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Q&A With Koloff- #163

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff
The Truth Network Radio
March 5, 2024 1:00 pm

Q&A With Koloff- #163

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff

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March 5, 2024 1:00 pm

Today Nikita answers questions from Anthony McKeown .Tune in for Q&A !

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It's Time to Man Up!
Nikita Koloff

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Share it. But most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is set for one flaw. Introducing first, from Lithuania, he weighs 123 kilos, the Russian nightmare, Nikita Kolov. Welcome to another episode of Q&A with Kolov, the Devil's Nightmare. Welcome back to Q&A with Kolov, Questions and Answers, where you, the caller, get to ask me a few questions.

And this is always fun for me because I have no clue what you are going to ask, typically, very rarely, do I ever know. And hey, if you ever want to be on Q&A with Kolov, go to and submit a request and you'll get a call, a personal call, from the Russian nightmare, Nikita Kolov. Today, I have a special guest on with me today, Anthony McEwen.

Welcome to Q&A with Kolov. Thanks so much. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it.

Well, great to have you here. You're up in the great Northeast, right? Isn't that where you're located? Right, just the state of Maine, right outside of Portland.

The state of Maine. And of course, I've been up that way a number of times next year. Well, I've been up there several times each and every year, but I'll be there this year and again and again next year as well. And I look forward to coming back up.

Maybe we'll get the opportunity to connect when I come up to the... That will be awesome. I love it. And so, Anthony, before we jump into your questions that you would have for me, let's let our listeners know a little bit more about Anthony McEwen. You've got a very unusual business that you're involved in, a coffee business, but interestingly enough, and the company's called Fight Coffee. Share with our listeners why is your company called Fight Coffee?

Well, the more I learned about human trafficking and all the obstacles that are involved, and I think when I learned about only 1% of victims being rescued, I knew that with all the effort and all the money that's going on in our country and all the organizations and everybody that's doing something, if we're only at 1% rescued, wow. I mean, it seems clear to me that there is a serious fight to be had, and I wanted to just kind of keep that at the forefront in people's minds with the name and call people at the same time to fight this fight, to join the fight. And so your companies, and if I understand you, 100% of... So people can purchase your coffee, they can go on your website, we'll give that information here in a minute, but they go on your website, purchase your coffee, it's not your average cup of coffee from what I read as well, but in purchasing your coffee, 100% of the profits go to helping to fight human trafficking, is that correct?

Right. I mean, some people get confused about what is profit, and they ask, how can you be in business? Well, the profit is all the money that's left over after all your normal business expenses, salary, etc., all the purchases and just everything that you have to do to run a business, so it's 100% after that. Okay, so 100% of the profit, and it's a very unique blend, right? Take a minute, tell them why they would want to purchase your coffee. Well, one is, you know, I always tell people, coffee is, that's irresponsibly sourced, people are being victimized so that we can enjoy coffee at a low price. So that's one reason. The other is, it's responsibly sourced, so we're on the other end of that, our coffee is a little more, but that's the reason why.

You know, it's delicious, of course the taste is in the pudding or actually in your coffee cup, but you know, people have to try it obviously for themselves, but specialty grade is a real thing, and when you get roasters who really know what they're doing, you can taste the difference, so you know, there's that aspect. And again, ultimately, you know, coffee is a means to the end, the end that we want to see is the end of women and children and people being trafficked, and so we want to fund that fight, and so the more people who drink the coffee, the more money we'll have to fund the fight. So it may be a little more costly, let's say, to purchase your coffee, however, the benefit of that is, one, you get a better tasting coffee, and I'm not a coffee drinker for the record, Anthony, but I have friends who are, but I know what you're talking about, they've explained to me like, no Nikita, you don't understand, there's a difference between a good cup of coffee and a bad cup of coffee, I'll be like, I'm going to take your word for it, okay, I won't necessarily learn from experience, but an even bigger reason to purchase your coffee is because the profits do go towards fighting human trafficking, and I don't think people realize how big a problem, Anthony, this is, you know, I'm looking at, on your website, some of these statistics of those trafficked, well, one, it's one of the fastest growing crimes in all 50 states, and then those trafficked for sex in the US, nearly 70% are women and 30% are children, which, I'm a dad and a granddad, and so that catches my attention, and then after entering the sex industry, the average life expectancy, this blew me away, seven to ten years after entering into that industry, and then only 1% of the victims are being rescued, because there's just so much unawareness, right, just not that many are aware of just how big this issue is, right? I think it's a combination of a lack of awareness, and I think sometimes, you know, the Bible says in the last days, the love or the agape, the compassionate selfless love of many will grow cold, and I think, you know, I was shocked, you know, I think I run into a lot of apathy, but I think it's also, so many people just don't, you know, they don't know how pervasive this is, and they just don't think it's coming for them, but I always tell people, we all know someone who's impacted by drugs and alcohol, right, because that's how pervasive it is. Well, this is number two crime, it's headed toward number one. We could potentially be seeing, at some point, as many people being bought and sold as drugs, equally, same amount.

I mean, that's everywhere, and everybody's gonna know about it, everybody's gonna be impacted by it, and so that's how, you know, people just don't know that. And that in itself is mind-blowing, and of course, your passion for being involved in sex trafficking, I know some of your story, in fact, if you want to hear more of Anthony's story, and I believe after this conversation you will, you're gonna go over to the Man Up show and listen to the full interview with Anthony, how you weren't rescued out of human trafficking, but you are a story of redemption from traumatic childhood trauma, right? Right, yeah, I mean, I had, you know, I fought for my life, I thought my mother's boyfriend was gonna kill her, I mean, you know, so I've had numbers of those types of experiences, and just growing up, you know, homeless, I eventually was homeless and drug addicted before graduating high school, so just craziness for many years. Homeless, and so just for our listeners, just think about that for a moment, homeless and drug addicted before he graduated high school. Now, am I piquing your interest to go over to the Man Up show and listen to more of Anthony's story?

Because he is a true story of God's redemption, how God rescued him out of his trauma, brought healing to his heart, and now is on a mission to help rescue others, in this particular case, from the trauma of human trafficking. And here's an opportunity for all of you out there to be a part of the solution, so we're talking about the problem today, but you can be a part of the solution, you may not know how, but here's one way that we can partner together, you can partner, you know, no single person can change the world, but together we can make a difference and an impact for the world around us, and for one person at a time by purchasing, going to Fight Coffee, purchasing some very delicious coffee. And what's the website, Anthony, if they want to learn more about your cause and how they can get involved by purchasing your coffee? Yeah, it's

So, and if you go to that website, one, you're going to learn about the mission, you're going to learn about how you can join the fight against human trafficking, how you can get involved, and learn a little bit more of even Anthony's story, more specifically how it works, how you can help spread the word, and you'll see some testimonies there on the website as well, and even sign up for newsletters so you can kind of keep abreast of what's going on in this industry, and how Anthony McEwen is fighting the good fight against human trafficking. That's amazing, Anthony. Thank you for your vision, and thank you for your company. Nikita Kolov here, and I am excited. Did you hear the huge announcement, the big announcement?

Well, maybe it's a minor announcement. Anyway, Facebook, go look up my new fan page, Nikita Kolov Fans, and like it and follow today. Would your company, business, or you personally like to partner with me in supporting Kolov for Christ Ministries, the Man Up Show and Man Up Minutes? Go to and click the donate button.

You can give monthly, annually, or one time. God bless you for making a difference around the world. If you would like to support Kolov for Christ Ministries, for a gift of $25, Nikita will send you his two CDs, Adoration and Declaration. For a gift of $50, Nikita will include his book, Wrestling with Success. And for a gift of $100 or more, Nikita will include a signed copy of his newly updated life story, A Tale of the Ring and Redemption.

Go to and donate today. You're listening to the Truth Network and So it is Q&A with Kolov, and so I do want to give you, Anthony, the opportunity to ask me two or three questions. So let's just segue transition here, and if you want to throw out your first question, let's go for it. Sure, I guess my first question is, what moved you to start your ministry toward men?

Well, it's a great question. I guess part of it is, well, I went to a camp in 2006, March of 2006 down in South Texas, and there was a small intimate group of men that were just seeking the heart of God, and I didn't know really some of the things that were lacking in my life and my journey would come to my relationship with the Lord in terms of biblical manhood, living a life, because I grew up without a dad. A lot of people know my story. I grew up without a dad. He left when I was three. I had no real male mentorship or role model really until the seventh grade.

My first football coach, Bill Burke. So my life by seventh grade was kind of defined. My view of manhood and even how I viewed women, et cetera, was skewed, right? It was the world's influence on me, and it was at that camp that I sat through a teaching on biblical manhood, the way God designed it and desired it, and wow, I was like blown away. And from that moment on in March of 2006, God just put it on my heart that, okay, I need to teach other men and share with them this biblical truth that maybe they don't. At this point, Anthony, I'm 13 years into my journey with Jesus, and my eyes were open to things I didn't know.

And so I've been on that quest, that journey. One of my wrestling buddies, Lex Luger, partners with me, and so since 2006, I've been involved in about, I don't know, I've just kind of lost count, 80 plus camps now that I facilitate, organize. We do these in South Georgia. It's called Man Camp. And Lex and several others are an integral part of just whether it's restoring men or empowering men or equipping men to be godly men, godly husbands, godly fathers, and godly grandfathers.

That's what we're doing. And then I'll come into local communities, like actually you're up in Maine. I actually did a Man Up conference outside of Maine. Pastor Scott has brought me in a couple different times to challenge the men of Maine to man up, if you will, because it's time. And so that's kind of the back story on why my passion for calling men into their godly roles has been, and I will continue to do. That's awesome.

It's necessary for sure. I know, like you said, I didn't have a father, so I was very skewed, and even in the church as a pastor, I didn't hear much about it as well until I moved to Maine, really. And my senior pastor was the one who was all about the Father, the Heart of God, which was huge for me. Well, and let me just tag something else on, because it's a very valid point in the attack on manhood, the attack on masculinity, the attack on men. And when I say attack, look, it's spiritual warfare.

It's Ephesians 6, 12. We don't wrestle against flesh and blood. We wrestle against principalities. I mean, there is an enemy to our soul, and so that enemy wants to destroy the family unit and destroy men. And if that isn't prevalent or obvious to, I hope, many listeners out there, if you just look around at what's going on, they tried attempting to emasculate men more now than ever. This is not overnight either, Anthony, right? I mean, it's not like this only happened the last four or five years. It's been decades, right?

Decades. And really, technically, we say it's been going on for eons since the beginning of time, the destruction of family and especially men. But anyway, so I'm just passionate about encouraging, challenging men to be godly men.

I want to emphasize godly men, not to be a macho man, which that's fine, but to be a godly man. Right. Amen. All right, you got another question? That's a great question. You got another question for me? Yeah. If someone's listening and they're like, well, when you say godly man, could you, if you could maybe in a nutshell encapsulate that to give some people an idea, basically have no idea? Hmm.

That's good. Well, that's a challenge in itself there, Anthony. That's the reason why they come to Mancave. Mancave, we spent five days talking about this, right? Not five minutes, but five days, right?

Now, even the man of conference is a solid five hours. Right. But what the goal is, what the goal is, so if I could try to condense it down into a nutshell, is to show man through scriptures, not through what Nikita Koloff has to say, but what the word of God has to say. Right.

Okay? So through the Bible, here's what the Bible says, and, you know, man, you know, love your wives is Christ loved the church. Like some people don't know. Well, what's that mean? So obviously we don't have time to dive deep into that today, but, you know, that's just one example.

What's that look like for me to love my wife the way Christ loved the church, right? And so it's things like that that, as you said, people may not be aware of or not maybe even understand how do I do that? That's the reason for conferences.

That's the reason for camps. That's the reason for picking up your Bible and reading it and asking the Holy Spirit to bring revelation of what that looks like or what that means. And so my encouragement for our listeners out there is to just start with picking up your Bible and reading it and then asking the Holy Spirit to bring revelation because the Bible says He will.

He says He'll bring revelation, understanding, and meaning to what you're reading. And if you just start there, that's a good starting point. So great question.

Well, hopefully that helps in a nutshell. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's good. Well, we have time for one more. If you have one more, we have time for one more.

I do, yeah. I'm just curious how you might envision yourself moving forward, like fighting human trafficking, because we've talked about it. I'm just curious what your immediate thoughts are in terms of, obviously, to me, man up would be a part of that, but I'm just curious if you had any initial thoughts about what that might look like. Well, I think what your vision with Fight Coffee is doing, and of course, part of Truth Radio is an organization called Leonard Rescue, which is another organization who's out there. I've got a good friend of mine.

I've actually had him on the show before. And so there's a number of different organizations out there that are fighting for the same cause to help rescue these girls, these women out of human trafficking. And so I think for me, my main role at this point is, whether it's through the Man Up show, through Q&A with Kolov, through Truth Radio Network, is to take advantage of the airwaves and stories like yours and others to bring this awareness to the masses, so that the masses can then hopefully want to engage and do something to be a part of the solution to this massive problem.

That's cool. Well, one more time before we go, if people again want to learn more about Fight Coffee and about Anthony McEwen, give that website one more time for people. Can I encourage every one of you, especially if you're a coffee drinker, I hope just a part of Anthony's story today, although brief, might inspire you to want to get engaged and get involved in this problem of human trafficking and be part of the solution.

Purchase some of his coffee, go on his website, read more of the story, and then help spread the word, see what one person can only do so much, but collectively all of us together can make a difference. Anthony, thank you for being on Q&A with Kolov today. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it. And I thank all of you so faithful each and every week to dial in, listen to Q&A with Kolov, and I hope today you go out and live a God-filled, God-blessed day. This podcast is made possible by the grace of God and your faithful prayers, support, and generous gifts.

May God bless you for your continual contributions. Go to and donate today. Nikita Kolov here.

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