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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
July 11, 2023 5:43 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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July 11, 2023 5:43 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE---Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.--Topics include---05- Sound of Freedom movie.-09- TULIP, What are Elect Angels in 1 Timothy 5-20.-13- Hebrews 6, Can you lose salvation, female pastors.-32- Witnessing to family and friends.-46- Can you prove TULIP in scripture--


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network Podcast. Let's see. Oh, that's interesting. So, wow. All right.

Got to get back into the stack because it, oh, there it is. Okay, worked. So, anyway, yeah. Oh, I got two of them now. Interesting. Disappeared and came up. So, I was telling the producer how my kids 25 years ago got me SpongeBob pajamas, and I still have them.

And every now and then I'll wear them when they come over and they can kick out of it. So, anyway, hey, there you go. Look, if you want to give me a call, 8772072276. You can also email me info at, info at if you want to.

And just type it in subject, you know, radio comment, radio question, something like that. Check it out. Okay, so last night I went and saw a movie, and I'm going to talk to you about the movie Astound of Freedom. And so we went with another couple. My wife and I and four of us were on the freeway. And all of a sudden, brake lights everywhere.

And so, you know, hit the brakes, something happened up there. We sat for an hour. We sat for an hour on the freeway.

In all my years, I've never sat that long in one place. And we missed our theater tickets, but they were really good at the theater when we finally got there. They said, oh, don't worry about it here.

We'll just give you these seats here and we'll do the next showing. That was good. But when we passed the cause of the accident, it was really interesting. There were three cars involved, and one of them on the front end was missing in the car. And it was just debris everywhere. They had one lane open.

And then about a mile and a half later, there's another accident on the left side of the freeway, the other side, with a car upside down. Really interesting. But anyway, we got to the movie, Astound of Freedom, about child sex trafficking. And I definitely recommend go see it. It was well done, well acted. The directing was great. The kids who played their parts, I got to hand it to them. They did a great job, seriously. Really well done. And it has a good ending.

It's true. There are millions of slaves in the world today, and a lot of them are involved in the sex trafficking stuff. I don't want to say it too much because I don't know if kids are in the car and things like that. But I'm reminded of something that happened a few years ago here in the Boise area. We have a family friend, and she was walking to her car in a parking lot and had to go a couple hundred feet to get to her car at a mall parking lot. And a van pulled up, and some guys were in the van and pulled open the door and chased her. And she bolted and ran towards a group of people and escaped.

So that was it. Police report, but who are they going to catch? We know this stuff is happening. And it's really interesting because I have a very, very, very strong urge of protection for the little ones.

It's very strong. I can't watch movies where little children are injured, abused. I can't watch.

I have to turn my head, leave the room. It really upsets me a great deal. It's just not what you do.

You take care of kids. You don't hurt them. And these people, these vermin, these scum who do this, I'll tell you, there's only one thing I could even think of that would cause me to leave Christian apologetics, and that is going after them.

It's so horrible. I was talking to some atheists a while back about people who do bad things like this. And then in atheism, when they die, they get away with it, don't they? And I said, in Christianity, they don't. And I said, now which one of these worldviews is better in this respect? They didn't like being forced to admit that Christianity was better, at least in that respect, a punishment coming to those people, and the ones who hurt them are going to have a severe judgment.

And Jesus said, if you hurt one of the little ones, the little children, the better that a millstone is tied around your neck than to injure one of them. And it's just so shameful. Anyway, I definitely recommend you see it. It's not grotesque. They do a very classy job of dealing with the issue.

It's on local sites in Columbia, in jungles and things like that, and stuff. Well done. Well done. Oh, man, it's something. So, yeah, go see it.

The Sounds of Freedom. I wrote a review on it today and released it on CARM. Not a big deal. So Mr. Kitt said he saw it. Yeah, if anybody wants to call up and see if they've seen it, what they think, too, that would be great. Let's get to Elijah from Pennsylvania. Elijah, welcome.

You are on the air. Hey, Matt, I got your e-mail response earlier today. So did you watch the video done by R.N. Rall on Romans 1?

I watched a little bit of it, just a little bit, because I got so much to do. And I put a text challenge in there. Hey, let's discuss biblical theology in Romans, whatever it was I said exactly, and we'll see if we hear from him or his response. But other than that, no. Like I said, he couldn't argue his weight of a wet paper bag. So what was some of his argument? Because I still haven't watched it myself yet.

Oh, I don't remember, because I only scanned a little bit, and I didn't really pay attention. Just knowing that he was no good, he doesn't know what he's doing, correcting Romans 1. I mean, it's just so stupid. So maybe I'll watch a little bit more when I have some time and stuff, maybe. But we'll see.

But I don't know if it's just worth the effort. Okay. I guess my second question would be, because I just finished watching your five-video series on a tulip, and I really enjoyed that. And you said something in there. You said, because you had brought up 1 Timothy 5, 21, where it talks about the elect angels, and you said that was interesting, but you wasn't going to go into that there. So what are your thoughts on the elect angels, and why does the Bible call them elect? Well, here's a theory I have, and I'll just offer this theory, generated out of this verse and other scriptures.

So I could be wrong about this, but this is kind of what I lean towards. When I was reading that verse years ago, it talked about the elect angels or the chosen angels. I said, why are they chosen? And I started thinking about it.

Here's my conclusion. I know the Bible says in 1 Peter 1 16, be holy, for I am holy. So God is holy. Holiness is a quality of God's nature, not of our nature.

He is the one who has that possession, that attribute, that perfection that is within him. And also, because of it, he can never violate his own nature. Therefore, he can never sin.

It's just not possible for him. So I started thinking about this. Well, Adam and Eve sinned, and they were good. They did not have a fallen nature, yet they sinned. And the angels sinned too, apparently, except for the elect angels. So it occurred to me that what had happened is that God elected angels not to fall and let the other ones go their natural way. So this is my conclusion, is that all sentient beings, angels and people, will end up sinning, unless something's intervened upon them and are being elect angels. But they will fall, and they will sin because they're not holy. And so we are elected in our fallenness, the angels were elected outside of their fallenness, and so they never fell. And that's what I suspect is the case about that.

Okay. I did that series about ten years ago, so I hope you liked it. I hope you enjoyed it.

Yeah, it was very, very satisfying. My other question would be Hebrews 6, because I know that's a highly debated text. You know, people who hold that you can lose salvation, you know, they love going to that text. So what are your counterarguments to people who say that it's true that you can lose your salvation?

Yeah, it's not proof. So let me go through and explain something here a little bit. In John chapter 6, Jesus talks about him being the bread that comes out of heaven. And then he talks about those who would betray him. Because many people left him, and it says in verse 66, his disciples withdrew, we're not talking with him anymore.

And it goes on, skipping some stuff. But he says in verse 70, did I not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil. Now he meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was going to betray him. So what we're seeing is that Jesus knew from the beginning who this was and that he was a devil. He wasn't a true convert, but yet he was part of the twelve. So when we look at Hebrews 6, 4 through 6, there's some issues here. For in the case of those who've once been enlightened, could we say Judas was enlightened?

Yeah, we could. And have tasted the heavenly gift. Could we say that of Judas? Well, of course. And have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit.

Well, of course we could. We could say that, too. Now, sometimes the critics of eternal security who teach that you have to be good to keep themselves right with the infinitely holy God, they will say that enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift, and partakers of the Holy Spirit means you're saved. And I'll say to them, well, maybe it does, but maybe it doesn't. Can you show me from the context or any other place where it says that to be enlightened, to have the taste of the heavenly gift and or be made partakers of the Holy Spirit means that they're actually regenerated and saved. Because it doesn't say that any place.

It just uses these phrases and we don't know exactly what they mean. So they can't say, oh, it means they're saved. They can't. I mean, they can't assert that it is and prove that it is. What I mean is they can say it, but they don't have any way of proving that is the case.

So if they don't have any way of proving it, then all they're doing is reading an opinion. And I can come back and say, well, in John 6.70, Jesus called Judas a devil. And he was from the beginning. He chose him.

He was in. He was never saved. So was he, like I said, enlightened? Yeah, he was the taste of the heavenly gift. Of course, he did.

Watching Jesus made partakers of the Holy Spirit. Of course, he did. Of course, he watched as the Holy Spirit worked miracles through Jesus and have tasted the good word of God, the powers of the ages to come. Of course, he did. And he fell away. See, he was never saved to begin with.

And yet those verses could apply to him as well. We were right back, folks, after these messages to continue with this discussion. If you want, give me a call at 877-207-2276.

We'll be right back. So did that help any? Yeah.

Yeah, that helped. Okay. So when people say they can lose their salvation, just ask them what things they have to do to keep themselves right with the infinitely holy God.

I want to know the list. And I tell them, I'm going to type it out. Tell me what you got to do. Because they actually think that by their goodness, their continued faith, their continued obedience, that they will keep themselves right with God. Wow. That is arrogant.

Yeah. And I go to a church that believes that you can lose your salvation. And I think I'm the only one in there that believes and wants to be always saved.

So that should be interesting. Well, start asking them what things you got to do to keep yourself right, you know? Also, Matt, do you have other people waiting? We have one other person waiting.

What do you got? It's all right. Okay. Should I find another church? Because I've been, you know, I guess I'm starting to realize that it is wrong watching your exegesis and watching other Christians' exegesis of, you know, the context of women pastors. And my church has women pastors.

And so, yes. Well, what I would do, I'd recommend that you go to the elders and well, first of all, go to CARM and look at the women in ministry section. And then there's some stuff you can print up there and you can there's an article that's designed to be printed up in Word, if I remember correctly. And let me go see if I can find that.

Women in ministry. And it's designed to be printed up on both sides of a single sheet of paper. And so what I hope people will do is print it up and then hand it out. And so let's see if I have that. I've got to make sure it is there. The elder in the church, my response to another person, pastors and elders.

I don't know where it is, but I know I've got it. While you're looking for that, I'm going to also tell you that my church, we're non-denominational. And like we have bishops, just like you mentioned in the Bible. But my church is like a connection of different churches that were planted. And our connection of churches as an archbishop over all of us.

And our archbishop is a female. Yeah, that's bad. Yeah, I would, you know. Okay.

I was, okay, several things here trying to get at it once. The, it's something for you to do is the heading on the quorum section, women in ministry. And it's email this to churches that are firm with pastors and elders. And what you can do is you can click on that. And you can copy it and just print it up. Put it into, oh, I've got to change that too.

And just put it into a Word document, you know, copy it and just print it up. It's fine. Take it to the elders and say, the Bible tells you in 1 Peter 3.15 to give an answer. And I'm asking that you would do that. Why do you allow women pastors and elders? Okay.

Just really basic stuff and see what they do. And what's going to probably happen is they're going to say, well, we just have a different interpretation of things. All right. So once they've done that, once they've committed themselves, then what I would do, I would, me, I'm a bit of strappers. I'd print up that same thing. And then I would pass it out to the people in the congregation. And then you'll be gone at that point.

Is there? Okay. So just print it out, pass it out to everybody in the church and then, what, leave after that? First, go to the elders. Because the Bible tells them that they're to give an answer to everyone who would ask them, okay? That's what the Bible tells people to do. And so they're obligated to give you a response. If they refuse to do that, then they're not being qualified as elders. And the Bible also teaches that the elders are supposed to be able to teach sound doctrine and refute error.

So you ask them to do that politely and say, here's some information. Could you respond to this and see what they say? Now, what they're going to do eventually is just ignore it and they don't care about the word, I'm sure. If they did change and repent, I'd be shocked.

I would be. But nevertheless, it's not going to happen. And then, I don't know. You need to say, okay, I'm done with you.

Wipe the dust off your feet as you leave. And or you could go out to the parking lot and put the article that I've written on the windshield. You can do that. I'm that kind of guy. I do that kind of stuff. I actually do. I've passed out literature. I've got some other things I'll be working on, too, about stuff like this.

I want to enable more people to be able to work in the church and call people to repentance. In fact, last night I was in the virtual world in something called Spatial. And of all things to get in there, it didn't happen very often at all. But I got in a discussion with these two gentlemen about women pastors and elders, and the arguments they were giving were just atrocious. They were just pathetically bad. And I was being very polite, and they got into the issue. That's just your interpretation.

We believe that this is. And it was so bad. It was just so bad that they didn't even know enough to know how bad their reasoning was.

It was just horrible. But at any rate, so there you go. Okay? You can check it out. Yeah, because the scriptures have been convicting me lately. It just didn't really bother me lately. So I guess when the scriptures start convicting you, you need to act on that.

Yeah. You know, we're men. Men are supposed to stand up for righteousness. We're supposed to protect the innocent.

We're supposed to fight against unrighteousness. Now, does that mean that when a woman's a pastor, an elder in a church, or an authority over men in a spiritual sense in a church, that we just say, well, just don't worry about it. No, that's not what we Christian men are supposed to be doing. We're supposed to be calling them to repentance.

And the problem is that men and a lot of people just don't. A lot of Christians just don't know their theology, don't know the faith, don't know what it is. I could do a seminar and I could show how ignorant people are of the basics of the Christian faith.

And it's not me mocking them or complaining or whining. I'm just saying they just don't need to because the pastors aren't teaching them, and they're not evangelical. They more have a babysitting mentality. And so if you're evangelical, you're out there getting your head handed to you on a platter because you're out there witnessing in varying venues. Then you're going to want to learn. But that is not the norm in churches, to be taught the things deeper so that we need to know in order to engage the world. So that's why people just don't know much.

They're not outward-centered, reaching out as much as they need to be and ought to be in the Christian church. Hey, buddy, you've got to go, okay? Here's a break, man. God bless. All right, hey, we have three open lines, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome back to the show. Let's get on the air with Clarice from North Carolina. Clarice, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt, thank you for taking my call. I have your own speaker. Is that okay on your end? Sure, no problem at all.

Okay, I have a question on how you would approach someone. I've been a believer for a very long time, and the burden of my heart since the day God saved me was for lost souls. That's just it. I mean, I pray for other things and other situations, but the burden of my heart is for souls to be saved to come to know the Lord. And I definitely know the doctrine of election in the Bible. I know it. And it's frustrating, but I do know it, because at the end of the day, there's nothing we can do.

God has to do it. But I do believe in witnessing, because we don't go through, like, pulling up shirts with election written on their back, you know? So I have a very close friend who is like my brother, and we have been friends since high school, and that's been 50 years ago.

And we see each other from time to time and talk, and I've been through a lot with him as far as relationships and things like that. But he's not a believer, and he doesn't even know what if he believes in God. And he said he went to the altar one time when he was 12 and nothing happened. He said he went to the altar again when he was married to his second wife and nothing happened. And I know, you know, what John 6 says.

No one comes to the Father except the Spirit draws it. So my question to you is, he has recently found out that he has ALS, and, you know, that's a death sentence. And I think he's even considering some alternatives to leave this world, and I'm not going to go into that in case someone I know is listening, but I am really burdened for him. I just, I don't know how to really witness to him anymore, because I've said things through the years. I've talked to him. I pray. I've cried over the phone with him.

But he's, I don't want to say he's not open now. I don't know. I don't, I'm ashamed of myself that I feel a little fearful, because I don't know what his reaction will be. But at the same time, you know, like I said, I'm ashamed of that, because I shouldn't be.

But I want to be lived by the Holy Spirit. Reaction to what, though? Sir? Reaction to what?

Sir? I guess how he will take it or what his reaction will be. Take what?

Take what? I mean, I'm being made by me telling him that he's gonna face eternity one day soon, and there's only heaven and hell and there's nothing in between. Well, we shouldn't fear that. And I'm hoping there's greater ways to approach it. You do it lovingly and patiently and kindly, and you ask God beforehand to give you the opportunity and the words, and you ask God to prepare his heart and you ask God to be God to be merciful and Then you wait patiently and lovingly as you pray for him looking for the opportunity not to be pushy But looking for the opportunity to speak the truth, and you'll know Yeah Yeah, well I do I do buy people Bibles Friends of mine that I've known many years that are not saved. I buy him a Bible I have the name put on it because that way they're not as easily to throw it away and I just I Usually um just put a tab in certain books of the Bible like Just then this is what I tell them that and I just say Read this book start here, and usually it's either the book of Luke or the book of John And I just say read this and ask God to show you who Jesus is and if he's real Mm-hmm and because you know the Bible says asking you receive seeking you will find not that it will be open and I tell them that if you want to know the truth, God's going to show it to you and That's how I do that when I give Bible that why'd you order him a Bible today and um? Sir good. It sounds really good good for you Yeah so Okay, so I just I just need to remember to let my words be with grace season with salt sure so Of course yeah, but you already sound like you have that and and you care and the first step of course is to pray And ask God to be merciful to him That's your job And you know continue to do that and ask for the opportunity to speak and then ask that he'd give you the words to speak And I'm gonna tell you you never know what you'll say you'll never know what you're gonna.

Say that gonna make a difference. You know I Know I know I'm praying that and I guess I needed some reaffirmation, and I appreciate that and They I have please ask you one other question typically related sure In second like I said I do believe in the elect bride of Christ and You know in second when I talk to friends about it most of them Don't believe it or don't understand it or have never seen it spiritually in the Bible where their pastor doesn't preach it And I'll you're the past that will bring up the birth They will bring up the verse in second Peter about well you know God says he's not willing that any of us should perish and I tell them the context of that like That us word like that Peter is speaking to the church there He's not speaking to non-believers am I wrong in saying that well You're talking about 2nd Peter 3 9 the Lord is not slow about his promise as some counsel Let's put his patient towards you not wishing for a need to repair to perish, but for all to come repentance right yeah And you can say yeah, he does want people to come repentance now. There are difficulties with every theological position Now from the reform perspective someone might bring this verse up and say well doesn't God want everyone to come repentance And I could make a case that the word all refers only to the elect And I actually can make a good case from scripture for that people don't know these verses are in there But I can do that okay But let's just say that that's not it and for you that he wants all to come to repentance well There's two things one will can God or God does God ever bring about the opposite of what it requires And the answer is well.

Yes. He does Because sometimes people bring this up to me he wants everyone to come to repentance And I'll say okay does that mean every individual it ever lived and he'll say yes I said okay, then if that's the case. That's what you think that means Then how do you harmonize it? I'm not saying scripture against scripture I'm saying how do you harmonize it with what Jesus says in Mark 4 10 through 12 when he says he speaks in parables So people will not be forgiven And so why he does it if it's the case in 2nd Peter 3 9 that he wants every individual to come to repentance and You also have the verse where he speaks in parables, so individuals will not come to repentance How do you harmonize and that's my question to them I see I have a way of harmonizing them. I have two ways But if if you don't have a way I can offer you Two ways one is the all is the elect and the other one is that the all means all people groups not just the Jews But then all come to repentance as a generic statement, and if you do either one of those two Then we don't have any conflict within Scripture but if you say that all means every individual then you do have a conflict because Jesus is speaking in parables, and he says why so they'll not be forgiven That's why he does it. So that's one of the things and you can say much trying to set scripture against Scripture I'm trying to to deal with this issue Holistically from Scripture at this point because we can look at this verse and you already make it make your mind up what it is But I'm saying let's look You know Okay, did you see that verse was in Mark 10 Mark 4 10 through 12 11? Mark 4, okay.

Okay. Yeah, and this is what it says. I'll read it Read if everybody who may be surprised by this Mark 4 10 through 12 as soon as he was alone his followers along with the 12 began Asking him about the parables and he was saying to them to you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God But those who are outside get everything in parables so that while singing they may see and not Perceive and while hearing they may hear and not understand. Otherwise, they might return and be forgiven Yeah, yeah So I say okay Yeah, it is and again the goal is not to set scripture against scripture It's just that we have to harmonize scripture And this is what theology is the harmonization of different topics and revelation of God's God.

Give us the scripture. Okay Okay God bless you. Let me know how it goes. Okay Okay, thank you. All right. Hey folks, we write back half these messages. We'll get to Chris and then The Giggler we write back It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six. Here's Matt slick All right, I'm gonna welcome back to the show the last segment of the hour. Let's get to Chris from Texas Chris welcome here on the air How you doing Matt doing? All right, man hanging in there.

What do you got buddy? I Just want to call and thank you for embarrassing Sam Shimon and that debate on limited atonement Okay You know, he he blew it, you know, actually I'm gonna be in another Slash a discussion slash debate tonight in about an hour 15 minutes on limited atonement. I'll put it up on the Calendar on calm calm that word forward slash calendar.

I'll put it up there where it is. But um Yeah, Sam's got some problems and he's moving towards apostasy. Yep So so would you count him as a brother now that he's bending the knee to Orthodoxy no, I would not No, yeah, neither would I I have a question. Um when you were in that debate and he said Jesus reconciled Satan unto himself When you actually questioned him on that, did you did you get to see the look on his face when you when you asked him? about Satan I Well, I probably did because I was looking and the camera, you know, I'm seeing him but I don't remember in particular the expression I do remember him fumbling. It was obvious that he didn't know what to do with that and then later he came up with With an excuse or something And you know it took him 20 minutes or something like that And that was played off of something that I said about another topic.

So he was trying to I Believe save face at that point. He absolutely blew it, you know Yeah, I was just I was just wondering because he started speaking gibberish and I was just wondering if you thought he pissed himself or crapped himself in that moment Well, I don't know, you know, he he obviously failed see here's the thing about Sam, you know I've known him for years and I've got his cell number. I can call him any time.

We've talked on the cell many times We've met in person and the whole thing. He's brilliant when it comes to Islam and I'm dead serious The guy is just phenomenal. He really is there's few as good as he is And he's a great thinker and he really is he's got a good head on his shoulders But the fact that he didn't think through Kalashins 120 really surprised me He didn't even think about the issue of all things including the the angelic realm because that's what all things miss must mean by his Logical definition it apparently never occurred to him which really surprised because he's smarter than that So I don't know what's going on, you know The do you think it's potentially because he's just switching away from these doctrines Just to kiss up the Catholics and he's uh, too quickly trying to defend the position like a fool Well, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know his motives are but I've known him for a while.

I know some personality traits about from him and Let's just say that that I don't know his motives for Leaving orthodoxy, you know biblical theology and in attacking the doctrines of God's sovereign grace And then moving over to a form of orthodoxy You know I only can say is they went off from us because they never were of us if they had been of us they would have Remained so that's what you know, that's what comes to mind Right. Well, I I would just like to let you know We've commemorated your victory over him on the talking in Sam flapjack Chamone YouTube channel And in that on that channel, we've commemorated your victory and we've we've shown an image of you battering his flapjacks with boxing gloves Well, I don't know. I'm smiling. I don't know if I'd approve of that kind of a thing But it's you're right to do that.

Send me the link and stuff I'm curious to see your site and see what you're doing. Okay All right. Yeah, sure. Um, and and now I have a serious question Matt now that we've had a good time. Sure When people ask you where you find Tulip in the pre-Nicene church fathers and they question you and ask you why you believe it because they think it's not there What what do you do at that point? What do you tell them and and just to let you know, I Am a believer in tulip myself Well, yeah, actually you got me curious Trying to remember I did a search for church fathers and tulip and was able to find three or four but And I'd you know me I'd get so busy. So I but when people bring up the church fathers, I'll say so the church fathers didn't didn't teach I didn't teach the assumption of Mary either or her Was the other one? her participation vicarious participation in the atoning sacrifice Of Christ I said so these things aren't there and yet the church father's never taught them and you're you're you're going on So I say look go to the scriptures go to the scriptures Okay, because I have a saying my church father can beat up your church father Okay, right all right, well like Like I read Tertullian and Justin Martyr and those guys and they seem to be pretty much directly against You know determinism and you know God electing who's going to be saved who's not going to be saved So that's why I asked I was wondering if you knew any who had like direct Statements that were leading toward believing in these things because most of what I see when I study this they're against it, but I believe it because I see it in the Bible and I believe it's undeniable in the Bible, but um, maybe one day I'll send you an email and We could have a debate about my view on the Trinity also.

Oh Wow Well, I hope you affirm it, but I just remembered or saw it that I released an article back in March early church fathers reform theology and And so Yeah, I have a lot of stuff on there I'm coach from church fathers, so would you go check it out? All right Okay, I appreciate it All right, man. Sounds good. All right. We'll talk to you later. Okay, but All right. Now, let's get to Giggler and Giggler.

Welcome. You're on the air Hey, how you doing, brother? I'm doing all right. I'm hanging in there man. What do you got? So, man, I had a question I called in with but then I'm listening to you guys you talk to people and All these different there's so much I want to talk to you about like you and I need to go out for a beer or something Or a burger or whatever.

As long as it's not Bud Light. So here's the thing like that that guy that previous caller mentioned tulip That's a thing I'd never heard of before. So if you guys are talking about it I'm quickly, you know googling it to see what this is all about. Yeah, it's the acronym, right?

Total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irritable grace, perseverance of the saints, Reformed theology. Yes. When I heard him say tulip, I'm like did he just say tulip like the flower and I'm like well I'm gonna try to google Christianity tulip and see what I get and boom there it was. That was cool. I love that we live in the 21st century, right? Like all the information we need is at our fingertips. We're walking around with computers in our pockets that have access to all the knowledge in the world. So that's why you have it.

Unfortunately for you this means that there's a there's a huge lack of a need for God now because we have it all where it used to be like no one had anything. That's not my point. My point is. I can come back and say and you're all the more responsible for trusting in God because the evidence to support his existence in all kinds of forms and ways is evident. So yeah works in different ways.

Anywho, what I was thinking about was If you had grown up in a predominantly Muslim country where your whole family were believers in Islam, are you convinced that you would be a Christian today? Well, I don't know. Wait a minute. Maybe it's the whole elect thing.

Maybe maybe the fact that you grew up in a Muslim country means God didn't elect you. Can I answer? Oh, that's a good point.

Let me answer. Well, I was trying to speak for you, but yeah, go ahead. Well, it's better if you let me speak for myself.

Atheists are really bad. No, it's really so much worse. But yeah, I know you're gonna do it. Go ahead, go ahead. So you do realize how insulting you are? No.

Yes, you should. Look up on this great vast knowledge resource you have how to insult somebody and then see if you can fit that because you're doing that. I've heard that I can be dismissive. You can be and insulting.

So, you know, if if I was born in a Muslim country I probably would have ended up being a Muslim and if I'd never repented I would have gone to hell. Okay. So, do you have anything else you want to talk about?

Because the topic was an interesting one that was the producer wrote. Oh, yeah, so that was my question. So I tuned in, I'm always late for some reason, but I tuned in quarter past the hour or so, and I heard you having another conversation with somebody who's like, how can we stop these women from trying to be equivalent men? What can they do, Matt?

You're like, I would put flyers on their cars is what you said. That's not what we said. We didn't say that.

See, here's the thing is, is you need to represent the other side accurately and not misrepresent it. I don't need to do anything that I don't want to do, Matt. That's the thing you have to accept. I get to be the giggler and you have to accept me the way I am.

Hold on. No, I don't have to accept you the way you are. Yes, you do. You do though, brother. You do. All right. Okay. No, I'll tell you what, I don't. And there's the proof because I just hung up on him because if he's going to tell me what I have to do on my own radio show, it's not going to work.

So at any rate, we have five open lines if anybody wants to give me a call, 877-207-2276. And we only have like three minutes left in the show. I do want to recommend again that you go see the movie The Sound of Freedom. It's the movie that's just been released and it's doing very well and it's dealing with the issue of slavery and child trafficking. And I think you should see it. I think that we Christians should support movies like this that deal with important issues.

I think we should. And I'm delighted to know that I remember reading this, I don't know how accurate it is, like the last nine movies Disney has produced, they've lost money on every single one of them. Hey, praise God. And I hope that the woke morons pushing their agenda on society and their arrogance that they think they know better. I wish that they would stop and I hope they go bankrupt and I hope they get kicked out of their jobs. That's what I hope.

And may the Lord deal with them according to their sin and hopefully break them accordingly and they come to faith. But I do recommend that you guys go see that movie. It's enjoyable. There's nothing too graphic in it.

It's rated R. There's a little bit of violence in it. But it was well done and I'd recommend it. Okay. Also, just want to let you know that we stay on the air by your support every now and then I ask this, but it's becoming more and more, well, let's just say needful to be able to meet the needs of the ministry if you'd be so kind as to consider supporting us at a whopping $5 a month. That would be awesome. You could do that easily by going to c-a-r-m dot o-r-g forward slash donate and everything you need is right there and you can stop it whenever you want, but $5 a month. We hope that's not too much.

And we're hoping to get 1000 people to do that. I'm going to just have to start asking on a daily basis and a regular basis reminding people because if you don't know that we need your support, maybe you think we're doing fine. And you know, the Lord provides and I'm not here to say, Oh, what was us? What was me?

What was the ministry? Blah, blah, blah. Not gonna do that. But I trust in God and I trust that he communicates to his people and that he will continue to support us that way. So if you'd be so kind, all right, it'd be it's easy to do. Just forward slash donate and $5 a month is what we ask.

That's not much at all. So praise God for that. Hey, I want to thank all of you for listening for tuning in. And by his grace, we're back on there tomorrow. And tonight I've got a discussion slash debate disagreement thing going on limited atonement. And, and in an hour from now, it's what I'm going to do is put that information up on forward slash calendar, just go to forward slash calendar, and that information will be up there.

It isn't already. I'll make sure it is in the next few minutes. Hey, may the Lord bless you. And by his grace, we'll be back on here tomorrow. And we'll talk to you then. Have a great evening, everyone. God bless. Bye.
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