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Let Everything Go – Part 1

Living in the Light / Anne Graham Lotz
The Truth Network Radio
November 14, 2021 3:00 pm

Let Everything Go – Part 1

Living in the Light / Anne Graham Lotz

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November 14, 2021 3:00 pm


This is Anne Graham Lotz. God is looking for good men and women.

He's looking for those who believe that what He says is more important than what anyone else says. Extraordinary men and women. Another Noah. Another Esther. Another Abraham.

Are you what He's looking for? It's her desire that this in-depth study series of the life of Abraham will encourage you to pursue knowing God and making Him known. That He will become your magnificent obsession. Now here's Anne with today's message from Genesis chapter 19. In chapter 19 we pick up as these two men, these angels disguised as men, come into Sodom. And Lot's sitting there in the city gate and he sees these two men coming.

And he doesn't realize, I don't think that they're angels, but he knows that they're not Sodomites and they're strangers. And so he jumps up and he says, please come to my home for dinner. Come stay in my home tonight. And the men says, no we really are on assignment. We're going to walk through Sodom and see what's going on. And Lot says, oh no.

Don't do that. Please come to my home and spend the night. No we're going to walk. Oh please.

I insist. And Lot insisted that they come to his home because he knew the streets inside him weren't safe at night. And so these two men came into his home and Lot served them dinner. And after dinner there's this enormous commotion at the door.

Banging, screaming, yelling. And Lot goes outside and there's a gay rights demonstration at his door. And everybody demonstrating for their right to sin. And Lot says in verse 6 of chapter 19, he goes outside to meet them and he says, no my friends.

Look at that. These people were the ones he played golf with and played cards with and did business with. And these were his neighbors. These were his friends.

No my friends don't do this wicked thing because these people outside his door were demanding that Lot send the strangers out to them so they could harm them. And Lot said don't do this wicked thing. And then Lot, to show you how far his standard of righteousness had lowered, said I have two unmarried daughters.

You can have them. But don't hurt these men because they've claimed protection under my roof. Can you imagine anything as disgusting as that? And you think you would never stoop that low but you know something when you drift from God and you stop reading his word and you measure yourself by the people that live around you, pretty soon our standards get lower and lower and lower. But God's standards haven't changed. And so Lot has lowered his standards of the point at all for his daughters and they wouldn't accept that and so the strangers in his home pulled him back inside, shut the door, kept the men outside from breaking down the door and they said Lot, judgment is coming. God's going to destroy this place.

You go tell your family. And let me go back to the friends for a minute because this is what the friends said to him in verse 9. They said get out of our way. You've come here as an alien. Now you want to play the judge.

We'll treat you worse than them. And do you see the way his friends turned on him? And you think you have friends in the world and they're really wonderful friends and you do business and you play golf and you do all of these things but oh listen to me. Amos said two people can't walk together unless they're agreed. And in your heart if that person doesn't also belong to Christ then how can you be best friends with a person like that because sooner or later the rubber will hit the road and they'll make their choice. And Jesus said if you're not for me you're against me. Lot lost his friends. And then we see him losing his family because the strangers pull him back in the house. They say judgment is coming. If you have any family in Sodom, warn them that judgment is coming. So Lot goes and he runs to tell his sons-in-law. Really they're men that are engaged to marry his daughters in verse 12. And the two men told him go tell your sons-in-law, anyone else, because we're going to destroy this place. And in verse 14 Lot went out and he spoke to his sons-in-law who were pledged to marry his daughters. He said hurry get out of this place because the Lord is about to destroy this city.

But his sons-in-law thought he was joking. Lot, you know if there is a God in heaven and if he's so important you would have told us about him before. And if there was really an accounting for our sin, if there's going to be judgment for sin, you wouldn't have been living the way you've been living.

And so Lot, you know we think you're just hysterical and maybe that gay rights demonstration has upset you so go home, turn on the TV, get something to drink, just chill out, you'll feel better in the morning. If we raise our children by our example to say that God is not first in our lives, that God is just not important enough to really like leave everything behind and let everything go for. You know the message our children get? The message our children get is that he's not important at all.

And the little bit of faith maybe we had in our generation is going to be lost in the next generation. And Lot's sons-in-law thought he was joking. They wouldn't believe him. And so the angels, he went back to tell them he couldn't get his sons-in-law and in verse 15, with the coming of the dawn, the angels urged Lot saying hurry, take your wife and the two daughters that are here or you'll be swept away when the city is punished. And look at verse 16, when he hesitated.

He just couldn't let go. And so the angels had to literally drag him out of the city with his two daughters and with his wife. And they come out of the city and the angels said don't look back, just shake the dust off your feet and get out of there. And Lot's wife looked back, longing for Sodom, all of her beautiful things, her beautiful home, her beautiful friends. She had worked so hard to position herself in the community and she came under God's judgment. And Jesus said remember Lot's wife because she despised God's gracious offer of salvation.

There's something not only to take to heart but something to motivate us as we share God's word and as we teach the scriptures. These people sometimes who come with people or a friend who comes with a friend or wife of somebody or husband of somebody and they seem to be on the periphery, oh we need to bring them into the kingdom. Or they despise God's salvation. They're going to come under judgment. And Lot's own wife came under judgment. He lost his family and all the other extended family members in Sodom. So he lost his friends, he lost his family, he lost his fortune.

Verse 24, then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah from the Lord out of the heavens. You know the cities where he had wanted to live and the pleasures and the prestige and the position, all that he had built up. And he overthrew those cities and the entire plain including all those living in the cities and the vegetation and the pasture land that Lot had grabbed for himself. It's all gone. Totally destroyed. He lost his friends, he lost his family, he lost his fortune. Lot lost his future. Do you know the way he ended up?

This is disgusting. He ended up in a cave with his two daughters in an incestuous relationship. His grandsons were his sons. Moab and Ammon.

And God said they were so wicked that when he gave the Lot of Moses he said you won't allow a Moabite or an Ammonite into my presence until the tenth generation. Lot lost everything. So when you get worried or feel a little put out by the Lot's in your life, in your class, in your family, in your business, in your neighborhood, would you remember Lot? He was successful. He was prominent. He had built up a reputation. He had what he wanted. But in the end it turned to ashes in his hand, literally. Abraham on the other hand separated from it all.

He just let it all go. Separated from the world. Paul says in Corinthians that we are to be separate, come out from among them.

And I think that's for our own benefits. And what I mean, you know I know we live in the world. So I want to say that before somebody misunderstands me. We live in the world, we work in the world, our children go to school in the world, we minister in the world. But I'm talking about going into the world and living in the world for your own fulfillment, your own pleasure, your own satisfaction. You know when you cross the line and pretty soon you're wanting the world more than you want the things of God.

You might not admit it but you can see it in the decisions you make. Paul says to come out from among them. Be separate and we need to separate from it because everything that's immersed in it is going to be lost. It has no eternal value at all. God may not rain down fire and brimstone on it but not now. But there's coming a day when everything is going to be burnt up. And it's going to be lost.

So what does it profit if you gain the whole world and lose your own soul because your soul is going to last and the world is passing away. Abram separated from Sodom. Chapter 13 going back to verse 11. After Lot chose for himself the whole plain of Jordan set out from the east, the two men parted company. And Abram lived in the land of Canaan while Lot lived among the cities. In verse 14 God came to Abraham and I think Abraham is sitting in the tents, in the desert, under the tree.

And he knows where Lot's gone and he knows the way Lot's living and he knows that Lot has become wealthier, more prominent, built up a reputation. Now an important person on the city council in Sodom and Abraham is sitting there and he's let it all go. And he's the man of God who's been called of God to be a blessing for God and he has nothing.

Just a tent in the desert alone. You ever feel like that? As you look at the Lots in your life?

And they seem to have so much. And you're the one who's been right before God and you've put him first. And you've embraced that magnificent obsession. And you've left everything behind and you've let everything go in order to know God and to make him known and receive his blessing that you might be a blessing. And you wind up in a tent under a tree in the desert all by yourself.

Does it hurt? I think Abraham was a little hurt. Feeling somehow like he'd gotten walked over. And Lot had abused him and used him and God comes to Abraham. And he says right at that time when Lot had parted company, you know it's so sweet God knows what time it is in our lives. And he knew Abraham was sitting there wondering, I've gotten walked over, what do I have to show for it? And God says, Abraham you lift up your eyes from where you are and you look north and south and east and west. All the land you see I will give to you in your offspring forever. I'll make your offspring like the dust of the earth if anyone could count the dust your offspring will be counted.

Go. Walk through the length and breadth of the land for Abraham I'm giving it to you. You just can't out give God. Jesus said in Matthew 19 that whoever forsakes houses, lands, sisters, brothers, you know whatever for my sake will receive in this life and the next a hundred fold.

And you may not get it back exactly the way you gave it up but he's going to pour out his blessing on you. Lot lost everything. He insisted on getting what he wanted and in the end he lost it all. Abraham was willing to let go of what he might have wanted and in the end he got it all.

Do you see? You're willing to lose your life you find it. If you're not willing to lose your life you're going to lose it in the long run.

Abraham was willing to give it all up. I want to close just with a little story. I haven't told this in a while. I love to tell it because it's so precious. I don't ever want to forget this story in my life.

It happened years ago. I'd gone to Amsterdam. I was planning to go to speak at the International Congress on evangelism and before I went I was planning with a friend who was also going and we were going to make the trip together and after we'd been at the conference in Amsterdam we were going to take a week and we were going to go down through Germany and Europe and just sight see. And so we'd made our plans together and made our reservations and our arrangements and I had two of my children with me. Jonathan went with me and my daughter Maro and Jonathan had a friend. Actually Jonathan went about six weeks before me to work at the Congress with his friend and then Maro and I came later and we joined them for the Congress and we went through that week and Jonathan and his friend were working so hard and I just told them I said Jonathan don't spend your money this week. Not that he would have time because he was working so hard but save your money because afterwards we're going to take this trip through this part of Europe and we're going to go through Germany and we'll have some time to sight see and you want to save your money for then. So he and his friend worked really hard and my daughter and I enjoyed the Congress and I spoke on the last day.

It was Sunday and I spoke Sunday morning and then Sunday afternoon I went back to the hotel room just to rest before the closing meeting that evening and Maro was asleep and the phone rang. And it was my friend and she said Ann our plans have changed and we've decided we're not going to go down through Germany and we're not going to tour Europe. We've had a special opportunity to go to Switzerland. So we're going to fly to Switzerland and I'm sorry that means we won't be able to do things with you but I hope you get along okay. And I told her I was glad that she could go to Switzerland. I knew how much it meant to her and I hung up the phone and I felt like somebody hit me in the stomach.

And I got down on my knees and said God. I mean I was stunned and I said what am I going to do? My hotel reservation runs out tomorrow and this place is booked. I'm not going to have a hotel room. If I could rent a car if there was one available I can't even drive a block in Amsterdam.

I don't know if you've been there. So many bicycles. I would have killed myself and about 50 other people within a block. I can't drive by myself. And I have three children or three teenagers now.

Jonathan his friend and Maro depending on me to take them on a special trip. My plane reservations aren't until the end of this week. I can't change the plane ticket or there will be a huge penalty. I just have to buy four more plane tickets which I couldn't afford.

What am I going to do? And I began to cry and I was just sitting there. I was desperate. Everybody I knew was leaving.

There was nobody I could turn to. And to my mind God brought a verse. And I want to do for you more abundantly than you can think to ask. And I said well God let's just see.

This is Sunday afternoon. The fire will hit the fan in the morning Monday morning when I have to check out of this hotel. I was just so upset and I said God just to see if you're going to do this I'm not going to tell anybody. So we'll just see if you're going to do for me more abundantly than you can think.

You're not going to get any help from me. And when Mara woke up I shared with her what my friend had done and she was so angry. So I shared with Mara the verse that I felt like God had given me. And we got down on our knees and we prayed together. And I went to the Congress that night. I had to tell Jonathan and his friend. They were so sweet about it. And I just kept saying God do you see?

You know. And so we went through the meeting that night. After the meeting because I'd spoken that morning people recognized me and they caught me. And I stayed there probably to about midnight. Missed my ride. Mara and I had to walk back to our hotel in the rain.

Not as rainy as this morning but drizzling. Got to the hotel after midnight and hadn't eaten supper. We were walking past the dining room and my friend was there with a whole long table full of people.

So probably a dozen people sitting at this table. And I was trying to tiptoe past the door of the dining room and she called out to me and said Ann come join us for supper. And I said no I'm just tired.

I want to go to bed. Ann come on join us. And they all called and I was hungry. So Mara and I went and we sat at the table across from a man that I had met that morning but I really didn't know who he was or anything about him. So after we ordered and everything the man said Ann when are you going back to America?

Just like a stab you know. And I said well not until later at the end of this week. And he said what are you going to do between now and then? And I looked at him. I tried to look at him and I said you know I don't know. My plans have just changed. And then I changed the side.

I just didn't want to talk about it. And after a few minutes he said Ann why don't you come to London? We're having a wedding.

Prince Andrew is marrying Lady Sarah and it's festive time in London. I think you would enjoy coming to London. Why don't you come to London for this week? And I said no thank you I can't come to London. And inside I was getting angrier because I was saying God I can't go to Switzerland.

I can't go to Germany. I can't go to... What are you going to do for me more abundantly than you think to ask and where can I go? And so you know this was going on inside but I made other conversation.

The man came back to me in a few minutes. And he said Ann I tell you what he said why don't you come to London? And I was mad. So I said alright I'll give you three reasons I'm not going to London. Number one I've got three teenagers with me and myself and that would be three plane tickets and all the expense of being there for a week. I can't afford it. I don't have the money.

And number two even if I had the money I wouldn't be able to get plane tickets this fast or be able to make transportation, hotel reservations. I just practically I couldn't carry out three. I'm too tired to talk about it. And so I just I was rude and I meant to be rude because I wanted him to be quiet and hurt so bad. So after a few minutes this very persistent man came back and he said Ann I'll take care of your first two reasons if you take care of the third.

And I looked at him and I said what did you say? And he said Ann I will have first thing in the morning four prepaid plane tickets at the front desk in your hotel. I'll give you spending money. I'll provide my chauffeur driven car for you. They'll meet you at the airport.

You can stay in my club in London if you'll just make the decision to come. And at that point my heart softened. But I still said no. Because I said I can't accept a gift like that from a perfect stranger. I promise you this is what this man said. Ann God is wanting to do for you more abundantly than you can think to ask.

And we went to London didn't we? And it was a life's lesson I never ever want to forget. That when you're willing to let go of everything. Your rights. I mean I could have jerked my friend upside down and you know and held her to her word. Instead I let it go. And look what God did for me.

And maybe it won't be as dramatic in your life. And Abram didn't really have possession of all that land. In fact today they still don't have possession of all the land do they?

One day they'll have it all. But God poured out his blessing on Abram. Abram on the inside had the freedom of knowing he was right with God. And he was in the place of God's blessing. And God's blessing lasts forever.

It's eternal. And Lot was insisting on what he wanted. In the end he had nothing but ashes in his hand. So this is my challenge to you.

Would you stop looking at them and their houses and their gold and their possessions, their prestige, their reputation, their success. Just put your focus on God. And remember his personal command to you to leave everything. And the radical promise that if you leave everything you'll pour out his blessing and you'll be a blessing and in the process you'll come to know him and you can make him known and other people in your life and the life of your family will see Jesus reflected. And you keep your focus on God and his word to you. And you just let everything go. That you might receive what he wants to give you. And let me tell you from personal experience what he wants to give you is more than you could ever think to want for yourself. Would you pray with me please?

And just in the quietness of this moment I just don't want to make an assumption that's too broad. In the event there's someone here clutching something you won't let go of and it's keeping you from embracing the magnificent obsession for yourself totally, wholly. God says if you seek him with all your heart you'll find him. But you can't seek him with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul and all your strength as long as you're holding on to whatever that is.

Would you let it go? And actually it can create a little resentment deep down because they live so well and they seem to have it all. Not only the worldly things but God tacked onto their lives and a Christian reputation.

Maybe they even have a little ministry sort of and here we are living by ourselves under a tree in a tent in the desert getting walked over. And what's it for? Oh listen to me. It's for him. He had it all didn't he? A throne in heaven, ivory palaces and he left it all and came down. To just walk sandal shod feet, homespun in the dust of Judea. Gave it all up for us.

Oh it's a privilege to give it all up for him. So Lord we just bow before you now and we thank you that for whatever reason it's just by your grace you've given us eyes that are lifted up past the world. The heavenly things and the longing and the desire in our hearts is not for what this world offers it's for what the next world offers.

We live our lives with eternity in view. So Lord we just apologize. We're sorry when we get distracted and out of focus and we thank you for using this lesson to refocus us on you and your call in our lives.

Never mind the lots. Oh dear God we choose to follow you, put you first in our lives. We want to know you and to make you known. We want to receive your blessing and be a blessing. We want other people to see Jesus in us. We want what you want to give us more than what we want. So Lord if we go through some dry times, some hard times, some difficult times, some poor times so be it.

We know how the story ends. And we look forward to walking through those pearly gates on those streets of gold and receiving the reward and the treasure that you've laid up for us. And oh Lord really the treasure is just you and we'd rather have you than anything else. And so we commit ourselves to you to let it all go for the joy of having you in a fresh way and it's in Jesus' name we pray.

Amen. You've been listening to Living in the Light with Anne Graham Lotz. She invites you to embrace the God-filled life. And to give you a hand in doing that, there are a number of helpful and encouraging free resources available to you at Join us here again next week for Living in the Light.

Now here's Anne with this final word. Trust God. Embrace Him and what He has for you. Let go of everything else and let Him do for you more abundantly than you can think to ask.
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