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Addiction–and Our Marriage’s Happily Even After: Bob and Dannah Gresh

Family Life Today / Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
The Truth Network Radio
September 14, 2023 5:15 am

Addiction–and Our Marriage’s Happily Even After: Bob and Dannah Gresh

Family Life Today / Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine

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September 14, 2023 5:15 am

Bob and Dannah Gresh's marriage has traveled dark roads of addiction. But they decided to participate in God's redemption story. Together, they discovered something better than romance: a love that endures, and happily even after.

It’s so much easier to pretend everything is okay and to just keep going through the motions. That’s not okay. What that is, is us avoiding pain. Pain is not a problem. It is a gift from God. When you feel the pain, that’s God’s friendly messenger saying, “There’s something that together we can fix if you’re willing to be brave enough and feel the pain.” --Dannah Gresh

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Connect with Bob and Dannah Gresh at or on Instagram @dannah_gresh

Buy Dannah's book Happily Even After on our shop

Listen to Bob and Dannah's podcast, "Happily Even After", where they talk through the redemption and healing from addiction that they've experienced in their marriage.

Interested in connecting with a Christian counselor regarding an addiction. Use this resource to get started

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Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
Family Life Today
Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
Family Life Today
Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
Family Life Today
Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
Family Life Today
Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine

Hey, Shelby Abbott here. Just want to give a heads up before you listen to this next program. Today's conversation on Family Life Today covers some sensitive but important subjects that might not be suitable for younger ears. So please use discretion when listening to this next broadcast.

All right, now let's jump into it. It's so much easier to pretend everything's okay and to just keep going through the motions. That's not okay. What that is is us avoiding pain. Pain is not a problem.

It's a gift from God. When you feel the pain, that's God's friendly messenger saying there's something that together we can fix if you're willing to be brave enough and feel the pain. Welcome to Family Life Today where we want to help you pursue the relationships that matter most. I'm Shelby Abbott and your hosts are Dave and Ann Wilson.

You can find us at or on the Family Life app. This is Family Life Today. So there's a little secret, I think, in the church. Literally last night looked up a stat to say, okay, is my secret confirmed? 68% of men, church men, 50% of pastors look at porn.

I don't know if those numbers are accurate right now, but that's what I saw last night. That's a big secret. Yeah, I mean, it's like it's like people are talking about a little bit, but it's still like it's in marriages. It's in spouse. I guarantee there's a spouse listening right now who is thinking my wife doesn't know or my husband doesn't know that I struggle with this.

Either like it's almost like an addiction, like daily or weekly, or it's been three months and I sort of splurge and purge. But it's something I am struggling with and it's it's a secret. But not only that, Dave, but I feel like we're in epidemic kind of proportions because it's taking men and women now out of the game spiritually because they're hiding in the dark because they don't know what to do with it.

Yeah. And some people right now don't even like us talking about it. And because it was my secret. And to be a family life co-host of a show and a pastor and to say that out loud is something that isn't easily done. And I don't even want to say it even right now.

I just like to pretend that was never a part of my story, but it is. And I just got to prepare you. Get ready because we're going there today.

It's going to be a great couple of days, if not more, because we have Bob and Dana Guresh in the studio and they're looking at us like they know exactly what we're talking about. We do know what you're talking about. And the secret is that it's not really a secret inside of a marriage. Everybody always knows, even if they don't know and they're not talking about it. That we got to investigate. That sounds like a story that we got.

And let me introduce you guys. I mean, many of them know Dana because I don't know, 40, 50, 60 books? How many books you got out of them? No, not that many. I've written a few books and I love it.

Most of them are for teen girls and for tween girls and their moms. But this is the first time I've written a book for marriages. Yeah. And Bob, you've written what, 30 books as well? Yeah, I'm Dana's growth specialist.

So I provide a lot of content for the books by not always doing great things. You have been married how many years? 34. 34 years.

He's in charge of the number. Oh, 34 with how many kids? Three. Three wonderful kids.

Four grandbabies. So you're empty nesters? We are.

Love it too. And you're in Penn State. You're in Nittany Lions. Yeah, we are. We love it. So we're living a good life right now.

It's an interesting window to be in. We thought we were empty nesters for a little bit and had all this freedom. And now we have grandkids. We're like, now there's four birthdays a year. We're kind of tied to a calendar and loving it. We love it.

We are too. Yeah, it's fun. Fantastic.

Yeah. Now, I don't know if you've written, have you written a book together before? Well, we didn't write this one together, but it's a book for women. I provided the drama and all the bad stuff. And the first couple of books she wrote, I was a real hero when we were dating and things like that. I did a pretty good job. Yeah. Since then, we've shared stories that aren't, I'm not quite the hero I was, but we're a redeemer. It's okay because Jesus is the hero. That's right.

And we're just broken and we are depending on him. That's right. That's it right there. That's such a good answer. That is. I mean, that's why I married her, Bob.

I'm going to use that. I just, I stepped right into that one, set her up. She did it. Jesus juked.

It was fantastic. But it was true. Jesus juked? Is that what you said? You never heard of that? That's a new term. Really? Jesus juked?

When somebody answers, like you answer one thing and they answer Jesus, you're like, oh, I just got Jesus juked. Oh, I'm going to use that. Yeah, yeah. I don't know what Dana's giving you sort of a look like. I get that look a lot. That's sort of lame. Yeah.

This is my I'm not going to roll my eyeballs into the back of my head face. Well, the book's called Happily Even After, and I already told you, what a great title. Let God Redeem Your Marriage. So I'm just going to let you go. Tell us what this means. What's this story? Where the book starts is many years into our marriage, I thought something was wrong. I didn't know what. I didn't really want to know what. But I was experiencing a lot of unwellness. I didn't know if I was crazy or depressed or what was wrong. I got back in touch with my Christian therapist of almost 30 years and said, hey, like, I'm going through a thing.

I need to talk. I don't know what's up. And her first question to me was, Dana, has Bob relapsed? Meaning? Was I using porn again or, you know, going down that road? So she immediately went there.

She went there. So, you know, it's interesting being in a marriage like that where, you know, you're sabotaging yourself. You're doing things against your principles, insane things. Why do I do things that are against my interests? And that's what addiction is.

You know, you do things that are sabotaging your own self-interest. Sounds like something Paul said. That's right.

Why do I do the things? Yeah, that's right. Romans seven. So, you know, I think about that. And for me, I've always told Dana when I was struggling. But I will say there was an event coming up, there was something happening where I know that if I told her it was going to wreck the next six months. It was going to be, you know. So you're thinking of the timing. I'm thinking of the timing.

This isn't a good time. And so. This is also rationale.

It's also total rationale. I don't want to hurt her. It would be better for her not to know. And so at some point, mine was starting to escalate because it always escalates when you're into lust and porn. And there was a day I had to sit her down.

We have these two red chairs, comfortable chairs in the living room of our home. And there was a time when I had to sit her down. I actually snuck a picture of her before that.

And. What do you mean snuck? You just literally took your phone. And I thought, I want a picture of her before I tell her this because she'll never look at me the same way again, probably. Or I'll never feel that way.

That's a really sad thing. But I sat her down and I don't remember this, but what I said was, I think the only way for me to get back to God is probably going to break your heart. And I did. I broke her heart. What happened when he said those words to you, Dana? Did your heart start racing?

Well, yes and no. For 18 months, I had been praying that God would work in his heart, that whatever it was. I had sat down with Tippi and I said, I can ask him if he's relapsed. Tippi is your counselor.

Tippi is my counselor, right. And I said, I can ask him if he's relapsed, but he's always been forthcoming, so I can't imagine that he wouldn't be again. But we began to pray from the word. It says, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding.

In all your ways, acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. And if you keep reading that, it says, and it will be healing to your flesh and strength to your bones. I was really unwell. I was sick. I had joint and muscle pain. I had headaches. I had fatigue that didn't make any sense.

I'd been to doctor to doctor to doctor and they couldn't really diagnose anything. And I was experiencing what many women do when there's been the cycle that keeps repeating itself. And eventually that cycle can turn into about 70% of wives of men who cyclically use pornography exhibit symptoms of PTSD. Now, that doesn't mean they have a diagnosis of PTSD. And it also doesn't mean that if you have joint muscle pains, or you have headaches, or you're tired, that your husband's using pornography. But they may not be disconnected.

It could be that they have something to do with each other. And that's because our bodies are trying to get our attention. I look back now and I realize, oh, he wasn't making eye contact with me during that time. I didn't really want to face that.

I didn't really want to admit that. It seems like Bob would have the physical symptoms. And yet you as the wife are having physical symptoms. That's what the research bears out. I started to see that. I thought, this is ridiculous. But I started to see times when I could pinpoint my acting out and her exact same time getting sick or whatever. Again, we found out since then, there's research that that can happen with stress and stuff like that. It pushed me to the edge.

I'm like, I'm doing this. She doesn't know why, but I think I'm the cause. And you know what? There could be very much a spiritual element to it. And I believe we don't even come close to understanding what's happening in the spiritual realm. But behavioral science has acknowledged that there's something called limbic resonance. And that's when your brain, you can walk into a room and you kind of get a read on the room and you realize there was just a fight in here or there's a lot of joy in here. Now, there might not be anybody laughing.

There might not be anybody fighting, but you read it. The person that shared this with us compared it to when you walk into a room where someone was smoking recently and you don't see a cigarette. You don't see an ashtray, but you're aware that something was going on in this room recently. And we in our marriages have a heightened awareness of limbic resonance. And so when your spouse's spirit isn't flourishing, you read it, but sometimes you don't want to. So you stuff what you're reading and your body keeps saying, no, no, no, I need you to pay attention to this. I'm sending you these signals so that you will do something to fix what's wrong. And when you stuff it and you ignore it and you don't bring it up, that's when sometimes your body starts to really tell the tale. I do think that that was very true of us.

Hey, can we make this about them? But no, I could tell Dave and I were struggling a little bit and I kept saying something's wrong. Something's wrong between us.

And I would lie because I knew. I think that God gives us that as a spouse to know, like, we're not right. We're not vibing the way we used to. What's going on?

So I do think you're right. And I'm even thinking, Dave, that I had some health issues years ago. I had some heart issues, palpitations, and I was living. I don't know how you felt, but I was living in this dread and fear. And I know that that affects us physically.

Yeah, sure, it does. And it's God's grace. You know, one of the things that we've learned as we've walked through this journey, a man who helped us greatly is a Christian counselor, Pete Kiper. We just love him.

He has been a lifeline from Jesus for us. And you know, when you're stuffing the pain, I didn't confront Bob partly because I was waiting on the Lord and I wanted him to confess whatever was going on. But I didn't know if it was workaholism. I didn't know if it was stress from work. I didn't know if it was the porn resurfacing. But partly I didn't want to know. It's so much easier to pretend everything's okay and to just keep going through the motions.

That's not okay. What that is is us avoiding pain. And this great therapist, he taught us that pain is not a problem. It's a gift from God. When you feel the pain, that's God's friendly messenger saying there's something that together we can fix.

If you're willing to be brave enough and feel the pain. And Dave, you were talking about anger and the electrical cord, the extension cord. You listen to everything. And I love that. He's a fan.

He's a fanatic. I love that example because that's exactly what we're talking about with. It's plugged in. That's right.

It's going somewhere else. It's a 10 reaction to a 2 problem. And that happens, by the way, a lot when we're on vacation and just driving around. There's a lot of, I have to say, this is just a 2.

This is just a 2. That's good. But, yeah, it was a difficult time. And I was down and depressed and distant.

I mean, what got you to the point where you said, I have to tell her? Well, I know. I want to go back to those red chairs. I keep seeing this in my mind of the before picture. Yeah.

I mean, because obviously I know. It's like you put it off. You put it off. I mean, every day, at least for me, I was like, I got to confess.

Right. And then you did. Why? It was wrecking my health, too. My ability to get up in the morning and doing things, everything I was doing was against my self-interest. You know, I'm running a ministry. So for the past year, I would tell the people running it with me, I'd say, you know, I'm having a down thing here. You can't trust what I say about what God's saying right now.

Even though I'm the leader, I would take communion at our church, go in one door and go out the other and throw the communion away because I didn't want to take communion. I know how important communion is. So I knew all these things. Conviction. It was conviction.

It was conviction. And yet, Dana didn't know. And she didn't really want to know. She did, kind of.

Yeah. I mean, Tippy and I had talked about it. My therapist and I had talked about it. And I said, he's just been so forthcoming.

I don't know why he would not be forthcoming now. But looking back, I think that was me avoiding. And there were good times. This wasn't 24-7 because the cycle would end and I'd pay penance and think, OK, this is better. And I'm never going to do this again.

That's right. Never would do this again. Never going to do this again. So, you know, it's insanity. And I'm sure you guys think, like, this is my problem.

This is my pain. Why do I want to give to my wife? It's going to hurt her. Now she has to carry it. Right. So that's such a great equivocation there to say, I don't want to hurt her.

I'm already doing this. And she has nothing to do with it. It's not about her. It's not about our sex life. It's not about her being pretty.

She won't understand it. And so you can kind of live in that for a while. You know, it's a lie. You know, it's a lie.

But we know we know now. I mean, the research bears out that if there's a porn problem in your house, there's a loneliness problem in your house. And so that one more time.

Say it again. What do you mean by that? If there's a porn problem in your house, there's a loneliness problem in your house. Surveys reveal that, you know, it's not just men struggling with pornography today.

There's a growing number of women in the church also struggling, about 30% of women. And almost across the board, they'll tell you they're deeply lonely. And so when your spouse doesn't know, that only increases the loneliness because the question you ask, well, what's the question you ask in your head if I don't know, is if she really knew.

If she really knew what I was doing, she wouldn't love me like this. And so that loneliness just builds when you don't tell the story and you don't feel the pain together. And it might be difficult.

It might be ugly. There have been some ugly moments in our journey. Can I also add another factor that my wife was one of the best selling authors on purity. So it was, you know, this was something you couldn't create. But there were times when she would say, you're the best husband in the world.

And I would be like, that was like almost a curse to me. I'm not 5% of what I could be to her. That's how much she doesn't know me. And it was such an ironic twist to things that when we would have great times in marriage, I would know she didn't know. But it was a patched up version of intimacy. It wasn't an authentic version of intimacy. Pete taught us, our counselor taught us that emotions are an essential ingredient of intimacy.

So when he's over there feeling lonely and not telling me because he doesn't want to crush my heart. And I'm over here feeling trauma. I wouldn't have known that's what it was, but my body was saying something's really wrong in this picture. And let's not talk about it and you won't feel it to the deepest degree that you could. That's me feeling fear. That's me feeling sadness, all those things. But we're not talking about those emotions. We are not intimate.

But when we started to talk about them and we started to cry and we started to fight, not always in a healthy way, at least on my side. That's my confession because I threw things at him. He threw a candy jar once. It was a little square candy jar, about four by four. Was it glass? It was glass, but it was so hard it stuck in the wall. Stuck in the drywall. And that was actually good for me because I thought, okay, she's not perfect. She just did that. I knew I caused it, but I do like to tell the story.

It was fantastic. The hole is still there in the wall. Is it really? We have patched it up again.

But it's not well patched. Here's what I think. When I hear that story, I think I've been there.

And it isn't like, really? Oh, no, we were there. So I don't think anybody's listening that's got this in their marriage. They understand. And I think they need to hear it from leaders because I've found that as a leader, if we don't lead with our limp, I think it's a John Maxwell thing, if we don't lead with our limp, they assume we don't have one.

They assume we don't have one. And it's amazing to me because I'm thinking, why would you assume that? Here's the one thing about me throwing stuff that I look back. Again, hindsight is so valuable, right? And the research that we've done in the years since this happened, we understand some of what we went through a little bit better. But my brain wasn't working in the way that it normally does. So our brains are, for example, a woman's brain is created to do math, be teachers, be politicians, take care of a home, all that stuff. And we do that in a relatively stable state all day long. But our brains were also created to give birth. We're not in a stable state when we're giving birth. Our brain is very different at that moment. Yeah, we're going to be quiet over here.

But we're able to do it. But you might slap your husband. You might yell at the nurse. You might use words that you don't normally use.

I don't know. That wasn't one of my particular things. You have no idea what you said.

You probably remember the actual words you said, but I think they were good. My brain, when we were in the middle of sorting through this, wasn't functioning in that same stable way. And that's because it was confused. It was traumatized. It was processing the pain. It was trying to make sense of puzzle pieces that were starting to fit together.

I wasn't thinking rationally. And on the other side of the brain, there's incredible evidence that pornography is terribly damaging to the brain physiologically. If you take a functional scan of a man or a woman who's addictively using pornography and lay that brain next to a normal brain, they're going to look very different. But lay that next to a heroin addict's brain, and they look almost the same.

They look like Swiss cheese. There's all these craters and holes from dopamine overload, those hits of dopamine hitting the brain doing damage in much the way heroin produces chemicals in the brain and produces damage. So his brain isn't working well, right?

My brain is not working well. We need help. That's the point we came to. Two Christian leaders capable of helping all kinds of other marriages, we couldn't help our own, and we needed to tell someone. If I were a listener and I'd be listening, I would be on the edge of my seat because if your husband or wife isn't struggling, you might have kids or you know someone that is struggling. And I think we're all desperate, especially in the United States and our culture. As I said before, we're at epidemic levels. So help us. What can we do, like as listeners or at this point?

What are your recommendations? Well, I had to move from, let's say, being accountable every week or every month, every day to be in that community of believers, and that helped me a great deal. I went to 12-step groups. I dug in, and I think that there's different levels of people's, I think, addiction to this or whatever. I have a pretty addictive personality.

And Bob, let me add this. You had said a relapse. So this had happened before in your marriage. Yes.

Okay. And so it was the kind of thing that would rear its ugly head, maybe not for a couple of years, and then it would. You know, there was a time when I had to go to my board. I had two boards, ministry boards, one for the school I created and one for us, and say, I'm not qualified right now to lead this ministry.

I've fallen below the qualifications of a leader, and I need a break. And they worked with me on that. So fortunately, I always confessed before I was caught.

That helps trust a little bit. But I needed to be really open. I needed to be working on my spiritual life and disciplines. Yeah, stick around.

We'll hear more from Dana and Dave about managing the brokenness and finding the help you need here in just a second. But the struggle is real. Pain is real. The consequences of sin are real. But admitting to the reality of our situations is the beginning of the turning point because denial of the truth is where the enemy would have us live. Why?

Because there's no progress in that. So let's change and be honest. I'm Shelby Abbott, and you've been listening to David Ann Wilson with Bob and Dana Gresh on Family Life Today. You know, Dana has written a book called Happily Even After. Let God Redeem Your Marriage. This book unpacks how to forgive, how to live with joy, and celebrate as you participate in your husband's redemption story. You can pick up a copy of that book at, or you can give us a call at 800-358-6329.

That's 800 F as in family, L as in life, and then the word today. Well, we know you've heard us talk about Weekend to Remember a lot and how transformative it can be for your marriages. But really, even though we plan out so much of it, Weekend to Remember can be what you make of it. Now, whether you go with hopes to redeem your marriage or for maintaining or even just a weekend away together, the conversations between you and your spouse can change everything about your weekend and your marriage for years to come. And that's why we're so excited to let you know that now through September 18th, registrations for the Weekend to Remember are half off.

This is a chance to get together with your spouse and intentionally focus on your marriage. So don't wait. Head over to now and register for your getaway. Again, that's I find that there's a lot of women married to men who don't tell.

Me too. And they're sitting over there lonely. And bruised and broken. And they're not even responding well because they're so broken. But one of two reasons keeps them from telling.

One might be their pride. And they're like doing image management for their family and for themselves. And sometimes they believe the lie that if I tell someone, it will be disrespectful to my husband. But listen, if it's something that will make you a better wife and it's something that's going to get your marriage the help it needs, that's not disrespecting your husband.

That's loving your husband. And so I just beg any woman who's like, yeah, my husband's been in this cycle, in this battle. I know what you're talking about, but I've never told anyone. You need to text someone right now because you'll chicken out. Just say, hey, your pastor's wife or your best friend who's godly and a prayer warrior for you. Or maybe your therapist who you've never told, your Christian therapist.

I have a secret that I've never told anyone. And this is my accountability text. You need to ask me what it is. Just do that. Take that first step. And you're going to find that it's the beginning of walking in freedom.

Yeah, I would just add do what Dana just said. I know some of you just pulled your phone out and then you got scared. And I know there's guys like Bob and myself. It's in the dark. It's your secret. We started today saying there's a secret in the church. Do not let it be a secret anymore. I think the reason you're listening today, God put this program on your phone, on the radio, wherever it is, because he's saying today's the first step toward freedom and healing.

And you don't get there unless you take that scary first step. If you feel the deep need for community, discipleship, and support when dealing with your struggles, join us tomorrow as David and Wilson talk again with Bob and Dana Gresh to help us see that sin in marriage can't be isolated. We need community to draw it out. That's tomorrow. We hope you'll join us. On behalf of David and Wilson, I'm Shelby Abbott. We'll see you back next time for another edition of Family Life Today. Family Life Today is a donor-supported production of Family Life, a crew ministry helping you pursue the relationships that matter most.
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