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Kerwin Baptist Church Daily Broadcast

Kerwin Baptist / Kerwin Baptist Church
The Truth Network Radio
January 24, 2022 6:00 am

Kerwin Baptist Church Daily Broadcast

Kerwin Baptist / Kerwin Baptist Church

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Welcome to the Kerwin Baptist Church broadcast today. Our preacher on this subject, Expedient. Easter celebrates, obviously, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But I want you to understand why it was so important that He resurrected and ascended back into heaven.

Why is that so important? I've actually had people ask me, well, if Christ is so wonderful, why did He die and leave? Why didn't He die and raise again and stay?

I want to answer that for you today. Look at John chapter 16 verse 4. But these things, these things, this is Jesus speaking, have I told you that when the time shall come ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said unto you at the beginning because I was with you. But now I go my way to Him that sent me. To catch you up Jesus is telling His believers, His disciples, His followers that I am now going to go back to heaven to my Father who is the one that sent Him. And none of you asketh me whither goest thou. Look at verse 6. But because I have said these things unto you sorrow hath filled your heart. Now stop. Why don't you look at me.

I want you to get this. There were a lot of Christ followers and believers that were very troubled and confused at the prospect that Jesus would leave and go back into heaven. There's many that thought that He was going to establish His kingdom here on earth. Even some of His disciples believed.

They were jockeying for position wanting to be in charge of this and that thing. They were thinking that Christ would die and He would raise again from the dead and then He would take care of all the evil doers, punish everybody, set up His kingdom. But that wasn't what Jesus' plan was.

So they were a little bit troubled, a little bit confused and He even said there in verse 6 He says that sorrow hath filled your heart because I've told you I'm going back to my Father. Notice verse 7. Nevertheless I tell you the truth. And by the way Jesus always told the truth. Look at this. It is expedient for you that I go away.

Now wait a minute. How could it ever be expedient for Christ to leave? How could it be better for us for you to go into heaven and leave us? How could that be better than for you to be with us?

Makes no sense whatsoever in their minds. Look at verse 7. Nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you. But if I depart I will send him unto you and when he is come he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. Now explain this in verse 9 of sin because they believe not me of righteousness because I go to my Father and you see me no more of judgment because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you but ye cannot bear them now. Boy that's the truth. Howbeit when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come.

Listen to this. He shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you. By the way look at verse 14 this is a freebie. Speaking of the Holy Spirit he shall glorify me. Anything you do that doesn't bring glory to God don't you say well it was just the Holy Spirit led me to do it.

No he didn't. The Holy Spirit only leads you to do things that glorify Christ. If what we do doesn't glorify Christ the Holy Spirit had nothing to do with that.

Notice verse 14 he shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you all things that the Father hath are mine therefore said I that he shall take of mine and shall show it unto you. That word expedient is the Greek word sompharo almost sounds like sombrero but two very different things. That word expedient means to profit to be better for.

The dictionary definition of expedient is this a means to an end. And I love that. I want you to understand Jesus left as a means to an end. I want you to understand today the means and I want you to understand the end. Lord I pray you bless as we look at maybe some questions that folks haven't even asked. But Lord it's something that they need to know and it's something that we need to understand on Easter Sunday. Thank you for everyone here. Lord we do not desire to waste their time. Bless me Lord to be brief but to be very very clear in Jesus name.

Amen. Why was it expedient? Why was it better for Jesus to leave than to stay? Number one this morning I want you to understand why and this will help you understand the Bible more. If you're a Christian it will help you understand being a Christian more.

If you're not a Christian it will help you understand Christ more and why you need Christ in your life. Number one I want you to understand why was it better for us that Jesus go into glory than to stay here. Number one that the promise could be presented. He mentions here in this passage he gives us a promise and if he had not left then he couldn't present us this promise. Notice if you would first that we see in verse seven.

Nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you. The promise is Jesus said I'm leaving but I'm leaving so that the Holy Spirit the comforter will come and do his ministry in your life. That is a promise that Christ made. By the way he fulfilled that promise and every time an individual gets down on their knees calls out to God ask him to save them the Holy Spirit the comforter comes and resides and lives in their life.

It's a promise that he is still fulfilling. Now you say preacher why is that so important? Notice I want you to notice first the repair ministry of the comforter. Look at verse seven he says the comforter will not come unto you.

Isn't it amazing he called him the comforter. You know part of the job of the Holy Spirit when you get saved the Holy Spirit moves in and part of it is to comfort your life. Jesus said I'll never leave you nor forsake you. And the way he proves that is when you get saved the Holy Spirit comes into your heart and he's with you everywhere you go. And when you go through rough times when you go through down times when you get a bad report from the doctor when you have a family member that breaks your heart or you find out that a friend has stabbed you in the back you don't have to go to Oprah you don't have to go to a book you can go to Christ. You say how?

Look at me. The way you go to Christ is through the Holy Spirit. He's the comforter. He's the one that comforts.

Notice second not just the repair ministry but even bigger the reproving ministry. Now he explains this. Look at verse eight. He said when he has come he will reprove, reprove. What does that mean?

It means to correct. Now this is not popular preaching nowadays. I know this is Easter. But I've got to explain God's word. What will he reprove?

What will the Holy Spirit do? He reproves. That word is reprove. It means to notice that there is a reproach in a person's life. And he seeks to correct that. Notice first he reproves the world of sin.

Why? Look at verse nine. Because they believe not on me. In other words this you and I are sinners and the Holy Spirit is that person that comes and convicts your heart. If you're sitting here and you've never been saved and you have that uncomfortable feeling in your heart in your life right now and you say this is not a bad pew and it's a very, very comfortable building.

Why am I so uncomfortable? That is the Holy Spirit. He is reproving you of sin. He's telling you you have sin in your life and you're on your way to hell. But Jesus died for your sins and he's trying to reprove you of that sin. By the way dear friend what a precious thing when the Holy Spirit convicts. The Bible says that there is a day that you can say no to the Holy Spirit.

One, two, three, four, five, too many times and he will leave you alone. Buddy if the Holy Spirit's pricking your heart today. You ought to say thank God I still have a chance to be saved.

Thank God I can still get my life right. He reproves the world of sin. Second he reproves the world of righteousness.

Why? Look at verse ten. Of righteousness because I go to my father and you see me no more. In other words this Christ leaves so who's our example now? The Holy Spirit is our example now. In other words now that I have realized I'm a sinner and I've given my heart to Christ now the Holy Spirit in my life leaves me to live in the right way. Righteousness. The Holy Spirit is that thing inside of you dear friend when you're a Christian and you've given your heart to Christ. That Holy Spirit is the one inside that says don't go there. Don't do that. You know it's not right.

You know it's not right. It's that uncomfortable thing inside. It's that guilt.

It's that pang of conviction. The Holy Spirit not only reproves us of sin but he reproves us to righteousness. Notice the third thing that the Holy Spirit does. He reproves the world of judgment.

What does that mean? Look at verse eleven. Of judgment because the prince of this world is judged. Who is the prince and power of the air? Satan. What does the Holy Spirit do? He reminds you that Satan's days are numbered. Look at me dear friend.

I want you to get this. If Jesus had died and arose and he stayed right here we wouldn't have the comforter. We wouldn't have the comforter reproving the world of sin and reproving us to righteousness and reproving the world of judgment.

Listen that's the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Christ did his job. He gave his life. He died on the cross but he went back into heaven. He ascended into glory so that the promise could be presented. Your friend you and I this morning on resurrection Sunday ought to be glad when he resurrected he went to heaven but he didn't leave us hanging. He gave us the Holy Spirit. The comforter. That's when you get bad news and you can say well I know it's bad but the Lord's good anyway.

That's the comforter. Notice number two. Not just so that the promise could be presented.

Number two that the priesthood could be perfected. Now that sounds like fancy terms. Now I know if you don't go to church a lot you might say oh Lord this is technical stuff. No it's not.

No it's not. Listen to me. The priesthood had to be perfected. Now this is based on the principle of Old Testament priests, New Testament priests and even present day priests.

Now look at me I want you to get this. There was a problem with the priest system. The priest is the one that when a person before Christ came a person had to go and get a lamb and get a perfect lamb and a spotless lamb and he would have to bring that lamb and a priest would come and only certain people could be priests and they had to be right and holy before God and that priest would take that lamb and he would sacrifice that lamb and he would go into the holy of holies. It was a private room and if there was any sin in that priest's life the moment he walked in there he would be killed instantly. He would take that in and on behalf of the person who sins that priest would go in and he would offer that lamb as a sacrifice to God for those sins and that person would be forgiven but there was a problem with that when that person would be forgiven of those sins he could leave and get away and go right back out and commit more sins. Now those sins needed to be paid for.

It was a never ending process. I want you to notice under this fact under the Old Testament priests number one there were insufficient sacrifices. You see Jesus had to be that perfect high priest for our sins to be covered.

Now you're going to understand this in a minute. Number one I want you to notice this that in the Old Testament sacrifices there was always wrong blood. I want to read you these verses and if you want to turn to it it's fine but listen to me real closely. Hebrews chapter 10 verse 4 listen. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins.

But that's what they always sacrificed. Notice in Hebrews chapter 9 verse 12 neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us. Listen to me it means this that all those other priests they sacrificed lambs and calves and goats and all these things but none of it was the blood that would cover our sins forever. It was the wrong blood but Jesus entered into the holy of holies once shed his blood and covered our sins forever.

Number two it was always a wrong body. Now I'm not going to make you turn to this but I want you to listen to this real closely. Leviticus chapter 25 gives the requirements of what we call a kinsman redeemer. The person that would come in and pay the price for somebody that couldn't pay what is owed. And in Leviticus chapter 25 listen to this. If thy brother be waxed and poor and have sold away some of his possession and if any of his kin come to redeem it then shall he redeem that which his brother sold. And if the man have none to redeem it which means he was too poor to do it and himself be able to redeem it. That means now this person who is going to be the redeemer has the means to pay that person's bill. Verse 27 then let him count the years of the sale thereof and restore the overplus unto the man to whom he sold it that he may return unto his possession.

Now listen to this I want you to get this. In Leviticus 25 there were three requirements for a person that would be a redeemer. Number one they had to be related. He said the person of kin and the whole picture is Ruth in the Old Testament Boaz that was her kinsman redeemer was related to her.

You know there's a problem when the priest would take that lamb and go in and sacrifice that lamb for the sins. They weren't related to the person. You say how do you know they weren't related because they had to be of a certain lineage to be a priest which means they weren't related to the ones coming to have the priest cover the sins. They had to be related. Number two they had to be rich. The Bible says right there that if a person can't pay it it has to be somebody that is able to cover all the cost. Number three they had to be ready which means what verse 25 says this person is willing to pay the price. There's a problem in Old Testament sacrifice and New Testament sacrifice. They weren't related.

They weren't wealthy and they weren't ready. Let me tell you something about Jesus Christ. We're now related.

We're family. Number two he's rich. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.

He owns it all. Number three he is ready and willing to save your soul. He had to perfect the priesthood because there was a problem. Everything that a priest would do it was temporary. It wouldn't last long so Jesus had to come and die so that he could perfect that priesthood. You say alright preacher then why did he not stay?

Well it wasn't just insufficient sacrifices but number two it was insufficient services. Listen to this I want you to get this. Now I want you to turn to your Bible to the book of Hebrews. Now I'm not going to make you turn a lot today but I want you to see this.

I know this is a very big technical for Easter but trust me you're going to learn something today if you let yourself alright. Hebrews look at chapter four and just keep your Bibles there because you're going to look at a couple places in Hebrews. Old Testament priests and New Testament priests there were insufficient sacrifices and by the way even priests nowadays it's insufficient sacrifices. They're not holy and clean and pure before God. Only Christ is.

Number two there were insufficient services. You say why? Well notice what the Bible says about our high priest. Hebrews chapter four verse fourteen. Number one a priest might not be touched. There was a problem with Old Testament priests and New Testament priests. They might not be touched by our infirmities. Notice verse fourteen. It was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin.

Did you get that? You know the problem with an Old Testament priest they might not be touched by your infirmities. They might not have compassion for you. It's just a job. Here's the lamb. What are your sins alright?

And they go and they do it. Let me tell you something about our priest. He has compassion. He knows what you're going through.

He knows exactly how you feel. Notice secondly that priests might not be touched. Number two that priests might not be true.

Because they're human. I want to read you verse first Samuel chapter two verse twelve says now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial they knew not the Lord. Who was Eli? He was the priest. Who were his sons? They were the ones that were going to be the next priest. The problem was that they were filthy men. By the way there are priests nowadays that are filthy men. There are pastors nowadays that are filthy men. That's why you can't depend on a priest or a pastor for your salvation. You know the problem with a human priest? They might not be touched with your infirmity and they might not be true. There might be something in their life you don't even know.

How could they be clean enough to purchase your redemption? But Jesus Christ is. Number three a priest nowadays Old Testament days New Testament days could be terminated. Now get this. Look at Hebrews chapter seven.

I want you to get this. Look at verse twenty three. I'll let you get there. Hebrews chapter seven. If you need help it's right here. Right after chapter six. If you need more help it's right before chapter eight.

If you need more help than that I don't know what to do. Alright chapter seven verse twenty three. And they truly were many priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death.

Stay right there listen to that. He is saying in Hebrews there had to be many priests in Old Testament days. There had to be many priests in New Testament days.

And nowadays listen there has to be many priests everywhere if you believe that. Why? Because they die.

There's not just one you have to have a bunch because they died and you have to get another one. Look at verse twenty four. But this man Christ because he continueth ever hath an unchangeable priesthood.

Did you get that? Sorry choir I don't know what that looked like from the backside. It means this that your priest on earth and priests in Old Testament days. How could they be your redemption? They couldn't even save themselves.

They would die. But Jesus has never died. He rose again and he lives forevermore. Listen to me when he became the sacrifice of sin he died was buried. But when he defeated death he will never die again. And when you are saved and you're in Christ you won't either.

But I'm going to die of sickness or whatever the case may be. Oh dear friend absent from the body present with the Lord. Let me tell you something there were insufficient services. Old Testament priests might not be touched. They might not be true.

They could be terminated. Listen to me you say well preacher I still don't understand why did he leave. Now look if you would at verse twenty five of Hebrews chapter seven. Wherefore he speaking of Christ because it says he continues forever he'll never die. Look at verse twenty five. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. Hold on I'm going somewhere with this.

We're almost done. For such an high priest became us who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens. You know any human priest that you can say that about?

Nope. Look at verse twenty seven. He doth not daily as those high priests to offer up sacrifice. He doesn't have to make sacrifice every day like the Old Testament priests do. He doesn't have to make sacrifice every day like the New Testament priests do. Notice verse twenty seven. For his own sins and then for the peoples for this he did once when he offered up himself.

Look at me. Jesus our high priest he died once shed his blood once and it has covered our sin forever. That's why he went to heaven. You say I still don't understand.

I'm glad you asked because now here comes the nail in the coffin. Look at verse twenty eight. Jesus said to his followers and said I'm going back to my Father but I'm going to leave you the comforter. Why was it so important for him to go back to the Father? Because when he got back to the Father the Bible says he sat down at the right hand of the throne of God and he ever liveth to make intercession for us.

What does that mean? It was important for him to go back there. So when you and I sin and we say Lord I'm sorry. Jesus is right there by the Father. He's a high priest that never dies and he says to the Father I paid for those sins.

I shed my blood. He is intercessing even right now this morning. Listen the priesthood had a problem. It was human but when Christ came he's a priest that ever liveth to make intercession. He is still intercessing on our behalf at the right hand of the throne of God right now. When you got up this morning headed out here and somebody pulled out in front of you and you thought that word or you said that word or you wrote it down and signed that word. See how do you know?

Well I'm not going to go into that. Look at me. He said Lord I'm sorry. Jesus sitting right by the throne of God. Our high priest is still alive and well. He is still making intercession for us and he said God he sinned but I paid for that. He's clear. Oh the priesthood had to be perfected.

Look at me. It couldn't have been perfected if he had stayed on earth. He had to be right there at the throne of God so that our sin would not be held to our account. Oh how wonderful it is to be saved. Quickly and I know the time.

Number three. Why did he go back into heaven? Why was it expedient?

Why is it a means to an end that our place could be prepared? It's not just so that the promise could be presented and it wasn't just so that the priesthood could be perfected but listen when he rose again and he ascended back into heaven he's doing something right now. He is right there intercessing for us when you and I sin that Holy Spirit inside of us. The comforter that he left tells us you're doing wrong. You did wrong. You need to ask God to forgive you and we pray and we say Lord I need help.

I'm sorry forgive me. That Holy Spirit takes it right to the son. The son gives it to the father and we are clear.

But he's doing something else. John chapter 14 verses one through three. Let me read it to you. Let not your heart be troubled. Be ye believe in God. Believe also in me. In my father's house are many mansions.

If it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also. Number one I don't have time to give you all the verses. Number one it's a real place. That's where Christ is and he's real.

Number two it's a restful place. I don't have time to give you the verses. Bible constantly says Christ will give us rest for our labor. Rest for our souls. Number three it's a rejoicing place. I have so many verses I can tell you about the rejoicing that goes on in heaven.

Even every time a person gets saved the angels rejoice in heaven. Number four it's a remaining place. It's forever. My mom's gone. It's Easter and Tom has a roast in the oven.

I'm going to Tom's. I don't know about you. Look at me. I have been very blessed in my life to grow up the way I did. It wasn't easy and there are some people if you've experienced it there's a whole lot of negative. But I grew up living on the road in a travel trailer with my mom and dad. The one advantage of it is the things I got to see the places that I went. The disadvantage of it is I'm living with my dad in a travel trailer. I'm picking.

Look at me. Some of you have been to some of these places and some of you have done some traveling and you understand where I'm going with this. I've gotten to hike at Yosemite. I've gotten to hike to Half Dome and hike to Bridalveil Falls. I've sat on the base of El Capitan and looked up at Yosemite National Park.

You see these little dots up on the side of the mountain and you get binoculars and it's these little sleeping bags that these mountain climbers they put a spike in the mountain here and a spike in the mountain here and they have hanging hammock sleeping bags. It'll take them two days or three days to climb to the top of El Capitan. In the middle of the night they'll put a spike and they'll hang.

El Capitan's literally almost a mile and three fourths straight up in the air. And they'll hang there and sleep during the night. Could you imagine? I cannot imagine.

I would put like five spikes on each side in a very reinforced sleeping bag. I've gotten to walk on beaches in Hawaii when I was six, seven years old. I've gotten to do that on my honeymoon. I've gotten to see obviously Hawaii. I've been in every state in the United States. I've been in foreign countries. I've seen the Grand Canyon.

I mean I could go down and I could just name place after place after place. I can tell you I've ridden all across the Blue Ridge Mountains. I've ridden across the Shenandoah Mountains. I've been across the Rocky Mountains. I've seen the Grand Tetons. I have literally seen, you know, been involved in an old western show in Cody, Wyoming.

I have literally been active and went out and participated in a rodeo there in Cody, Wyoming and all throughout. I could tell you places like, you know, and you say preacher where are you going with all this? I'm telling you I've seen some beautiful almost unbelievable places and Jesus created that in less than a week. Can you imagine what he's created for you after all these years?

You know why it was important for him to leave? He said I'm not leaving you alone. The comforter's coming and it's better for you that he comes because he's got some ministries in your life.

That's not my area. I did my job. But I'm going to go and I'm going to sit down by the Father and I'm going to intercess for your sins.

I appreciate that. I am going to be building you something that you cannot even imagine in your brain. Dear friend, I'm here to tell you why it's so expedient as he's preparing a place for us right now. You say when are we going? I don't know.

I believe it's going to be soon. Thank you for listening to the Kerwin broadcast today. God bless you. You're welcome.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-06-18 19:06:25 / 2023-06-18 19:17:07 / 11

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