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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
October 4, 2023 4:30 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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October 4, 2023 4:30 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE---Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.--Topics include--08- Are Mormons saved.-21- The Baptism of Jesus---48- The Book of Mormon.


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. It's Matt Slick live. Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick live. Francis, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. a test to see if I can hear him online. That would be helpful and we'll just see. So, all the issues with the station, tech issues with the station, okay we'll see. So, I don't know if you guys can hear me or not, I am? I'm on the air, that's good. All right, all right, I may have things, someone calling me to do a test. You know, this stuff happens every now and then and that's okay. So, I'll tell you, my schedule is pretty busy and I'm working on a doctorate degree now and just started that so I got two three four years of that coming and what's going to happen is on Mondays I'll do the first half of the radio show and then the last half on a Monday will be pre-recorded that's what you've decided we're gonna do and I had to be online in a certain class on a weekly basis so on Mondays is what it is but you know Tuesday Thursday excuse me Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday will be normal it shouldn't be any problem at all all right so you guys they say they hear me but I don't know if I can hear any callers coming in so you just YouTube think that spam so I don't know if we can't get any callers maybe we could just put something on maybe they can test it they can let me know what's going on all right so as uh as many of you know I went to with two guys Scott and Dave went to the the general conference at Salt Lake City and drove down there on a Friday drove back on a Sunday and you know I was thinking about about the issue of Mormonism I know that there's a lot of Mormons who listen to me and other stuff on the Christian stations and I know that a lot of Mormons when they hear us say that the Mormons aren't Christians they just rolled our eyes it's of course we are believe in the same Jesus of the Bible you do but you gotta ask yourself a question why would we continue to say that you don't that's a question you should ask yourself and it's a question you should answer because to say that you believe in the same Jesus of the Bible as we do doesn't mean it's so because the Jehovah's Witnesses teach the same thing they say well we believe that Jesus of the Bible but they believe that Jesus is Michael the Archangel who became a man and they say we believe in the Jesus of the Bible they quote as he walked here he ate there and that the Mormons you know they'll say that Jesus of the Bible is what they believe in he walked untruthsome but what they don't realize is they deny who he is and the reason they do that is because they deny the true God they deny that there's only one God in all existence all place in all time because Mormonism teaches there's many gods and then we can become gods and so there's just a lot of problems here in that kind of a theological perspective now we got a caller I want to jump over because I want to see if we can do a test and see we got back in here the caller so here we go Joanne welcome you're on the air it's all food I was gonna say anonymous me okay so you're not hearing a little bit of a something else that's testing and it is not working yep it is not working so I don't know why I could try this though I could try it now that wouldn't work wouldn't make any difference nope I can't hear anybody so I don't know the tech people are on and we're on the air callers can hear me well they can hear me but I can't hear them so the only thing we could do is if you want to if you want to continue on air here then I would suggest instead of calling in because we got a tech problem we could try something after the break maybe I'll try reboot the comrex again and just see if that reconnects properly but what I could see what I would suggest and you could even try access to if you guys want to try that on the on our side access to a set of access one they know what I'm talking about when I say that in the chat text there but if you have a question or a comment and you would like me to address it on the air just email me at info at calm org info at car m dot o RG and just put in a radio question or radio comment or something like that and I can get to those with them the meantime what I can do is just kind of go through some questions and some stuff but I want to get back to the issue of the Mormons my heart breaks for the moment because you think if you're listening and you're a Mormon you think you're you're basically a good person you believe in the restored gospel Joseph Smith was a true prophet you have a testimony of the book of Abraham Abraham the Book of Mormon you believe in Jesus and God the Father and you know you have nice family life and people are nice and all that well let me just say this and I'm gonna explain it if that's the case you're on your way to hell and people say well you can't say that that's ridiculous I say yes I can you see if like for example the Jehovah's Witnesses say that that that Jesus is an angel who became a man they say that's who Jesus is the same one that walked in Jerusalem you'd say well that's not the Jesus of the Bible because Jesus of the Bible is not Michael the Archangel who became a man it's not who that is and so you'd say well but and if a j-dub a Jehovah's Witness came up to you and said no I believe in the same Jesus that you do and they said but he's Michael the Archangel you'd say no you don't believe the same Jesus likewise we Christians we believe and teach out of the Bible that there is only one God not many gods as Mormonism teaches and that Jesus is second person of the Trinity now in Mormonism the Trinity is three separate gods we don't teach that that's not what the Bible teaches three separate gods and one of the gods became a man Jesus no that's not what we teach that's not what the Bible teaches and so it's not the same Jesus now here's a question if you are praying to a false God well then is the true God gonna answer you if you believe that God used to be an exalted man or he was an exalted man who used to live on another world and that's who you're praying to less not the God of the Bible that's a creation of somebody else that's not a an actuality just like saying the Jehovah's Witness Jesus is Michael the Archangel or the Jesus of of Christian science you know which says that in missile in science and health with key to the scriptures page 25 line 8 it says the material blood of Jesus was no more efficacious to cleanse from sin when it was shed upon the accursed tree than when it was going through his veins as he was going about doing his his father's business so they denied the the atonement now Mormons don't deny the atonement of course they really do because they say it started to go the gardening of seminary when he's fed blood that's not the atonement that's not where you bore a sin so it could not be an atonement so you see people have they can say they believe in the same thing you do and you can say you believe in the same thing that we do and you don't and you know I'd like to say you know if you have a bowling ball and a basketball are they the same thing well no it's like saying well they're both round so I believe in the same thing don't we no they're different they have roundness and about roughly the same size depending well basketball is bigger but you know it's they're just they're not the same and by the definition of what they are and so in Mormonism this is why I say to people who are Mormons I say you don't believe in a true God because you believe in an exalted man who's from another world and he could have been a sinner on another planet now technically that makes him an alien okay and he has a goddess wife and Mormons like the idea of eternal families well they like that idea so therefore that's the truth I want to be with my spouse and have my family of relationships for the rest of eternity I like that and that's what we have in Mormonism why would I want to give it up because you won't be with them in hell that's why because it's just not true see just because people feel something is good feel as though it makes sense to them it doesn't mean it is true doesn't mean you ought to believe it you ought to believe what's in the Bible now what is the what's the Mormon Church to well the Bible is correct insofar as is correctly translated you know the eighth article so in other words and the Bible is not really that true that reminds me back in San Diego I was I went to a meeting I saw a flyer where the the LDS Church in that area of San Diego in northern San Diego County was gonna have a big meeting at a home up in the hills and was really nice home I went to it and this guy in a really nice suit who was well you know well manicured and spoke well talked about the Bible and how they loved the Bible and talked about Jesus how they loved Jesus and everything I was sitting there listening to him knowing Mormonism knowing that this guy was not being straight with people and you know we love the Bible we love the Savior we love this without that the Bible is good you know and he's trying to get people who believe in the Bible to come into Mormonism so that you then go to the Book of Mormon anyway and I know it was deceptive and so afterwards I went up to this guy and I was very polite I said I really enjoyed what you had to say I didn't enjoy it for the reason he thinks it might have enjoyed it I said I enjoyed it because you know I like heresy and I said I thought if you were representing the Bible he's smiling you don't just yes and I said but the Bible says there's only one God in all existence all place in all time and he said the Bible's got problems got contradictions he suddenly switched and it actually caught me off guard I wasn't expect his facial expression to change as much as it did and then the attack on the Word of God to take place and that was proved to me that this guy was a deceiver because he wanted to use the Bible when it suited him but when it didn't then he got hostile now that's deception that's deception on yourself on his self and when he does that to others that's deception now the thing is you know the enemy of the gospel wants to deceive people and he will use your feelings he will use your church and this goes for Protestantism as well we've got to be careful that we don't think that because we're Protestants we're okay that we have have it all together because we don't we don't but we do at least believe in the true God the Trinitarian God not the three gods of Mormonism we believe Jesus Christ the second person of the Trinity not one of the three gods that became a man you believe in the atonement that occurred on the cross not the Garden of Gethsemane and no we don't believe that and teach that you can become gods because the Bible says you can't you go to Isaiah 43 10 no gods from before him and there will be no gods formed after him that's what God says and then you know what the Mormons do with that oh that means of this world and that's not what the Bible says you know so they changed the Word of God wait they changed the Word of God um whoo oh we just had a caller oh I wish we could have talked to that person she wanted me to tell you that you are the most judgmental narcissistic preacher that she's ever heard dang I want her to call back I would love to hear that I really would and so by the way let me know when the break is on because I can't hear the music so just let me know you know like 30 seconds I watch the text here I know about ready for break right about now and you can let me know if we're on on or off the air and then I'll just reboot the Comrex and then we'll go on to access to okay sounds good and we'll give it a shot so we'll see what happens here so that they let me know so you know I always like when people like that that's a good hate mail okay I wish you to email it to me because I'd love that we're on break now okay great I'm gonna reboot the Comrex so here we go it's Matt slick live I'm taking a call at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six here's Matt slick all right buddy welcome back to the show we've got to solve them into a different channel and now callers I hear the music I can hear everything so if you want to give me a call please do and I really do hope seriously that the woman who said that I was the most I gotta read this because I really like this most judgmental narcissistic preacher that she's ever heard hey please please call me up and tell me that because I would like to hear that oh that reminds me thanks for putting that up there the bridge Paul tour so we're gonna be going to three countries next year in April I'm gonna be going through the footsteps of Paul we're gonna be going to Turkey see the seven churches of Revelation that's gonna be off awesome go see Ephesus I believe we're gonna see the seven churches I put I did last time I was there then we're gonna go to to Greece and and then let's see after that after Greece I'm gonna go to we're gonna go to Italy I mean it's gonna be awesome now that's expensive I'm gonna tell you but if you want to go you have to go to a bridge Paul tour all one word BR ID GE the bridge Paul tour just bridge Paul tour if you want more information you can always email me and I can send it the information to you till all right let's get on the air with let's get to Sam from Las Vegas hey Sam welcome you're on the air buddy pretty good hi Matt how you doing doing fine fine so what are you good good hi so we were talking about baptism yesterday and I quoted a long verse yesterday was I quoted act and when I was talking about the rebaptizing when the people that was baptized and the baptism of John it was actually on acts 19 and and I was watching our talk what verse what verse in chapter 19 says okay I'm just carrying you see no problem it's uh from verse 2 and he said to them did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed they said no we've only either heard there is a Holy Spirit okay he said into what then when you have continued in John's baptism yeah Paul said John back yeah that is repented telling people to believe in in him who's coming after him that he's in Jesus when they heard us they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus okay good yeah see yes okay and yes that's the I quoted the long chapter I wanted to correct myself sure and also when we were talking about the yes of the Holy Spirit what you were telling me on acts 2 that with the gift of the Holy Spirit like them speaking in tongues I agree with that and I say the wrong thing I say that's not the only way you receive the Holy Spirit I meant to say that's not the only gift because on first Corinthians chapter 12 a list like eight nine of them like knowledge wisdom healing miracles so I want to I want to correct myself on that good so that that's what I mean there's like a lot of it's okay but to receive the Holy Spirit like I believe that you know that's the proof you speak tongues that's the proof of you speaking receiving no no no no it's not proof that you're speaking in the Holy Spirit because it's one of the evidences of speaking in tongues and not everybody speaks in tongues not everybody has a word of knowledge etc it's just one of the things okay that's all okay okay so okay well you're the one who's teaching a false doctrine I'm not teaching false doctrine after I cut you off I don't know I'm not it's in the Bible like baptism is necessary so how is this God in the word is necessary that's where to say baptism is no I don't say that we say that Bible teaches it is necessary it doesn't say it word for word it is necessary but it shows only in the scriptures show me where for example Jesus paid to baptize the apostles every time when they preached and then the people when they accept that Jesus Christ is the Son of God they got baptized in the name of Jesus yeah but but it doesn't mean it's necessary they just got baptized that's a lot of saying you say it's necessary why we're saying you have to be baptized in order to be saved saved the Bible doesn't teach that yes why would they baptize them okay that's my question why would they keep good good question over and over again because because baptism is a covenant sign a representation of the new birth of what's going on it's a public identification and furthermore if you will look at the Old Testament and you do some examination of it you'll see that objects and people that were anointed for holy use the element was applied to the person the water the blood the oil these various things were applied to the instruments in the temple and the tabernacle they would be the sick are anointed with oil there's an element of something that's applied to the person and so I know where I'm going with this so hold on Jesus was baptized right but he was baptized according to the Old Testament law and in to fulfill that he had to be sprinkled I could show you that wait it's not it's not sprinkled yes it is was baptized fully underwater no he wasn't he was baptized by sprinkling and you want to know why how I know because it says in Matthew 3 15 I'll show you take a little Bible study here it says here and Jesus said to him because you know John the Baptist said hey you're gonna baptize me and Jesus said permitted at this time for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness what does it mean to fulfill all righteousness fulfill what what righteousness was he trying to fulfill that Jesus would had to do what was it well do you know how you tell me I'm just asking do you know okay I guess you don't okay I do not okay so if you go to the Old Testament and you search for the things that happened when Jesus was there being baptized Jesus came up immediately out from the water doesn't mean he's immersed he just came was in the water and I can prove that okay from acts check rate I can prove that but that it doesn't necessitate immersion like I can't that's not a thing before you go to but says he says to behold the heavens opened up and he saw the Spirit of God distending on the dove enlighten on him and behold the voice out of heaven said this my beloved son and I well pleased right so we have in here and in other parts of the Gospels so the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus that means he was anointed he was set apart and anointed by the Holy Spirit also a verbal blessing given this is my beloved son whom I'm well pleased he had to be 30 years of age in order to start the priesthood because Jesus is a high priest after the order of Melchizedek Hebrews 6 20 Hebrews 7 25 he's a high priest that's the Bible says if you go to Numbers chapter 4 Leviticus chapter 8 Exodus 29 you'll see in those chapters what's required for a man to enter into the priesthood that office of priesthood you had to be 30 years of age had to be anointed with oil that represents the Holy Spirit a verbal blessing given and when you go to numbers 8 7 it says the priest was to be sprinkled with water and it specifically says sprinkled with water so what I did was well I would wait a break okay I'll tell you this I looked at every single instance of water in relationship to that and none of it was by immersion your relationship to the priesthood none of it hold on be right back after these messages please stay tuned it's Matt slick live taking a call at 8 7 7 2 0 7 2 2 7 6 here's Matt slick alright buddy welcome back to the show let's get back on with Sam are you still there yes sir okay so I made a case that according to the law Jesus had to be sprinkled to enter into the priesthood okay but from the verse that you quoted after it says fulfilling all the righteousness essays then he allowed him when he had baptized when he had been baptized Jesus came up immediately from the water how is that drinking it shows that he came up from the water two things once you walk out to his ankles and or his thighs or whatever and then John the Baptist could have taken a hyssop branch which was often used for this purpose in water just dipped it in that water right there and then sprinkling it upon him and then another option no is that yes it's true let me explain something it's another option is that the water he put that cupped his hands and poured water over him and I can explain that with another perspective but hold on here listen to this this is when Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch met in Acts chapter 8 and you know hey get baptized right what prevents you for getting baptized and it says he ordered the chariot to stop they both went down into the water when they had come up out of the water wait a minute does that mean both were baptized they both came up out of the water but it also says they both went into the water were they both immersed Philip had to go to the water with him okay I would imagine Philip was like halfway in the water like up to his waist when he's like baptizing okay so they were both in the water so then that then baptism doesn't necessitate that necessarily mean that it's immersion does it here's something else you know you're not aware of because your group doesn't teach theology doesn't teach the Bible okay when you go to Hebrews 9 I'll show you something when you go to Hebrews 9 verse 10 or is it 10 9 no it's it's 9 verse 10 since they relate only to food drink and various washings regulations for the body imposed until a time of reformation you should study this you should study Hebrews chapter 9 but particularly verse 10 the word washings is baptism us baptisms in the context yes it is I'm looking at it the cognate form said baptized or washing it's no the Greek word Bob T's moist it's the date of plural of the form of the word but then but then you say that we go into we go into saying like you have to know like Greek or something like I'm telling you what it is someone don't don't give me this excuse that we can't don't give me this excuse you can't understand it no they did all the time look you can't understand it you're Greek you know Greek look it read English no no no look think I'm trying to tell you the word there in Greek is Bob T's most that's what it is look at the context and you'll see that the context of what is talking about is sprinkling you'll see it right there anybody go check it out on your own you'll see it does it space there is no indication and the Bible they sprinkled water she's baptizing and baptizing is usual we underwater and then come up who told you that where'd you get that in the Bible I read it in the Bible when you show me baptized for example where show me where as it says they were yes they were totally immersed or you all start the kid I could make the same case for you show me where safe they were sprinkled I went to numbers 8 7 as it talked about Jesus had to fulfill the law and fulfill the righteousness in numbers in Matthew 3 and I also I also gave you Romans excuse me Leviticus 8 numbers 4 Exodus 29 those are the chapters that demonstrate what a priest needed to do a man to do it in the priesthood and one of the requirements was spreading sprinkled numbers 8 verse 7 this is a requirement because Jesus was still under the Old Testament covenant the Old Testament law yeah at that time and so he did fulfill that wall agree and that's where it says that so I'm showing you right there okay okay we agree on that but you asked me specifically to show you where it says you have to be like fully under water and come up and I asked you we could apply the same thing for sprinkling but given I asked you in the Bible they indicate you have to be baptized baptism you have to be under water show me where it says you have to be underwater look lots of people like this it's just tradition people are holding for example when Jesus he he went on like when he baptized them they say immediately Jesus came up from the water yeah he did not walk out of the water like he did not walk saying that he came up from the water that's right because he was up to say he was up to his knees or his ankles or his hips so doesn't mean easy burst so you do not do you mean then you do not come up from the water then you get out of the water dude do you want like you walk away you get out in Acts chapter 8 the last six verses just check it out the Ethiopian eunuch and Philip went into the water and one baptized the other and then they both came up out of the water if you want to say come up out of the water means they were immersed then Philip was immersed with the Ethiopian eunuch it doesn't work yes but he he went like I wouldn't bother this is just my imagination like thinking they saw water you say there's a water then who can like stop me from being baptized you say if you believe Jesus is the Son of God you can be baptized and they went on the war and then he baptized you what tell you what I'm gonna give you a homework assignment okay when it says all of Judea and Samaria were coming out to be baptized all of Jerusalem and Samaria were coming out to be baptized by John how long was he were baptizing do an estimate of how many people I've done this on math do an estimate how many how many people were living at that time in that place it says all of Jerusalem okay although and it gives an all of Judea were coming out to be baptized all now we know not we know it's not every hundred every single individual but it certainly is a lot so if there was a million there and let's just say all let's just say 10% let's just say a hundred thousand people came out to be baptized that's not even all that's way underneath the idea of all well then okay how long was he baptizing do research on that and then see and then just do exercise do just him baptizing and do two two of his disciples with him three four five see how many times how many people he have to baptize per day and you'll find out it's got to be like hundreds a day it's not possible because I've been to the Jordan River today yeah thousands out there's a problem I've been to the Jordan River and I've been I've touched it I've been in it okay it's cold if you're gonna go out and you're gonna stand in the Jordan River up to your waist let's say so that you can baptize someone by immersion you can do that but the thing is the water's cold you're gonna get hypothermia because you have to be out there for 10 to 12 hours at a time and if you're dropping someone down into the water they weigh a hundred pounds going out or closer on they weigh 101 102 coming up how many how long can you do this before your back gives out and then you have hypothermia from the cold water you're standing it and when I was baptized by Chuck Smith in the ocean in Southern California and it's Southern California the water is not cold he had to wear a wetsuit to stay out there for three or four hours because if you get hypothermia now are you saying that John the Baptist was doing this every single day baptizing thousands of people a day standing out there dipping them in water and raising them up then you're not gonna work mathematically just like the 3,000 in the upper room the upper room if 12 disciples they don't say how many just do the math if 12 disciples baptized 3,000 in an upper room which is basically impossible I'll tell you why but that comes down to for eight hours I just picked eight hours that means once baptism every two minutes and 20 seconds roughly for eight hours one after the other well water weighs 8.3 pounds per gallon how many gallons you have to put upstairs in a place in order to baptize 3,000 people if you only have one font then you can't do 12 at once you can only do one at a time and has to be like one every 30 seconds or one every I think it's 15 seconds you got to do some thinking about this and stop just believe what people tell you no actually some guy named still on the radio people told me it's what I read in the Bible you didn't read that in the Bible that they did that's the first yes acts 238 they know doesn't say that it doesn't say sprinkle them yes this is a immersion 12 disciple baptized it doesn't say it does not say immersion there but also doesn't say sprinkle though exactly and if you can't say that sprinkled you can't say it's immersion do your homework why was Jesus sprinkled according to the law and that's called baptism furthermore the only spirit is always poured the Holy Spirit is always poured you go to just look Holy Spirit port go to my website you can look up the phrase and you know what Jesus baptized of the Holy Spirit which means the Holy Spirit had to be poured on you and that's referred to baptism and now we got callers waiting we got a break going so we're gonna get to them after I know I talked a lot call back tomorrow do your homework and we'll talk some more okay folks we'll be right back after these messages please yeah please please stay tuned it's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six here's Matt slick everybody welcome back to the show let's get to our little Orlando from High Point North Carolina welcome you're on the air hey how you doing man do it okay just battling heresies what do you got man what's up you it you you and I gonna get across the other guy me that guy is uh he's got a set up he's somebody told them that that way he's not gonna change generally what you're right it often takes an average statistically about two years for someone to come out of a cult or if they're traumatized by something in the cult and they often leave so particularly people like who are in the oneness group who teach baptisms necessary and they don't even realize that the the arguments they used have no merit they just think they do and they argue from that perspective and I undermine them so you know we'll just see what yes yeah sometimes even the people in the church they've been taught wrong so they believe whatever they've been taught that's and they actually believe in the right way you could talk about that so you got a question I know but my question my question deals with tabernacles tabernacles okay that's what they celebrate in this room right now who's they the juice they don't have a tabernacle right now they don't have a temple I know but they they build their tabernacle Sukkot okay I understand what you said they build or built present tense or past tense they built through a present tense they're building their their on their houses outside their houses what are they putting in the outside the houses something where they stay a whole week somewhere that they can leave outside their house for a week oh I know what you mean okay it's part of the traditions and things like that they'll sometimes do do an imitation of what it was in the wilderness back in a day and in the wilderness exactly little yeah the little they call them little tabernacles and things like that yes but they don't have sacrifices offered at them it's like a little tent and sometimes the families you know go up the kids and do that kind of thing okay gotcha so what about it okay now people teach that a lot of people teach that Jesus was born on tabernacle because you know God tabernacle with us that's they say Jesus it is impossible that Jesus could have been born in tabernacles or in Sukkot he was born in Bethlehem in a cave you know yeah I know but but it wasn't doing tabernacles it wasn't the feast of tabernacle well it wasn't doing or during during during okay that he was born okay that's what you have a question just get what's your question just curious yeah what's he born on tabernacles or what he born on the first of Nissan because I believe that he was born on the first of Nissan I don't know when he was born there's different theories I kind of lean towards April yeah I mean to wait it'd be like April when Nissan one will fall between March and in April I mean if you do a little investigating you will you know would 12 Exeter's 12 you know take a lamp and you know in one year or land so he was born doing there in order to be one year so there's a little investigation that we can do in order to figure it out and it was it must have been right around that area that's what I lean towards from you I guess we're both in the same same boat I guess oh yeah yeah I mean yeah I mainly call because you say you needed somebody you couldn't hear anybody but I'm glad that I talked to you enough okay have a good day Matt you too man god bless brother all right okay all right now let's jump on with Gerald from Durham North Carolina Gerald welcome you're on the air hello from Arthur you've been talking for a while about the Quran and giving books and verses on where their discrepancies are I've bought a book of Mormon that goodwill a couple weeks ago and have you got any scripture that I can look at to see how far off they are as far as the Book of Mormon doctrine and covenants are for a great price the Book of Mormon really doesn't have much Mormonism in it and that that's a lot of Mormons don't know that but teaches for example and you can go to my website and I'll tell you where the the article is well I didn't have anything showing where it was in the books well I was looking for you know where Jesus and Satan were brothers and hold on hold on hold on hold on so the Book of Mormon let's talk about one thing at a time the Book of Mormon really doesn't have Mormonism in it because Mormon the Book of Mormon said there's only one God the Trinity is one God God is unchanging God is spirit each journal today condemns polygamy and no wonder I didn't find it because they're not in there and in fact it does not have church organization the plurality of gods or plurality of wives the word of wisdom does not teach gods an exalted man doesn't teach celestial marriage does not teach the men may become God or three degrees of glory or baptism for the dead or eternal progression or erotic priesthood or temple works of washing and loins and down with the ceiling this is important I'm telling sickness because I know Mormons are listening is that in the history of the church volume 4 page 461 the Book of Mormon is the most correct book of any book on earth and a man can get closer to the precepts of God by following it than by any other book and so it doesn't even contain Mormons in fact a Book of Mormon contradicts Mormonism so what they do is they redefine the terms of the Book of Mormon to make it fit Mormon theology so the issue however of the teaching other things like three degrees of glory and other stuff what I would recommend you do is go to c-a-r-m dot o-r-g and do forward slash cut but for cut and paste it's one of those things that kind of you thought okay and we use it and it just has a list of various things and it's meant to be very quick and there's documentation in there from Mormon sources of what they teach all right okay now what is the title of that in calm because I looked through there the other day I went to six or eight different things and couldn't find a sure go to c-a-r-m dot o-r-g forward slash the word cut c-u-t it'll forward you to a page and it's cut and paste information and it has stuff on abortion atheism kovid homosexuality Islam Joes witnesses Mormons oneness theology relativism Roman Catholicism slavery baptism and so you can just click on the Mormon one and it's just you know if you're to print it out it's probably three or four pages okay and there's some stuff that's kind of the edge so it's right there and you can go and then if you want really a lot more information you can just go to you know forward slash Mormonism all right you just type that in forward slash Mormonism and I've written over a hundred articles on Mormonism there I think it's maybe it's a hundred I don't know maybe it's 75 I haven't counted all right so there's a lot of stuff there all right I will look for that this evening and see what I can find because I didn't find the list of things and if I can go to cut Mormon how I should be able to find that there forward slash cut okay all right all right all right thank you very much have you come last okay all right let's call her anonymous from Raleigh North Carolina well hi good evening my brother I listened every night and thank you so much well this was a comment or whatever whatever but easy for me to say from last night I mean no aspersions towards the demand that's called you but it's just it kept coming to mind for me it's been Proverbs 3 5 6 and but more along with a lot that forgive me this I don't remember that good by the verse but I but this is what I wrote down here now there's so foolish people without understanding which have eyes and see not which have ears and hear not there are none so blind as those who will when I put choose not to see the most deluded people are the ones yeah choose to ignore what they what they know but he's I was blind for over 50 years I'm not with 60 well 66 but uh it's just recently where I I'm walking in his truth and it's it's it's nothing I've ever felt in my life and it's been beautiful you know it's just as you know yeah as it can be yeah I never could imagine and I really couldn't I tried everything and math you know go to a good church go to a good church capital community let's go to capital community I'm going to capital community and Raleigh yeah definitely knows I'm no I'm just I love like a buffet of the Lord is the truth is truth is truth and that's what we shared about you as well and I'm sure many do I just want to thank you again okay well yeah praise God and and I just hope by God's grace that he blesses what's what's said you know and so praise God okay yeah the piece that passes all understanding feel you and your your lovely wife your family keep you safe and all that you do every step you take may you feel his presence since Holy Spirit feel you with an imaginable toy God bless you we certainly need that that's for sure well so yes sir okay you're welcome well thank you all right well God bless okay good night all right whoo boy okay now about the baptism stuff earlier I know a lot of people listening and sometimes I'm reticent to talk about this kind of stuff because I don't want to blow people out of the water no pun intended but the thing is that we are often taught traditions and when you go to the scriptures and you put flesh and blood on them you wait a minute and it's a fault that we often have and so when I talk about baptism I've done a lot of reading a lot of study on it over the years you know I'm convinced that baptism can be by sprinkling immersion or or pouring and I can make the case out of the scriptures as I did with I believe Jesus was sprinkled I really just my opinion and if you don't agree that's okay I believe that's the case and there's a theological reason for it because the person or the thing that is anointed for work and for the use of God the element is applied to the person and aren't we the ones anointed by God yes we are first John 227 he anoints us as Christians what is that what is that anointing if you want call me back tomorrow and say what is that anointing I can talk about it may the Lord bless you hey by his grace we'll be back on there tomorrow and we get to more stuff then hope to hear from you then and I also hope they have a good evening so the Lord bless you and we'll talk to you tomorrow another program powered by the truth Network
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