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Romans Chapter 9:17-23

Cross the Bridge / David McGee
The Truth Network Radio
December 3, 2022 12:00 am

Romans Chapter 9:17-23

Cross the Bridge / David McGee

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A lot of counseling tries to figure out why we are the way we are. Well, obviously, something went wrong. Mama didn't love me enough, nursed me long enough, Daddy was this, Daddy was that, and that's the real problem.

No, the real problem is we're all sinners. My childhood was messed up. I'm not going into it.

It was messed up. But I don't go back there and blame it. That doesn't control me. Those circumstances don't dictate now who I am. Welcome to Cross the Bridge with David McGee. No matter what you've been through in life and many of us have walked through hard times, our circumstances don't dictate our future and our past can't keep us from God if we simply come to Him for forgiveness. Find out more about this and David's teaching God is calling as he continues in Romans 9.

Here's David McGee. So we're in Romans chapter 9 verse 17. For the scripture says to the Pharaoh, for this very purpose I've raised you up that I may show my power in you and that my name may be declared in all the earth. So this calling of God is independent really of all things. It's not based on works.

It's not based on knowledge. It's the call of God. God made himself known through Moses, which we saw a couple of verses mentioned. And then, and this Paul is such an incredible teacher in the anointing of God and power of God in this passage because you've got Moses on one hand undeserving of the calling and then it mentions Pharaoh undeserving of the calling. Both mysteriously were used to display the power and the patience of God.

People knew what happened in Egypt years after that. First Samuel chapter 4 verse 8, these guys were talking. They said, who can save us from these mighty gods of Israel?

They are the same gods who destroyed the Egyptians with plagues when Israel was in the wilderness. Now this is a, this is kind of a tough thing because I've, you know, I've run into people say, well, how is this fair that God hardened Pharaoh's heart? Let's understand something. And this, this phrase is actually used.

I went back and looked at them and counted them. It's actually used about hardening the heart mentioned 20 times and in perfect symmetry and balance, 10 of those times it says Pharaoh hardened his heart himself and 10 of those times it says God hardened his heart are made firm what he had already decided. I've seen people go through things and it's like the event brings them to a crossroad. I've seen two people go through the exact same event and some just melt and break before the Lord.

And I've seen some people go through the exact same event and harden their heart towards God. And as we look at Pharaoh and we look at Moses, I think that's what happened. I love the saying, the same sun that hardens the clay softens the wax.

Same sun that hardens the clay softens the wax. I mean, when you look at these things, when you look at Moses and when you look at Pharaoh, they, they both were, they both were centers. They both had made bad decisions. They both were murderers. And yet one was called to be a deliverer of God's people. And the other one is Pharaoh's just really kind of a footnote in history.

Well, what's the difference? You have to say that their decisions played a major part. You can't just say, well, you know, I don't know, God picked one to do this, but no, no. Think of how merciful God was with Pharaoh. Again, that coin, we can look at the coin and go, well, he, you know, he had all these plagues that he visited the Egyptians with.

Yeah. Why did he do that? To give them time after time after time after time after time after time again, to come to the Lord, to turn the way for Pharaoh to say, you know what? Your God is more powerful and I'm going to recognize him. You guys go worship the Lord. Opportunity after opportunity. Now we look at Pharaoh and go, well, Pharaoh was just hard-hearted.

He was. And yet is there any among us who doesn't struggle with the same condition? Oh, we can be incredibly soft-hearted and we can be incredibly hard-hearted and every display of God's power was an opportunity for Pharaoh to repent. God kept bringing him to that moment and that's what God does. He brings us to these moments and he says, you're at the crossroads again. And even if we choose the wrong road, a lot of times, days, hours, weeks later, God brings us again. You're at the crossroads.

Here we are again. And some people will continue to reject God. And they'll walk past each crossroad going, no, no, don't want God in my life. No, no, don't want to look at the Bible.

No, no. And what happens over time is that condition of having a hard heart settles in. I've talked to people more when I was attending a church than a pastor, but I spoke with people, you know, I would invite them to church. They were unbelievers and they'd sit through the service and I'd say, well, did you make a decision? And you know, regrettably, I was in a church where you never knew if there was going to be an invitation at the end.

So you're always hoping and sometimes they did and sometimes they didn't. And, you know, well, did you make a decision? No, no, no, no, no. But, you know, I'm a little bit closer. Heard that, you know, heard what he had to say. And I would lovingly say, well, well, friend, if you've heard about the grace of God and heard about the mercy of God and you had yet another opportunity to respond to those things and you didn't, you're not one step closer. You're one step further away.

We have choices. We bring, we're brought to these crossroads. Pharaoh was brought to the crossroad. Moses was brought to the crossroad.

They both responded very differently. And yet people today still continue to choose to be a Pharaoh. And verse 18 says, therefore he has mercy on whom he wills and whom he wills he hardens.

Now notice harden it. People make decisions and they come to this crossroads and sometimes they firm in their decision against God. And sometimes they soften. My prayer is that, is that we're soft-hearted towards God. That when God bids us to do something, that we do it. When God bids us to respond to something, we respond to something. When God extends his grace towards us, that we grab that grace and run towards him. When God extends an opportunity to us, that we grab that opportunity and run with it.

Why? Because see, God will open the door for us, but we got to walk through it. God will tug your heart to do something, but you have to respond. God gives us choices and we can harden our heart to those choices and miss God's best and God's blessed. Or we can keep our heart soft and see the glory of God revealed in our lives.

Let me encourage you, whenever God tugs on your heart, respond, respond to him, respond to that tugging, respond to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Look at verse 19. You will say to me then, why does he still find fault for who has resisted his will? In other words, if he, if he hardened some, then how can he, how can he blame them?

How can he hold them guilty? We all make our choices. We all make our choices. And again, while we're talking about the sovereignty of God, let's talk about the responsibility or the free will of each of us that to make decisions.

At the end of the service, I'll give an invitation. Everybody has the freedom to respond. Some will, some will not, but understand as God tugs on your heart and you don't respond, you can't blame God. And we, we try to figure out how it's not really our fault. We're really good at that. I'm saying we not getting y'all in a lot of trouble. I'm saying that's what we do as people. We try to shift the blame. That's what Paul is saying.

No, no, no. You can't shift the blame to God and say, well, if God chooses, then it's God's fault. If people don't come, it's not God's fault.

This blame shifting thing's been going on a long time, man. I mean, you go, you go back to the garden. There's three people in the world, God, Adam and Eve. Adam messed up, got busted, you know, eating the fruit. God says, what did you do? What did Adam do? It's three people.

He blamed the other two. God, it was that woman you gave me. And we go, oh, we're still doing that.

A lot of counseling, unbiblical counseling, tries to figure out why we are the way we are. Well, obviously something went wrong. Mama didn't love me enough, nursed me long enough.

Daddy was this, daddy was that. And, and that's the real problem. No, the real problem is we're all sinners. I just saved you thousands of dollars in therapy. Because even if your childhood was messed up, my childhood was messed up. I'm not going into, it was messed up, but I don't go back there and blame it. That doesn't control me. Those circumstances don't dictate now who I am. I've been set free from all that. Why? Because I want to keep my heart soft and listening to God. Your circumstances do not dictate what your future is.

And if you don't believe that, let's understand. I was born a deaf, new baby, 95% deaf. And my tongue was attached in front of my, my gums. I was born two months premature at seven months.

I was about five pounds. My circumstances did not dictate my future. Your circumstances do not dictate your future. Your softness towards your heart towards God is what tells a lot about your future.

It's nobody else's fault. We all have opportunities to come to God. We'll all have opportunities to, to respond to his grace and mercy. The new living translation in this verse reads this. Well, then you might say, why does God blame people for not listening? Haven't they simply done what he made them to do? No, we have free will. We have free will.

I've explained this before. Ashley, when she was a little girl had this little, had this little doll. She just had to have it. So we got it one Christmas and the, when you pulled the string, it's gone a few years. They probably, I don't even have strings and dolls anymore, but they, you know, you pulled this, they probably run on remotes now or something, but you pulled the string and the little doll went, I love you.

I love you. You know? And the doll never did that much for me, to be honest. I mean, it's not like I sat around and go, Oh, Ashley, can I play with your doll again? Some of you are going, okay. Cause I was worried where this story is going, but, but to this day, when my daughter comes up to me and says, I love you, it melts my heart.

Why? Because she out of her free will is saying, I love you dad. It's not that there's a string getting pulled and it's a rope mechanic thing. God wants us to make a decision for him. God wants us to look at him and say, God, I love you.

God, I thank you. Not rope mechanic robots with no free will. We read about it online, watch it on television, and hear about it on the radio. Our world is filled with violence and fear, whether it's threats of terrorism around the world or senseless violence in our own backyard. Our world is clearly broken and in need of hope. That's why this month, Cross the Bridge Ministries is offering Know Your Future, Be Immune to Terrorism. This special presentation from David McGee was filmed on the anniversary of 9-11 and is a message of hope and victory. This insightful teaching also exposes the truth about Islam's dangerous past, while rejoicing in God's plan for our future. The product, Know Your Future, Be Immune to Terrorism, is our gift to you for a donation of any amount to Cross the Bridge Ministries. Because of your generous donations, Cross the Bridge continues to share the hope of Christ with a world that is struggling with fear. Call today to receive your copy of Know Your Future by dialing 877-458-5508.

That's 877-458-5508. Or visit us online at Did you know one of the keys to spiritual growth is to daily be in the Word of God? I want to help you to do that. You see, I send out an email every day with a scripture passage, a life lesson, a directed prayer, and some encouraging thoughts. All you need to do is go to and sign up for our absolutely free Evotional. And also, you'll receive prayer support. You let us know if you have a prayer need, and you'll get specially discounted offers. God in His Word promises that His Word always produces fruit, always. So let's get started.

Go to and sign up for our Evotional. You'll be glad you did. Now let's return to our study. Let's look at verse 20. It says, But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, Why have you made me like this?

I was talking to an awesome man of God one time. I was talking about things that I didn't like and stuff and physical features or whatever. And he asked me, he said, Let me ask you a question.

What would you change about yourself physically? And he said, Start at your head, you know, and go down to your feet. And yeah, I had a little list going, you know, and I got to the end. He said, You finished? I said, Yeah. He said, Do you understand you just insulted a magnificent creation of God?

I said, What? He said, God said, You are wonderfully and fearfully made. And what you just shared, you're questioning why He made you the way He did.

It was a pretty deep revelation. But we do that, don't we? We say to God, Well, why did you make me like this? Some of you are very tender hearted. And you actually think at times that that's some kind of curse that, you know, you can cry over somebody hurting so easy or, or heart towards the lost or whatever. And sometimes it may feel like it's a real bummer. But you know, it is a real gift.

It is a real gift. God created you that way. And you've guarded your heart and kept it soft. See, God formed us God, I believe the biblical account of creation. It says that God brought us forth from the dust.

And He gave us life He gave us air. The amplified in this verse is this, but who are you Oh, mere man to criticize and contradict and answer back to God? Well, what is formed saying to him that formed it?

Why have you made me thus? Verse 21 does not the Potter have power over the clay in the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor. One version says for noble purposes, another for common purposes, power over the clay from the same lump. So we all come from the same lump. And God does certain things with some of us and something different with some of us. So I mean, Jeremiah and talking about this Jeremiah chapter 18, verse five sixes, then the word of the Lord came to me saying, Oh, house of Israel, can I not do with you as this power Potter says the Lord, look as the clay is in the Potter's hand. So are you in my hand?

Oh, house of Israel. So this potter in this clay analogy is throughout the scriptures that occurs again in Isaiah is that surely you have things turned around. Shall the Potter be esteemed as the clay? Or shall the thing that made say of him who made it, he did not make me.

Ooh, I'll let you run with that one. Or shall the thing formed of him who formed it, he has no understanding. He is the Potter. We are the clay. And you know what friend, when you start thinking God isn't doing this right or that right or acting right or behaving this way or being too quick to judge or be too lenient.

The judge, you remember he's the Potter. We're the clay. Isaiah 65 eight says, but now Lord, you are a father. We are the clay and you are Potter and all. We are the work of your hand. So God chooses for one vessel to be this one vessel to be that he knows in advance what our decisions will be. You know, when you go through the Bible, and again, a lot of us grew up with this concept that, you know, God was like this big sniper in the sky. There was this line on the ground and you're supposed to tow that line. You're supposed to walk at line.

And the moment you got off of that line, the sniper in the sky had you in the cross hairs. You know, biblically it's very incorrect. We talked about Pharaoh. Pharaoh had all those opportunities. Got to look at my power. Be careful. You see this display of power.

This is who you're dealing with. And yet Pharaoh missed those opportunities. I haven't found anybody in the Bible who did not have the opportunity to respond to a display of God's power and God's grace, not one.

And friend, when I go through there, of course, humanly, I think there's some in there that really didn't deserve it. And yet God still, he sent John the Baptist to Herod to witness to it. Probably one of the biggest villains or enemies, if you will, in the whole Bible Pontius Pilate, Jesus went to him and spoke with him.

There was a call that went forth and somehow they missed it. Verse 22, what if God wanting to show his wrath and to make his power known endured with much long suffering, the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction. God endured. With all that power and all that authority, God endured. The first time he showed his power to Pharaoh, it could have ended, but on and on it went.

Why? Because God is patient. Sometimes we focus on the wrong things and understand, and this is interesting because in talking to folks, they look at the coin and I mean, maybe I can bring it home with this. I've talked to unbelievers who've said, well, God is judgmental and condemning and that he doesn't call them. Well, there's a connection between him not calling and them not deciding or choosing to follow the Lord.

But they say, so he is really judgmental. And you talk to believers and go, oh no, no, you know, I'm up here. I'm going, God is merciful. God is gracious and extends mercy and grace to people who don't deserve it. You go, now, which one is it?

Now you may think I'm getting ready to say, what's me? I got it right. I'm talking about God's mercy and God's grace. It's both.

And here's what I mean by that. I'm looking at the coin going, God is gracious and God is merciful because I've chosen him. I've asked him to forgive me. I'm undeserving of his grace and mercy, but I have received them. The unbelievers looking at the other side of the coin going, you know what? I'm rejecting God and I'm asking for his judgment. I'm asking for his condemnation. And because of my rejection of Jesus Christ, I will receive it. Same coin. Both are true, but somehow God in his mercy says to each and every one of us, which will you choose?

Which one? We choose mercy and grace. We choose Jesus. Will you choose the cross or will you choose condemnation and judgment?

The choice is yours. And all throughout the scripture, God emphasizes this choice. Second Peter three, nine says, the Lord is not slack concerning his promises.

Some count slackness, but as long suffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. We look around this world and go, man, world's messed up. If you got eyes and you got ears and you read a newspaper, watch television or go online and look at new, you know, the world is messed up. And I think it's fair to say if you've been watching the world for any length of time, five, 10, 15 years, somewhere along that line, you would have pulled the trigger and said, it's done. It's over. Jesus, just come on back. He keeps waiting. Even now he's waiting. What's he waiting for? He might be waiting for you.

If you will, the son is up there. Even right now, the son, Jesus is up there going, dad, is it time? Is it time? And the father's going, no, wait, wait, wait. But for him, we're coming to a day, to a time, to an instant when the father looks at the son and says, it's time, go bring them home.

It's done. And then that moment, unlike any other moment in history, the door of the ark closes. And those on the outside who've rejected God's truth and God's grace and God's mercy will receive what they've asked for.

I hope that describes none of you. See right here, right now is a beautiful moment. Don't take it for granted. God is tugging on hearts here today. Friend, do you know for sure that your sins have been forgiven?

You can know right now. I want to lead you in a short, simple prayer, simply telling God you're sorry and asking him to help you to live for him. Now, God wants you to pray this prayer so much that he died to give you the opportunity and the ability to ask him to forgive you.

Please pray this prayer with me out loud right now. Dear Jesus, I believe you died for me, that I could be forgiven. And I believe you were raised from the dead, that I could have a new life and I've done wrong things. I have sinned and I'm sorry. Please forgive me of all those things. Please give me the power to live for you all of my days. In Jesus' name, amen. Friend, if you prayed that prayer, according to the Bible, you've been forgiven. You've been born again. So congratulations, friend.

You just made the greatest decision that you will ever make. God bless you. If you've prayed this prayer with Pastor David, receiving Jesus Christ for the first time, or rededicating your life to the Lord, please call and let us know. We want to send you our exclusive First Steps package for free. This package will help you grow in your new life. Receive your First Steps package by calling 877-458-5508.

That's 877-458-5508. Or visit us online at When you call, let our Call Team representative know where you heard about our broadcast. We read about it online, watch it on television, and hear about it on the radio. Our world is filled with violence and fear. Whether it's threats of terrorism around the world or senseless violence in our own backyard, our world is clearly broken and in need of hope. That's why this month, Cross the Bridge Ministries is offering Know Your Future, Be Immune to Terrorism. This special presentation from David Magee was filmed on the anniversary of 9-11 and is a message of hope and victory. This insightful teaching also exposes the truth about Islam's dangerous past while rejoicing in God's plan for our future. The product, Know Your Future, Be Immune to Terrorism, is our gift to you for a donation of any amount to Cross the Bridge Ministries. Because of your generous donations, Cross the Bridge continues to share the hope of Christ with a world that is struggling with fear. Call today to receive your copy of Know Your Future by dialing 877-458-5508.

That's 877-458-5508. Or visit us online at One of the most important parts of growing in Christ is being in fellowship at a local church.

But what happens on those times you're sick or traveling? Simply log on to and click the live stream button and you'll instantly be streaming from David Magee's home church, The Bridge. Catch every life lesson and scripture reference as you take part in hearing the Word of God from anywhere in the world. Pastor David Magee teaches live online Sunday mornings at 9 and 11-15.

Watch this week at Cross the Bridge with David Magee is a ministry dedicated to sharing the whole Bible with the whole world. If you've been blessed by Cross the Bridge, consider financially supporting this ministry. Your gift will be used to reach more people with the gospel of Jesus Christ while also supplying resources to new believers. To give, simply call 877-458-5508. Or visit us online at and click on the donate button. Once there, you can choose to give a one-time gift or become a Bridge Builder monthly supporter. Also, while visiting, make sure to sign up for Pastor David's free email devotional as well as browse through our many online resources. Thanks for listening to Cross the Bridge with David Magee. Join us again next time and invite your family and friends to listen as together we cross the bridge.
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