would not allow it that is markedly different from what Merrick Garland under oath said he gave as the parameters for the U.S. attorney Weiss to engage very very different yeah I mean that's the thing is we've heard over and over again from the attorney general in so many different settings that David Weiss could do whatever he needs to do that's why we kept him on from the Trump administration they made that political move that hey we're not going to get rid of this Trump appointed U.S. attorney in Delaware we let him keep going in this multi-year investigation which had already started under the Trump administration now it lasted five years he did say which was interesting and maybe there was more to it than than originally thought because he did say when he brought these charges against Hunter in Delaware that they weren't closing out the investigation yeah now you said in normal times that's kind of what you say but in this case now that we're learning this maybe admit more it could it may because it is a normal thing they say they say uh you know subject to getting additional information the case will remain open yeah whatsapp messages and all these things that they didn't necessarily not have those we don't know if they didn't have them or if they couldn't act on them because they weren't the right jurisdiction to act that's just so the Chinese uh jurisdiction would have been Southern California or D.C. it's just so unusual that the attorney general in the united states I don't think they were that limited by district court honestly no but but the fact that the connection to the Delaware money would probably end up in Delaware yeah but the fact that he would start not allowed to do this when the attorney general says specifically the opposite and now Kevin McCarthy is up the rhetoric impeachment yeah let's listen because of the allegations from the IRS because of the whistleblowers and the DOJ are Garland what he is saying and what David Weiss are saying privately are two different things right and if it comes true what the IRS whistleblower is saying we're going to start impeachment inquiries on the attorney general well that's a big statement again now whether they will they have enough to get a conviction probably not because you need 66 they're not going to get that but does this listen I think Merrick Garland has to be asked he should be brought back up to the hill and asked without a lot of hullabaloo and without a lot of grandstanding Mr. Attorney General did you receive in your office received through probably the DAG the deputy attorney general did you receive a request from the U.S. attorney to expand in the reach of where he wanted to go with his investigation to the district in the District of Columbia and into California and if he says no he did not well then then you got to bring the U.S. attorney in if he says yes and he says we did not allow that because he gave a reason you say well that's the exactly the opposite of what you told us in sworn testimony yeah the the TID held by H for the big guy the shorthand for 10 percent the IRS agent was told not to look into those money trails anything involving dad or the big guy were blocked by a senior prosecutor in the wife's office now that's another move why would he have kept that senior prosecutor on did he not know I mean how many senior prosecutors would a U.S. attorney have in this kind of case senior probably two okay if that guy's going around there could be 10 guys going around blocking his investigations why would not he could he had the power to fire or at least remove him from the office but they didn't so there's a lot of questions for wives here a lot yes I mean it's not like I don't want to just say he's getting it out there somehow through these whistleblowers yeah who have said who are saying like I was at the meeting with him but I was shocked when he said look guys all I can do is bring cases that we could bring in Delaware or else they're going to beat us jurisdictions in court so we can't bring DC can't bring California and those are the big cases and by the way it's the IRS agents don't even investigate you realize what you just said yeah they stopped an investigation of the President's son if this turns out to be true folks okay this would be a real problem for joe biden it just can't even with democrats yes I think so and then that but that we know his popularity you know we'll talk about that in the next part of it I'm going to ask you that question about the politics of it back to secular listen keeping your calls in on all this hunter biden news and the whistleblower because I know it's complicated you've got all these different district courts and different U.S. attorneys and prosecutors weighing in on this lots of names so if you've got questions about it get them in now 1-800-684-3110 but I do want to turn to what's happening in Russia I'm really excited to have a former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joining us because I want to get his insight into everything that happened over the weekend Secretary Pompeo we saw the the Wagner group march on Moscow that abruptly abandoned their march on Moscow with a deal that allowed the head of the Wagner group to go to Belarus it was supposedly brokered by a Lukashenko of Belarus which had people kind of scratch their heads and how does he kind of have this much power to broker anything with Putin on his own so looking at this with your background what was going through your mind when this all started unfolding it was very quick over the weekend Jordan it's great to be with you again today you know when I when I first saw when I first saw Prigozhin start to move it reminded me of my time when I was in the administration and Prigozhin's forces in Syria started to move against the Americans and we killed some 300 of the Wagner soldiers that day and we thought it was irrational right he was moving it was in Syria he was crossing the river he knew we had to know and I remember thinking when Prigozhin's forces were on the move you could watch it on tv thinking he's he's made a mistake again right there's there's very unlikely that forces are going to gather permitting him to take Vladimir Putin out or for that matter even to gain leverage to get rid of his nemesis the ministry of defense leader Shoigu and Gerasimov and so I remember thinking this this is almost certainly to end badly for Prigozhin and his forces and of course within I don't know 30 hours or so they turned around Prigozhin's now telling a story I don't think there's I think there's still a lot we don't know but I don't think there's any doubt that Prigozhin viewed himself as having crawled too far out on the limb kind of in the same way some of the Chinese business leaders did and Putin was attempting to rein him back in and he saw this as his last-ditch effort to protect himself and of course it didn't end that way. Mike I always look at these things and we've done a lot of work in Russia we had an office in in Moscow on religious liberty issues throughout the entire country in the former Soviet bloc I mean our lawyers there litigated cases at the European courts on religious liberty and religious freedom and did a great job of course we can't do that now with the sanctions in place but I was going to ask you this question I always look at the Russian situation and you got to think it's like the Middle East you got to think nine-dimensionally it's like a nine-dimensional chess game. It's hard for me to believe that Putin didn't know a lot of this was happening and that he may have been moving the players around here a bit could this be an exit or attempted exit ramp out of Ukraine because now he's got the Wagner troops not willing to not allegedly not willing to fight and he's got a domestic situation and he says you know what I got to concentrate on home I'm total speculation on my part. Jay your point about the fact that we should all be quite humble in believing we actually know what's going on inside the Russian leadership circus circles is precisely right. Jay I think it's I think it's unlikely that Putin's viewing this as his exit in some ways that would be just a glorious outcome right a Ukrainian success story there would be a fantastic outcome without the use of nuclear weapons without American soldiers that'd be fantastic. I think more likely is that Putin actually believes that he now has to tighten down things inside his own country even more but has to keep the the failed mission in Ukraine alive or there's too much confidence lost in him so my guess is you'll see more more tanks inside of Germany excuse me Russia you'll see bigger security domestic security forces and you will see a continued effort to mobilize even more Russians in the fight in Ukraine. This is a dangerous place for Putin to go but his desire to stay in power has as always you know Jay that's always rule number one keep the keep the guy in charge and I think you'll see him clamp down at home and continue to try and exert his capacity to at least tell the story of continued fighting in Ukraine so I'm hopeful the Ukrainians will see the opportunity here and be able to make make gains further putting pressure on Vladimir Putin. We know for instance the Wagner troops are in Haiti we know they're on the continent of Africa they've been deployed as you said in Syria the lack of their ability to be deployed now in the Ukraine situation with Russia in that conflict what does that do for Putin or do to Putin? It's hard to know we we hear conflicting stories about where these soldiers have heard different numbers sounds like somewhere in the range of 25 000 or 30 000 where they're going to go and remember this too though Jay that the the the logistics and the money were all coming from the Kremlin so Putin always had an enormous amount of leverage on Prigozhin the leader of Wagner. Prigozhin had some leverage too and he tried to exert it but in the end money matters logistics matter Prigozhin was clearly being pushed in ways that he didn't want to be pushed and now he's been exiled we'll have to see where the troops all land but make no mistake about it there will still be private Russian forces whether they go into the name Wagner force Putin will still see that as a global instrument of power and he'll find someone who he trusts for a period of time to go lead those forces wherever he needs them to keep Russian influence strong around the world. I want to go to your new piece up at and we'll keep following of course what's happened in Russia and Ukraine very closely with this as it all continues to unfold day by day and minute by minute but you have a new piece up at that binds a sanction relief for the Iranian regime will fuel murder mayhem and terror this might actually surprise people but we now know that the US and Iran have re-entered indirect talks to try and come up with another or get back into the nuclear deal of course getting close to election time as well. It's incomprehensible to me that this is this is just the zombie thing that won't won't go away you know there may be some politics in this this could be the mind administration looking for a way in a story to tell the American people about a foreign success I think that would I think that won't that dog won't hunt but it may be they believe it I think more likely they just they've always had this ideological view this almost religious fanaticism that says we need to cut a deal with the Iranians to keep peace in the Middle East we proved Jordan that that wasn't true when the Abraham Accords came into being we proved that supporting our Sunni friends the Gulf state friends our Shia friends around the world who wanted peace and not terror like the Ayatollah does and you know all of this taking place against the backdrop of Iranian weapons being handed sold traded to the Russians to kill Ukrainian kids while we're in that fight too it makes no sense as a matter of logic to me but it is very clear the Biden administration remains intent on some kind of deal which will enrich the Ayatollah and create enormous risk for the United States and for our ally and friend Israel as well more about that in the weeks ahead and look forward to your continued comments and appreciate your work with us and your work around the globe thank you mr secretary we appreciate it yeah we encourage people go see that new piece up from secretary Pompeo at it's exclusive to aclj and that's part of the the pieces that secretary Pompeo does at cedar council for global affairs the aclj is these exclusive pieces for our site and again it's Biden's sanction relief for the Iranian regime will fuel murder mayhem and terror it's honestly not getting as much attention as it should that we're back in these indirect talks with and again it's an administration it seems like on every foreign policy decision it's been it's been a failure after failure after failure starting with the withdrawal in Afghanistan secretary gate said he's been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision let me say this so as we go into the second half hour of the broadcast your support of the aclj is critical this was a great example of it today because on all these issues that we've discussed that are in the news that you're getting commentary from the lawyers that handled the similar situation or handled the situation we also have our government oversight project with our freedom of information act litigation we get the answers to these questions we hold people accountable then you've just heard from Mike Pompeo former secretary of state director of the cia to give you real first-hand impressions of what's going on this happens because you support the work of the aclj and so many other issues that you don't we don't have time to talk about every day in this one hour including this broadcast being presented to you five days a week so i encourage you to support the work of the aclj you go to that's and make your online contribution there it's a great way to stay engaged and in tune we appreciate that stay tuned we got a great half hour coming up a lot more information if you're watching on our social media share it with your friends we'll be back with more in just a moment keeping you informed and engaged now more than ever this is secular and now your host jordan secular all right welcome back to second we do encourage you to call in 1-800-684-3110 as we walk through the latest in the hunter bite i mean it just continues it's when you think that even when it's done and you may have been unhappy about how it looked like it was done with the ultimate plea deal that's been put forward out of the the federal case of delaware now there's a call for the judge not to accept the plea deal because of all this new information we're learning literally in the past like 24 to 48 hours from irs whistleblowers and what's interesting about this one that unlike a lot of times where we get we don't get names we don't get people we and they're behind the scenes closed-door testimony and sometimes they don't ultimately go forward or it's allegations this whistleblower who is named is willing to go out publicly he's got the protection so he can't be fired right he's got you know it's a senior irs official and there was another official who wouldn't wouldn't go with their name but we do have a name person he's naming names he's saying i wasn't the only person in the meeting here's the other five people who were in the meeting when we were told by the u.s attorney i can't bring charges outside delaware so the narrative has been created in the press let's get your point on this logo so narrative has been created in the President that we are letting this uh u.s attorney out of delaware operate independently he will bring charges where he needs to bring charges he's in control that is completely being destroyed that whole premise and i noticed we talked about this in our meeting before cbs news i mean it's starting to affect what we would call the legacy mainstream media where they're having to cover this now yeah i think covering it is one thing giving the truth will be the other or at least giving their version of the truth i think there is some of this where there are some journalists who feel like honestly just a pop ratings to continue to have people watch they can't be as biased as they once were we've seen that but we try they try that at cnn and what happened a big flop and uh you know chris lit gets fired and they have to restart once again and now are likely up for sale uh so we'll see what happens but i think a lot of people know they have to try uh in the media to cover these stories because they are some of the biggest stories like i told you this morning we started talking it's like man i would love to never talk about hunter biden ever again i would love that to not but unfortunately it's just not the world we live in yeah and then there's the political side of this too out there too i mean it's like they kind of throw in our face with the state dinner with the indian prime minister he's front and center while he's while he's playing the federal i mean he's still admitting to federal charges criminal charges and they're putting him right back in the room to make deals with indian businessmen right right so here's the question i was going to ask you before the break and that was how much of this could be the democrats letting this happen a week in joe biden so they can get somebody else in there we definitely know that that a lot of grassroots democrats well that's not the party officials but people who actually are you know the ones who volunteer and are kind of the democrat base are 60 won't amount they won't have gone they want to just say i'm not going to run again that gets very questionable at who would be next i think it would definitely be harris i don't think there's any doubt i think there's way too many different reasons why they would have a very difficult job bypassing her unless she jumped out too unless they were able to move her out of the way as well and she did it voluntarily but i do think logan's right do they punt do they let this all come out now while the trump stuff's coming out too and then by the time you actually get to the election yeah this is it's all about timing and really when you really look at it for them there's no one really running against joe biden as much as it is people want to say there is there's really no one at this point who could do some pending you know for really i'd say for trump or for biden pending something catastrophic like medically i'd say you know something like that which you obviously don't hope for but uh there's very little that can derail either of them at this point the most negative news for ron de santas i've seen lately has been multiple news outlets left right mainstream just saying he's stalled he's just another one that we're kind of pulling out of the full coverage i think that's true too is when you think about some of those top candidates they send people on the trail it's very expensive those those decisions start to have a chance to in the next shake hands and he there were a lot of reports he wasn't good at shaking hands yeah so we'll see i mean that it'll be interesting to see that again a lot can happen they're older candidates there's they've got criminal charges against them or their families i mean this is it's a kind of unique time because the two leading candidates have a lot of stuff going on outside of just running for office or being President united states even a lot of drama surrounding them i mean likely President trump could be indicted a couple more times i mean you got the georgia is going to be august maybe again in dc and dc could be as early as this month coming up july i mean so we're talking like in the next few weeks i was talking to a friend of mine a friend of yours a lawyer was involved in this with us and he said this is unbelievable it's a full onslaught it is unreal and they've unleashed they have unleashed the whirlwind we'll take your calls 1-800-684-3110 we'll be right back your calls are 1-800-684-3110 let's go to joanne in ohio on line one hey joanne hi guys i hope everyone is well today um i have two questions first of all this i don't know who she is this u.s attorney or is she an irs attorney i don't know who she who's telling them that they can't talk to anybody that was mentioned the big guy that was that was the u.s attorney who's assigned to the case in delaware is a trump appointee actually who had the case before the election they let him stay and he was told by officials at main justice that's the department of justice headquarters in washington that he did not have the ability to go into california or the district of columbia in the investigation go ahead and continue i just wanted to clarify that name is wise i was told there was a female attorney who told them they couldn't ask any questions that would lead to joe biden um they did they did limit the inquiry of the questions he was living he was limited so i don't again he was told that he could not look into money trails that involved dad of the big guy by a senior prosecutor that might be who you're talking about working for wise so one of the senior prosecutors for wise stepped into the irs agents it said don't go there here's the question you got to ask yourself he's alleged with all of these you've got to ask yourself this question is can the american people take logan from a media standpoint all of this information coming in on both biden and on trump and it's it's unrelenting and it's every day frustrated to the callers it's frustrating amount of info every single day yeah i think there's a lot of people who don't pay attention anymore who do tune out you've seen numbers six numbers slip on the news you've seen all of this happen and a lot of it is not just because of uh of they don't like the channel or they've moved on a lot of it's fatigue they're fatigued with the amount of content you've had six years eight years almost now of donald trump uh you know negative press there is a fatigue that comes out of it eventually you stop watching things that only feed you negativity and i think that that's going to be part of this is that yes can the american people take it yeah because eventually they'll turn it off and i think that's the truth if you really want to look at it eventually people will turn off the tv they will turn off their radio they will quit watching videos online because eventually they get sick of it and until it's really time and really when it's going to be time now it's looking like november of 2024 because it seems like we are what three or four weeks away from a debate that's likely not going to matter primaries that likely are not going to matter and then you're going to roll into an election a general election when we already know who's going to be there so why are people going to care until next fall is the debate going to matter you got an august debate is the first republican primary debate no because by the time again you've got multiple chances to go in these debates and i think if you're ahead by sixty percent and they're going to tell you got to be on the stage with nine people you say you're you're crazy maybe i'll be on stage with four but i'm not going on the stage with the guys at one percent but they did that before did they would they split them up where they had the two-tier debates they were 18 and then some people moved up and the democrats agreed to that the dnc in their in their rules agreed to that what are the republicans agreeing to we had crazy debates remember there were 12 on the main stage six on the second stage you think that's meaningless for people well because you talk for two minutes and then it's going to be everybody attacking donald trump and then the honest truth is he did he kind of made a name for himself in those early ones but i think then he realized i did it i took them all out what his position is right now politically is that no one is a threat to me in this nomination so i'm not going to let them talk to me he doesn't want he's not going to have ron disantis allowed the chance to even throw a punch at him and will there even be general election debates probably not also right those are all they may not yeah the rnc's pulled out of them because if you look at what probably really started to derail uh the last election meeting is some of those first debates that kind of went crazy uh the first general election debates the trump biden debates the first ones we all can go back to ago well that was an insane time in america watching that uh they know that that's not good that's not positive for either i think that you know bret bear had the chance to interview uh donald trump before this debate knowing he was going to be the moderator and he spent 20 minutes of questioning asking the same question about the documents didn't talk at all about issues so then you're if you're donald trump you think okay is this what they're going to do to me when i show up in august they're just going to talk about my cases and i could talk about actually what i do what i did as President and what i plan to do as President we're just going to be talking about my legal woes while you're going to ignore that any other people's problems and just let them come punch me but obviously if donald trump's not at that debate guess how many people are watching it i know and to me that's such a bummer because i honestly think that there's people on that stage i really would love to hear from in that in that kind of setting uh it with a President with with having to debate someone like a President trump so not only ron disantis i'm talking about people that are in this that could have a potential next time or in the cabinet or later on i'd love to hear from a tim scott i'd love to hear from people on a different kind of platform the debate platform is always fun to watch as a fan if you will but now when you trump didn't do the rid didn't do all the original ones we backed out of a few yeah so we'll see you'd think the fox news one would be the one to do except that he's angry at fox yeah very he's having a public war with them and he knows he could hurt their ratings but he showed up at cnn into the town hall you know i don't have to prove a point yeah i could take on cnn and destroy them yeah well i think i would love for him to show up and try to do the same yeah if you're the consultant you're and you're really looking at it you're saying you know what i kind of like the fact that disantis has to like talk to this he never even gets a chance to talk to you or shake your hand yeah you it's an interesting dynamic the opportunity to even take a punch at you let me change gears for a moment here um yeah because we've got something going on at the aclj we want to talk to you about and that is um you know what goes on at the un and these other agencies as it relates to israel we've told you for years is very very troubling more anti-israel resolutions are passed than any other country some years if you added all the resolutions condemning a country and added them all together and then looked at the number that were against israel israel would have more and we're talking about major major issues biden uh President biden in our view continues to fund and we got a foyer out on this um the palestinian authority this is the same palestinian authority that threatens out all out war on israel any day it's the same palestinian authority that subsidizes terrorists who kill innocent israelis and for that matter unfortunately american civilians and tourists uh on a regular basis now President bine's re-entering into and this is shocking again would be the most to funding the most anti-israel agency and that is unesco that's the united nations economic uh social welfare organization and this is what the bine administration wants to put down as the marker and this is where we are going to get involved and find out who authorized this what were you thinking and why do but last time we did this by the way we found out money was going to mock moody boss's son from your taxpayer dollars jordan yeah i mean this again is why you've got to get activated here you got we've got the foyer in to find out exactly what is going on we already have a restriction to fund to uh in our laws in the u.s law not to fund the organizations that move forward this way so how is how what is the workaround the workaround is that dancy pelosi was able to pass a piece of legislation said you can go around that and here's how they did it was very interesting if being part of the committee at the u.n helps us combat china's influence so they're going to sell it as we can't ignore this committee because we've got to come combat china the truth is you don't you could combat china without funding this committee well here's the other aspect of this i mean we fund enough of the u.n to combat china we're the number one funder of the u.n so we can combat china everywhere else we don't have to give our money over to this these committees that are intentionally taking provocative steps so the mine administration also authorized the boycotting of the judea and samaria the portions of israel because and will not allow co-scientific research here which is really insane but that's what he's doing he put anti-israel board members on the holocaust memorial board for the holocaust memorial in washington dc and now they're rejoining unesco so we want you to take direct action on this we have an email that is out today and a petition we want you to sign at and logan when people sign these petitions they really have a big impact and our website is set up to take care of this very quickly if you're not getting these emails logan can also let you know how you can get that easy way to do it would be to sign a petition then you'll get added to our email list you'll see the little checkbox to be added and you'll get these information but yeah they're on the front page of our website they're very easy to sign you can read the full petition sign or just easily just quickly put anything your first name last name email and zip code and you can quickly sign the petition you can also do that on our app but you can get involved in these and see the impact and you can do that by going to playing around seeing all the great content that's put up there not just video content text content social media content articles and daily videos and this radio show and broadcast you can find all of it at so i encourage you to not only go there and support the work donate but also to sign a petition get involved and if people want to start following us on social media if you haven't already and we have a big social media presence what do they need to do it's important for people to understand yeah it's however you're on whatever platform you're watching or you'd like to to get involved in we're there pretty much so if you're on twitter if you're on instagram or facebook you can just find look for j secular aclj jordan secular you can find all the different pages all the different accounts and just do whatever your preferred is whether that's a follow or subscribe or put a notification bell on those are the things you need to do great youtube content great rumble content that's put up each and every day so we have an incredible team an incredible media team unlike any other and you can find that at or again just go into our individual social media accounts and if you're on one of those right now if you're new to the broadcast and you're new to seeing this show right now on one of those social media platforms i encourage you whatever it is so if it's on rumble follow us on youtube subscribe facebook like do whatever that is to engage make sure you get this content each and every day and also we've got the last segment coming up we're going to take your phone calls we've got calls on hold so stay on hold we're going to get to you right after the break also if you want to talk to us about any of this how does this what do you think's going to happen in the hunter binder thing what do you think should happen how does it affect your thoughts on the election 1-800-684-3110 that's 800-684-3110 and don't forget support the aclj at if you've got a question for us you have to get it right now 1-800-684-3110 that's 1-800-684-3110 we are following closely what's happened the supreme court the affirmative action case which we filed into expecting that very soon out of the supreme court made tomorrow friday potentially as well there's another case yesterday it's got some attention and we've got to call on that and we want to explain too if you've got a question for us get him in now 1-800-684-3110 or you want to weigh in on this latest hunter by news don out of california online too hey don hi fellas oh man great show great i'm a proud card-carrying member so you're the best i have a i have a question on this uh supreme court decision you know the independent uh legislature theory or whatever they call it and i was wondering how it relates i was wondering your opinion because you guys are the experts uh on the whole dispute between what mike pence should have done and shouldn't have done you know as was he uh just a ceremonial role as vp or as President of the senate did he have the authority to uh send back the electors and if he had what would have happened i'm curious to hear you guys opinion on that well let me give start with the did mike pence as the vice President and as the President of the senate have the authority to send them back the answer to that in my view is no that the role of the vice President when he's sitting as a member as the President presiding officer of the electoral college count is to make sure the envelopes are open to make sure that they are the official delegate the electors from the states and that's it he if not any vice President could say i'm not going to certify this election for instance when joe biden was presiding hillary clinton was running against donald trump joe biden could have said he was vice President under the theory that a vice President could do something here i'm not you know she did win the majority popular vote so i'm not going to certify this election and send it back to the states and what this case did was a couple things one it said that the state supreme courts can review the legislative determinations for redistricting by the legislature so they're not immune from that but it also sent a signal that you're not going to just be able to disregard the electoral process for electoral electors for the presidency and just put in whoever the legislature then decides and they're not open to that either yeah it's interesting because up until recently most of the states in the southeast the redistricting went through doj right and so i think this is also a new issue because i think there's not north carolina where these states some of that's been lifted right the review and so it used to be the federal government decided if your redistricting was okay if you were in one of the the states from the civil war era is what we're talking about and the civil rights movement who were again not abiding by the voting rights act or the civil rights act so doj came in and said okay when we you redistrict for these federal offices we're going to have to review it now the states are having to deal with this on their own in the in these southeastern states and so it's maybe like you said the first time the in this case there was the north carolina supreme court stepping and saying this map is not does not meet our laws i think what's interesting here is you're going to have the supreme court issue its final decisions probably thursday and friday that includes the issue of admissions based on race so the whole affirmative action issue it includes the creative backwards yeah you've got the issue involving does the artist that's doing a website design have to do it for individuals she disagrees with because of sexual orientation whatever it might be that case is up for like this that issue for the like second time in five years so it'll be interesting to see how these all come out having said that okay the supreme court has issued fairly conservative rulings this year but not always but here's the point i wanted to make that whole independent elector theory which was part of this investigation of the january 6 committee this you know idea that they were going to have these state electors three justices of the supreme court thought that that argument at least deserved to be heard and so i think it makes it hard pressed for a prosecutor to then prosecutor lawyers for advocating the position the three justices of the supreme court said is at least plausible i mean we've been advocating way before row versus wave was overturned that row versus wave was wrong did that make you a criminal no but that's what that's where some of this stuff has gotten truly out of hand but i want to go back to something logan said earlier and that is this we've got a very broad mission and mandate at the aclj we handle so many issues on so many cases what's happening in the schools what's happening on the life issue i mean i can go on and on of economic issues international global issues israel advocacy at the european court of human rights advocacy at the united nations it's a very broad based organization so what's happening is the political issue is becoming this we used to have political seasons this is an election year now it seems like that never stops yeah absolutely and i think the media is largely responsible for that because they know the ratings go up yeah the top news ratings are during election seasons because that's what people tune in or big breaking news items big wars happening that kind of thing moments but how can they suck you in they can suck you in by creating this kind of non-stop political news that is 24 7 that is is more information than you then not only do you need it's not even a lot of times accurate information and we have to figure out a way to kind of balance that in our own lives because it can become overwhelming and people get fatigued by it people get stressed by it uh you know people talk about the trump derangement syndrome a lot of that comes from the fact that uh people are pounded with it all day long and have been for years and years and years and eventually what happens to a lot of your friends they go i turn it off i'm never turning it back on whether that's true or not they say that a lot you've seen in the comments people watching this show right now are saying i turn off the news well of course you're getting it from us as well so that's you know partially true because you're turning off maybe the mainstream news and you're going okay i'm going to pick an hour out of my day to take a look at this but that's not how people are right now it's not the way they want it to be and with that becomes this sort of i honestly think that's going to be largely responsible for why you will have it be trump and biden is because you never gave the opportunity for it to be anyone else do you think that's what's going to happen here jordan is it going to be at the end of this whole political process over the next 13 14 months is going to end up being the rematch i thought if let's see if the primaries were held today yeah absolutely and i don't know that changing again unless it was a health issue i don't think the legal issues are going to affect donald trump enough not to be the dominant effect joe bein enough and i don't think an rfk junior or any of these people at the end of the day will do enough damage impact they would have as if they ran outside yeah it is independent as a third party and then you have a ross perot situation for the democrats for a few percent you know i think for both yeah more democrats than republicans because once he comes out on the other issues more clearly he's not gonna get as much republican vote yeah i think that that's something that they've they haven't really showcased yet he's like uh his website's pretty benign when you go to it unless he's changed is uh abortion no limits no restriction no yeah yeah nothing that's not going to get a lot of republican votes i would hope not all right we got uh a comment on rumble this is an interesting one that nancy pelosi pushing for scotis term limits hope you'll address that at some point i'm going to address it right now first of all we take a constitutional amendment it's a lifetime appointment to the supreme court i think it should be they're supposed to keep the court out of politics that's the idea they want term limits so they think they can have term limits so they can appoint more justices but that's not the way the founders wanted for all the people asking for term limits for it to be nancy pelosi yes therefore i mean been involved in the world for how long it's kind of been 40 years so yeah okay well then we term limit you out as well i mean that's where it's ridiculous well they're not running for when you you're nominated to the supreme court you're not running for the supreme court and that's that's a big difference but all that is to say there's a lot going on and there's a lot going on at the aclj new cases coming in every day last week we had 167 requests for assistance if you need help it's forward slash help and we could uh if it fits within our mandate we will get and regardless someone will get back in touch with you immediately slash help and we also want jordan people to support the work of the aclj that's right so you go to and you can make a financial contribution today it's it's of course important for what you see on this show and who you see on the show but much bigger than that all of what's going on that you don't see the attorneys the government affairs teams the various offices around the country and the world your support goes to all of that and bringing you this broadcast every day is part of that support as well and the team behind that so go to we encourage you to donate today check out the new piece up exclusive to us by Mike Pompeo on iran at we'll follow the remaining supreme court cases the next couple of broadcasts on thursday and friday
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