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Made for the Mountains

In Touch / Charles Stanley
The Truth Network Radio
July 12, 2023 12:00 am

Made for the Mountains

In Touch / Charles Stanley

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July 12, 2023 12:00 am

Experience renewed energy to keep heading upward in your walk with God.

Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg

Welcome to the In Touch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Wednesday, July 12. The Christian life is often more like scaling a tall peak than a stroll through the park. But despite the obstacles, today's podcast reminds us that, like King David, every believer has been made for the mountains. Second Samuel chapter 22, and then I want to just deal with one verse and do a little different than I've been doing in all these passages here.

And the title of the message made for the mountains. And let me just catch you up to where we are and you'll recall that David is coming toward the end of his life now. So in the 22nd chapter of Second Samuel, here is a song of praise and adoration, worship and glory to God.

But there's one verse here that I want us to look at for a few moments. He says in verse 34, He maketh my feet like hinds feet, and setteth me upon my high places. Now a hind is a female deer, a hind, a roe, a heart.

All three of those are mentioned in the scriptures and mentioned a number of times. And you know a deer's feet are made, and especially those that roam in the mountains like this one did, the fallow deer, those feet are made to be able to clutch on the rocks and hold them in places that you and I couldn't stand straight. And the whole idea here is it made my feet like hinds feet. Not only was that deer made for rocky places and mountain climbing, but it was extremely swift. And you know a deer can leap about 20, 25 feet at a time.

That means leap and suddenly they're gone. But likewise those same feet could be used like weapons, tremendous weapons of those small deer. And those deer were not like the deer we have here in our country.

The deer he's talking about here were very, very small, extremely fast and formidable fighters when they got in conflict. Well there are a lot of things we could say about the deer, but that's why he said God made his feet like hinds feet, swift, formidable in battle, clang to the rocks. He was made for the mountains. And I read that verse over and over and over again. I could not help but think about as David thought about his life and all the heartaches and all the burdens and all the difficulties he'd been through, how many times he had run for his life in those mountains. But each time as you read this particular chapter in the 22nd chapter here and go through the Psalms and read how many times he talks about the mountains. I will look into the hills of the mountains from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord. He talks about when he walked through the valley of the shadow of death because he came off the mountain. All the way through how many times he talks about mountains. And when David said he made my feet like hinds feet, he sent me on my high places.

Let me tell you what I believe. I believe that God has made all of us to climb. He's not made any of us to wander around in the flatlands, in the lowlands and just take life easy. That does not mean we're not in to enjoy life. You ask a mountain climber, do you enjoy what you're doing? Do I enjoy what I'm doing?

They wouldn't swap that for anything in the world. God didn't make us to live in the lowlands. He made us spiritually to live in the mountains. He made us to be climbers and he has equipped every one of us in our spiritual life to become what almighty God had in mind the day you were born.

God was willing to equip you to become what he wanted you to be. But let me ask you this. And you see, this is the thing that slips up on us if we're not careful about it. A lot of people are working for leisure. They're working for the day that they can stop working. They're climbing for the day they can stop climbing. And they're living for the day that they can just get back in the valley and say, man, I just want to do what I please and go where I please and nobody telling me what to do.

You see, we have a whole complex about life in this country that you live and work hard so you can spend the last years of your life in ease and comfort and pleasure. I don't believe there's a verse in the Bible that will contribute to that at all. God didn't make us for valley living. He made us for the mountains. Because you see, God has a, he has a goal for your life. God wants us always moving upward in our life, not floundering around down here in a life of ease and comfort and pleasure. You see, there's something about the mountains that's not true of the lowlands, the valleys and the coast.

I want you to think about it for a moment. And first of all, it's on the mountain peaks you get the best view of everything. There's something about the mountains.

There's not only a better view up there. I'll tell you what, when you get on some mountain peaks and you look around and there's one spot up not too far from where I lived up in the mountains in North Carolina that I could go up on the top of that mountain. I could see all the way to Asheville. I could see all the way to Hennisfield.

I could see in every direction because it came to a little nub. One family lived up on the top of that mountain. It was about three miles up there and the only way you could get up there was a jeep or walk and you were safer at walking. I could remember seeing a tremendous rock up on the top of that mountain. You could sit up there and see in every direction. You'll get a better perspective where you are the higher you get and where everything else is. And you know how God wants you and me to live on the mountain? Not necessarily climbing some mountain, but I'll tell you, you've got a mountain in your house just like I have. Wherever you and God can get along, quietly, totally, shutting the world out, my friend, you'll get a better viewpoint of where you are and where everybody else is and where everything is from that spot than any spot on the earth. You can climb the highest mountain in the world.

It won't do you any good unless you're able to see. He says, it made my feet like hind's feet and set me in high places. The deer was made, that deer was made for mountains. He was equipped for it. That's where he was the safest and that's where he preferred to be. Let me ask you this, of all the preferences you have, listen now watch this, of all the preferences you have tonight in your life of things you like to do most, if you were really honest, what would be number one? I mean of all the preferences you have and the many things that all of us do, what is your number one preference? I believe if you and I had asked David, he just said, meditating upon the Lord. And I really believe that's what God would prefer all of us to have as life's first preference. Because you see, he didn't make us, the lowlands, he made us to become something.

And how do we become what God wants us to be? We don't come by swimming downstream, we come by struggle. And whereas we will climb and then there'll be plateaus where God will allow us to rest.

He knows how much you can take. But you see, a lot of people want to linger on the plateau. The plateau is only for a period of rest because the next climb is on its way. A lot of folks are willing to climb just to the first plateau and they say it's as high as I want to go. Some people look at the mountain peak and they say I'll never stop till I get there. Now let me ask you this, and I've asked you this many times, do you know what your potential is?

Not really. There's not a one of us that knows our potential. But I'll tell you the only way you'll ever discover what it is. And that is to set your heart and your mind on what God wants you to be and keep climbing until Jesus calls you home. There's never a time that God's people should stop coming because you see, he made us to be climbers.

He didn't make us to just wander around in the flatlands, he made us to be climbers. And you see, not only do we get a better view up there, but there's a solitude on the mountain peak that you won't find anywhere else. When you can get above the things you have to live around and the people you live with, when you can get above and beyond all that, that's why these fellows who fly, they'll fly these little dinky airplanes and you think, man, that thing's not even going to hold together to length. You know why these fellows love to fly by themselves? Because they're up above it all, they've left it all, and they're looking down at it all, and there's something about being up there alone for which there is no real human description to describe it. There's a solitude.

And listen, when you and I can learn to enjoy solitude, we will learn to enjoy God more. David knew what it meant to be up in the mountains and alone with God. He said, God made my feet like hinds feet. He set me on high places.

He made me like that. Let me ask you this, do you know what God made you for ultimately? That's right, to be conformed to his image, but do you know what God has in mind on his way to conforming you? Let me ask you this, how many of you really believe tonight with all of your heart that you are in the track? You may fall out every once in a while, but it's best you know you're in the track tonight on your way to fulfilling God's purpose for your life. Now raise your hand, but let me ask you, how many of you, if you were real honest, could say, yeah, I really believe I'm in the track? Or maybe you have to say, track?

What track? I want to tell you something. God hasn't left you down here, my friend, to just sort of wander and flounder through life and just whatever comes next is the next track you take. God has something in mind for you to become. And I want to tell you, it is always upward. God wants his people climbing because up there we're closer to him. Up there we get a better view of things. It's up there we get the picture of what things are like down here. And that's why you can go in your closet or your bathroom or your bedroom or your living room or your study and get on your knees and close your eyes before God and shut the world out and you know what you can do?

Man, you can be on the top of Kilimanjaro. Because when you close your eyes before God and you shut yourself up to him, it's like being on the mountain peak because God will give you a spiritual vision and an insight and a discernment and a perception you'll never get down on the lowlands around everybody else. And see, David understood that he knew, he said, he made my feet like Heinz feet, to track and to move, always heading upward. Now, a lot of times he was having to run from his enemies. But even when he was not, he said he was a man made for the mountains. He was made to climb. And that's what he did. If you look at his life, what was it?

From the time Samuel anointed him among his brothers, we see what? We see David beginning the climb. He kept climbing. The view is better up there. You know something else that's better than the mountains? The air is pure rock.

The water is pure rock. Everything is better in the mountains. God's made you and me to head upward, never to be satisfied where we are. And the Christian life isn't easy, never has been, never will be. And praise God, listen, where would you be if the Christian life were just ease, comfort and pleasure?

You wouldn't be where you are tonight in your relationship to him. But when you begin to climb a mountain, remember something. First of all, it can be a real challenge. Now listen, there are times when we don't see the peak. You and I begin to climb and the cloud cover comes up and we think, God, what's happening to me? I don't even know where I'm going. Where am I headed this time in my life? And it may be that that's where you feel like you are tonight. The clouds have hovered over and you're climbing.

You say, my goodness, you know, I don't see anything. Where am I headed? Where am I going?

Let me ask you a question. How many of you tonight have a real sense of direction for your life? You know where you're going?

When is the last time you stopped to see if you were on the right trail? Have you allowed the clouds to come down on the mountain peak that God has for you? And you see, part of the cloud business is old sin. Sometime it's God putting the cloud. He's going to make us walk through the cloud where we can't see our way clear because he wants to teach us something about absolute total blind trust.

When you can't see where to put the next foot. But it's always upward. You see, here's what I plead with you with all of my heart. With all of my heart, this is the plea of my spirit. Don't live your life just existing. But go somewhere.

Head upward. Don't ever be satisfied with being less than God wants you to be. And I'm going to tell you, that will cause some struggle. And I'll tell you something else, there's a risk involved when you start mountain climbing. And you see, a lot of people start the Christian life and then here's what happens. They say, now wait a minute, if you're talking about that kind of commitment, count me out. You see, lordship, it's pretty straight up.

But let me ask you a question. You either have that choice of hanging around down here half hearted and living a carnal Christian life, or you can face the peaks and say, Lord, it doesn't make any difference if I fall a hundred times. That's where I'm headed. There are too many people who are willing to quit when the going gets rough. But I want to tell you, if you stop climbing, you'll never know what you missed until it's too late. One day you may be able to find out what you missed, but it'll be too late.

It takes determination to keep climbing. Now the question is, but how many of us are willing to? Isaiah said, here am I, Lord, send me.

I wonder how many of you will honestly say that. And when you say it, all strings are cut, all ropes are cut asunder, all bridges are burned. And you're saying, Lord, whatever you say, that's what I'm willing to do. If my heart's clean and I focus my attention upon Jesus Christ and I know what he's like, listen, everything pales into insignificance.

And the only thing that really matters is that you want your life to count where it can count most. Are you willing to tell him tonight, here am I, God, whatever you want, I'm available. Let's pray together. Father, our eyes become so filled with so many things that the world parades before us. And that may be one of the reasons that our struggle over surrender, our struggle with genuine lifetime commitment becomes so difficult.

And such a struggle, sometimes such a painful struggle. Father, would you unfold your eyes? Would you unveil the Lord Jesus Christ before thy people that we may see him in all of his majesty and glory and honor? Holy, righteous, merciful, good, just, forgiving, and loving, and kind. Would you help us to see him as our sovereign, reigning Master Lord? And most of all, would you help us to see him as our very daily life? In all of his resurrection power, in all of his personal love to us, to sense his presence and his love covering us, overshadowing us, surrounding us, sustaining us, undergirding us, awed by his presence, and recognizing that all of our personal worth is wrapped up in our relationship to him. For he indeed is everything.

He is our life. Then Lord, would you show us, would you give us a glimpse of everything that you see within our hearts that's hindering your perfect fulfillment of your beautiful will for our life? And would you grant us the wisdom and the courage to confess that, repent of that, turn our backs upon that right here and now? Thank you for your forgiveness and your cleansing, and we'll thank you for that in Jesus' name.

Amen. Thank you for listening to Made for the Mountains. If you'd like to know more about Charles Stanley or In Touch Ministries, stop by This podcast is a presentation of In Touch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
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