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The Caregiver's Prayer

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger
The Truth Network Radio
August 27, 2021 2:30 am

The Caregiver's Prayer

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger

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August 27, 2021 2:30 am

As a caregiver, do you ever struggle with knowing how to pray? Over my 35 years as Gracie's husband and caregiver, I sure have. I wrote this prayer for my book, Hope for the Caregiver, and it seemed to mean a lot to fellow caregivers.

Please visit and print it and/or share with a fellow caregiver. 


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As a caregiver, have you ever struggled with knowing how to pray?

I'm Peter Rosenberger. In my 35 years of caring for my wife, I confess and admit freely that there have been times when the words just failed me. A lot of times it was in a hospital room or late at night. Sometimes when you're driving back and forth to the hospital or walking out to the hospital parking lot.

Those are lonely times, aren't they? I talked to a lot of caregivers and found out many people feel the same way. And so when I wrote my book Hope for the Caregiver many years ago, I wrote this prayer out.

I wrote it for myself and I put it in the book and it seemed to connect with a lot of people. So I thought I'd offer it for you too. You can click on it on this link. It'll take you to my website and you can print it off. Keep it with you if it helps you.

I hope it does. You can pray it with me. Heavenly Father, I love Gracie. I have committed my life to caring for her. Yet I know the task is greater than my abilities. As I seek to help another, I ask for strength to shoulder the burdens before me. Yet I also ask for the wisdom to know what is mine to carry. I ask for the courage to admit my failures and make amends. And I thank you for your grace and mercy. I ask that you help me daily apply that grace and mercy to myself and extend it to others. As I walk through this long valley of the shadow of death, I ask for a deeper awareness of your presence to calm my fears, glancing backwards. May I only see your provision and looking ahead at difficult roads, may I see your guidance, may I reflect you as I minister to this one whom I love. I pray all of this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who laid down His own life for me. Thank you.
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